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"I Pledge" Geocoin

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Hi Folks,


I am afraid I have "lost" the file I was recording those who have set caches following the logging of my "I Pledge" geocoin. (I also lost the files containing my cache series answers too, sob)!


Please post details by means of a note here if you have set a cache following logging the coin and I will update the coin page, to save you all from future ineptitude by myself.


At the moment, I am hoping to get the coin back in time for it to be at the Swanage event and will then hopefully get it up to Mandy for the Durham meet ... if I can't be there myself, at least my coin can!


If you are wondering what this is about, then you probably haven't had the opportunity to log the coin yet, it is travelling to events and in exchange for being logged it is asking people to pledge set a wheelchair accessible cache by Christmas 2007. At the Cachehoppers Christmas Bash, all the names of those who have set caches will go into a raffle and someone will draw at random one adult and one child to give a shiny new geocoin to as a thank you prize.


I logged this Bug at the Bristol Event back on March 10th 2007 but unfortunately didn't keep a record of the tracking number so cannot log a note to say that we've set one wheelchair accessable cache ourselves "Wheel Easy - GC141FQ" and helped a wheelchair user to place his own two accessable caches "Why Here - GC13R5N" and "Spur Trail - GC13ZWP".


If anybody could let me have the tracking number please contact us through our profile and I'll post a note. Thankyou.


We saw the coin at Burrington Coombe Event (didn't log it then as we lost the code number), but then saw it again at the Dreaming Spires Cache Bash 2007. We've subsequently set a wheelchair friendly urban multi called Historic Cricklade GC11K3K.


Hope you manage to get all your data back, keep up the good work.


I had it at the Cachehoppers Christmas Bash and have set one wheelchair accessible cache since then... with probably more to follow, now I have got my head round what's required!


Hi Folks,


Just thought I would add an update as to how this is going.


To date 74 cache pledges, 9 caches set.


Many, many thanks to the Phillimore Clan for moving the coin around the events this summer.


I am still in Michigan, and yesterday an event was held to coincide with our visit here and the organisers donated two coins to the draw when they heard about the I Pledge geocoin.


Check out the coins' update page here.


Please either add a note here or to the coin page to let me know you have set your accessible cache, then I can add you to the list of names for the draw.


Thanks to everyone who has logged the coin and made the pledge so far ... still plenty of time if you haven't caught it yet!





Make that 10 caches set :D


After listening to your talk at the Burrington Coombe event in Feb 2007 (and making our pledge) - we set an accessible cache Medieval Meander in May.


I did email you in June but as requested I have now added a note on the coins page.


I hope that you get a chance to do it when you are next in our area.

Posted (edited)

Wendy - we met our pledge on 22nd April (shameless advertising of own geocache here) though more are to follow. Are the names still going into the hat in December?


May be of interest to wheelchair users who cache:- We have created a public bookmark list showing wheelchair accessible caches we have done here (yet more shameless advertising?). Not only does this show those marked as accessible but also others we have done that wheelchairees (!) could try.

Edited by FollowMeChaps

Many, many thanks to the Phillimore Clan for moving the coin around the events this summer.

No problem, and yes we still have it and will be taking it to the Shrops event tomorrow along with a handful of other event TB's.


BTW we have set our pledge cache - GC14WEK, sure that this wont be the last though.


We saw the coin at the Shropshire 2007 event but didn't 'Discover it' as I am unsure what is meant by wheelchair accessible.


When I set one of our puzzle caches I originally set the terrain as 1 but changed it to 1.5 when Lactodorum asked me if it was wheelchair accessible. To be honest I don't know if it is or not.


Does it just mean that the track to it is accessible by a wheelchair user unassisted?

Or does the cache have to be within easy reach of someone in a wheelchair unassisted?


Many, many thanks to the Phillimore Clan for moving the coin around the events this summer.

No problem, and yes we still have it and will be taking it to the Shrops event tomorrow along with a handful of other event TB's.


BTW we have set our pledge cache - GC14WEK, sure that this wont be the last though.

We had hoped to pass it on to someone else at Shrops so as not to be hogging it, but looks like we still have it along with all the other event TBs. We shall be taking it along to the London meet on Monday, so if anyone would like to take it off of our hands at the London meet please do, as we are feeling a bit guilty at having it so long. If not we shall then be taking it to the Somerset camping meet the following weekend.


Hi Folks,


Just thought I would add an update as to how this is going.


To date 74 cache pledges, 9 caches set.


Many, many thanks to the Phillimore Clan for moving the coin around the events this summer.


I am still in Michigan, and yesterday an event was held to coincide with our visit here and the organisers donated two coins to the draw when they heard about the I Pledge geocoin.


Check out the coins' update page here.


Please either add a note here or to the coin page to let me know you have set your accessible cache, then I can add you to the list of names for the draw.


Thanks to everyone who has logged the coin and made the pledge so far ... still plenty of time if you haven't caught it yet!




Mine will go out this weekend and will feature a red jeep!


When I set one of our puzzle caches I originally set the terrain as 1 but changed it to 1.5 when Lactodorum asked me if it was wheelchair accessible. To be honest I don't know if it is or not.


Does it just mean that the track to it is accessible by a wheelchair user unassisted?

Or does the cache have to be within easy reach of someone in a wheelchair unassisted?

Have just noticed that you've had no response to this, so IMHO:


There are no hard rules but we would suggest that to be wheelchair accessible both the access and the hide should be accessible - caches marked as accessible where a wheelchair can get to the location but the find requires a walk up steps then going behind an inaccessible object are totally frustrating.


We would always suggest that if you think it might be accessible then please mark it as such in the attributes (the more the merrier) but state any issues clearly on the page preferably under a clear separate heading. EG: Steep slope so may require assistance; Good access to location but assistance may be required to retrieve the hide; Two small (3 inch) steps one yard apart en route; take a hadigrab stick if you can't reach far; etc..


Everyone's disability is different. If you have noted an outline of the issue on the page then at least the individual cacher can make their own judgement and maybe contact you for details before going. Far better than to go out to one marked as accessible only to find you can't get at the cache.


A personal plea: Please consider accessibility when making any hide. Clearly not all caches can be, but if hiding it under the front of the bush rather than behind it would do the trick then more people can find to your cache.


Thanks for the reply FollowMeChaps.


We set a cache earlier in the week with we think will be OK and have set the accessible attibute. It's only a cache and dash really.


Does it just mean that the track to it is accessible by a wheelchair user unassisted?

Or does the cache have to be within easy reach of someone in a wheelchair unassisted?


Personally, I find the Handicaching site really useful. I always use it to rate my own caches, and caches I've visited which I think could be considered as wheelchair-friendly.


I'm sure Wendy will confirm whether or not it's any use.


Hi Folks,


Just thought I would add an update as to how this is going.


To date 74 cache pledges, 9 caches set.


Many, many thanks to the Phillimore Clan for moving the coin around the events this summer.


I am still in Michigan, and yesterday an event was held to coincide with our visit here and the organisers donated two coins to the draw when they heard about the I Pledge geocoin.


Check out the coins' update page here.


Please either add a note here or to the coin page to let me know you have set your accessible cache, then I can add you to the list of names for the draw.


Thanks to everyone who has logged the coin and made the pledge so far ... still plenty of time if you haven't caught it yet!




Mine will go out this weekend and will feature a red jeep!


Pledge completed Red Jeep Garage <_<!


..............I have duly updated the coin page..............................


Wendy - any chance you could add hyperlinks and the county name to the list of caches as we'd love to try those we can get to?


Come on those who pledged and have not yet fulfilled! :laughing::laughing::laughing:


The Christmas bash (A Caching Christmas Cracker 2007) where Wendy's raffle will take place is being sorted. It will be on Sunday 9 December 2007, venue to be confirmed, but probably around Silchester, Berkshire. Details to be finalised within the next week hopefully. :laughing:


..............I have duly updated the coin page..............................


Wendy - any chance you could add hyperlinks and the county name to the list of caches as we'd love to try those we can get to?


Come on those who pledged and have not yet fulfilled! ;):D:lol:


Your wish is my command, page duly updated with a table of the cache details containing hyperlinks.


I would just like to remind everyone they now have just over 8 weeks to fulfill their pledges to be in with a chance of entering the draw which will be held on 9th December.


I have already been given a couple of coins for prizes and am in the process of aquiring some more. There will definitely be more than one prize.


So far 20 caches have been set, that's 19 by adult teams and 1 by a youngster, so it looks like the odds of winning in the youngsters draw are pretty good! Unless of course all the youngsters are leaving it to the last minute! :sad:


I Pledge Coin Page


I really would like to thank everyone who is participating ... 20 new wheelchair caches is great ... wonder how many more we can get by the Xmas event?


Oh, I almost forgot to say, if you have already fulfilled your pledge and you wish to set a second wheelchair accessible cache, I'll enter you into the draw twice ... and so on.

Posted (edited)

Wish i could log this as ive already set up a wheelchair accessible cache.


...aah, but the idea is that you log the coin and pledge to set up at least one more accessible cache ... that's why I have been quite keen on people logging the coin / making the pledge first.


If people were able to enter the draw for the coins by saying they set up a wheelchair accessible cache back along then it wouldn't really be fair to those who have set up an extra one, if you see what I mean!


However, this shouldn't deter anyone from setting a w/c accessible cache, the more the merrier I say! The interesting thing is, while this coin has been in circulation, I have heard of several more cachers with disabilities who don't frequent these forums or events.

Edited by Dorsetgal & GeoDog
Posted (edited)

Well, if it is brought down to a Berkshire event i will try to see it and for fill the pledge =)

Edited by Lotho

Well, if it is brought down to a Berkshire event i will try to see it and for fill the pledge =)


So far it has been to these events:


Lancs, Somerset, London, Shrops, Swindon, Marston, Northampton, Durham, Swanage, Oxford, Cheshire, The White Crow, Cunning Cachers March Meet, Burrington Combe


Sometimes it got moved by post, but mostly it has moved around by the kindness of The Phillimore Clan. :D


I think the Cunning Cachers meet was in Berks wasn't it? Sorry you have missed it so far, keep an eye on the Phillies ... who knows it may be back your way!


I have been notified of one that had been overlooked overnight, so that's 21 pledges completed with 9 weeks to go for those who have yet to set their cache!


When I was in USA this summer, I was chatting with some cachers about this coin project and they kindly donated two micro coins for the draw, and I'll be donating at least 2 coins myself. :D


Yeah cunning cachers is Berkshire. Maybe of The Phillimore Clan could get it down for Thursday? Theres another then =D

Sorry but it's finally left our hands and is making its way to the Harrogate meet next weekend. Yes , an event that we are not going to :) .


Yeah cunning cachers is Berkshire. Maybe of The Phillimore Clan could get it down for Thursday? Theres another then =D

Sorry but it's finally left our hands and is making its way to the Harrogate meet next weekend. Yes , an event that we are not going to :laughing: .

I did consider grabbing it for Thursday's meet, but figured it would get more pledges at the Harrogate meet, which will be much bigger. Didn't want to take the risk of posting it on with the postal situation the way it is at the moment. :wacko:


No chance of me logging this coin as I'm in Sweden, BUT...


DorsetGal, you and your past posts inspired us to do a wheelchair friendly cache a couple of months ago, and we did it!




Maybe we can be honorary members in this little group?






Yes I do, Its going down to Fright Night this coming Saturday.


Excellent, many thanks for taking care of it Sarah :(


The more pledges the merrier! Still 6 weeks to get those cahces set up folks to be in with a chance of winning a prize when I do the draw on 9th December at The Cachehoppers Event. <_<


Yes I do, Its going down to Fright Night this coming Saturday.


Excellent, many thanks for taking care of it Sarah :(


The more pledges the merrier! Still 6 weeks to get those cahces set up folks to be in with a chance of winning a prize when I do the draw on 9th December at The Cachehoppers Event. <_<


Did I remember to let you know about GC154HM which I set a few days after signing the pledge?


If you don't have any plans for the TB after Fright Night, I can take it and make sure it gets to the Cunning Cachers November meet?


I have set two caches for this pledge (so far)... GC11ER3 and GC165EX and it has certainly been an eye opener when setting caches.


No chance of me logging this coin as I'm in Sweden, BUT...


DorsetGal, you and your past posts inspired us to do a wheelchair friendly cache a couple of months ago, and we did it!




Maybe we can be honorary members in this little group?





Naomi, many thanks!


You are now on the page as honorary "I Pledgers" :laughing:


No chance of me logging this coin as I'm in Sweden, BUT...


DorsetGal, you and your past posts inspired us to do a wheelchair friendly cache a couple of months ago, and we did it!




Maybe we can be honorary members in this little group?





Naomi, many thanks!


You are now on the page as honorary "I Pledgers" :P


Happy and HONORED smile going on here! Thank you!


Keeping the pledge I have made earlier in the year, I've just set up a new wheelchair friendly cache today; GC17CX0 - HS1 at King's Cross Central.




Hi Folks!


GREAT to see more pledges coming in today!


Just a reminder that there are now only three weeks left to set those caches to fulfill your pledges / or if you have already fulfilled your pledge, have you let me know?


PLEASE check the listing of all the caches set that it includes your accessible cache.


There are now so many caches that I couldn't fit all the details on the coin page so I have made a separate webpage and you can check it out here.


Thanks to everyone who is taking part ... I am now working hard to procure some more coins as prizes. :santa:


Saw the coin at a meet yersterday Dorsetgal so its still touring the country, we made a pledge and are hoping to get a cache out before xmas (It is a great time to place it as I am on crutches with my leg in plaster so I can test it).


Any chance of sending the "I Pledge" geocoin down to NE Hants as I'd like to join in!! :)



Just trying to locate it at the moment, it hasn;t surfaced since last weekends event :)


TWO WEEKS to go to fulfill those pledges folks!


24 caches set by adults, 1 set by a youngster, and 1 honorary cache abroad!


See the caches set so far HERE. :)


Any chance of sending the "I Pledge" geocoin down to NE Hants as I'd like to join in!! :ph34r:



Just trying to locate it at the moment, it hasn;t surfaced since last weekends event :anicute:


TWO WEEKS to go to fulfill those pledges folks!


24 caches set by adults, 1 set by a youngster, and 1 honorary cache abroad!


See the caches set so far HERE. :laughing:

If this is any help we received this log on the 23rd on our TB Hotel travel bug by P&T

We were gently persuaded to drag this along from the CIN event and take it to the Cannock xmas do. I have the contents (flag, event logbook, pledge coin and leftover TBs) but will log those tomorrow when I have enough energy to get the lid off!

So hopefully once GC have got some new hamsters you should get a log on it soon.

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