+Familyof4 Posted May 25, 2007 Author Posted May 25, 2007 Creating a three dimensional representation of an item is no more illegal than creating a two dimensional representation with a camera, or copying MY pictures onto YOUR hardrive to use as evidence. By uploading them to the public with no trademark or copyright reservations, I have surrendered my ability to withhold my work from fair use. I would be willing to bet that unless I sold the copy, or flooded the caches with duplicates, diluting the impact of the original, I am going to get away from this scot-free. Since my duplicate is a hand made original, made of more expensive metal, and notorious to boot, it's uniqueness renders it more valuable than the hundreds of other Kansas coins out there. By replacing a lesser valued item with a greater valued item, I am perpetrating a "farce" (not a satire, that would involve changing the design, see note ref: talent) Farcical works are protected under the Constitutional Amendmant #1. God Bless America!
+ArtieD Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 Creating a three dimensional representation of an item is no more illegal than creating a two dimensional representation with a camera, or copying MY pictures onto YOUR hardrive to use as evidence. By uploading them to the public with no trademark or copyright reservations, I have surrendered my ability to withhold my work from fair use. I would be willing to bet that unless I sold the copy, or flooded the caches with duplicates, diluting the impact of the original, I am going to get away from this scot-free. Since my duplicate is a hand made original, made of more expensive metal, and notorious to boot, it's uniqueness renders it more valuable than the hundreds of other Kansas coins out there. By replacing a lesser valued item with a greater valued item, I am perpetrating a "farce" (not a satire, that would involve changing the design, see note ref: talent) Farcical works are protected under the Constitutional Amendmant #1. God Bless America! You know what? You may legally get away with this scot-free, but morally and socially...what you have done is about as low as can be. You are nothing more than a thief. BTW...you can tout your alleged First Amendment protection (of which you do NOT have, since what you are doing is designed to deceive the coin owner...i.e., theft by deception) all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that you, sir, are setting such a wonderful example for your kids. Poor them...being taught it's okay to steal.
+PAWSitraction Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 If I buy this product and make my own personal geocoin would that be ok? Well, sure. That's YOUR intellectual property, you see. Big difference.
+Nero Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 (edited) Creating a three dimensional representation of an item is no more illegal than creating a two dimensional representation with a camera, or copying MY pictures onto YOUR hardrive to use as evidence. By uploading them to the public with no trademark or copyright reservations, I have surrendered my ability to withhold my work from fair use. I would be willing to bet that unless I sold the copy, or flooded the caches with duplicates, diluting the impact of the original, I am going to get away from this scot-free. Since my duplicate is a hand made original, made of more expensive metal, and notorious to boot, it's uniqueness renders it more valuable than the hundreds of other Kansas coins out there. By replacing a lesser valued item with a greater valued item, I am perpetrating a "farce" (not a satire, that would involve changing the design, see note ref: talent) Farcical works are protected under the Constitutional Amendmant #1. God Bless America! Lets grab the pitchforks, its time for a Lynching... Edited May 25, 2007 by Nero
+PAWSitraction Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 Creating a three dimensional representation of an item is no more illegal than creating a two dimensional representation with a camera, or copying MY pictures onto YOUR hardrive to use as evidence. By uploading them to the public with no trademark or copyright reservations, I have surrendered my ability to withhold my work from fair use. I would be willing to bet that unless I sold the copy, or flooded the caches with duplicates, diluting the impact of the original, I am going to get away from this scot-free. Since my duplicate is a hand made original, made of more expensive metal, and notorious to boot, it's uniqueness renders it more valuable than the hundreds of other Kansas coins out there. By replacing a lesser valued item with a greater valued item, I am perpetrating a "farce" (not a satire, that would involve changing the design, see note ref: talent) Farcical works are protected under the Constitutional Amendmant #1. God Bless America! Definition of "farce", from dictionary.com: 1. a light, humorous play in which the plot depends upon a skillfully exploited situation rather than upon the development of character.2. humor of the type displayed in such works. 3. foolish show; mockery; a ridiculous sham. 4. Cookery. forcemeat. –verb (used with object) 5. to season (a speech or composition), esp. with witty material. I see nothing in there about "creating a COPY of an original work with the intent of KEEPING the original work." Item: You created a COPY of an original work (a Kansas(?) geocoin) that you found in a geocache, so you could have the original to keep. Item: Should you have wanted to KEEP an original of the geocoin, you could have purchased one from the standard outlet, who stood to make money on that purchase. Item: By doing so, you deprived the merchant of their money, which they were entitled to. Copying of an original work instead of purchasing your very own legal copy of it is illegal. It's called INTELLECTUAL THEFT AND COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT.
+ArtieD Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 Who made the Kansas coin? I think they should be notified of this...the geocacher who prompted it and the coin minter, too.
uperdooper Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 gee! i thought the low-life scum-sucking gurk who stole 3 limited edition christmas ornaments off my tree one year was bad. i would suggest if you attend an event, that you not let them know your geocaching name. it could get ugly.
+Familyof4 Posted May 25, 2007 Author Posted May 25, 2007 (edited) Definition of "farce", from dictionary.com: 1. a light, humorous play in which the plot depends upon a skillfully exploited situation rather than upon the development of character.2. humor of the type displayed in such works. 3. foolish show; mockery; a ridiculous sham. 4. Cookery. forcemeat. –verb (used with object) 5. to season (a speech or composition), esp. with witty material. I'll take one from column three. A ridiculous sham. I would be "stealing" an item and replacing it with a more valuble item. Pewter Kansas coin $40 http://cgi.ebay.com/2006-Kansas-Geocoin-Pe...1QQcmdZViewItem Standard Kansas coin $6.99 http://cgi.ebay.com/2006-KANSAS-STATE-GEOC...1QQcmdZViewItem Edited May 25, 2007 by Familyof4
+jAY miLLS Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 gee! i thought the low-life scum-sucking gurk who stole 3 limited edition christmas ornaments off my tree one year was bad. i would suggest if you attend an event, that you not let them know your geocaching name. it could get ugly. Unlikely to go to an event. With like 18 finds in 4 years I doubt he leaves his garage much unless it is to steal the one coin he has discovered. In fact I bet day light hurts his eyes terribly, and it would not come as a suprise to hear that someone has beat the stupid out of this pitiful little man.
+BAF Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 Creating a three dimensional representation of an item is no more illegal than creating a two dimensional representation with a camera, or copying MY pictures onto YOUR hardrive to use as evidence. By uploading them to the public with no trademark or copyright reservations, I have surrendered my ability to withhold my work from fair use. I would be willing to bet that unless I sold the copy, or flooded the caches with duplicates, diluting the impact of the original, I am going to get away from this scot-free. Since my duplicate is a hand made original, made of more expensive metal, and notorious to boot, it's uniqueness renders it more valuable than the hundreds of other Kansas coins out there. By replacing a lesser valued item with a greater valued item, I am perpetrating a "farce" (not a satire, that would involve changing the design, see note ref: talent) Farcical works are protected under the Constitutional Amendmant #1. God Bless America! You can justify it anyway you want, and it won’t change the fact that what you are doing is dishonest and very distasteful. Explain to me how you think its ok for you to keep something some one else paid for? I really think the original looks far better then the cheep looking knock-off that you made, And I would be pissed if I where the owner of the original. That being said have you contacted the coins owner to see how they feel?
uperdooper Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 i hope the owner of this coin knows what is happening.
glennk721 Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 You truly don't have a clue do you.. Geocoins are meant to travel. This coin went 6K miles before you had your hands on it. You should not keep anything. Not the original, not the copy, just the icon. You probably came here to bost your talents not knowing where this would lead. Astounding what a 10 buck chunk of metal will do to some people. yea yea, yours cost more maybe in time vested, but your principlas are out the window, darn shame. Hopfuly the "OWNER" of this coin will mark the coin with a big note on the page and a disgrace to your name to follow your caching name for the rest of time.. very sad indeed.
+Theseus Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 Pewter Kansas coin $40 http://cgi.ebay.com/2006-Kansas-Geocoin-Pe...1QQcmdZViewItem Hmm, this is an interesting development. I think the Familyof4 issue has run its course given that everyone agrees that copying someone else's coin then taking it out of circulation is wrong - including Familyof4. Clearly, given his brash admissions of wrongdoing he is now just enjoying the attention. Now, at the risk of bending a forum rule, what I now wonder about is the eBay auction that cacher thestosh has up for a fake geocoin (link above). That doesn't seem honest, particularly given that it is not identified as a fake, nor is the original owner mentioned. Is thestosh selling a Familyof4 fake coin? What is the connection between the two? Part of what piques my interest is that thestosh was involved in a Moun10Bike coin fake incident about a year and a half ago. He appears to have been exonerated but this additional development seems to be quite a coincidence. I really don't mean to point a finger but just found the connection interesting and worth bringing to light. And in the interest of full disclosure, thestosh and I had a minor flare up now over three years ago regarding a TB Jail. It ended with friendly emails but I figured I'd mention lest skeletons begin emerging from closets.
+Pyewacket Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 (edited) Hmmm...looks like someone dropped this. Edited to remove unnecessary comments. Edited May 26, 2007 by Pyewacket
+Ble68 Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 Pewter Kansas coin $40 http://cgi.ebay.com/2006-Kansas-Geocoin-Pe...1QQcmdZViewItem Hmm, this is an interesting development. I think the Familyof4 issue has run its course given that everyone agrees that copying someone else's coin then taking it out of circulation is wrong - including Familyof4. Clearly, given his brash admissions of wrongdoing he is now just enjoying the attention. Now, at the risk of bending a forum rule, what I now wonder about is the eBay auction that cacher thestosh has up for a fake geocoin (link above). That doesn't seem honest, particularly given that it is not identified as a fake, nor is the original owner mentioned. Is thestosh selling a Familyof4 fake coin? What is the connection between the two? Part of what piques my interest is that thestosh was involved in a Moun10Bike coin fake incident about a year and a half ago. He appears to have been exonerated but this additional development seems to be quite a coincidence. I really don't mean to point a finger but just found the connection interesting and worth bringing to light. And in the interest of full disclosure, thestosh and I had a minor flare up now over three years ago regarding a TB Jail. It ended with friendly emails but I figured I'd mention lest skeletons begin emerging from closets. well there really are no words for that!!
+Morgan's Marauders Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 (edited) But here are some more words: Retrieve it from a cache 1/3/2007 Familyof4 retrieved it from Nameless Cache Georgia [visit log]Found it in some Nameless Cache, in Middle Georgia. Beautiful coin! This this is so pretty, I just can't let it go, but no worries, this is how I handled that: (visit link) - LINK IS TO THIS THREAD [This entry was edited by Familyof4 on Thursday, May 24, 2007 at 5:51:03 AM.] Yeah - I think the attention is a reason for this post. Still don't understand why this is passing by the mods... Edited May 26, 2007 by Morgan's Marauders
+Traderdell Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 How'd you like to have this guy for a neighbor? TraderDell
+Renegade Knight Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 Creating a three dimensional representation of an item is no more illegal than creating a two dimensional representation with a camera, or copying MY pictures onto YOUR hardrive to use as evidence. By uploading them to the public with no trademark or copyright reservations, I have surrendered my ability to withhold my work from fair use. I would be willing to bet that unless I sold the copy, or flooded the caches with duplicates, diluting the impact of the original, I am going to get away from this scot-free. Since my duplicate is a hand made original, made of more expensive metal, and notorious to boot, it's uniqueness renders it more valuable than the hundreds of other Kansas coins out there. By replacing a lesser valued item with a greater valued item, I am perpetrating a "farce" (not a satire, that would involve changing the design, see note ref: talent) Farcical works are protected under the Constitutional Amendmant #1. God Bless America! Sometimes I wish I was filthy rich. There are some people out there who are so very wrong in their thinking and assertions and so arrogantly sure of themselves, that I’d grind them to dust just to prove a point. Then may god have mercy on my soul. You may thank God I'm not rich.
Flying Spaghetti Monster Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 Thread locked and the OP will be reported to Groundspeak for them to deal with as they see fit.
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