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What PDA for older cachers?

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I currently use a Palm Pilot M515 and it works fine for me. But my mother, who will be 70 this month, has a hard time reading the screen. Is there a good PDA for $100.00 or less (ebay?) that would be easy to read for those that have a hard time seeing black and white screens? I got mom a new Garmin 60CSx to replace her Garmin Etrex, so now it's time to go totally paperless with a nice PDA and Cachemate.


Any help would be appreciated.


I'm using a PALM ZIRE 31 for caching. Its very simple to use not many "bells and whistles" and has a colour screen. The icons are still small but I believe you can enlarge them. I got it on Ebay for about $80 CAN. including shipping. I'm using mobi reader on it and its working great.


My Merigold passed on and I decided to go the full PDA route with a Zire 72 and a bluetooth GPSr. The Zire 72 has a full color screen at 320x320 resolution and so should be one of the most viewable PDAs you can get. Some of the lower end units are color, but still 160x 160 resolution.


I have not received my units yet, but I am looking forward to using them and learning about the software available. BTW, there seems to be a wider selection of software around for the WinCE based units compared to the Palms. I guess they have not been able to defend against the onslaught from cell phones and WinCE/mobile has been taking over the scene. So you might want to look at some of the non-Palm PDAs.


If you really want a viewable display, I recently learned about a Nokia PDA/tablet with a rather generous screen of 800x480 resolution and over 4" diagonal. It is about the same size as my Merigold GPS and includes bluetooth as well as WiFi. I think it was designed to be the uber-phone with video and other high end features, but without the actual phone! The 770 has been replaced by the 800 and so the earlier model comes with some significant discounts. Add a bluetooth GPSr and you need nothing else to cache except a car charger!

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