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Introducing: Washington Forest Fire Lookout Challenge

The Navigatorz

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Scar Hill Lookout GC19H78 by FluteFace is a new cache in Area 1. It is listed in Rex Kamstra's Fire Lookout Webpage. It presently is not listed in Ray Kresek's book, but was included in an addendum after his book was published.


Scar Hill Lookout GC19H78 by FluteFace is a new cache in Area 1. It is listed in Rex Kamstra's Fire Lookout Webpage. It presently is not listed in Ray Kresek's book, but was included in an addendum after his book was published.


He must have read my trip report of that hike. No view up there.. <_<



Your post here quoted my post about Scar Hill Lookout, but your report seems to discuss Dow Mountain. ??

Posted (edited)

A new cache hidden by Mr. Gadget #2 qualifies for the lookout challenge. Its called Observation Point - Manastash LO (Waypoint GC1E5W3) and is located in Area 5. This cache replaces the archived cache called Poor Kate's Kitty (Waypoint GC1DA2). Thanks Mr. Gadget for retrieving the old cache and for the new hide.


Another cache near a lookout site in Area 2 was recently brought to my attention. Hills of Morning (Waypoint GCGJQQ) by colbridge was hidden in 2003 but was not listed in the Lookout Bookmark list because another cache, called Sauk it to Me, was closer to the lookout. However that cache has been archived. Thanks AndrewRJ for the heads up.

Edited by The Navigatorz

A new qualifying cache was recently hidden by firenut-hunter on Mt Bonaparte, 15 miles NE of Tonasket. Elevation 7258 feet. A 12x12' log cabin built in 1914 still exists, as well as a 20' tower built in 1961 which is manned. Both structures are Listed on National Historic Lookout register.


I would like to report that FS 6830, the road to Mt. Sawyer Summit View near Skykomish is open now.


That looging road had been washed out as recently as September 2007, but now is open all the way to the Tonga Ridge trailhead. The road is fine - you can see the washed out areas and repair work on the drive up.


There are three nice caches up there, including this WA lookout challenge cache. It's a good hike, with excellent views. I left a coin as incentive for other cachers to try it.


Also, within this same area is a rare drive-to lookout cache, Maloney Ridge Lookout.


Finally, just a short way up highway 2 is Heybrook Lookout, an uphill hike but much shorter than some. A cacher could conceivably grab all three of these lookout caches in an afternoon.


Several have requested a modification to the Challenge rules regarding the Area requirement. Some have said they would participate (or complete) this challenge, if they were not required to travel to all of the 9 areas. I decided to grant that wish, but to be fair to those who have already completed the challenge under the original rules, I am listing the finishers as either Gold Level (original rule #12) or Silver Level (modified rule #12). Current participants can chose between the Gold or Silver level. Gold level finishers receive a geocoin when they complete the challenge, Silver level finishers do not. Perhaps this rule modification will promote more (or continued) participation in this challenge.


Several have requested a modification to the Challenge rules regarding the Area requirement. Some have said they would participate (or complete) this challenge, if they were not required to travel to all of the 9 areas. I decided to grant that wish, but to be fair to those who have already completed the challenge under the original rules, I am listing the finishers as either Gold Level (original rule #12) or Silver Level (modified rule #12). Current participants can chose between the Gold or Silver level. Gold level finishers receive a geocoin when they complete the challenge, Silver level finishers do not. Perhaps this rule modification will promote more (or continued) participation in this challenge.

So....people will travel all over the state for the DeLorme and County challenges, but not for Fire Lookouts? Wimps. That's a real shame, cos some of my favorite ones were in the remote areas, like Salmo Lookout in Area 8, and traveling the Mountain Road in the Umatillas in Area 9.


True, there haven't been a lot of finishers, but the Fizzy and Earthcache challenges haven't had a lot, either. Some challenges are harder than others.


But your solution seems reasonable - good on you for being flexible.




??? Huh? For some reason that didn't strike me as very appropriate. I hope you are kidding. There are various reasons for some, one of them being economics, another work schedule, and so forth. Lookout destinations in one area of the state are just as challenging as those in other areas of the state. So if one decides to find all 50 in his/her own corner of the state, and not have to drive to all other sections of the state, that's totally fine, and that doesn't make them a wimp. Good grief.




??? Huh? For some reason that didn't strike me as very appropriate. I hope you are kidding. There are various reasons for some, one of them being economics, another work schedule, and so forth. Lookout destinations in one area of the state are just as challenging as those in other areas of the state. So if one decides to find all 50 in his/her own corner of the state, and not have to drive to all other sections of the state, that's totally fine, and that doesn't make them a wimp. Good grief.

Good grief, man, I was being silly. Sorry I didn't put enuf emoticons on there for ya. Here: :):):D:);):P:D:):D


Sorry I didn't put enuf emoticons on there for ya. Here: ;):anibad:B):laughing:B):unsure:B);):D


That didn't help, and neither did the private email you sent me. You basically attacked those who choose to finish the challenge under the modified rule by calling them wimps. And you reinforced it by saying, "That's really a shame". I think an apology would work better.


Sorry I didn't put enuf emoticons on there for ya. Here: :):D:D:ph34r::):):):):)

That didn't help, and neither did the private email you sent me. You basically attacked those who choose to finish the challenge under the modified rule by calling them wimps. And you reinforced it by saying, "That's really a shame". I think an apology would work better.

That's your interpretation, not what was typed or meant. However, I am indeed sorry that you (or anyone else) misunderstood my facetiousness. I wasn't attacking anyone - never occurred to me (not sure I'm the one attacking here). I was just being silly, and expressing surprise, as we do have other cross-state challenges. In fact, I complimented you on revising the rules to make it possible for more people to finish (in my post above and in email). I think that shows great flexibility on the part of the challenge owner and will enable more people to finish. You are right, 50 lookouts is 50 lookouts, no matter where they are. "That's really a shame" simply meant that some folks would miss some of the cool lookouts and sights in other areas, as in the examples I cited. It's also a shame that I will never summit Mt Rainier and claim that earthcache and see the views from there, but oh well. So, let's move on.


It's difficult to interpret the written text sometimes. Without the smilies, or some indication that you were joking etc, it came across at face value and I saw it as an insult to those who choose to go with the modified rule. Apology accepted.

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