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FSM coin

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The "fish skeleton" is actually a "pirate fish". More info is available at www.venganza.org if you want to read up.


I can't get online much right now, so I just dropped in to show the updated sample with the corrections made (and the other finishes).




Ohhh I really like it. In fact I would love to get one for a non-caching friend who is into the whole FSM thing. :smile:


Forks and knives beware!


After centuries of being poked, prodded and twirled about by countless cold and unfeeling kitchen utensils...pasta has finally gone "extreme al dente" and will now fight metal with metal.


Forks and knives beware!


After centuries of being poked, prodded and twirled about by countless cold and unfeeling kitchen utensils...pasta has finally gone "extreme al dente" and will now fight metal with metal.




I just saw these today !!


I'm late to the part but I would love to trade for a set of these! I got my new coins in so Im ready to trade!


I'll be keeping an eye out here.


125 of antique silver & antique gold will be available and up for grabs.


I'm grabbing with both hands :ph34r: . . . er, how? :o


Awww...we love the copper version.


We'd love to buy/trade for the silver version!

More info:


There will be the following quantities of metals minted:


- 135 antique silver

- 135 antique gold

- 30 antique copper

300 total


125 of antique silver & antique gold will be available and up for grabs.


Durn! I was hoping for a chance at an Antique Copper. The Gold and Silver are awefully nice too, tho. I guess I will be camping out at me computer until these go up for grabs. I'm thinking they will go record fast and I don't want to miss out.




Durn! I was hoping for a chance at an Antique Copper. The Gold and Silver are awefully nice too, tho. I guess I will be camping out at me computer until these go up for grabs. I'm thinking they will go record fast and I don't want to miss out.




Record fast is not the right word. When these are posted for (pre/)sale, they will be gone in an instant.

I hope that FSM has paid the server bandwidth bill and has cleared it's inbox to prepare for the onslaught.


I hope to be alert enough when they are posted.


More info:


There will be the following quantities of metals minted:


- 135 antique silver

- 135 antique gold

- 30 antique copper

300 total


125 of antique silver & antique gold will be available and up for grabs.


Any idea when they will be made available? How much will they be? So thats a total of 250 coins up for grabs correct?

More info:


There will be the following quantities of metals minted:


- 135 antique silver

- 135 antique gold

- 30 antique copper

300 total


125 of antique silver & antique gold will be available and up for grabs.


Durn! I was hoping for a chance at an Antique Copper. The Gold and Silver are awefully nice too, tho. I guess I will be camping out at me computer until these go up for grabs. I'm thinking they will go record fast and I don't want to miss out.




With 3 events this weekend, and a hubby who can't go a weekend without a caching trip, I'm going to be praying that when news breaks, it breaks during the week!! :ph34r::lol::D:o


Happy Trails,



In preperation for Talk Like a Pirate Day, I will offer a Pirate's keyboard for a coin.


I was thinking about waiting until then (Sept 19th) to release these but I couldn't wait that long. I'll let everybody know when I have a better idea, but it will be soon.


I forgot to mention that the coins will use the "FS" prefix (for those who care).


Inquiring minds want to know - how do you get a special prefix if only 350 coins are going to be made? :ph34r:


In preperation for Talk Like a Pirate Day, I will offer a Pirate's keyboard for a coin.


I was thinking about waiting until then (Sept 19th) to release these but I couldn't wait that long. I'll let everybody know when I have a better idea, but it will be soon.


I forgot to mention that the coins will use the "FS" prefix (for those who care).


Inquiring minds want to know - how do you get a special prefix if only 350 coins are going to be made? :ph34r:

FSM is a Moderator, maybe that is one of the perks? :o


I bet FSM won't let me have one, but it is a very cool design.


What he said.


Since I am a declared card carrying non-Pastafarian; I suppose I will jump in the boat with these 2.


Wow, lot's of assumptions being made here.


Contrary to what a handful of people here believe, FSM has always and will continue to be neutral and impartial in respect to moderating duties. In that spirit, and being a member of the community these coins will be made available to everyone (quantities not withstanding).


More to come soon. :ph34r:



Okay, trackable or not, I want one. Eat your heart out IPU! Ummm unless the IPU has a geocoin, then I want one of those too.



I'll buy or trade. I have 12 nifty smashed coin designs to trade. I'd be willing to throw in some extras on cool lookin' foreign coins. The Snoogans Dos Peso looks awesome.


I always miss the great coins when they go on sale over the weekend; I sure hope I don't miss this one!!!


btw, most people seem to be offerring trades...just want to make sure.. will this be available for sale? I don't have anything (worthy) to offer for a trade and reeeeeally want one!


In preperation for Talk Like a Pirate Day, I will offer a Pirate's keyboard for a coin.


I was thinking about waiting until then (Sept 19th) to release these but I couldn't wait that long. I'll let everybody know when I have a better idea, but it will be soon.


I forgot to mention that the coins will use the "FS" prefix (for those who care).


Inquiring minds want to know - how do you get a special prefix if only 350 coins are going to be made? ;)

FSM is a Moderator, maybe that is one of the perks? :P


There should be some sort of perk.


We would still like one of these coins too please. Are these for sale or trade or both? If it's for trade only do you want us to email you FSM directly....I thought I read somewhere in this thread that you'd prefer questions asked here instead not to fill your inbox.

Thanks! :P


We would still like one of these coins too please. Are these for sale or trade or both? If it's for trade only do you want us to email you FSM directly....I thought I read somewhere in this thread that you'd prefer questions asked here instead not to fill your inbox.

Thanks! :P


I was about to ask the same! ;)


So do I have to make a trade offer in here? Or do I just make it known I wish to trade for one?



I thought I read somewhere in this thread that you'd prefer questions asked here instead not to fill your inbox.

Thanks! :P


Oh dear - I sent an email - that's blown my chances. ;)


I hadn't read this far back . . .


Please don't send emails/PMs inquiring about this coin - I'll answer all questions and provide all the details in this thread (eventually). That will keep my email/PMs open for actual reports and issues - thank you.


Just as well FSM is the paragon of forgiveness . . :P


I always miss the great coins when they go on sale over the weekend; I sure hope I don't miss this one!!!


btw, most people seem to be offerring trades...just want to make sure.. will this be available for sale? I don't have anything (worthy) to offer for a trade and reeeeeally want one!


Ditto that, ThirstyMick! :P


I'm not online much right now (thus the slow responses), and my time is very limited so I'll post what I can right now.


Yes, please do not email me for information as I don't have the time right now to go through them all.


The coins will be for sale, soon.


Some people in here know my "player account" and wonder why I've chosen to sell this coin. There are many reasons, so I'll list a few here before I have to run:


1) I already have quite a large colelction of coins (as you may imagine), and trying to arrange trades would be very difficult - trying to get something that I don't already own.


2) Along those same lines, as a moderator and member of the community, I wanted this coin to be available to anybody that wanted one. Having to accept some trades and deny others would not allow that to happen. Likewise, denying personal coin trades can be dicey as some people would take it personally and I don't want that to happen.


3) As mentioned before, I do my best to stay neutral and impartial in here, and by not picking and choosing my trades it allows me to stay that way.


4) I don't want to deal with packaging, labeling, shipping, etc. 250 coins :ph34r:


So, that's it, in a nutshell.


So, 125 of antique silver and 125 of antique gold will be available for sale soon.


I will be keeping 10 of each of these metals to either set free as travelers or leave in caches. Consider these going back to the caching community.


That leaves 30 antique copper. These will be the version (XLE, AE, whatever....) that I use as gifts to the people in this community that I see doing good things. (Please do not ask for trades for this one, or try to "nominate" people for it. I will choose who gets these. No strings attached. My gift to them.)

I may also run a cointest or two....


So, that's what I have right now. I realize some may choose to not buy this coin, and that's your choice. I understand and respect that decision.


Prices and details to come.....


I wanted this coin to be available to anybody that wanted one.


I know you have to draw a number some where, but if you want everyone to have a chance to get one why only 250 coins? Is there a chance of having a 1 coin limit per address so everyone has a chance at this mad dash that is going to occur?


People keep mentioning C & P as the minter, please tell me their server has been upgraded to handle the traffic?


Off to buy a new keyboard, this ensures me that the F5 key is functioning correctly.


... if you want everyone to have a chance to get one why only 250 coins? Is there a chance of having a 1 coin limit per address so everyone has a chance at this mad dash that is going to occur?


Here's hoping there will be 1 coin limit per order so as many of us as possible will have a chance to get one of these cool coins. Really no one needs more than one. :ph34r: But am I the only one surprised to learn the FSM has a player account???? :ph34r:


Totally random aside: I used to moderate a message board (much smaller than this one) that only allowed 4 Admin accounts. We needed more than 4 Moderators, so we rotated the names of 3 of the Admins, the 4th Admin account was a sock puppet that all the moderators had access to. This allowed us all perform "Moderator Duties" even if we weren't listed as Admins at that moment. Anyway it came as quite a shock to me to realize many of the regular posters thought this 4th Admin was real person. Because of that experience I've always thought of FSM as the "Sock puppet Uber Moderator Account." Another myth put to rest, but now I'm gonna wonder... :ph34r:



People keep mentioning C & P as the minter, please tell me their server has been upgraded to handle the traffic?


Off to buy a new keyboard, this ensures me that the F5 key is functioning correctly.



I know you have to draw a number some where, but if you want everyone to have a chance to get one why only 250 coins? Is there a chance of having a 1 coin limit per address so everyone has a chance at this mad dash that is going to occur?


People keep mentioning C & P as the minter, please tell me their server has been upgraded to handle the traffic?

Honestly? Because many personal coins are not selling well these days. I don't know what to expect and am hedging my bets. Yes, there have been a lot of posts so far wanting a coin via sale or trade, but I'm not sure that I've seen 125 people say they each want two coins (you get my meaning).




Please tell me that you are setting a few of your coins aside for personal trades. You just have to want the World's 1st Glowing GeoCoin. :ph34r:

Again, I have a large collection already :grin:


Will you make more if these sell out?

I hadn't thought about it really since I didn't really expect them to sell out in a hurry. Guess I'll have to think about this one.


I will post intentions here before the sale so everybody is clear on what will/won't be done.


But am I the only one surprised to learn the FSM has a player account???? ohmy.gif

I'm sure there may be a few like you out there :ph34r: I cache and collect coins just like you. :ph34r:

Posted (edited)

What ever it takes to get em, we will be keeping a close eye out for a FSM :ph34r: (Boy I hope I don't miss out :grin: ) I do have a thing for copper but will be more than happy to get my hands on any of these guys :ph34r:


We love you FSM :ph34r: Who ever you are!

Edited by Team chelmo

I know you have to draw a number some where, but if you want everyone to have a chance to get one why only 250 coins? Is there a chance of having a 1 coin limit per address so everyone has a chance at this mad dash that is going to occur?


People keep mentioning C & P as the minter, please tell me their server has been upgraded to handle the traffic?

Honestly? Because many personal coins are not selling well these days. I don't know what to expect and am hedging my bets. Yes, there have been a lot of posts so far wanting a coin via sale or trade, but I'm not sure that I've seen 125 people say they each want two coins (you get my meaning).



I'd buy a few more than just 1, thats for sure!

Posted (edited)
Honestly? Because many personal coins are not selling well these days. I don't know what to expect and am hedging my bets. Yes, there have been a lot of posts so far wanting a coin via sale or trade, but I'm not sure that I've seen 125 people say they each want two coins (you get my meaning).

We buy very few coins, but when we do, I like to buy three coins (1 for me, 1 for him, and 1 to trade). If you didn't limit this coin, I would certainly want to buy at least three of them, perhaps more if the price is on the lower side. I really really like this coin.


edited to fix dyslexic issue

Edited by Neos2

Honestly? Because many personal coins are not selling well these days. I don't know what to expect and am hedging my bets. Yes, there have been a lot of posts so far wanting a coin via sale or trade, but I'm not sure that I've seen 125 people say they each want two coins (you get my meaning).



FSM, I don't think that you will have that problem with YOUR coin. Personally I think I would buy three or four - 1 for me, 1 for my b/f, and a couple for trade. I might even set one of them loose but I wouldn't expect it to last very long out there. :ph34r:




Well, I need at least 2, one for each of the kids' collections! Otherwise, there will be a lot of whining and crying from the one who doesn't get one. And, I wouldn't mind having one for myself! :ph34r:

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