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It must be tax time!


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I would like to thank the following people, please feel free to add your name to the list if we have done business with each other, Please do not take it personal if you do not see your name on this list, just know that I appreciate everyone in this great community:

1. NielsenC

2. HN25SLC

3. Sara from Oakcoins

4. The Caching Place

5. Coins and Pins

6. DorkFish

7. Flutteryshy

8. Tsunerisebey

9. Summerandnana

10. nero

11. Avroair

12. Shop99er

13. 57 Chevy

14. GPX Navigators

15. The Moop Along

16. PGHLooking

17. Nicolo

18. GlennK721

19. Go Jaybee

20. The Cachunuts

21. Lyonden_ut

22. UTAG

23. Avroair

24. MustangJoni

25. Anthus

26. PoSam

27. River City

28. Marky and Joani

29. Island1988

30. DresselDragons

31. UOTrackers


33. Tasia

34. Dhenniger

35. PRNTR1

36. Cinemaboxers

37. Whitebear

38. Parrolet

39. CastleMan

40. T”n”T

41. The Atwell Family

42. Kansas Admin

43. –

44. –

45. –

46. –

47. –

48. –

49. –

50. –

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Taxes are done :D

Back to the fun. ----- Geocoins - and trading with some really nice people.

I have only met a few of you in person, but sure enough the spirit is the same between all of you ---- Very friendly and very positive and sharing.

THanks to everyone who has traded with me and or purchased some of my personal coins. Have a great afternoon.

Edited by OshnDoc
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I wanted to post one for Castleman,


To CastleMan, you are the nicest guy around. (We lucked out when you responded to an email of ours and it started a great geocaching friendship). Your coins are awesome!!! You always have great advice and you've been a great friend.

Thank you so much


Matt & Nan



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I commend Fluttershy for her fun ideas and projects, to name a few: the Geocaching Top 40, the Secret Santa and Secret Cupid Missions and all the extra efforts from her side. Thanks again Fluttershy (ofcourse, not too forget: Crazycavelover and her efforts in the Geocaching Top 40 -- Thankyou as well and nice to meet you in person at the GC Fest).

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There are SOOOOO many cachers out there to say nice things about. (Which is really great when you think about it.) Overall our experience with the geocaching community has been AWESOME!! I would like to say thanks to the following geocachers and if I don't mention you please don't take offense. Sometimes my short term memory may forget some and you are ALL wonderful!! :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Big JohnP (does wonderful things for our local geocaching community and has helped us with our geocoin obsession...but it that a good thing? HA!! :huh: )

tsunrisebey (a wonderful person to trade with and she makes absolutely FABULOUS petroglyphs.)

dorkfish (so nice and bubbly)

castle man (you make awesome coins)

UO Trackers ( for all her hard work trying to raise money for the March of Dimes)

Cinema Boxers (for their great chat room)

PIF (no explanation needed)

GSA, ECB and the Geocoin Fairy (for all generously minting coins to give away and they all bring so much pleasure to everyone that finds them)

Sandtracker (a really nice person to trade with and very friendly too)

Geosmurfz ( for having a cointest and giving away their top 40 geocoins -it was the first one that we have won)

Podcacher (Sonny and Sandy -for their weekly podcasts that they selflessly do)

Islander1988 (a great person to trade with and a nice friend too)

Moop Along (so funny to email with and thank you for our trades)

Cache Agent (really great family...pls pop over again soon)

IndyDiver (for being so generous with us)

moun10bike (for starting this obsession and for doing so much for the geocoin community)

AV Dezign (does so much for the Quebec geocaching association and is a great friend)

Andouille (a great friend and fun cacher to speak with, and for having a cute dog that Beky likes to play with :o )

Galaad ( a great friend also)

Windrose ( a really nice geocacher to trade with also)

Marky (another nice geocacher to trade with)


And I know there are lots lots more geocachers that we should mention and have not. We are sorry if we forgot you but everyone that we have traded with or bought coins from have been so nice to us and helpful!! Thank so much!!! :P:):D


edited: and to pghlooking for pointing out our funny typo!! :D

Edited by PengoFamily
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I'd like to thank all the folks outside the United states that are just as obsessed with this hobby as I am. Some of my favorite coins are from other countries. Just a few, Scotland, South Africa, Netherlands, UK, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Japan, and on and on.... Thank you.

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I am going to name some cachers one by one over the afternoon as I think they all deserve their own little post LOL


GPX Navigators for being such a great person and also for the chocolate covered strawberries!! :laughing:



edited for not proofreading before hitting submit!

Edited by LadyBee4T
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Have to add Go Jaybee. For all the wonderfull coin trades, also creation of the Go-Mad-Cow Micro sets , along with his great personals . And being so well rooted in the community !


Side note. I am overwhelmed by all who have mentioned my name I thank you all . It's a blessing being part of this great community !

Edited by glennk721
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:laughing: Thanks to PIF for a wonderful way to recognize members of the geocaching community.


:laughing: Appreciation to AtlantaGal, Cornerstone4, and Avroair for all of their planning and hard work to make GeocoinFest a success. It was a topic of conversation at an event yesterday, and we are still talking about the awesome time we had in Temecula.


:laughing: Thanks to Fox and the Hound, Cinema Boxers, and all of the other designers who keep creating these geocoins that we can't resist.


:huh: Appreciation to Fluttershy and UOTrackers for great community coin ideas and geo missions that are not only fun but have created great friendships.


:o Thanks to LoriDarlin for being one of the nicest and most generous cachers around, and to everyone who's kept Jacob and family in their thoughts and prayers.

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Just looking around the forums today and it seems that it has become a little less than positive.


To lighten it up around here, here is an easy contest.


Say 1 thing nice about someone else.


I have 5 Antique Silver Pug coins to give away to random post numbers.


1 - 50

51- 100

101 - 150

151 - 200

201 - 250


The numbers will be picked using random.org.


I might be delayed in posting the winners, the sun just came out and the kids need to get some fresh air.




That is really nice of you. i love the freebies, and cheapy christmas coins was cool too.


nielsenc rocks! :laughing:

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I want to mention my good caching buddy Nurse Nanna. Her sense of humor is extraordinary and people her in Michigan follow her and ask to meet her because of her wonderful logs. They are not to be missed. She also has a cache named a Random Act of Kindness located in what is fondly called Lake Nanna!

Here's to you Anne!

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