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Breath Of Life - Fighting Cystic Fibrosis Geocoins

Dr. Whoever

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Posted (edited)

ANNOUNCING THE: Breath Of Life – Fighting CF Geocoins

This is a pre order (NO MONEY AT THIS TIME)

Please take a few minutes to read this thread and understand why we have made these incredible Geocoins. The price of each set (Transparent Purple or Glittering Purple) is $11.00 for the coin and pin. Shipping for the USA will be $1.50 for the first set and just $.50 for each additional set. CANADA $1.50 for the first set and just $.75 for each additional set. WORLDWIDE will be $3.50 for the first set and just $.85 each additional set. The coins are expected to arrive late next week. If you are interested in purchasing one or more of these sets please send the following information to: canningcastle@charter.net









Cystic Fibrosis is an incurable disease which usually begins in infancy, is potentially fatal and affects multiple body systems such as lungs, pancreas, skeleton and skin. Some of the many symptoms of CF include bronchitis, pneumonia, respiratory failure, diabetes, nutritional deficiencies, and failure to thrive. Therapy is individualized and carefully monitored and will need to be continued throughout life.

For any parent, it would be devastating to learn that your child has this incurable disease, but the family we have designed these coins for has had twice the amount of devastation and heartbreak, as two of their children have been diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis.

The first born, Kaitlyn, age 13, was born 8 weeks early weighing 4lbs. 4oz. and required surgery on her first day of life, due to a bowel obstruction. She was diagnosed with CF during her 1 month stay at Valley Children’s Hospital. Until she finally stabilized at age 3, she required numerous hospitalizations due to pneumonia and failure to thrive. At 8 years old, she required a feeding tube in her abdomen to maintain her weight. In the last 1 ½ years her health has declined and hospitalizations became more frequent. Now her disease is progressing to where she has been hospitalized virtually every two weeks.

The family’s worst fears were confirmed 1 ½ years after Kaitlyn’s birth when doctors performed an amniocentisis on Kaitlyn’s mother and diagnosed her baby brother (Jerrod) with CF before he was born. Jerrod required frequent hospitalizations during infancy and by the age of 7, his lungs were failing and he required a lung transplant. Due to the generosity of 2 donors Jerrod’s lung transplant was performed at Valley Children’s Hospital in Madera Ca. At that time he was the youngest person to ever survive a successful lung transplant. Now he is playing baseball and enjoying life.

These special Geocoins have been designed with these children in mind. On the front you’ll find the words: “A World Of Love” signified by the heart shaped globe with the words Love raised below the transparent enamels and the children’s names “Kaitlyn and Jerrod” also added. The compass points represent every direction the love, caring and sharing comes from as this is truly a worldwide effort and these coins will be shipped out to folks all over. The back side of the coin has the words: “The Breath Of Life” which is a fund raising slogan that was coined locally and it is accompanied by “Fighting Cystic Fibrosis” defining why we fight. The 3-D roses represent the phrase 65 roses, which is a trademark phrase used by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation as many children cannot say Cystic Fibrosis and call the disease sixty five roses. The roses are capped with the purple ribbon, the colored ribbon used to symbolize the fight against CF. There will be 2 unique versions of this 1.75” Geocoin, all done up in two-toned metals. Version one has transparent purple enamels and version 2 uses purple glittering enamels. Both versions come with a matching pin 1” which looks exactly like the roses and ribbon side of the coin.

Please help us fight this battle and purchase some of these incredible sets. The coins and pins have been minted by Castle Man and were designed by the cooperative efforts of Jim Canning “Castle Man”, Albert Carabay “mickey99us” and Paula Collins of “CinemaBoxers”/GeocoinDesign.com.

All of the profits from the sales of these superior sets will be given to this family to assist in paying for Kaityln’s upcoming lung transplant. There will also be 10 very special medallions made out of 10 coins for the Kaitlyn, Jerrod, both parents, four donors and 2 for 2 very special people on this project (dorkfish/Karma: who is handling all of the auction work) and (Paula: the artist that made this project all come together). Their names will be inscribed on one of the medallions and will be individually given to them with a GIANT card that has every geonick of anyone who has purchased a set or more when the funds are taken to the family. Pictures of these events will be posted in the Geocaching Geocoin Forum on this thread as events unfold to share with the world.


Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2vfv9g_nZ0


The link above will take you to a video that was aired on ABC Channel 30 in Fresno, California and show you all why this fight is something that needs to happen.



Edited by Castle Man

Last week I received 14 coins in one day (okay that included a red-handed 10 pack) and I told myself "THATS IT, NO MORE COINS, YOU'VE STILL GOT STUDENT LOANS TO PAY OFF"


And then this comes along; a very meaningful cause...

Email sent.


Best wishes for Kaitlyn and Jerrod.



/Proud to be a Stevens-Tech Deepher, In my last year my chapter won an award for raising the most money for (our national charity) the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation


you know I am in. I am buying 2 transparent sets and 1 glitter set for my daughter Courtney who also has CF. Great looking coin, my daughter can't wait to get hers.




GREAT ONE JIM!!!!!!!!- just ordered a few sets of the 65 Roses! That video is just a Heart Breaker!! I sure hope this fund helps out in the long journey these 2 little ones have in store for them! Glad I could be a small part of your "Operation Breath of life"- Cant wait to see the progress after the operation!


What a response! WOW!!!

I really want to take the time to thank all of those folks who have responded so far and sincerely appreciate the beautiful comments and kind words sent. I will be sharing many of these emails with Kaitlyn and her family and they sill surely bring smiles to this BRAVE girl. I intentionally did not post a link to the page yet as i want to be able to post a nice picture of these coins. The artwork is beautiful but as you are all aware art doesn't capture the true beauty of the coins ..... actually neither do the pictures as many folks have pointed out. I can tell you that these coins will be amazing. So, when they arrive I'll post the direct link to the coin page on this thread and hopefully my photography skills will work well for these great coins.

An Update on little Kaitlyn: She is now in the Children's Hospital in Madera, California awaiting a donor. Her lung capacity is at 17% but she is stable.

A few of you wonderful folks have written in emails how they say I'm a hero for doing this coin. I'm no hero, but there is a hero here and she is the one fighting for every breath.

Thank you once again GEO-COMMUNITY you are all heros too in my book for giving, sharing and caring.


Jim - Castle Man


What a response! WOW!!!

I really want to take the time to thank all of those folks who have responded so far and sincerely appreciate the beautiful comments and kind words sent. I will be sharing many of these emails with Kaitlyn and her family and they sill surely bring smiles to this BRAVE girl. I intentionally did not post a link to the page yet as i want to be able to post a nice picture of these coins. The artwork is beautiful but as you are all aware art doesn't capture the true beauty of the coins ..... actually neither do the pictures as many folks have pointed out. I can tell you that these coins will be amazing. So, when they arrive I'll post the direct link to the coin page on this thread and hopefully my photography skills will work well for these great coins.

An Update on little Kaitlyn: She is now in the Children's Hospital in Madera, California awaiting a donor. Her lung capacity is at 17% but she is stable.

A few of you wonderful folks have written in emails how they say I'm a hero for doing this coin. I'm no hero, but there is a hero here and she is the one fighting for every breath.

Thank you once again GEO-COMMUNITY you are all heros too in my book for giving, sharing and caring.


Jim - Castle Man


Can't wait to see the pics of this coins.


e-mail sent...


i've never known anyone personally with CF, but it always has had a special place in my heart. When I was about 7, I read a book about Alex Deford (written by her father), and every time i read it, it brings me to tears...


hopefully they find a donor, and soon!! i was lucky, i only had to wait on the donor list 4 days to get my transplant...


Order sent for 4 sets, fantastic coin, reason for coin and I hope, profit to help Jerrod and Kaitlyn :(


Good luck to them both


Yes, indeed it will be. I will be posting several pics here on this thread of the funds presentation, medallions to the kids, parents and donors, GIANT card with names of contributors and more. I really want everyone to see in photos what we as the GEO-COMMUNITY are capable of doing as a TEAM. Thank you all for your caring on this project.


The roses are 3d correct?


Yes they are Jay. The roses are 3-D with the purple ribbon raised and filled in with either purple transparent or purple glittering enamels. The compass on the front is also 3-D


You are very kind Castle Man!! This is such a great project!! What a sweetheart to think this up and put it into action!! Jerrod and Kaitlyn *are* heroes!!! oh my gosh words don't describe how much so!!! We are praying for both of them and their whole family :rolleyes:;):D;)


Email sent for one set :D

Posted (edited)

I feel this family's pain. My sisters and I babysat for a young girl in our neighorhood who had CF we would go to the hospital and play for hours with her. It broke our hearts when Casey lost her battle with CF at the young age of nine; at the time, I was pregnant with my own little one. Heart wrenching to say the least. Our lives have forever been changed because of Casey's strength and tenacity. I am honored to be a part of this program. My prayers are with this family as well. My order is sent.

Edited by TrekkingPam

UPDATE: China Customs has delayed the shipment until today. These coins and pins will depart China tomorrow. We should have them ready by Tuesday or Wednesday next week.


Can't wait to get mine!! :D


Don't we all just love the customs departments of countries? I sure do.....NOT. Good news however, these coins and pins will be here and available Wednesday May 2nd barring any further delays.


Thanks to China Customs taking extended holidays through May 7th these will finally make it on the plane Monday morning. I am keeping my fingers crossed for a Wednesday or Thursday delivery. I will contact each person who asked for a pre-order notification prior to hosting the sets on the site.

Thank you all for being patient. I really think this is one of those situations where the words: Good Things Come To Those Who Wait fits well. The pins are beautiful and the coins will be incredible.

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