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Camoflage Jobs

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I placed a magnetic cache on an local retired Army tank last Summer and I was darn impressed with my tri-color Wally World camo spray paint job. Even with spot-on coords, it gave most cachers fits.


The city re-painted the tank (and my cache-tainer) this Spring so now it is a perfect match. :P


I placed a magnetic cache on an local retired Army tank last Summer and I was darn impressed with my tri-color Wally World camo spray paint job. Even with spot-on coords, it gave most cachers fits.


The city re-painted the tank (and my cache-tainer) this Spring so now it is a perfect match. :P

Which one is it, i want to visit!!! Cache migration would be a problem for that hide i think. :P Maybe that is one way to stop cache migration...


I placed a magnetic cache on an local retired Army tank last Summer and I was darn impressed with my tri-color Wally World camo spray paint job. Even with spot-on coords, it gave most cachers fits.


The city re-painted the tank (and my cache-tainer) this Spring so now it is a perfect match. :blink:

Which one is it, i want to visit!!! Cache migration would be a problem for that hide i think. :rolleyes: Maybe that is one way to stop cache migration...

Seems Fun!


A fake rock--the kind you hide keys in. Now that may not sound impressive, but it was a really good fake rock, and it was placed in a crevice in a larger stone that matched its color and shape perfectly. The placer was definitely the Antichrist!


I'm sure I've see better in my travels but one that comes to mind was an Altoids container with rocks glued on the lid. The rocks were the same type used as mulch and the cache was place "buried" in them. The previous log was a DNF and was just about to give up and that's when I stepped on it. The sound was a give away. A nice simple, yet crafty hide.


Two great caches I found recently were inside things the cacher purchased. One was a three-foot-tall telephone equipment cover installed in an open area near a freeway exit. No way would a non-cacher mess with that because it had the phone company logo and everything. It took me a while to figure out that had to be the "cammo." I turned the top, lifted it up, looked inside, and there was the cache container, a large plastic jar, fixed inside, up-side-down, with that extruded foam. :blink:


The other one was an ABS plastic cleanout purchased at Home Depot or Lowes. It was installed in a gravel-covered landscaped area near one of the cachers favorite restaurants. To anyone else, except a cacher familiar with Barbados Sam's hides, it would look as if it belonged there. :)


Here is a cache I found in New York's central park. Is needed to be well hidden due to all the ppl that go there everyday! it was hidden in an ivy patch!



Seemed it would be an easy find in the winter though.


Won't say where, Ashland, Ohio, but a cemetary micro in a wall crack with a realistic trailing vine attached was just great, and no too small, either.


But there's another great micro North Canton, Ohio that's a piece of rebar sticking up just a little above the ground near some plants.

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