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GeoWedding Event


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Just wondering if anyone has ever had or attended a GeoWedding. We are thinking about getting married in a couple months and are thinking of doing it as an event cache.

Looking for IDEAS....

Posted (edited)
Just wondering if anyone has ever had or attended a GeoWedding. We are thinking about getting married in a couple months and are thinking of doing it as an event cache.

Looking for IDEAS....



I couldn't afford to invite the entire S.E. Texas Geocaching family to my wedding, so I thought up a cool alternative that looks as if it may not happen now.



We have a Texas cacher who is an ordained minister and the thought was to have a mass Moony-style Geo-Wedding. Folks could renew their vows or actually get hitched right on the spot.



The event was to be held on the Guadalupe River and I was going to call it the "GeoWedding Floatilla." I came up with the motto "Take THE PLUNGE and take a plunge."



The idea was to have tubes available for everyone at the event to rent and then to hit the river for about a 4-6 hour float depending on the river's flow.



You're welcome to use the idea. :lol:

Edited by Snoogans

Generally weddings won't meet the listing guidelines requirement that the "primary attendees are geocachers."

Unless all or nearly all the attending family and friends are also cachers. The more usual thing is to have the standard family/friends wedding and then a geocaching event/ wedding reception where any cacher can attend.


I love Snoogans idea too.......

Posted (edited)

Wedding ring located in a micro at N84° 123.45' W087° 67.890'! Also coordinates for an ammo box containing the bouquet! ;)


Edited by imajeep
Just wondering if anyone has ever had or attended a GeoWedding. We are thinking about getting married in a couple months and are thinking of doing it as an event cache.

Looking for IDEAS....

I couldn't afford to invite the entire S.E. Texas Geocaching family to my wedding, so I thought up a cool alternative that looks as if it may not happen now.



One little detail I forgot to mention. I had planned to publish a cache near the spot where The Snoogstress and I got married, but one of the guests beat me to it in the EXACT spot I had scoped out. How cool is that?



Snoogans and The Snoogstress Wedding Cache is a Members Only cache so I'll post the text. My friend TDW described the occasion in eerie detail. It's almost like you were there after you read it:




April 15, 2007 --- At 4pm on this date, Mark and Mynda (two cachers extraordinaire) united in holy matrimony and this cache has been hidden to commemorate that event.



Mark and Mynda (Snoogans and Snoogstress) are true nature lovers and their wedding ceremony reflected that passion. Held outdoors, the nature theme began as soon as the guests arrived.


Hooters waitresses dressed up as woodland fairies escorted me to my seat. A band dressed in Sherwood Green and looking a lot like Robin Hood's Merry Men played folk music on the ukulele and lute.


Then Snoogans entered. He was dressed in what I would describe as a toga, but more formal since he had a collar and bowtie on as well. As the sun beat down on this beautiful afternoon, he paused and laid a wreath of wildflowers at the feet of his mother. He then recited some poem about Mother Earth.


Following Snoogans was the entrance of the druid, who officiated the ceremony. Barefoot, he walked down the rose petal aisle way dressed in a long brown robe and a crown of mistletoe. His long gray beard reminded me of Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings, but his girth reminded me more of Friar Tuck.


What happened next was awesome! Mynda rode up on a big white mare also dressed in a toga (Mynda not the horse!). In a lathered sweat she galloped up to the front (the horse not Mynda). Mynda slid off and the ceremony began.


Chanting in ancient Celtic (at least that is what the translator told us), the druid began to recite the history of the universe, the names of all the flora and fauna in sight as well as the vows that Mark and Mynda were making to each other. Finally, the druid said, "Here underneath this mighty gwydhenn (tree) and the blue ebrenn (sky), we are witnessing the uniting of den (man) and benyn (woman) as nature intended."


Then this next part is well… unbelievable! The Hooter/woodland fairie girls brought out curtains of evergreens and placed them between the guests and the wedding party. Before we knew it, both togas were draped over the top of the curtain. With a final chant, the curtain came down and a "bare---" Mynda and Mark raced down the aisle. After a run of about 60 yards, Mynda caught up with Mark and threw him to the ground. (Thankfully, the woodland Hooter girls followed with the curtains and hid the naked couple only seconds after they had stopped.)


As it was explained to us, the Snoogstress' "capturing" the manhood of Snoogans was the fulfillment of their vows and at that moment (according to the druid) they were wed...under the nev (heavens) and the lord of the gwydh (trees).


As with all wedding ceremonies (no matter what faith you practice), we all know that it represents the total commitment of one man and one woman to each other. That is what I saw happened today between two very ardent and happy cachers known to us all as Snoogans and the Snoogstress. Congratulations!


The cache location is just down the road from the ceremony. The container is appropriately a bright green M&M (Mark & Mynda) tube. The first half dozen (or so) visitors can take a smashed penny that was made available to all wedding guests. Good job dragonhunters on FTF!


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