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Breath Of Life - Fighting Cystic Fibrosis Geocoins

Dr. Whoever

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It has been a very long time since I posted on this thread but I was informed Kaitlyn is now not doing well. She is currently only able to use 25% of her lung capacity and the majority of her lung tissue is not functional due to having been so scarred from the Cystic Fibrosis. She has managed to graduate from the 8th grade for the most part from the hospital bed where she spends the majority of her time. Her kidneys are in the early stages of failure due to the life long antibiotic therapy. The funds raised from the sales of the CF-Breath of Life Geocoins and pins were a blessing to the family and so I decided to do 200 more, updated versions in antique and shiny metals (different from the original satin metals finishes). I will donate all of the proceeds to Kaitlyn’s family from the sales of these coins, once again to assist with the mounting medical bills. I will post updates in this thread for the reservations and sales links when available. In post #1 is a link to a video on youtube that will show Kaitlyn and her brother Jerrod who also suffers from CF. Currently lung tissue donors are being prepared for a hopeful lung transplant.


I'll certainly keep Kaitlyn's family in my prayers. I'll also buy several of the coins as soon as they are available.




you know we don't have much, but put us down for one and let me know how much to send and consider it done!


Naomi and Micke


I'll post here when I get all of the blueprinting finished for the updated editions. I'll also set up a reservation list for anyone interested in some very beautiful coins with a beautiful meaning behind them. I will not be asking for payment up front as usual, I will send invoices after the coins arrive and will post pics of the funds presentation to Kaitlyn or her family as I did before. Preliminary thank you to everyone who helps this worthy cause.


I'll certainly keep Kaitlyn's family in my prayers. I'll also buy several of the coins as soon as they are available.




you know we don't have much, but put us down for one and let me know how much to send and consider it done!


Naomi and Micke


I'll post here when I get all of the blueprinting finished for the updated editions. I'll also set up a reservation list for anyone interested in some very beautiful coins with a beautiful meaning behind them. I will not be asking for payment up front as usual, I will send invoices after the coins arrive and will post pics of the funds presentation to Kaitlyn or her family as I did before. Preliminary thank you to everyone who helps this worthy cause.


Definitely interested in helping her and her family out. I think I have an extra of the originals, if I do, I will put it up on ebay w/ the proceeds going to her. I'll look through my trader box.

Posted (edited)

WOW! I cannot thank you all enough. Tonight I will start several auctions of which all of the money raised (even ebay fees) will go to Kaitlyn's fund. There will be several very nice coins going up including the #001 Geocoin Angel coin just dontated by the Geocaching Angel, a Highland Geofairy #250 (the very last coin of her edition), a never seen GSA V3 of which I was told will only be available through charity auctions, and several others.


I will also try to have the mint blueprints of the 4 (all two tone) metal editions of the CF coin available by tomorrow and posted here. I will then take reservations. Thank you all for helping this cause.

Edited by Castle Man
Posted (edited)

I have the blueprints back from the mint and will offer 4 version (Much Improved from the first set). I will take reservations for these coins now and WILL NOT bill until the coins arrive in approximately 3-4 weeks. (See the blueprints below) The new editions are from top to bottom on the picture:


Antique Nickel Recessed - Raised Shiny Gold

Antique Gold Recessed - Raised Shiny Nickel

Antique Nickel Recessed - Raised Shiny Copper

Shiny Nickel Recessed - Raised Shiny Gold


Please send the following information to me at: canningcastle@charter.net if you would like to reserve any of these beautiful coins for Kaitlyn's cause. ALL of the proceeds of the coins will go to her. The price of each coin is $10.00 US.


Your Name:

Paypal Email:

Country You Live:


Antique Nickel Recessed - Raised Shiny Gold:

Antique Gold Recessed - Raised Shiny Nickel:

Antique Nickel Recessed - Raised Shiny Copper:

Shiny Nickel Recessed - Raised Shiny Gold:


Please add CF Coin to the subject of the email and also please include all of the information listed above so there is no confusion.


Thank you all in advance for participating in this worthy cause.



Edited by Castle Man

Thank you for the incredible response to these fund raising coins. I was just informed by the Geocaching Jedi there will be a set of his fabulous coins also going into the auctions. I will announce the auctions when I gather all of the information and prepare them. There should be some very rare and incredible items available.


Fantastic Response.


Here will be the final minting numbers for those interested


Antique Nickel Recessed - Gold Raised 80

Antique Gold Recessed - Raised Nickel 80

Antique Nickel Recessed - Copper Raised 60

Nickel Recessed - Gold Raised 80


Multiple coiners have donated coins for the upcoming auctions i will run for the CF Kaitlyn fund. I am hoping to start them next Sunday evening and run them for a week. If more donations come in after the start of the auctions I will continue to post new auctions and keep everyone up to date on the funds raised from this project.


Thank you all once again for the help.


Thanks Jedi but I am just doing what you would do.


It looks like the new coins will arrive the first week of August. When I get the shipping notice I will start invoicing for the reserved coins. There are only a few left that were not reserved from the 300 coins ordered. Several coins (many mystery coins) have been donated to the auctions. Unfortunately I could not start them this week because I am out of town again but I WILL start them next Sunday.




The new fund raising coins should arrive this week and invoices will go out immiediately upon shipping confirmation and customs clearance.


Almost all of the coins ordered have been reserved, thank you.


Update on Kaitlyn: Yesterday I received an email from her mother informing me Kaitlyn still remains in the hospital. No update on the donor situation and her health is still poor. She may be allowed to return home for a short time next week however must return to the hospital shortly afterward.


The Dark Knight has also donated a coin for the auction. I have decided to delay the auctions for one more week due to the Midwest Geobash being held the same weekend of the auction end. So next Sunday I will start the auction with these geocoins available and more:


The Dark Knight Mystery Geocoin

Imagine Mystery Geocoin

GSA V3 Mystery Geocoin

GSA V2 Mystery Geocoin

Geocaching Jedi Antique Gold Mystery Geocoin

Geocaching Jedi Antique Silver Mystery Geocoin

Geocaching Jedi Antique Copper Mystery Geocoin

Geocaching Jedi Antique Gold/Silver 2 Tone Mystery Geocoin

Viking Heritage LE 2 Tone Shield/Axe Set

Matlock75's V1 Compass Rose LE

and MORE.


The CF Coins have been shipped today and will arrive Monday. I will start the invoicing for the reserved coins today. I realize many folks are at the MWGB so there is no worries if you cannot respond until Monday or Tuesday. Here is a sample pic of the Antique Nickel recessed/ Raised Shiny Gold. I think these came out wonderful, much better than the originals.


Most of these have been reserved so at this point I think i may only have 40 or so left after the reservations have been filled. I will post the remainder on my site in the middle of next week.






The CF Coins have been shipped today and will arrive Monday. I will start the invoicing for the reserved coins today. I realize many folks are at the MWGB so there is no worries if you cannot respond until Monday or Tuesday. Here is a sample pic of the Antique Nickel recessed/ Raised Shiny Gold. I think these came out wonderful, much better than the originals.


Most of these have been reserved so at this point I think i may only have 40 or so left after the reservations have been filled. I will post the remainder on my site in the middle of next week.






wow, these are gorgeous! can't wait until they arrive. oh boy oh boy.




Well it looks like the Olympics and China customs have delayed these being shipped until this week. I suppose with the amount of traffic in China at this time I can understand. I'll post here when I have the final confirmation of the shipment this week


UPDATE: The Kaitlyn Charity geocoin auctions have begun. See here for the first and check out the other auctions offered:


Kaitlyn Auction Geocoin


Well it looks like the Olympics and China customs have delayed these being shipped until this week. I suppose with the amount of traffic in China at this time I can understand. I'll post here when I have the final confirmation of the shipment this week


UPDATE: The Kaitlyn Charity geocoin auctions have begun. See here for the first and check out the other auctions offered:


Kaitlyn Auction Geocoin


For any interested, the Antique Copper Geocaching Jedi is limited to 10, the Antique Silver 40 and the two tone 50. I should have mentioned that to Castle Man when I sent, but with all the excitement of the new movie and upcoming tv series... well... it's just been crazy around here :huh:


Well it looks like the Olympics and China customs have delayed these being shipped until this week. I suppose with the amount of traffic in China at this time I can understand. I'll post here when I have the final confirmation of the shipment this week


UPDATE: The Kaitlyn Charity geocoin auctions have begun. See here for the first and check out the other auctions offered:


Kaitlyn Auction Geocoin


For any interested, the Antique Copper Geocaching Jedi is limited to 10, the Antique Silver 40 and the two tone 50. I should have mentioned that to Castle Man when I sent, but with all the excitement of the new movie and upcoming tv series... well... it's just been crazy around here :huh:


Thanks for the infor Jedi. All auctions have been updated!!


*Dumb question alert*


Will the year on the coin be changed to 2008?


This is at least the second time this question has been asked and avoided thus far. Maybe it will be answered eventually.


*Dumb question alert*


Will the year on the coin be changed to 2008?


This is at least the second time this question has been asked and avoided thus far. Maybe it will be answered eventually.


*Dumb question alert*


Will the year on the coin be changed to 2008?


This is at least the second time this question has been asked and avoided thus far. Maybe it will be answered eventually.


No, these are still the original coins just new (much improved metals). I didn't change the date because we started these coins in 2007 and they will continue to work for the original service.


*Dumb question alert*


Will the year on the coin be changed to 2008?


This is at least the second time this question has been asked and avoided thus far. Maybe it will be answered eventually.


No, these are still the original coins just new (much improved metals). I didn't change the date because we started these coins in 2007 and they will continue to work for the original service.


The new metals do look great!




Kaitlyn is still in the hospital at this time. Amazingly several coiners/cachers have sent personal well wishes to the family. One person well known here has even offered to be a donor>>> This is a GOOD person.

Another wonderful person has asked to send Kaitlyn a stuffed animal (hint: I salute you).


The last of the coins arrives today from the mint. All of the reservation invoices has been sent. Anyone who reserved that did not get the invoice please send me an email through my profile and I'll send over the reminder.


I will ship all of the reservations paid on Friday morning and the few that are left (not many) will be available from the site. These came out so much nicer IMO than the originals. The metal combinations are wonderful.


The auctions are doing very well as pointed out by an earlier post. A good friend in Germany has donated a set of special coins that have not been available to US customer as of yet and these will make the auction block when they arrive.


Lastly I would like to thank the community as a whole for the support and well wishes.

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