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Geocoin Mission Summer/Winter Solstice and 4th July USA Independence Day


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Oh yeah - definitely in for both missions! Email sent.


Added my son (rattusbaggus) as a missionary too. Michael is 5 and loves seeing the packages arrive and seeing what is in them. After the GeoB'day and MayDay missions he asked if he could do one next time! How cute is that!!


Got him on the list :huh:


Thanks :(


so far we have 40 people signed up <_<

im gonna mail out the missions in the next couple of days will hold off to give people a chance to see the post. i will post to let you know the missions have been sent out.


Ive got the misssssions ready just waiting in case anyone else wants to join up then i can jiggle things about to try and keep it a secret.


Thanks to UOTrackers for the info you gave me it helped <_<

No emails have been sent yet they will be going soon though and i will post to let people know they have been sent


Solstice Mission:

1 Participating--email sent

2 Received Name

3 Mission complete

4 Package Received


Thank you for coordinating these missions! :laughing:

Posted (edited)

I have made some trades already in anticpation of this mission. They are for coins that I really like and would love to send out to some one to share. I sure hope that whoever my person is they don't have them like happened last time and I did to one of my mission people! LOL :laughing:


Everyone joinig the mission I urge you to have a seeking list somewhere. I posted in the last mission a free site that could be used or even in your profile page they could be listed for the length of this mission. I will find that link again and post it later.


Let the fun begin!!! :grin:

Edited by LadyBee4T

Icydove have sent you an email via geocaching i have no email address for you to send out a mission thanks


Sent you an email with my um email. lol



tomorrow i am going to close off the summer/winter solstice.

ive spent 4 hours today sorting everyone out and getting the emails ready to go and all is ready but have had a coupkle of requests today so will hold off until tomorrow then leaving just 4th July open for a little while

Posted (edited)

Missions are being sent NOW


Summer/Winter Solstice is CLOSED as is BOTH 4th July will remain open for a while


If your wish to join is before this post and dont recieve a mission today please let me know


Thanks and have fun

Edited by scaw
Posted (edited)

Summer Solstice (NZ Winter)

1. Participating - You betcha

2. Received Name - Oh Yeah :o

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!



1. Participating--YES

2. Received Name - And this one too

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!

Edited by Team chelmo

Summer Solstice

1. Participating

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!



1. Participating

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!

Posted (edited)

1.4 July Independance Day Mission. Participating Yes email sent 5/8

2. Received Name Yes 5/11

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


I wish folks would sign up for that free list ! At least to place seek items up, Once again my mission has no list, Matter a fact NONE of my missions have had a seek list :o Reasearch starts :o


For whomever gets me for a mission I am AOK with any coins trackable, non-trackable, In fact some of my most favorite coins are personal non track coins. The next day or so will be updating my seek list with some more generic coins.


The fun starts !!

Edited by glennk721
Posted (edited)

Winter/Summer Solstice


Mrs Cheesy Pig

1. Participating

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


Mr Cheesy Pig

1. Participating

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


*Edited to include both Mr and Mrs Pig's Coin Lists

Edited by Cheesy pigs

Summer/Winter Solstice

1. Participating - 5/7/07

2. Received Name 5/11/07

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received


4 July Independance Day Mission

1. Participating - 5/7/07

2. Received Name - 5/11/07

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received

Posted (edited)

Summer/Winter Solstice

1. Participating - 5/7/07

2. Received Name -5/11/07

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received


4 July Independance Day Mission

1. Participating - 5/7/07

2. Received Name -5/11/07

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



Edited by Traderdell

Summer/Winter Solstice

1. Participating - 5/10/07

2. Received Name -5/11/07

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received


4 July Independance Day Mission

1. Participating - 5/10/07

2. Received Name -5/11/07

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received


Summer/Winter Solstice

1. Participating - YES

2. Received Name YES

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received


4 July Independance Day Mission

1. Participating - YES

2. Received Name - YES

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received


I second the fact about seeking lists...neither of my missions have one..hummmm

Posted (edited)

Summer/Winter Solstice

1. Participating - May 8, 2007

2. Received Name - May 11, 2007

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!



1. Participating- May 8, 2007

2. Received Name - May 11, 2007

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!

Edited by TokyoBlossom

Summer/Winter Solstice


1. Participating: May 7, 2007

2. Received Name: May 11, 2007

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


4th of July/Independence Day


1. Participating: May 7, 2007

2. Received Name: May 11. 2007

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


Boy! Do I have my work cut out for me, at least on one of them! :o Don't worry, I'll manage. :o I'll have lots of extra goodies soon... :o




Mission Summer Solstice

[X] Mail sent for participating

[X] Received Name

[ ] Mission Complete

[ ] Package Received!


Mission Independence Day

[X] Mail sent for participating

[X] Received Name

[ ] Mission Complete

[ ] Package Received!


Summer/Winter Solstice


1. Participating - May 10, 2007

2. Received Name - May 11, 2007

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


4th of July


1. Participating- May 10, 2007

2. Received Name - May 11, 2007

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


Heart-3.gif1. Participating in 4th of July checkmark.jpg

Participated on May 7, 2007


Hat.jpg2. Received Namecheckmark.jpg

Putting on my investigation hat to search for the ultimate coins for my mission!


3. Mission Complete


4. Package Received!

Posted (edited)

July 4th


1 Participating--email sent

2 Received Name - I got it! (5/11)

3 Mission complete

4 Package Received


After doing a little research, this one might be a challenge - though I've already got some ideas.

Edited by tokencollector

Summer/Winter Solstice

1. Participating - YES

2. Received Name 5/11

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received


4 July Independance Day Mission

1. Participating - YES

2. Received Name - 5/11

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received


The research begins :drama:

Posted (edited)

July 4th Independance Day Mission

1. Participating - YES

2. Received Name - 5/11

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received


Research has begun and YIPEE the trade I have made will work!!!!


This is so much fun I may just have to ask for another mission!!

Edited by LadyBee4T
Posted (edited)

LadyBee4T your on the new list but will be a few days before i send out any more so as to keep things secret


57chevy you have mail thanks for the heads up :drama:

Edited by scaw


Summer/Winter Solstice

1. Participating - YES

2. Received Name YES

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received


4 July Independance Day Mission

1. Participating - YES

2. Received Name - YES

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received


Thanks Scaw! :sad:




My investigation hat worked well. :sad: Mission coins have been plucked out of my coin trading cache. Now I just have to decide on how to package them.


Soooooo.... I'm thinking I am ready to accept another Mission or two! If there will be additional Summer/Winter Solstice and 4th of July missions. I'm game for either or both. :drama:

Posted (edited)

Okay, I hate to be the dumb person in the group, but I have never participated in one of these and I have a few questions: :wub:


If I am participating in the July 4-Independence Day Mission do I send out the coins now or do I wait until it is the week before? It seems that many people have already completed their missions.


What if I don't have the particular coins that my person wants? :sad:


I do not have a list of coins that I want and I saw where LadyBee4T said there was a free place to list your coins, so I went there, but I can't really tell how you list them. It looked like it was for activated coins. Is there anyone out there who can give me step by step directions? :wub:


As of now, I would like any personal coins, trackable or non trackable, or the skulldruggery coin :drama:


OH, and one more thing, scaw, you have no idea how cool it is that you chose the person that you did for me for this mission. . .DIVINE INTERVENTION? ! :sad:


Oh, I guess you can tell that I am participating and I have received my name already. I just have to find out about a few things before I can complete the mission.


Thanks in advance to all.

Edited by Degai
Posted (edited)

Okay, I hate to be the dumb person in the group, but I have never participated in one of these and I have a few questions: :sad:


If I am participating in the July 4-Independence Day Mission do I send out the coins now or do I wait until it is the week before? It seems that many people have already completed their missions.


What if I don't have the particular coins that my person wants? :wub:


I do not have a list of coins that I want and I saw where LadyBee4T said there was a free place to list your coins, so I went there, but I can't really tell how you list them. It looked like it was for activated coins. Is there anyone out there who can give me step by step directions? :wub:


As of now, I would like any personal coins, trackable or non trackable, or the skulldruggery coin :drama:



Remember that NO question is dumb!!


I don't think that anyone has actually completed their mission. Maybe what you are seeing is that #3 says Mission Complete. Here when you send it out you go back and put yes or the date you sent it out or something on that order.


I would like my person to receive them close to the holiday we are celebrating but that is everyone's personal preference. Some will send it as soon as they get the coins in hand and some later so its up to you.


Part of the fun for me is the hunt for something they would want and making the trades to get it so if you can find someone to trade with that works well. (especially if you say its for your mission and you ask someone participating :sad: ) Your person may not have everything on their seeking list so see if there is a trend like personal coins or states etc. If you have something that might be a good trader for them that works well too. Its the idea behind it that is important.


Any coins you want to list can be put on the UTAG site as you are the one that types them in.

Go to the site and register on the main menu on the lower right it says register as a coin owner I believe.


Free Coin Lists


Then login and go to the above link. Your name should be listed on the trading list.

Click on your name and it will bring up a screen with 3 columns

At the top it says edit your own list and there you go! Now you have to type the coins in each column which is the fun part LOL


Hope this helps!

Edited by LadyBee4T

July 4th Independance Day Mission #2

1. Participating---YES

2. Received Name---5/11

3. Mission Complete---

4. Package Received---


HINT HINT HINT Everyone please have a seeking list somewhere or post here something you would like! I love looking for trades on my person's list and its part of the fun for me. Sooooo if you don't have a list AND you are my mission you really don't want to take some of the fun out it it for me do you? :drama:


Summer Solstice

1. Participating

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete---I can't find a list for this person. So I will have to check out their activated geocoins on GC.com and go from there.

4. Package Received!



1. Participating

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete---search done and found some that I have for this one. Don't know if I should send now or wait til it is closer to the 4th.

4. Package Received!

Posted (edited)

Yep, gonna have to wait until after GW5 to mail packages. I currently have NOTHING my July 4th mission has on their Seeking List :sad: and my Solstice mission doesn't have a want list posted... :drama: I guess I will have to rely on the Trackables list on their profile.



Edited by Crowesfeat30

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