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Stolen GPS

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:blink: I can't believe it. My husband left his car unlocked and its gone in a flash! Magellan Explorist 600 that I finally got last fall and now I'm starting all over again. :rolleyes:

Hmmm,that sucks.You can't even leave your dang car unlocked for two seconds nowadays. :blink:

To add insult to injury they also took the swag as well. Luckily no bugs to get lost. :rolleyes:


I’ll give you this tip I learned from experience. Check around for any good hide spots nearby, it’s kind of like geocaching without the GPS. Often, kids on their way to school or the bus stop will poke around in cars looking for things they can sell, or loose change in the ashtray. We had this happen in SC when I was stationed there; a briefcase was taken from the car. I walked over to the bus stop, looked down the storm drain, and there it was.


Thought of that, but nothing there. With the new feature that Garmin has so yu can download straight to gps makes it very tempting. I just hate the shopping around and trying to decide part of this again. :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

The thieves will either not know how to work the GPS and sell it; or, they'll figure it out and start "caching" - be prepared to have caches in the area muggled :rolleyes: .

Edited by Chuy!

I read somewhere about thieves stealing a bunch of GPSrs and ditching them when they realized what they were. They thought they could be tracked with them apparently.


Hmmm,that sucks.You can't even leave your dang car unlocked for two seconds nowadays. :blink:
Where I grew up, you had to lock the car only in the summertime...





If you don't, the neighbors fill your backseat with zucchini... :rolleyes:


I feel your pain as I recently went through that very thing a couple months back. Fortunately, the bad guy had an honest roommate and I received both my GPS units back along with some of the cables and the GPS mount. The police are now watching the gang that was involved.


Watch on Ebay for the next week or so for that model popping up in your area. Got the serial # on that warranty card you never sent in? Also you might be able to prove ownership by the waypoints and tracks that are probably still on there. Get the cops involved if you find one that fits the bill.


Sorry to hear that.


I read recently that GPS units are the new hot item for thieves. GPS thefts are now the most common kind of auto crime, passing stereo theft.


Most of them are smash and grabs. They just break the window and take the unit.


If you don't take your unit with you, make sure it's out of sight. Also remove the mount and hide it. Apparently the miscreants look for the mounts and will break into your car to look for the unit.

smash and grabs. They just break the window and take the unit.


My car parked at a forest trailhead was "smashed and grabbed". At first I thought nothing was missing, but the converter for running the laptop was gone. They must have been run off before they could do a thorough check of the vehicle, the real $$$ was in the trunk (tools) which they could easily pop once in the car. Everything else was with me, gpsr, pda cell phone. Seriously annoying. And it cost $250 to have the window replaced through my insurance.


On the bright side, that car is cleaner in the interior than it's been in years, getting all the glass splinters out.


"Could be worse--could be raining!" --Igor ("That's eye-gor!"), Young Frankenstein


Could be worse--thieves took my car! A brand new Jeep Grand Cherokee, three weeks after I moved to Chicago! It turned up on a boat headed for Poland. :anitongue:


thieves just chap my a**. round bout hear there's not to many, but a recent rash of house breakers have been going on. doing most of our caching in a wrangler with a rag top we've never had anything ripped off from it. maybe it's the big ole hog leg we carry sometimes.


I read recently that GPS units are the new hot item for thieves. GPS thefts are now the most common kind of auto crime, passing stereo theft.


Most of them are smash and grabs. They just break the window and take the unit.


If you don't take your unit with you, make sure it's out of sight. Also remove the mount and hide it. Apparently the miscreants look for the mounts and will break into your car to look for the unit.

This is off-topic, but it reminds me of the mid 70s when I had a CB radio stolen (they were very hot at the time, too). I had it on a slide-mount and almost always put it in the trunk, but this one time I was at a skating rink, and I already had my skates on when I remembered. I didn't feel like putting my shoes back on and figured it would be OK this one time.


They broke the cozy-wing (which shows how old the car was), unlocked the door, and it was gone - the slide mount just made it that much easier for them. I bet there was a group of kids that checked out the cars in the parking lot every night, so now I assume that any time I park a car, someone is going to case it.


thieves just chap my a**. round bout hear there's not to many, but a recent rash of house breakers have been going on. doing most of our caching in a wrangler with a rag top we've never had anything ripped off from it. maybe it's the big ole hog leg we carry sometimes.


St. Louis City is loaded with caches and crooks, I won't go there unless it's to a game and there are a lot of people. Crime is spreading outwards from the city too, of course. Here in MO we can carry carry but unless you have a CCW permit the firearm must stay in the car. Not a good scenario for a smash and grab. Fortunately there are lock boxes sold for just this purpose, a GPSr would fit in one too.


Thieves really torque me off! :blink: Nobody likes getting ripped off, but it can happen just about anywhere-at the trailhead, crowded parking lot, home and at work. My latest breakin was in the parking lot at work. Every day I took the faceplate off my new Sony CD player before going into work except for that one day I was running extremly late and said it will be OK. Wrong! :) They drilled out my locks on my truck, then used a pry bar to open the door. They stole my Sony CD player, CD's, Oakley shades, flashlight and binoculars. Sadly to say I was not the only one hit that day, four others suffered the same fate. My coworker had his 9mm handgun stolen. Unfortunately my insurance only covered the cost of damage to the vehicle due to not having an extra rider plan that covered the contents of the vehicle that is not original equipment. Of course there is also the deductable. :)


That really sucks what happened to you and hopefully you can get another GPSr real soon if your budget allows.

.....the real $$$ was in the trunk (tools) which they could easily pop once in the car.....


My job requires me to drive around with a laptop and a bunch of medical equipment, sometimes to not-so-great neighborhoods.


We too are required to keep valuables in the trunk, but like you said, all they have to do is enter the car and pull the little lever by the driver's seat.


I was thinking about all of this, and I noticed that there is a keyhole next to the lever.


Hmmm, can I lock out (turn off) the lever?


Would that mean I could only open the trunk with the key on the actual trunk and/or the trunk release button on the keyfob?


That would be handy, I'll have to check later today.


Of course, the rear seats fold down, but you need a key for that too, and it would take a lot longer for a crook to get to anything.


Sorry to hear about your situation, that sucks!



Last November I had my car broken into. It was mid-day, parked right behind my retail store off of an alley. Kids broke the rear triangle window, and opened the doors. This was the one day I had left my Magellan Meridian Color GPS in the car. They took it, the power cable, and the windshield mount, and whatever change they could find in the car. The window cost $235 to replace, well below the deductible, and the GPS was not covered at all because it was not permanantly installed. I reported it to the police, but I suspect that it will never be recovered. To make matters worse, my other car was broken into 3 weeks ago, while parked in the same place. This time the alarm scared them off, and nothing was taken, but the window cost $500 to fix this time. AAAAHHHHH!

Where I grew up, you had to lock the car only in the summertime...

Yeah, I grew up in minisculetown, nowheresville for all intents and purposes. And not even IN that tiny town, but a few miles outside of it. Any neighbours we had we thoroughly new.


I miss the days when locking your house or car was considered absurd unless you're gone for like... vacation for several weeks. Unlocking the door just takes extra time if you're only gone for a few hours, or even a few days.


*sigh* :{


My truck was hit while in Charlotte, during the day, while I was inside for a class.

They got my Geobag with my PDA's, flashlights, my non working (screen inop) Vista, swag and other stuff, my kids DVD player but MISSED my 60CSx!!!!

It was on the floor just barely under a paper.

They punched the lock, so I really feel blessed.

No broken window.

They didn't steel the truck.

I can't imagin getting the rollin residence back home without it!


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