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2007 Indiana geocoin


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So, on the Indianageocaching site, I read that a group of people were planning to discuss the 2007 coin at a recent event. How did the conversation go? Did you guys come up with a masterful plan? You gonna share, or just surprise everyone?


Sorry to say but caching got in the way of any discussion about geocoins. No discussion went on as far as I know. There doesn't seem to be much interest being shown on the Indianageocaching website about getting this coin made. I don't seem to be coming up with any ideas. Best wishes to whoever takes the horse by the reins on this project.

Chris-Team Shydog


I'll be glad to order/ship the coins, but creativity is not really my strong suit. I need IDEAS and drawings for the coin co. to work with and make us a coin. I think if we don't come up with something soon, there won't be an 07 coin.


I'll be glad to order/ship the coins, but creativity is not really my strong suit. I need IDEAS and drawings for the coin co. to work with and make us a coin. I think if we don't come up with something soon, there won't be an 07 coin.

:cry::) It can be late but it must show up!



I'll be glad to order/ship the coins, but creativity is not really my strong suit. I need IDEAS and drawings for the coin co. to work with and make us a coin. I think if we don't come up with something soon, there won't be an 07 coin.

I have four days left to teach in this school year. After that, I can prod this thread to keep the ideas flowing in if people want to brainstorm togehter again this year.


i'm not very good at this stuff, but i'll be watching this thread as much as i'm able, and would like to contribute my opinions. it was really cool to get my 06 coins in the mail, and would like to make it some sort of small tradition. so i would like to help in any way i can or you guys would want. thanks, and good luck!!




Good to see that folks are checking in here.


Let's go with the basic shape and at the same time, how about we roll out some "theme" ideas for starters

--because theme will be affected by shape and vice versa.


Last year some people said they would like to see a state-shaped coin. That creates a unique space for the reverse.

There were other ideas last year. Which, if any, of those do we still want to consider?


And, hey folks, why don't we just let people say what they think, without making any judgement or comments---for at least a full week.

That way no one will feel shy about sharing their idea...and it give us time to consider all the options. We can always PM each other if we just have to comment now or explode! :laughing:


Please post replies to either question (or both!) below until Thursday, May 31st. On Friday, June 1st we can start brainstorming on each other's ideas.


IF the coin is state-shaped, what would you like to see on the front and back?

If the coin is the traditional round shape, what would you like to see on both sides?


PS Spread the word around to all your buddies to come in here and add their ideas. We don't want anyone to feel left out of the input process.

Posted (edited)

One idea:


If it is state shaped, it could have the Interstates on it. That might boost sales by being of interest to people that travel through Indiana and cache on their way through.


Kinda like this (without Bloomington being highlighted):




Maybe even featuring National Road 40.

Edited by markz68

IF the coin is state-shaped, what would you like to see on the front and back?

If the coin is the traditional round shape, what would you like to see on both sides?


I would like to see a state shaped one. I did like the idea of including the first cache placed in Indiana as a highlight of the coin. I would think it would need to include other that side of the coin itself. Maybe, the most visited cache, etc.


If it were round...hmm...so many possiblities! Not very artistic here, so I'll just say this. As long as it's something that represents the WHOLE state, and not just certain areas of it, it should turn out good!


Here's the photo from the indiana site with Indiana's first on it.




I vote for state shape also. As for what to include....... I got nothing right now.


Here's the photo from the indiana site with Indiana's first on it.




I vote for state shape also. As for what to include....... I got nothing right now.


Why not add our state bird, flower, tree, motto, etc.


Just a thought


IF the coin is state-shaped, what would you like to see on the front and back?

If the coin is the traditional round shape, what would you like to see on both sides?


I would like to see a state shaped one. I did like the idea of including the first cache placed in Indiana as a highlight of the coin. I would think it would need to include other that side of the coin itself. Maybe, the most visited cache, etc.


If it were round...hmm...so many possiblities! Not very artistic here, so I'll just say this. As long as it's something that represents the WHOLE state, and not just certain areas of it, it should turn out good!


I like the idea of the state's first cache.


As for something that represents ALL of Indiana, I can't think of anything. We are ALL Hoosiers, but how do you depict that?



Why not add our state bird, flower, tree, motto, etc.


Just a thought


Those are good suggestions too.

Posted (edited)

howdy folks...


hmmm, the state shaped coin is pretty cool. and i do like the idea of the interstates, it's kind of neat. but i like coins that are unique shapes, so maybe i'm partial to it.


anyway, i also thought that the corn idea from last year was really cool, too. i must say that that was a good idea, just with indiana having lots of corn firelds and all. also, there is ethanol, which being the first year the indy 500 is run on ethanol, might be something to consider. maybe a tribute to the mighty soybean. just a thought.


another thing that crossed my mind when i was brainstorming the other day, was kurt vonegut. maybe a tribute to the prolific author in the year he passed would be something to consider.


just throwin out idears. thanks!


oh yeah, and state icons (motto, flower, bird, etc.) are always good standbys. i feel that if something really cool doesn't come up out of discussion, then going with the flower or something would be easy enough. that would lend itself more to the state-shaped coin i think.

Edited by d-town cachers
Posted (edited)

How about something about our Super bowl Champs? How about a horseshoe where Indianapolis is located. Not all states have a Super bowl champ. I also like the idea of the first cache on it. :rolleyes:

Edited by Team GCHound

I like the interstates, much more so now, than when they had cities listed on them. With certain cities being included, those of us in little towms like ours will feel left out.


Same thing with the IN-GEO. There are just SO many other active sites in Indiana than that one. Some of the "less populated" ones will feel left out.


Actually, IN-GEO is the statewide cache club. The other clubs are the more "area specific" ones.


I don't think the listing would be too great. It would just be a big long list on the back of the coin.


Off the top of my head, I can think of these groups that include indiana:









And i'm sure theres a couple I missed.

Posted (edited)

Here's an image of the State info



I also like the idea of putting something to do with the superbowl champs (Colts) on the coin.

Edited by 501_Gang
Posted (edited)

Ok, call it cheesy, I know you will...but, as a play on words...if you DO the one with the interstates on it, then you could change the state motto to "Cacheroads of America!"



p.s. I originally liked the idea of honoring the Colts, but remembered some people were NOT into the idea of including ANYTHING Indianapolis 500 related on the coin. So, maybe it best to leave sports out. Unless cow tipping is a sport.

Edited by The Herd

Ok, call it cheesy, I know you will...but, as a play on words...if you DO the one with the interstates on it, then you could change the state motto to "Cacheroads of America!"



p.s. I originally liked the idea of honoring the Colts, but remembered some people were NOT into the idea of including ANYTHING Indianapolis 500 related on the coin. So, maybe it best to leave sports out. Unless cow tipping is a sport.


I personally like the Cacheroads of America idea. If I did put a spin on it, I would have it say "Indiana Cacheroads of America" somewhere on the Indiana shaped coin with the Interstates. I would change the GC93 statement to "GC93 Our First Cache". That would make it sound more like we are proud to having geocaching in our state. I don't consider myself very artistic, so I have no opinions on colors or other design ideas.


So, maybe it best to leave sports out. Unless cow tipping is a sport.


Of course Cow Tipping is a sport. The state finals are next weekend at the Brickyard! :anicute:


I've BEEN to your neck of the woods, I just assumed it was held near you. After all, there isn't anything else to do there.




The way I look at it, racing is a yearly thing, but we've only won 1 Superbowl and the odds we do it again is big, kind of a canal thing I guess, some will like it, some won't.


Please please please try to refrain from critiquing anyonle else's ideas yet...Let's please just let eveyone add their two cents.


If their idea sparks an idea for you, feel free to add to the idea--but let's NOT start saying what we DON"T want just yet--or adding our opinion about why something doesn't "represent all of Indiana".


We can hash all that out next weekend.


Last year some people didn't post publically because they "didn't want their idea to be ridiculed" --and some of them had nice ideas that I think some of you would have appreciated.

Posted (edited)

Neos is right, let's go a week with just ideas. However, feel free to criticize my concepts. If you suggested something and I added it to the concept - feel free to tell me how you envisioned it instead.


Regardless, I added a couple things to the front.



One more thing, I think this front should be the back instead. Theres ample room to put the code on there, and for cost purposes it would make since to just do this side solid metal with no additional colors and put all the colors on the other side instead.

Edited by dougsmiley

Neos is right, let's go a week with just ideas. However, feel free to criticize my concepts. If you suggested something and I added it to the concept - feel free to tell me how you envisioned it instead.


Regardless, I added a couple things to the front.



One more thing, I think this front should be the back instead. Theres ample room to put the code on there, and for cost purposes it would make since to just do this side solid metal with no additional colors and put all the colors on the other side instead.


I think it looks great so far.


The only thing I'd like changed is I'd prefer it to say 2007 instead of just 07, like on most other coins.


That's just my opinion though.


Another thought.. Make the interstates and GC93 blue. It kind of likens it to the 2006 coin, as one of it's sides was also blue/metal. Blue is also the "interstate" color so it makes sense.


Added Tracking number box, as I don't recall seeing a coin without one.




I think the cache name should be next to the GC93---it's a neat play on words. Leave off the "our" --


I like the idea of using the cacheroads image for the reverse side...um probably without any color at all (just to save money).




Perhaps the cache name and star and gc number could be on both sides of the coin--along with whatever image(s) we put there.


I'm not sure- I have to admit the back side is what is throwing me. Whatever I see on it, it just looks "wrong" to me!


I don't think that anything that is location-specific (interstates or cache location) should be on the back. With the state being reversed, those things would be wrong.


I think we should leave the back side to other imagery of Indiana.


i agree that the interstate idea is coming along, and i like it much better without the interstate signs. if they (the highways) were the same metal just raised and polished (with an unpolished background?) they would stand out real well. and of course having the states first cache is a good idea.


being a fake hoosier (a transplant from michigan) i can honestly say that indiana has one of the coolest state flags. now i know that most will say that it was on last years coin and we don't want it again. BUT, why not have a recurring theme to kind of tie the coins together? i just think the torch with the stars is a powerful symbol of the state. much more so than an cardinal or a peony. personally, i think it would be cool to have on the back of the coin again. just my thoughts....


I think the cache name should be next to the GC93---it's a neat play on words. Leave off the "our" --


I like the idea of using the cacheroads image for the reverse side...um probably without any color at all (just to save money).




Perhaps the cache name and star and gc number could be on both sides of the coin--along with whatever image(s) we put there.


I'm not sure- I have to admit the back side is what is throwing me. Whatever I see on it, it just looks "wrong" to me!


I have to say, I like this image MUCH better the other way. For some reason, it's just messing with my eyes being reversed like that.


As far as the back side, it looks like if you turned the coin, it could be the outline of a waving flag. That may be a neat thing to put there.


Hopefully someone with talent can figure out what I am saying!


I think the cache name should be next to the GC93---it's a neat play on words. Leave off the "our" --


I like the idea of using the cacheroads image for the reverse side...um probably without any color at all (just to save money).




Perhaps the cache name and star and gc number could be on both sides of the coin--along with whatever image(s) we put there.


I'm not sure- I have to admit the back side is what is throwing me. Whatever I see on it, it just looks "wrong" to me!


I hadn't even noticed the cache name. I totally agree that the cache name should be put up there with the gc93. "Our" wouldn't be necessary if using the "Indiana's First". I like the interstate road idea only if it would look like one was looking at a map of Indiana and not as a mirror image. Wouldn't want us Hoosiers to appear backwards would we? I think that if we stay with the interstate idea that "Cacheroads of America" should be placed on the same side as the "roads". If the map with interstates is dropped, then Cacheroads of America would be placeable anywhere on the coin. Just my thoughts on this.


The side with the code is generally the "Back" which is why I referred to it that way. Certainly we'd want the interstates to look correct.


Actually, at oak, you might as well do the color as it's free up to 4.


Right now, the coin cost is around $8.50, including $1 towards indianageocaching.com & shipping.


Next time I revise it I will change it to "Indiana's First". I like that idea.


Could someone with some talent try making the reverse side into our state flag? I really would like to see it, but have ZERO ability to do that kind of thing.



Posted (edited)

edited: OOPS, I see dougsmilies first one is EXACTLY what I had in mind! Though I think it looks better upright. I like the idea of the year, "cacheroads of america" and "trackable at" on the side with the torch. I would remove all the text from the "highway" side of the coin, except the "Indiana's First" cache, and maybe add the highway names.

Edited by The Herd

Can we see what these two look like sided by side with the lettering for GC93 and "Indiana's First" another color (maybe red?) and in the same color the lettering for "Indiana 2007" "trackable at geocaching.dom" and "Cacheroads of America"




Actually, at oak, you might as well do the color as it's free up to 4.


Right now, the coin cost is around $8.50, including $1 towards indianageocaching.com & shipping.


Just because we can use four colors doesn't mean we have to---sometimes, simple is better--but that is good to know.


How much of that price is shipping?

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