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YYYYAAAAHHHOOOOOO! I have been bit by the bug......


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OUCH!!!! We head off to MWGB and while we are gone our house becomes infested with a Geocoin Bug!!! So when we opened the door to come home we were bitten!


But I suppose it fits since we did a lot of coin buyin' and swappin' while up there and we did host a After Party coin frenzy that had hundreds and hundreds of people!! (Maybe a MEGA event!)


So yes we are bitten and have been infected by the Geocoin Bug....and there is no known cure!! Oh well who says I want to be cured. :laughing:




Thank you so much G. O'Coin B.U.G. Esquire! :rolleyes::lol:



Congrats POS! You guys deserve to be bitten after that event you put on Saturday night. :lol:


It was great meeting you and talking a little at the Friday coin trading...

OUCH!!!! We head off to MWGB and while we are gone our house becomes infested with a Geocoin Bug!!! So when we opened the door to come home we were bitten!


But I suppose it fits since we did a lot of coin buyin' and swappin' while up there and we did host a After Party coin frenzy that had hundreds and hundreds of people!! (Maybe a MEGA event!)


So yes we are bitten and have been infected by the Geocoin Bug....and there is no known cure!! Oh well who says I want to be cured. :lol:




Thank you so much G. O'Coin B.U.G. Esquire! :laughing::rolleyes:





If only all bug bites were geocoins :mad:


My poor doggie got some bug bites, probably fire ants, which then got infected and now she has a staph infection. Poor thing got a shot and a course of antibiotics she'll have to take 3 times a day.


I wonder if this bug ever has its fill? I mean I just wonder how many of us poor innocent coinickers are gonna experience the wrath of this pesky Bug...well if you are reading this- then you probably have already and are just awaiting for the official bite to come in the form of a yellow mailer!


Im talkin the first time you saw them sites and said "Whoa"..."I gotta have em all, I aint got none of those...Oh and look at all the ones I cant buy, but I can on Ebay!!!!!"


Boy this bite has been somethin feirce I say!...Just when you hope to slow down a bit---NOPE, more cool coins that ya just gotta have! But Boy what fun we have-eh?


This is one coin we all can definatley relate to, Thanks GO Coin BUG...You nailed it right on the head with this one...and to make it a mystery coin tops the cake!


Congrats Parents of Sam! Ill bet the little ones need one of their own at this point-eh? :mad:


PoSAM put on a heckuva event Saturday evening. With that many people packed in that tight a bug could spread pretty easily. Maybe someone will break out in mailers?


And a special congratulations to Team Lightning Bugs. She was one of the first people to really get me on my feet when I started trading :mad: .


CONGRATS, TIM!!! :lol::laughing::anitongue:


Hey, G. O'Coin B.U.G. Esquire...Like 57chevy, I am another Missourian that misses all the cool bugs this summer...so darn hot! Care to make a visit? I'd set you up real nice. :D

:D WooooHoooo!!! I went to the mailbox today, and I always love getting those padded mailers. The first thing I do is see who it's from, well one of them struck me odd, apparently I had sent myself something, :) I sure didn't remember doing that, but hey, I've been known to do some boneheaded things, and I wouldn't put it past me. :) I cut open the mailer and out dropped an awesome copper coin with a rather plump looking little Geobug on it. :) Wooo Hooo! :o That is one awesome coin, Thank you so much for sending one my way, Very Very nice coin. It definitely got a smiles all around. I'll get some pics today and post them asap. Thanks G. O'Coin B.U.G. Esquire. You ROCK!!! Awesome!!! :D






Very Nice!! Congrats! Copper is my fav!


geeee. wait for to be bit ....... hey i got idea !!!!21 suger and water in my bug spray and srpry all over near mailbox and hoping i will get bit from geocoin bug !


Well here is a song for you. I would have changed the ending though. BUG SONG


Too funny VG. I have someone who I need to send that to today. I'd rather see the end go the other way for this person but still very funny.


Love the back of the coin. Ain't that the truth!! Fly away! Fly away $$$$! :)


What a happy little bug song! :( ...Then what a sad ending! :P ...Dont watch it GO Coin Bug!...It will only make you cry! Ive still got that feeling in my stomach for such a horrible way to end his performance, and the look on his unsuspecting face is somethin I never will forget!...Poor little Bug song Bug :lol::P:P


:P WooooHoooo!!! I went to the mailbox today, and I always love getting those padded mailers. The first thing I do is see who it's from, well one of them struck me odd, apparently I had sent myself something, :P I sure didn't remember doing that, but hey, I've been known to do some boneheaded things, and I wouldn't put it past me. :lol: I cut open the mailer and out dropped an awesome copper coin with a rather plump looking little Geobug on it. :( Wooo Hooo! :P That is one awesome coin, Thank you so much for sending one my way, Very Very nice coin. It definitely got a smiles all around. I'll get some pics today and post them asap. Thanks G. O'Coin B.U.G. Esquire. You ROCK!!! Awesome!!! B)




Congrats to you and all others who have gotten "bitten". I would love bug bites like that, but I can't really complain with the other special coins I've gotten recently (and being so new to "coining")... I guess I just got in the right place at the right time. Now to see if I can that bug and not accidentally kill it as a mosquito or some other nasty bug...


What a happy little bug song! :ph34r: ...Then what a sad ending! :laughing: ...Dont watch it GO Coin Bug!...It will only make you cry! Ive still got that feeling in my stomach for such a horrible way to end his performance, and the look on his unsuspecting face is somethin I never will forget!...Poor little Bug song Bug :laughing::laughing::laughing:


Now, now I have already said that I don't approve of the ending. He does survive and he does say "thank you very much" at the end. :anicute::laughing::laughing:


G. O'Coin B.U.G,

G. O'Coin B.U.G,

Who can you be?


Is there a chance of a

pretty coin for me?


My bank account's broke,

Yep, I'm flat busted,


But I think that with you,

my address can be trusted!


So, if you feel the need

to spread your wings and take flight,


In Sweden you're welcome

to stay for more than a night!


The song was quite nice...and don't worry about the ending, the squished bug looked a lot my Uncle Sid (and boy was he a stinker [<_<])


Loved this poem

G. O'Coin B.U.G,

G. O'Coin B.U.G,

Who can you be?


Is there a chance of a

pretty coin for me?


My bank account's broke,

Yep, I'm flat busted,


But I think that with you,

my address can be trusted!


So, if you feel the need

to spread your wings and take flight,


In Sweden you're welcome


I do seem to have a little bite er BIT of a sentimental side, HEH!

I will do my best to get some of my coins over the pond, not sure of my long distance flying skillz, but I'll work on it. [8D]


Hey deafhunt ..... i will fly to his place and knock his door ... maybe we have nice chat .... you might get lucky or not .... maybe he will bit me and i will send u so cross your finger !

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