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Geo Scrabble


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Been thinking of the idea of playing scrabble using geocaches.


Have not thought through all the details, but the idea is:

1) That there are 3 to 5 scrabble tiles in a cache.

2) Each player has another 3 tiles.

3) Each letter (as in scrabble) has a pre-defined score.

4) From the 8 pieces, a word must be made.

5) At least one tile from the cache must be used, and at least one tile from the geocacher must be used.

5) This word must be added to the log in the geocache. (Proof you created the word there!)

5) This score, with the word is then added to the geocache page.

This gives the other players an indication of which letters are possibly available in the cache.

This allows one to plan which cache to go and visit.

6) If two or more players are at the same cache (at the exact same time) they could combine letters, but only score 70% (or so) of the total score. (word must contain letter from each geocacher and cache itself)

7) One can then also exchange one's tiles with those in the cache.


8) This could be interesting as effervescent tablet containers (big micros) could play with in the game.


If there is an interest we would need to come up with scoring system (scoring same as scrabble), and who / what can create tiles.


I seem to like the idea of everyone being able to create their own tiles, but I think this is open to abuse. As people would create their own tiles to suit their needs.

It might be a idea to have scrabble pickup points at some big locations, where you can get your tiles, which are then used at other point.


Any case ... it is just an idea ... wondering what the response will be like.



Anton (DamhuisClan)

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It does sound like a neat idea.


One problem would be is that cachers might start bringing impossible letter combinations. Maybe give each letter a ranking, Common letters are Rank 1 and lesser spotted letters are a rank of say 3. A cacher can only bring one letter from each rank to swop with the equivalent ranks that are found in the cache.


Just another thought...

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