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Gnomenclature refers to a method of assigning (unique) names. It is used in Science (typically Biology) --- I am looking for interesting names to assign to my 'renegade gnomes' :laughing::blink:

Which should be in my grubby lil hands in a couple of weeks.


Anyone have any good names to share?




The best one will recieve a lil dude.

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Are you looking for good individual names for ones you are releasing, or for the whole batch?

Sorry, we have no way of gnowing.


Yes I am looking for good individual names. There will be 50 so I needs lotsa cool names...


Of cousre there's always Sleepy, Happy or Doc. And Grumpy, Dopey, Bashful (which he could be hiding that coin) or Sneezy.


Those are dwarves, not gnomes! :blink:


They can be silly, funny, a tad naughty or just plain simple. :laughing:

Edited by avroair
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Ok here you go 50 real gnome names:


Bimpmil -- Bleeto -- Bleewinkle -- Boddyle -- Boddynor -- Bunkbur -- Carakor -- Dalbell

Dalkor -- Duvamut -- Dwobnor -- Ellyman -- Ellynig -- Ellytwiss -- Elwick -- Fintwiss -- Finwocket

Fonmadge -- Fudle -- Gerji -- Glimmut -- Glimni -- Hedmalkin -- Hodgerick -- Jebkin -- Klemwicket

Loopbur -- Loopdar -- Loopfoodle -- Loopmalkin -- Mardder -- Mibbijon -- Mibbinor -- Namdar

Namkin -- Ninger -- Ninto -- Olffnor -- Olffwyn -- Pilni -- Pilwyn -- Ranzger -- Raulbiddle -- Raulmalkin

Raulto -- Sharick -- Waybur -- Wayle -- Wimmip -- Zookmadge


Made with the Gnome Name Generator: http://nine.frenchboys.net/gnome.php

Edited by ParentsofSAM
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Of course there's always Sleepy, Happy or Doc. And Grumpy, Dopey, Bashful (which he could be hiding that coin) or Sneezy.


Those are dwarves, not gnomes! :blink:


They can be silly, funny, a tad naughty or just plain simple. :blink:


Yeah - I know, but they sure look like the gnomes we see today. :laughing:


Cahing Gnome

Cachers Gnome

Gnut Gnome

Traveling Gnome

Gnaughty Gnome

Tomte, Tomten, Tomtar, Tomtama

Secret Gnome

Gnystrom Gnome





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Flan = Earth/Hard/Rocky/Stone

Gaer = Defense/Shield/Strong/Protective

Oaen = Flexible/Knot/Maze/Twisted

Baer = Living/Open/Tree/Woodland

Arum = Great/Hero/Heroic/Mighty

Skor = Art/Craft/Knowledge/Wise

Dal = Skill/Skilled/Master (Mistress)/Useful

Erf = Friend/Friendly/Kind

Lun = Complex/Device/Mechanical/Tinkerer

Hed = Confusing/Mystery/Riddle/Secret

Neb = Child/Innocent/New/Young

Len = Good/Jewel/Treasure/Trusted

Uran = Armoured/Guardian/Keeper/Supportive

Mikk = Desert/Harsh/Severe/Void

Seg = Deep/Distance/Far/Long

Eaus = Giant/Powerful

Callad = Cousin/Friendly/kin/Related


You can use each name separately or together as a first and last name.

These names are from the random gnome name generator at:



This site also generates gnome names:




And here is a list of more names:


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The word gnome in different languages:


English................................................................ Gnome






Flemish................................................... Kleinmanneken


Dutch ...............................................................Kabouter


German ................................................Heinzelmannchen


Norwegian.............................................. Tomte or Nisse


Swedish ..........................................Tomtenisse or Nisse


Danish ...................................................................Nisse


Polish................................................................... Gnom


Finnish................................................................. Tonttu


Russian ...........................................Domovoi Djedoesjka


Serbo ....................................................................Kepec




Bulgarian.............................................................. Djudje


Czechoslovakian.................................................. Skritek


Hungarian............................................................. Mano

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