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This new feature just showed up when I went to look at the listings in my area. Do I like it ? NO. To me they are an annoyance and a time and space waster. If I wanted to find any thing for GPS's. From carrying cases, mapping systems or in car systems, I will use the Google Search bar. I don't need to see it under the top 3 listings on the cache page. I know you guys at geocaching.com need money to keep this game running, but do you need to put them in the listings? What will you do next, place them in the middle of the cache description?

Edited by genegene
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First read:


We'll see whether this will remain or not after the weekend.


Atleast let them say if they will keep it or not before complaining.


I know you guys at geocaching.com need money to keep this game running, but do you need to put them in the listings?

Maybe if you and everyone else were forced to pay yearly or monthly then they wouldn't need ads. But at alas no, not everyone pays. So I guess the answer to that question would be yes.


What will you do next, place them in the middle of the cache description?

The ads were originally in the middle of the cache description, then fixed, and are now at the top. So I don't think they'll go back to having them in the middle.

Edited by stepshep
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If I pay to play can I not see those ad's.



To me they are an annoyance and a time and space waster.

On the other hand those of us who PAY for the site (and someone has to ... it don't run on air) so those who don't pay still get to use it might get a bit annoyed at the freeloading. So maybe having to put up with two adverts on a page is not a big ask given you are getting it for free?




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Freeloading? That's a bit harsh there. Yes, the site needs funding, and I agree that ads are a good way to do it. I see Three ads, not two.


(and before you start calling me one, I'm switching usernames and haven't changed my premium membership to this name yet)


But in the current setup: One Cache, One Ad, One Cache, One Ad, One Cache, One Ad, then the rest of the caches is "hard on the eyes".


If they were configured differently, I'd be ok with it. As it is now, I give it a thumbs down.

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Actually I have been out of work because of surgery and finally have received the OK to return to work 4 weeks ago. I have been out since Sept. of last year. On Friday my membership to geocaching.com was going to be submitted so I could become a premium member like both of you. The issue with ads being in the middle of descriptions, I was not playing the game when that happened so I had no clue that it was changed. The post was my reply as to what I thought about it. The topic was the question. I could have made the topic to say "I HATE THE NEW FEATURE!!!" But that is not what it was about. It asked if you love it or hate it? And for you technical people ( Like or Dislike ).

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This new feature just showed up when I went to look at the listings in my area. Do I like it ? NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO If you missed it NO. If I pay to play can I not see those ad's. To me they are an annoyance and a time and space waster. If I wanted to find any thing for GPS's. From carrying cases, mapping systems or in car systems, I will use the Google Search bar. I don't need to see it under the top 3 listings on the cache page. I know you guys at geocaching.com need money to keep this game running, but do you need to put them in the listings? What will you do next, place them in the middle of the cache description?
Pay 3 bucks/month like we do and you won't see them. :laughing:
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Actually I have been out of work because of surgery and finally have received the OK to return to work 4 weeks ago. I have been out since Sept. of last year. On Friday my membership to geocaching.com was going to be submitted so I could become a premium member like both of you. The issue with ads being in the middle of descriptions, I was not playing the game when that happened so I had no clue that it was changed. The post was my reply as to what I thought about it. The topic was the question. I could have made the topic to say "I HATE THE NEW FEATURE!!!" But that is not what it was about. It asked if you love it or hate it? And for you technical people ( Like or Dislike ).
I haven't seen it. I guess I can log out to see it but what's the point....
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Freeloading? That's a bit harsh there.


of course you'd say that.


i wouldn't.


What do you mean?


On edit - Oh, you're calling me a freeloader. LOL I've been a member for a year on my old name and will switch it over to this one.


Thanks for the kind thoughts though.

Edited by IDLookout
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Freeloading? That's a bit harsh there.

Maybe but it can cost as little as $3.00 a month, so I guess if you are not willing to pay the cost of cup of coffee (at least here anyway) and then complain about the adverts, I going to be happy to go with the freeloading descriptor.


One more thougth, I don't recall many, if any thankyou threads to the premium members from those who don't pay to use the site. Maybe if there where more of those I wouldn't have used the "freeloading" term. Just a thought.


Bottom line is that those who pay, subsidise those who don't so I feel some give and take is warranted and maybe the criticisms of the adverts are to harsh.


So if the adverts are so bad, pay $3.00 or use a adblocking script.




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At least the ads aren't animated. :laughing:


I don't mind them too much, although I don't like the incosistency of paying members not getting them on cache pages, but paying members still seeing them on the forums. :(

I guess I'm so used to surfing on the net, that I don't even notice them anymore unless there is a thong muggle posing in one... :D
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Freeloading? That's a bit harsh there.

Maybe but it can cost as little as $3.00 a month, so I guess if you are not willing to pay the cost of cup of coffee (at least here anyway) and then complain about the adverts, I going to be happy to go with the freeloading descriptor.


One more thougth, I don't recall many, if any thankyou threads to the premium members from those who don't pay to use the site. Maybe if there where more of those I wouldn't have used the "freeloading" term. Just a thought.


Bottom line is that those who pay, subsidise those who don't so I feel some give and take is warranted and maybe the criticisms of the adverts are to harsh.


So if the adverts are so bad, pay $3.00 or use a adblocking script.





Jeeze - I switch my username and get called a freeloader. Go figure.

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I don't mind them too much, although I don't like the incosistency of paying members not getting them on cache pages, but paying members still seeing them on the forums. :laughing:

On the forums? Oh, just noticed them ... :( Hadn't seen them before. Guess my eyes go straight to the posting. Interesting study there ...




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Jeeze - I switch my username and get called a freeloader. Go figure.

Ahh, no, I was not calling you are "freeloader."


I was responding to your comment about the use of the term "freeloader", nothing more, nothing less. The use of the word "you " in the context it was used was in response to your comment, it was not personal. Please don't dump on me because you take a word out of context .... As you put it, "go figure"


I have no idea or interest in your status or your username.




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Jeeze - I switch my username and get called a freeloader. Go figure.

Ahh, no, I was not calling you are "freeloader."


I was responding to your comment about the use of the term "freeloader", nothing more, nothing less. The use of the word "you " in the context it was used was in response to your comment, it was not personal. Please don't dump on me because you take a word out of context .... As you put it, "go figure"


I have no idea or interest in your status or your username.





Your post, as well as a previous post were directly replied to me. Sorry to take your "you" out of context. I guess that's why I usually stay out of the forums.

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Your post, as well as a previous post were directly replied to me.

Yes, I think it is called a conversation.


Sorry to take your "you" out of context. I guess that's why I usually stay out of the forums.

Well my intention was never to be rude nor personal, it was meant to be a resonse to your comments questioning my use of the word "freeloading" and a illustration of why I considered my use of the word reasonable.


If my comments came across as personal or offensive to you then I apologise for that. That was not my intention.




Edited by Aushiker
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At least the ads aren't animated. :laughing:


I don't mind them too much, although I don't like the incosistency of paying members not getting them on cache pages, but paying members still seeing them on the forums. :(

I seem to be reading mixed things here. So premium members get them in the forums but not anywhere else?


I'm currently not a paying member. While I don't like seeing them, I understand and think hiding them for PMs is quite fair, possibly the best solution to the "you're elitist / you're a freeloader" angst there has been.

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Try to ease back to the real theme of this thread, what do you think of the new cache listing ads and why.

None of the ads really bother me that much, but the three lines of ads on the cache search results pages, those are awful. I know that geocaching.com is just trying out different ad locations, and this particular location may or may not stay. I think nothing bad of geocaching.com because of the ad increase, I actually like it; almost all websites have ads, and the money the ads raise help improve the site. But if geocaching wants to have extra ads on the search results page, I think a good location would be between the "Search for caches with Google Maps" line, and the "Total Records:" line.

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If you have to log in to see coords, why not make the adds shown only to people who are visiting?


I have been around a while, but never dropped my $30- Im a bad bad person. But, I am a long time user and already seeing adds all over the place elsewhere, in my cache listings etc. Give and take? Count the hits on my cache pages, and I get a free week of add free? There are lots of ways to work this...

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Let me be the first to say that I do thank all of the Premium Members and I do not complain about caches that are for members only, I agree with geocaching.com as to why they have them, and they give the cacher the right to make them that way. When I first started playing I wanted to get all the extras involved in being a Premium Member. The one I really want is the download ability. There are somethings that have changed in the 4 mo. that I did not care for but kept my mouth closed. But this new one really bugs me. I was told in the past, that if there was something that I would like to see, or see changed I should post it here because Groundspeak does monitor these posts carefully for problems, concerns, and Ideas for the future changes. I admit that my tone in the first post was harsh and I apologize for that. Therefor I did an EDIT to it to reflect a better tone then the one we started off with.


There are times that I see something that grabs my attention on the side bars and will go to that web sight and do some more looking at it. I have even received my birthday present through one of the advertisers from my sister who is still getting into this game. Might I suggest having more then one advertisement bar on the side. these grab peoples attention pretty good I think. Hay, its an idea that might work better then the new way!

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can't see them either... but I'm sure if i did i wouldn't like them. But that is a moot point since i don't see them. the one ad at the top of the forum hat i do see... well its probably the best and most common spot to put an ad on a forum and I hardly notice it. If it helps keep the cost down then I have no problems with it.


I also think the word freeloader is a tad harsh... but not that bad. If Groundspeak really wanted to, they could just make the whole site PM only. When you think about it, that makes the most business sense. losing a boat load of non paying "customers" does nothing to the bottom line... but does wonders for the bandwidth and servers. they would have solved their money problem by not needing to upgrade at all. and that might make a flood of new PMs. win-win. be glad for what you get for free and then understand that nothing is truly "free". you can pay with $3 a month or you can pay with several fractions of a second for your eye to scan right past the ad while you scroll down an extra inch each page. at least this site doesn't look the digital vomit that is other caching sites.

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There are times that I see something that grabs my attention on the side bars and will go to that web sight and do some more looking at it. I have even received my birthday present through one of the advertisers from my sister who is still getting into this game. Might I suggest having more then one advertisement bar on the side. these grab peoples attention pretty good I think. Hay, its an idea that might work better then the new way!

Sounds reasonable, but I don't see them so they don't bother me so I am not really in a position to comment on that aspect and I guess I don't take much notice of the ones that are served up to me anyway. For example, until today I hadn't even noticed the forum ones.


Maybe a better placement would resolve the angst.




Edited by Aushiker
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at least this site doesn't look the digital vomit that is other caching sites.

Yep. There is a bicycling forum that is full of adds in between posts. Only way to get rid of them is to pay up.




Edited by Aushiker
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I seem to be reading mixed things here. So premium members get them in the forums but not anywhere else?

I think so. As a premium member I can see the ads in the forums but not on the cache pages.




Edited by Aushiker
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I'll be darned but the ads on the nearest cache page are the most effective ads on the site. Not that they're going to replace premium memberships by a long shot but anything helps when I'm looking at the consulting bill for v2 of the site.


Now if we had more Premium Memberships we wouldn't have to resort to ads, but as I indicated in previous posts - we give so much away there isn't a lot of motivation for the casual geocacher to pony up for a PM.


And that's fine - so much as the casual geocacher can deal with the occasional ads blocks on a web page. And no - I don't use the term "freeloader" for geocachers who don't pony up for a PM. That's not very PC. Placing caches is very much a part of participation as well as being a good steward of our public lands, etc.


Google ads are based on click thrus and we're not supposed to encourage people to click them as it is part of the policy for showing ads in the first place (to answer the question whether it helps the site to click on the ads). This is different from the earlier ad models where all you needed to do was show an ad and you'd get paid by impressions. That is, in fact, why Google advertising became so popular with advertisers.


I still feel like Google isn't supplying appropriate enough ads since they don't take location into consideration - but its a start while we sort out the best way to display them. And once we switch forums we'll have more options for hiding things like ads when PMs don't want to see them here.


I hear the folks who don't like ads. I don't like them either and spent 7 years running the site without a bunch of them. But there comes a time when you look at the bank balance and realize to improve the site you'll have to make some sacrifices. Relevant advertising seems like a pretty small price to pay to keep the site running smoothly.

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I logged off and went to a cache page so I could see what some are complaining about. I saw the small add on the right and honestly don't see the big deal. I think Groundspeak has been more than generous over the years so a small ad box is OK. You can put it on my cache pages if you want to. The ads don't bother me. Anyhow, thanks, geocaching has been a lot of fun! :laughing:

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post #36
Post 34 should help you with your spelling error in post 33. If you hover your mouse over Jeremy's name and look at the bottom of your screen you'll see that it says http......blah blah blah.....showuser=3. That means he is the 3rd person to get a geocaching account. If you do the same for Iryshe you see that he is #2. The interesting thing is that there is no #1. :laughing:
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I logged off and went to a cache page so I could see what some are complaining about. I saw the small add on the right and honestly don't see the big deal. I think Groundspeak has been more than generous over the years so a small ad box is OK. You can put it on my cache pages if you want to. The ads don't bother me. Anyhow, thanks, geocaching has been a lot of fun! :laughing:


It is not the cache page we have a problem with it is when you search a list of caches, for example closest to home, you get an advert after each of the first three caches.

I understand the need for advertising, just don't like the placement.

One at the top of the page where the first cache normaly appears would be better.


Why am I not a premium member. I did not feel comfortable paying up straight away when I didn't know if I would want to continue doing it. Did some with out a gps and decided to get a second hand gps. Unfortunately I can't plug it into my computer. It is a serial my pc is usb only. Went to a store would have cost me another $100 to connect them. So left it and my membership as was.

This afternoon posted a thread on NZ site re this and have just found out that the store I went to actualy has a product at $40 that will do the job, so I know where I'll be going tomorrow especialy since my gps is designed to be used with the left hand and I am a right hander!


One please Jeremy not three and at the top not in between the listings. Please.

(Notice I didn't say don't have them at all)

Or maybe even one at the top and one at the bottom.

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I logged off and went to a cache page so I could see what some are complaining about. I saw the small add on the right and honestly don't see the big deal. I think Groundspeak has been more than generous over the years so a small ad box is OK. You can put it on my cache pages if you want to. The ads don't bother me. Anyhow, thanks, geocaching has been a lot of fun! :laughing:


It is not the cache page we have a problem with it is when you search a list of caches, for example closest to home, you get an advert after each of the first three caches.

I understand the need for advertising, just don't like the placement.

One at the top of the page where the first cache normaly appears would be better.


Why am I not a premium member. I did not feel comfortable paying up straight away when I didn't know if I would want to continue doing it. Did some with out a gps and decided to get a second hand gps. Unfortunately I can't plug it into my computer. It is a serial my pc is usb only. Went to a store would have cost me another $100 to connect them. So left it and my membership as was.

This afternoon posted a thread on NZ site re this and have just found out that the store I went to actualy has a product at $40 that will do the job, so I know where I'll be going tomorrow especialy since my gps is designed to be used with the left hand and I am a right hander!


One please Jeremy not three and at the top not in between the listings. Please.

(Notice I didn't say don't have them at all)

Or maybe even one at the top and one at the bottom.

I'm not knocking people that don't become Premium members. Heck, I didn't join for a year. I joined when a friend explained the benefits of downlaoding PQs. I used to cut and paste cache coords into a word doc. Anyhow, I'll log out again to see what you mean...
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It is not the cache page we have a problem with it is when you search a list of caches, for example closest to home, you get an advert after each of the first three caches.

Maybe its changed but I just tried it and got one line of four adverts after the first five listings on each search page. Found it pretty easy to just scroll past, but that said, I could see it being annoying. Trade off I guess.




Edited by Aushiker
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It is not the cache page we have a problem with it is when you search a list of caches, for example closest to home, you get an advert after each of the first three caches.

Maybe its changed but I just tried it and got one line of four adverts after the first five listings on each search page. Found it pretty easy to just scroll past, but that said, I could see it being annoying. Trade off I guess.




I saw one line of adds under the 5th cache in the search list. It didn't bother me, but I agree that they would probably look better on the side of the page. However, if they are the most effective adds then they are not going to want to mess with success. :laughing: Edited by TrailGators
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It is not the cache page we have a problem with it is when you search a list of caches, for example closest to home, you get an advert after each of the first three caches.

Maybe its changed but I just tried it and got one line of four adverts after the first five listings on each search page. Found it pretty easy to just scroll past, but that said, I could see it being annoying. Trade off I guess.





Maybe it is five for those who have no membership at all, three for those with membership and not paid and none for those who have paid.


I'm still seeing the three as described before.

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It is a block of ads, meaning it can change between 3 and 4 ads depending on whatever Google decides to show. Since it is a block of ads we don't have a lot of control how it is displayed there (other than giving it room).


Right-hand ads is inefficient and basically moves all the text to the left. The current display is the most efficient for a long list of results.

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I think you should remove them they will alienate the casual cacher and make them feel that they should get a membership just to remove these adverts that are being forced upon them.


Do I have to pay to go Geocaching now?


Never! The traditional geocaching game will always be free. Subscriptions will be for new enhancements and new games added by Groundspeak. It takes development time and resources in order to make these ideas come to life, as well as hardware upgrades to keep up with the ever-increasing traffic.



Free is subjective, having adverts forced into the data I am reviewing is not freedom, but the website needs the revenue generated by these adverts for freedom of development.


Cant we come to a compromise where bothe the user and the business have freedom.


Note: I used to be a PM but I let it lapse when I took a break from the sport, now i'm back I will probably become one again.

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