+laxxe Posted May 21, 2007 Posted May 21, 2007 (edited) In a log where coordinates are changed, you'll see something like this: X XX° XX.XXX X XXX° XX.XXX** Coordinates Changed From ** X XX° XX.XXX X XXX° XX.XXX Distance From Old: XX.X feet Please add meters, please. Edited May 21, 2007 by laxxe
+mtrax Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 In a log where coordinates are changed, you'll see something like this: X XX° XX.XXX X XXX° XX.XXX** Coordinates Changed From ** X XX° XX.XXX X XXX° XX.XXX Distance From Old: XX.X feet Please add meters, please. here here... by default it should be metres anyway.
+Desert Trekker Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Add my vote to this ... I'm sure that this would be appreciatged by caches in the vast majority of countries.
+DonB Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 In a log where coordinates are changed, you'll see something like this: X XX° XX.XXX X XXX° XX.XXX** Coordinates Changed From ** X XX° XX.XXX X XXX° XX.XXX Distance From Old: XX.X feet Please add meters, please. here here... by default it should be metres anyway. Two ways to resolve the problem. Multiply the feet times .3048 or start your own Groundspeak based on your country's numbering system. The last I checked Groundspeak is located in the USA and we use yards, feet, and inches.
+Kryten Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Since we all select either metric or imperial in our profiles it would seem that the solution already exists
+mtrax Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Two ways to resolve the problem. Multiply the feet times .3048 or start your own Groundspeak based on your country's numbering system. The last I checked Groundspeak is located in the USA and we use yards, feet, and inches. I see two problems with that answer... 1. I'm not in the USA 2. My caches aren't in the USA
+Cardinal Red Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Two ways to resolve the problem. Multiply the feet times .3048 or start your own Groundspeak based on your country's numbering system. The last I checked Groundspeak is located in the USA and we use yards, feet, and inches. I see two problems with that answer... 1. I'm not in the USA 2. My caches aren't in the USA In a perfect world we would all use Meters. Guess what? Nothing is perfect, and we're stubborn. But whats the big deal? How often do Caches get moved? How critical is it that you know EXACTLY how far it was moved? That being said if a Cache was moved 70 Meters, I would think a little more than 70 Yards. Something more than 210 Feet. If I'm a little more anal about it I'll add 10%. So now I'm at 231 Feet. That's darn close to the actual 229.6587927 Feet. You can't do the same in reverse?
+Urubu Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Can't we all just get along? laxxe is a paying customer. He's pointing out a (small) dissatisfaction with the service, and making a constructive suggestion for improvement. He also said please, twice, in a short post. Now... if we could only agree on how to spell meters
+Cardinal Red Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 (edited) Can't we all just get along? laxxe is a paying customer. He's pointing out a (small) dissatisfaction with the service, and making a constructive suggestion for improvement. He also said please, twice, in a short post. Now... if we could only agree on how to spell meters Yes laxxe did say please twice, and has every right to make this request. The next post indicated what we should be using by default. No please there. This request is for a trivial matter. Who is being harmed? I guess we (USA) have a hard time remembering this is an international game. But we clearly understand it's run out of the USA. Some of the really important stuff is customized to local standards. Does everything have to be? Jeremy must be deciding on a case by case basis what gets customized, and what is going to be one size fits all. What has been the success rate in requesting this type of customization from Groundspeak in the past? Yes the Metric system is much more logical. Yes we should have adopted it long ago. I'm not holding my breath waiting for it to happen. I would have no problem adopting Metric. I spent four years in Germany. I learned more than enough language to get by. I got an International Drivers License. I know it's NOT Miles per Gallon, but actually Liters per 100 Kilometers. I get the European date convention. People can adapt, but I'm still not ready to spell it Metre. Edit: And no matter how much I proofread, something gets past me. Edited May 22, 2007 by Cardinal Red
+tozainamboku Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Yes we should have adopted it long ago. The United States has been a metric country since 1866 when Congress passed a law allowing the use of metric units. In 1875, the United States was one of the original signers of the Treaty of the Meter which establish the metric system as the International System of Units (SI). In 1893, the Superintendent of Weights and Measures in the Treasury Department, Thomas C. Mendenhall, order that all US weights and measures be defined in terms of the SI units. Now a foot is exactly .3048 meters. Geocaching.com provides all measurements in metric units though some may not think that 3048/10000ths meter is a logical unit.
+Prime Suspect Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Two ways to resolve the problem. Multiply the feet times .3048 or start your own Groundspeak based on your country's numbering system. The last I checked Groundspeak is located in the USA and we use yards, feet, and inches, like God intended. Fixed your post.
+tozainamboku Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 (edited) Two ways to resolve the problem. Multiply the feet times .3048 or start your own Groundspeak based on your country's numbering system. The last I checked Groundspeak is located in the USA and we use yards, feet, and inches, like God intended. Fixed your post. Clearly this is true. An inch is the width of my thumb, a foot is the length of my foot, and a yard is the reach of my hand from my head to my finger tips, or the girth of my waist (now that I've lost 30 lbs or 13.61 kg). A meter is supposed to 1/10000000 of a meridian line from the equator to the pole. But as we geocachers know the size of the earth is defined by the WGS-84 elipsoid and the meter is only 0.998516319 this distance. Either the earth has shrunk - like my waist, or the meter is wrong. Edited May 22, 2007 by tozainamboku
+McPhan Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Back to the original request, I have only had one cache changed that showed this message. The number would have looked much much better in meters. I originally had cachers looking for it over 7000 feet away. Being from the other bit of the world this is not issue to me. Once read - forgotten. Dates however.......
+ve1bvd Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Urubu said, Now... if we could only agree on how to spell meters It's really quite simple. A meter is something used as a measuring device, e.g. thermometer, pedometer, chronometer, and so on. The distance thingy, which by the way, is one ten millionth of the distance from the pole to the Equator, is a metre. BTW, what is the logical basis for feet, inches and yards?
+Prime Suspect Posted May 23, 2007 Posted May 23, 2007 Urubu said, Now... if we could only agree on how to spell meters It's really quite simple. A meter is something used as a measuring device, e.g. thermometer, pedometer, chronometer, and so on. The distance thingy, which by the way, is one ten millionth of the distance from the pole to the Equator, is a metre. BTW, what is the logical basis for feet, inches and yards? An inch is the length of 3 barleycorns. Duh.
+scottpa100 Posted May 23, 2007 Posted May 23, 2007 I agree with the request - the less than helpful comments about it being a US game and a US website annoy me no end. A good example is that I use Windows XP, an American developed operating system and it will happily let me use whatever date format I prefer to use. I like a d/M/yyyy format rather than m/D/yyyy. It is a legitimate request from paying customers. As others on this topic have said we can opt to have caches measured from home in kilometres or miles so it is only just a step forward. A little tweak for the website. Perhaps with version 2 of the website coming out next year, that's something that Jeremy and crew can look into? I imagine its just a preferences tweak somewhere? From a limey Brit where road signs are in miles, drinks are served in pints, petrol priced in litres, maps are measured in kilometres, mountains measured in metres and bridges measured in feet.
+welch Posted May 23, 2007 Posted May 23, 2007 I agree with the request - the less than helpful comments about it being a US game and a US website annoy me no end. A good example is that I use Windows XP, an American developed operating system and it will happily let me use whatever date format I prefer to use. I like a d/M/yyyy format rather than m/D/yyyy. It is a legitimate request from paying customers. As others on this topic have said we can opt to have caches measured from home in kilometres or miles so it is only just a step forward. A little tweak for the website. Perhaps with version 2 of the website coming out next year, that's something that Jeremy and crew can look into? I imagine its just a preferences tweak somewhere? Why let it annoy you? This can't be the first time people have disagreed with you, can it?? So far as I can tell, noone from Groundspeak has actually said anything. Everyone else can have their opinions, but will their like or dislike of another option affect if Jeremy has it added?
+scottpa100 Posted May 23, 2007 Posted May 23, 2007 Why let it annoy you? This can't be the first time people have disagreed with you, can it?? Fair comment - the word annoy may have been typed as a knee jerk reaction. I don't mind if someone went and said 'I want the website to stay miles and feet etc.' But it was the 'this is a US website, and you'll use the US measurements' type attitude. So far as I can tell, noone from Groundspeak has actually said anything. Everyone else can have their opinions, but will their like or dislike of another option affect if Jeremy has it added? No it won't, you're quite right. But I'm sure the Canadians, Ozzies, Kiwis and Europeans will appreciate the amendment if it was put in place. Perhaps Groundspeak will allow the metric option, but only for premium members?
Motorcycle_Mama Posted May 23, 2007 Posted May 23, 2007 I guess my thought is that if the site was based in the UK or AUS or somewhere else that uses the metrics system, I would expect that as a US customer, I would need to adapt to the system and not the other way around if I chose to use it. I wouldn't expect to go to a site that was based in Germany and bemoan the fact that I wanted the dates to be in a different format or the measurements to be in miles.
+stmall Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 I guess my thought is that if the site was based in the UK or AUS or somewhere else that uses the metrics system, I would expect that as a US customer, I would need to adapt to the system and not the other way around if I chose to use it. I wouldn't expect to go to a site that was based in Germany and bemoan the fact that I wanted the dates to be in a different format or the measurements to be in miles. Hello all, I think, that it would bee a good thing, if date and mesurements would be adjustable. It is right that GC.com is an US website and therefor they have the right to programm it their way. It is right that if I go for example to an US Site which works normally for US citiens that I don't expect the format we are used in europe. But I do expect, when I find a site with international customers, that then there is a way to adjust it. In this case it does not make any difference if I live in US and the site is in Europe or vice versa. For me there is beside the date much done in GC and I hope that it will be even better in version 2. I can also work with others formats, but it is also a matter of respect when I try to work for customers. It does not annoy me when something is not working like I want, but if like in serveal posts (more in the date discussion than here) I get an answer which says GC is an US website and the rest of the world has not even the right to request a change, then I am annoyed. Greetings from Switzerland Stefan
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