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2007 Indiana geocoin


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I've lost detail and clarity, but you can get the drift. The star by the first cache is on a raised blue bump in my imagination.




I've lost detail and clarity, but you can get the drift. The star by the first cache is on a raised blue bump in my imagination.




I really like the looks of that! It's ready for primetime in my opinion!

Posted (edited)





These are the ones I like best.


I really like those too. However, there are going to be people that don't like having the Colts on there, either because they don't like the Colts, don't like football, are mad the Pacers aren't mentioned, etc.


I think if you left the Colts off there, you'd have a winning entry!


Man, there is something about those color combinations that really look sharp!

Edited by markz68

I've lost detail and clarity, but you can get the drift. The star by the first cache is on a raised blue bump in my imagination.




I really like the looks of that! It's ready for primetime in my opinion!


I like it.




Does that mean we're not considering the My Man Mitch coin! :blink:


I've lost detail and clarity, but you can get the drift. The star by the first cache is on a raised blue bump in my imagination.




I really like the looks of that! It's ready for primetime in my opinion!


I like it.




Does that mean we're not considering the My Man Mitch coin! :blink:


I'll add my vote to those who love it. I don't think the Colts belong on a Geocoin for Indiana either, much as I love em for winning the Superbowl. Perhaps someone could make a coin special for the colts? :(


And I doubt you could give a Daniels coin away, I personally wouldn't take one. :lol:


I've lost detail and clarity, but you can get the drift. The star by the first cache is on a raised blue bump in my imagination.




I really like the looks of that! It's ready for primetime in my opinion!


This one gets my vote! Oh, wait, we aren't voting yet. :blink:



Does that mean we're not considering the My Man Mitch coin! :D


Only if it's a wooden nickel!


I'll make the wooden nickel. You can pay for it, but it's a lease! :D



Does that mean we're not considering the My Man Mitch coin! :D


Only if it's a wooden nickel!


I'll make the wooden nickel. You can pay for it, but it's a lease! :D


Like one of those 75 year toll road leases?

Posted (edited)

Go post your political propaganda somewhere else :(

Sorry that I upset you Rupert, it was all out of fun, but would it make a pretty cool personal coin cuz it's so true!


Me being a Republican (most of the time) and having a Uncle that was a republican Senator for 12 years, served on the Way & Means Committee, and a member of the Indiana Buget committee, creating over 100 bills, I still have a sense of humor and am able to make fun of both sides of the isle.

Edited by 501_Gang

That's $1 for each. Shipping rates have increased, and I wouldn't be surprised to see it cost $1 or more to ship 1 coin after the cost of the bubble mailer. So the $2 covers shipping and the remainder will go towards hosting of the IN-GEO site.

Posted (edited)

i know i don't have much of a say here, but i could go somewhere else for the politcal stuff....and i don't even like mitch....


anyway, the coin is looking pretty awesome for the prelim stages. a couple things to mention...


1. i agree that the colts prolly shouldn't be on there. as others have said, then the pacers, the indians, and even the ice will have to be represented. maybe it should just be without sports teams...


2. even though the blue highways looks good, i think the coin could look much more "rich" if it just had raised highways that are polished on a rough background. in the right light, the roads would shine on a dull background. i admit it might be difficult to make out, but who looks at a coin from a distance anyways? just a thought, after all, i don't have much coin minting experience, none, in fact, and i don't really know how that would look when finished.


3. i think the torch and stars on the one side is awesome. now that is classy. one look says it all, really.


thanks for letting me input, and i hope this all pans out, cause it's awesome already. keep up the good dialogue.



Edited by d-town cachers

The state flag one the back is to plain and boring alone, IMHO. I think there needs to be something added to it. As for the Colts, the only reason I think they should be honored is because they won the superbowl. When the Pacers (who I aslo like) win the championship, then we as hoosiers should honor them too. I for one am proud that we have a championship team.




Not the greatest artist (like Neros2) but here's a shot.


I'm not able to get artistic either, but do have some ideas as to what I think is pleasing in appearance. I personally like the flag on the reverse view of the state outline but with the torch going side to side to take away the look of a backwards shape of the State of Indiana. I personally am not much for advertising any particular thing about the state other than the first cache and the state itself. I am wondering if anyone has checked out any legal ramifications of using "Home of the Indianapolis Colts". There was some sort of stink when one of the car owners in the Indy 500 wanted to paint the car in Colts blue and white and just use the word Go Colts or something like that. They weren't wanting to use the horseshoe I don't think. The Indianapolis Colts organization wouldn't let that be done. I guess my vote would be for the side with the state facing the right way to have the interstates, Indiana's First geocache, Indiana 2007, and "Cacheroads of America" only. I would have the torch, and the tracking number and the reference to geocaching.com on the other. I guess, I would agree with Neos2, that sometimes "less is more", although I think 3 or 4 colors would work. Again, I stress that these are only my opinions and not meant as a critique of others' ideas.

Posted (edited)

I've lost detail and clarity, but you can get the drift. The star by the first cache is on a raised blue bump in my imagination.



I really like this design. Hope this is close to what happens. I'm not sure if I like the interstate lines yet, but would look good if raised metal.

Edited by Prairiepartners



Is that what you had in mind, perhaps?


I like it much better without the blue highways. Question though...Is this gonna be dull metal, with shiny raised highways? I think it's been suggested before, and I think that would look really nice!

Posted (edited)



Is that what you had in mind, perhaps?


I like it much better without the blue highways. Question though...Is this gonna be dull metal, with shiny raised highways? I think it's been suggested before, and I think that would look really nice!

I think I would like it that way, too. Raised, shiny highways and letters over dull background, perhaps the etched cross-hatched type background?

Edited by Neos2
Posted (edited)

hey all,


i got to thinking this weekend, and a "commemorative" colts Superbowl Champions geocoin is a cool idea. has anything like that been done? anyway, back to the state coin, is the image of the torch and stars typically reproduced with the state as a background? i saw some stickers in car windows and they have a blue indiana, but geographically correct. is that just those stickers, or is that a commonly used symbol?


the reason i'm asking is because if that is a recognized symbol, then it might look strange to have the symbol on the "back" side of the coin. i suppose though, that the "back" of the coin will look strange anyways, since it's reversed. so maybe this is a mue (?) point. i do think that the highways are better off on the side with the correct orientation. just thought i'd say that. thanks!


btw, i think the latest version is a great coin already. simple and nice. though, it won't be very shiny will it?!

Edited by d-town cachers

Okay, things are looking pretty good. I haven't followed the creating of a coin before where public input was solicited. Do we know at this point if it will be a one metal coin, or multiple offerings? When a final decision is made, approximately how long before they can be ordered? I don't want to miss out on that. If you are trying to find out how many will be ordered, I would be interested in at least 3 based on the how it sounds as if it is shaping up. At this point, I would like to thank those who will be actually causing it to happen.


the reason i'm asking is because if that is a recognized symbol, then it might look strange to have the symbol on the "back" side of the coin. i suppose though, that the "back" of the coin will look strange anyways, since it's reversed. so maybe this is a mue (?) point. i do think that the highways are better off on the side with the correct orientation. just thought i'd say that. thanks!


btw, i think the latest version is a great coin already. simple and nice. though, it won't be very shiny will it?!

It could still be very shiny, depending on the background. I've seen some diamond cut backgrounds that reflect a lot of light. That sort of thing can be talked about after we decide the final design.


I agree with you, the back of the coin will look strange no matter what we put on it. It really is a "moot point". I've had "trouble" with the backside of the coin all along, and it seems like everyone else has too--because very few people can think of something they really want to see on there. For a visual learner, like me, the back side just looks "wrong" no matter what is on it. I can live with the torch symbol on it, though. I'm actually growing to like it.


I'm glad you asked about "moot"--someone taught me that word a few years ago.


Trivia for the day: The original meaning of "moot point" had to do with groups of philosophers coming together to discuss some idea, not to resolve anything, but just to get all the facts out in evidence. Later the term was used for a court type setting where grievances could be aired in a fact-finding way only; the only "decision" made was whether to continue the case or dismiss it.


The word came into everyday use from our legal system, where a moot point is one that doesn't have a clear cut answer, but can be well argued/discussed. In a "moot court" law students practice their argument skills in a simulated case that has already been decided.


Moot has come to mean a minor point of contention that doesn't have to be resolved now, because something else decided overrides the entire disagreement--so it doesn't matter if it's right or wrong now and isn't even worth bringing up anymore. For instance, if Sally wants to go to the movies, and Dan wants to go to a play, but their sitter cancels on them, where they should have gone is a moot point, because they'll be home with the kids now anyway.


As soon as we have a final design, i'll talk to oakcoins and get a final price per coin. I'll open preordering for 2 or 3 weeks, then order that many coins, plus 1 or 2 hundred to sell around at events and give away. We can do silver trackable and gold resident like last year.


I'm going to price the coins at $7.00. This includes shipping.


The non trackables will be priced at $5.00 including shipping if we make them.


That is, unless the price is alot more than I'm expecting.


Do we all like this design? Should I go ahead with it? Or do we want to make some more tweaks?


As soon as it's finalized, I'll pay the die fee and get the samples. I'll post pictures of these samples and we can make final adjustments. Then, I'll open the preordering. This will be by paypal, or by cash if you see me at an event or on the trail.

Posted (edited)

If we go with this idea, will it be this way:


Silver coin is trackable at gc. Anything blue on the coin now will be blue on the final design, everything else will be silver. The edges, roads, and writing will be smooth silver and raised, the background will be pebbled/rough/etched/dull (whichever oakcoins suggests is best?).


Indiana resident coin will be gold; otherwise same as above, except non-trackable?



Edited by Neos2

The finish is something that is part of the die, so it needs to be set.


Heres the kinds oak does:



We have 6 samples to play with, so we can do nickel & gold of this design, and play with a couple additional colors.


The trackable may be $8, depending on the exact cost. Right now, calculating all my costs, it's costing about $6.50 for the coin, shipped. If it goes up any more I will need to go up to $8. I'm trying to go as cheap as possible, but I do want to make a little money to support the indianageocaching site.


A new thought. What if coins were two toned. Raised gold on the nickel coins and raised nickel on the gold coins?

Posted (edited)

Like this. It doesn't look really great on paper, but look at the 06 nickel indiana coin. It has gold stars on the nickel background and I think it looks good.




this is oaks example and it's using the exact colors image026.jpg

Edited by dougsmiley
Posted (edited)

A new thought. What if coins were two toned. Raised gold on the nickel coins and raised nickel on the gold coins?

I like the lighter -to -medium grained granulations for the background. Too heavy and they would be distracting.


I like the idea of the two toned finish (gold on nickel, nickel on gold). Looks classy to me.


I would like to see one change made to the way you have your letters spaced on the coin.


Where you have:

Cacheroads of



Let's see what it looks like if it says either








of America


I really think we ought to have the word cacheroads by itself!


And would you please show us a drawing of one of each type of coin in whichever wording version you thinks looks best...One gold with nickel, one nickel with gold. In fact, if you showed them side by side with the plain gold or plain nickel, I think we could tell pretty quickly which we prefer.

Edited by Neos2

As soon as it's finalized, I'll pay the die fee and get the samples. I'll post pictures of these samples and we can make final adjustments.


Doug, Just so you know, once the dies are made there is no adjustment in the design unless you pay for a new set of dies. Colors can be changed as well as metal types, but any adjustment to the die is not going to happen with out getting a new die.Adjustments are made in the artwork phase. The best advise I can give is to gather all your ideas and drawings that everyone is giving, put together a list of what you want on the coin and let Oakcoins work their magic. Something you might want to do is to see what other states have done when making a state shaped coin. Alabama and Mississippi both made a shaped coin in 2006. Keep the ideas flowing people, you are doing a fine job.

Chris-Team Shydog

Posted (edited)

As soon as it's finalized, I'll pay the die fee and get the samples. I'll post pictures of these samples and we can make final adjustments.


Doug, Just so you know, once the dies are made there is no adjustment in the design unless you pay for a new set of dies. Colors can be changed as well as metal types, but any adjustment to the die is not going to happen with out getting a new die.Adjustments are made in the artwork phase. The best advise I can give is to gather all your ideas and drawings that everyone is giving, put together a list of what you want on the coin and let Oakcoins work their magic. Something you might want to do is to see what other states have done when making a state shaped coin. Alabama and Mississippi both made a shaped coin in 2006. Keep the ideas flowing people, you are doing a fine job.

Chris-Team Shydog


Ohio did a state-shaped coin too. In fact they have the canals of Ohio on theirs so we can see what the raised Interstates might look like.



Edited by markz68

First off, I'd just like to say, that I am kinda proud of the way everyone is working so well together in this thread! Great job all!!!


Anyway, I like the idea of the "two tone" coin. I think it will really make things stand out on the coin. A couple final ideas have been thrown out there, with just minor changes between them. There is the one with "Cacheroads of America" on both sides, and I just think it looks better without that. I really think it just needs to be on one side. Is the side with the flag going to have any other writing on it? I like it best by itself, or possibly taking the "Indiana 2007" over to that side.


Doug, maybe we could take a couple variations of the coin, and post them, to let everyone vote on what they like best. Sometimes, just changing one small thing, (like as stated in Neos' post above) can make ALL the difference in the world!

Posted (edited)

I meant to the colors, Shydog. Although there aren't many, so I guess theres nothing we could really change. We could experiment with some alternate metals as well. I think we could do all 4 of these with no need for a different die, but I'm not sure. I'd think where they could put gold, they could put nickel.


Per request, each version:






Edited by dougsmiley

I have to say, the gold with silver/nickle (whatever it is) really catches my eye!


So, is there still going to be an all gold one for residents, or has the thought on that changed now?

Posted (edited)

We haven't decided that yet. If we wanted to stick with the tradition, gold with nickel would be the resident and nickel with gold would be the trackable.



Edited by dougsmiley

We haven't decided that yet. If we wanted to stick with the tradition, gold with nickel would be the resident and nickel with gold would be the trackable.

Thanks for taking the time to lay those out--that helps me, a lot!


The outer edge will have to be the same color on both sides, I believe.


See how this image has gold on one side and nickel on the other? Could we get you to redo the the entire set of coins again with the same color edge on both sets of pairs, please?




I think I prefer the raised smooth lines and the rough background, in the drawings.

As far as "coin in hand" that may be different, though, as I did like the looks of the PA coin shown in this thread. image026.jpg


I have to admit that I don't much like the photo of the OH coin in this thread with the topo features on it (and I teach Earth Science)--Has anyone seen that coin--surely the photo doesn't do it justice?


By the way, I am calling the side with the torch the back, since it's backwards--even though the tracking numbers are on the other side. Can we agree to that, so it's easier to discuss suggestions?

I like the back side, with the torch, just the way it is. There really isn't a way to add text to that side without changing the visual balance. Ask any art teacher, it's all about balance!

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