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Take a Kid Geocaching cointest


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No hints needed! You got it! Please email your mailing address :D

I did!?! We needed only one guess for the right number?!?


This must be the shortest cointest ever. Thanks and email sent.


tot cache,

team Wij Drie :lol:




Erm... Princess Lisa (post #169) got the right answer before. Even before you added the last hint. :lol:


Thanks for the contests!

She is coming to the event, so will be getting her own coin there...sorry that I did not post that last night, but I did not want to spill the beans quite yet!


Thanks so much LeNore!! :D


Spend a few days away from the forums and this is what you miss!! I commend you for making such a well purposed GeoTag! ;)

Thanks keewee01! But I cannot take all the credit...TMOCM is the brains behind the coin (all I did was draw the stick figures), and LFD's thread was the inspriration for the event.

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