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Thinking about a new GPS

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I have two platinums and am thinking about getting a new gps. There are not many places to look around here and I was woundering what the forums thoughts were on the newest and the best out right now.

Time to tell me about your new toys or what you are wanting to get.



Well, I was out caching today. Maybe that's where everyone else was.


I have a Garmin Vista C. I haven't upgraded to the newest version that uses the memory card because I don't travel too far from home. I've had this GPSr for almost two years now and really like it. With the Mapsource maps, it auto-routes me around unfamiliar areas very well.


Several of my friends have the Garmin GPSMap60CSx with the more-sensitive SIRF chip. Those are great if you cache in an area where there is a lot of tree cover.


I'm a gadget junkie, so I am always searching ebay for a new GPSr. In reality though, none of the new units are going to be any more accurate than what you currently have. They might be better under heavy tree cover, or in between skyscrapers, but if you live anywhere else you'll be fine with what you have.


If you are happy with what you currently have and it works for you, I'd hold out on upgrading unless you really need one of the features currently available. I sold my old eTrex Legend and bought a 60CSx a while ago, and while the 60Csx is a really nice unit, it doesn't get me any closer to the caches. I almost replaced my Quest with roof-mounted antenna with a Nüvi, but it wasn't worth the extra $300 to me.


Check out the Garmin 60 Csx. Whatever unit you get, make sure it has the SIRF III chipset. You will get much better reception under forest canopy and in canyons (like downtown Chicago :rolleyes: ).


It depends what you use it for and with... I'm really pleased with my new XL, which I mainly use on my bike... the big screen and buttons are fantastic; the screen's very easily readable whilst moving, the alerts are noticable and the larger buttons and joystick mean that it's usable even while i'm wearing gloves!

Posted (edited)

I have two platinums and am thinking about getting a new gps. There are not many places to look around here and I was woundering what the forums thoughts were on the newest and the best out right now.

Time to tell me about your new toys or what you are wanting to get.


Recently got a 60cx and i believe my old explorist 400 300 and 200 are more stable and provide more accurate coords for my hides :o the 60 seems to jump around quite a bit more not really sure why ive hidden 149 caches with my magellan and never once had any one question the coords 1st one hidden with the 60 and their 50 feet off?

Edited by taylorsgeotracker

I just got the Delorme PN-20. While the screen is nice, the reception is great, and the maps are great... it is SLOOOOOW. I'll be sending it back next week. I thought in the 5 years since the Meridian Color came out, that any newer ones would be quicker... not so in this case. I just can't wait 22 seconds for a map to refresh. I'll probably go with the 60CSx


I went out for the first time the other day with an older than dirt hand held ... needless to say, the adventure truly was in trying to get somewhat of an accurate fix on my location. Regardless, I had a blast. Anyway, I'm deeply considering purchasing a new unit (probably the Garmin 60CSX). Out of the box, will this unit work properly for caching, or must I buy the maps first? I'd like to get the maps at some point later down the road if I buy this thing, but for now I'd just like to cache from coords without having to pace around for three hours trying to get a position, only to find the (1/1) cache where I started anyway ... and only by chance at that.


Any help, thoughts and opinions welcome. Thanks in advance for your comments.


Looks like I'll be the first to say to stick with a Magellan since that's what you have now and can reuse your accessories and what not.


The best for the consumer is probably a 60csx, but I couldn't justify the $345 when I could spend about half that for a Venture Cx that lacks the extravagant SirF chip but little else of value to me.


Actually, I'm using a Garmin etrex and the acuracy is less than perfect for geocaching ... good for finding a lake or house, but not a micro (it'll get me to the area, but I'm left to fend for myself the last 150 feet or so). Uncle Sam was good to me this year on his payback, so I have a couple bucks to throw into this. But I'd like to know if this particular unit will work out of the box. I appreciate your advice, and I'll be sure to check out that unit as well. Again, your input is greatly appreciated because my knowledge of GPS systems is extremely limited because of my newness to the sport.


I just put in an order today for a 60cx.I couldn't see getting the csx,because I really don't need the compass and I've been told that the compass is detrimental to the units accuracy sometimes.Mainly I just didn't need the csx.Other folks do.The fact it uses two AA's and not four,and has an actual USB cable vs. my GPS V and II units is worth an upgrade.Otherwise I was happy with my V and II.Although color display is cool too.


And now here comes the "Oh no it's nots" and "You're crazy,I've had my 60csx for - months and-" :D


Another advantage was I could load coords rather put them in by hand. But if it doesn't work without the maps, I really can't see buying it. Personally, I think the compass would come in handy when hiking or other outdoor activities.


Actually, I'm using a Garmin etrex and the acuracy is less than perfect for geocaching ... good for finding a lake or house, but not a micro (it'll get me to the area, but I'm left to fend for myself the last 150 feet or so). Uncle Sam was good to me this year on his payback, so I have a couple bucks to throw into this. But I'd like to know if this particular unit will work out of the box. I appreciate your advice, and I'll be sure to check out that unit as well. Again, your input is greatly appreciated because my knowledge of GPS systems is extremely limited because of my newness to the sport.

Actually, I was directing my comment to Shadow's.


Something is wrong if your accuracy is 150'; my Vista which has the same innards usually gets me to within 20 feet.


I think the electronic compass is a misnomer as all GPS' have an electronic compass. For the 'non-electronic' GPS' you just need to move in a linear manner and the GPS will use the satellites to point to N, S, W or E. The biggest benefit of the 'E-C' is that it will point in the right direction when standing still. But if you familarize yourself with the satellite page of your GPS, you can negate this advantage by looking at the coords and knowing which way to head - N & W coords go up numerically.


Well I finally had enough of diving in the wrong bushes and searching endlessly absolutely nowhere near the cache ... I bought the 60CSx. Wow, what a difference ... I'm actually in thecorrect block range now. LOL. Thanks all for your comments and views, I do appreciate it.

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