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How I got engaged through Geocaching

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How I got engaged through geocaching:

Cache: Sedona Oak Creek Cache - Arizona


My brother, Michael, had asked me if I wanted to go geocaching sometime and after learning about it, I was very interested. So he found a cache near a hike in Sedona that my boyfriend Jonathan and I were planning on going to. So today we drove up to Sedona from Phoenix (2hr+ drive) Michael lent us his GPS already set up and it indeed led us right to the canyon cache. I was the first to spot it hiding underneath a pile of rocks.


I did the honors by opening to see what we've got and found a ring box.... hmmm. I open it up to find a fake diamond ring with a note addressed to me. When I turned totally surprised to Jonathan, he was already down on one knee and proposed and brought out the real ring.


Turns out he went up alone afternoon, the day before, but actually had no luck in finding the cache (his first cache and first use of a GPS). Running short on time, Michael offered to go up again with him that night after our scheduled group movie. Jonathan, Mike and his friend all drove up to Sedona again at about 1:00am to find the cache and place the fake ring in the Christmas tin.... in the middle of the night, not knowing the trail. They arrive to their "final destination" at 4:45am and then got home around 7:30am, just in time for Jonathan to drive up with me again for our trip. Thanks to all for putting this together. It was a great surprise! Very sweet and super idea!!


So let's count them again: 3 4+hr round trips (not even including the hiking) in less than 24hrs.


Jonathan's first Sedona trip (in his Nissan):


2:00pm start out after getting maps and a brief training with GPS

4:30pm parks and starts hiking but can't find way into canyon 1,500 feet below. Hikes back to truck. Tries new approach. Almost gets shot by bunkered-in hunter :P.

7:00pm must give up and drive back to Phoenix to meet me at movie so as not to arise suspicion.

9:00 get back to Phoenix and go to 10:10 movie


Jonathan's second trip to Sedona (in the Xterra):

Friday night/Monday morning

1:15am starts out with Jared and Michael

2:15am park and begin hiking

4:45am successfully find cache and hide ring

6:00am drive back to Phoenix to meet me to go to Sedona as to not arise suspicion.


Jonathan's third trip to Sedona (in the Jeep):

Monday morning

9:00am start out after getting maps and a brief training with GPS

Arrive in Sedona with me, not act tired, and hike the trail again.


Thanks Geocaching.com



My Webpage


Pics of my trip here: http://www.higherground4x4.com/forums/showthread.php?t=668





Edited by HigherGround4x4.com
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