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I'm Obsessed! Anyone else?


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Okay, so I've been caching since the end of December 2006 and I am really digging it. My husband and son think I'm a total whacko and an obsessive compulsive because I've gone out on bitter cold snowy days, I've called out of work, I've left work in the mid afternoon - all to cache. Well my son went out for a short hike on one of those mid-afternoons this week and said to me "wow, it's not as dorky as I expected it to be". Now he wants to go caching Friday after work with me.


I usually go out at least one weekend day caching and hiking, and since this Saturday is supposed to be the better of the two weekend days, I figured I'd go then. However, my hubby and his paintball team are marking up a map for their next big game and he wants to use my GPS for it. I was kind of stubborn about it and told him no that I needed it to cache. Does this make me a bad person? He told me I am very selfish (however, if I asked him to take a weekend off of paintball he'd look at me like I have two heads). Why should I give up my one chance on the weekend of getting out and caching? I guess it's called compromise - however, I am a Taurus and don't understand that word. I guess I could just hike a part of the AT, but now I'm obsessed and need to cache as well!


Is there any kind of "Cacher's Anonymous Group"? Thanks for letting me vent!!! :huh:

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Nevermid, I take it all back . . .

You're Obsessed, not me (I've only found 17).


I guess the obsession is whatever you let it be . . .


Although I'm still a lunatic if I don't get out hiking. I guess my obsession of caching is only just growing - my obsession is more that I definitely have to be out hiking every weekend - but now every hike revolves around a cache.


What do you do for a living that you've been able to find so many since just December?

Edited by DammitNanet
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Here is a snipped part of an email my wife sent to my sister. Hopefully written a little "tongue in cheek". ;)

Your stupid, stupid brother is on to yet another obsession. The latest one is this geocache thing, where he goes out all day and tromps through the woods looking for a box of junk that another stupid, stupid man has hidden for him to find. It will be a miracle if he doesn’t get arrested. Cops tend to keep a close eye on people driving around slowly, jumping out of the car and tromping through the woods. On top of that, he’s spent a small fortune on this latest hobby. He had to go out and buy another geotracker, not one for the car, but a hand-held one that he can take in the woods. He’s bought slickers (2 adult, one child) so whoever he cons into going with him will be safe from the rain. Then he outfitted everyone with rubber boots, packed a backpack with a survivor kit, which holds everything from granola bars to stuff to leave in the boxes. He went to an army & navy store and bought ammunition boxes (water-tight, you know) to hide his little junk stuff in for other stupid, stupid men to find and get all excited about. He’s sent away for dog-tag-type medals to leave in the boxes, and I’m sure he’s had to buy waterproof cases for all of this paraphernalia as well. God, do you think he’ll EVER grow up????? I don’t!



The worst part is, he’s got Danielle hooked on it. They’re both off school this week, and they’ve gone out for a full day twice. They may take Boomie with them tomorrow. Then, I suppose he’ll be hooked, too. Oh, well, I guess it’s better than the bars. Maybe not.




Fiatster AKA Pop's Posse

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We don't have anywhere close to 600 finds, but we are very obsessed here as well. We started caching as a family January 7 with a yellow eTrex. 2 weeks later we had the obsession so bad, we bought a second unit because we couldn't agree on who should get to carry the one GPS. I got the unit. Then dh didn't think his eTrex was as accurate as the legend I had so he bought another unit about a month later.


We now cache with 3 units: 1 for each adult and 1 for the kids to share.


If my husband wanted to use the GPS for something on my cache day, he would be out of luck. :huh:

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i feel your pain...or pleasure depending on your perspective!


yes, my fiancee gets angry at me sometimes because we are getting married in 5 months, and i don't have time to go caching :D yet, i still somehow find the time. we have only found 66 since we started at x-mas time, and i really don't see how we would have time for any more. it is a great hobby, and soon i will be joing the ranks of cache hiders as well. i can't wait, but i'm sure the better half will have some more chores for me to do instead! happy caching...



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You can take the test:








Sounds like a great cache. I'll gave to get some money out of the bank, take the next few days off, get a passport and fly to Denmark. But I won't log it just to prove I'm not addicted. ;-)


All seriousness aside, I can sympathize. Can't even imagine 667 in four months. I'm just trying to get to 200 by my caching anniversary - May 30. Does knowing this date by heart serve as an indicator of obsession? I mean, some guys (not me) have trouble remember their wedding anniversaries.


I originally thought it'd be something I did mostly with my son. Then I started checking out caches near work, on the way to or from work, and anywhere else I might find myself. And if I have a day off and he's in school, I'm not going to waste it by not caching. He enjoys it, but he seems to agree that I am a little obsessed with it sometimes.


As for loaning someone my GPSr, only if they were going to return it the same day - assuming it wasn't going to have to forfeit any caching I might have other wise done, and they'd have to promise to buy me a replace immediately if anything happened to it.

Edited by DudleyGrunt
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Time to buy another GPS, it's not gonna go to waste. My wife doesn't enjoy as much as I do, and she has come with me, but never got hooked. So it may not appeal to everybody, but it's a great game and the benefits are greater. Exercise in the fresh outdoors.

I used to think "how can somebody get so many caches", cause ther'es only 150 caches within my home co-ords, but while I was in BC, at my sisters place, there was over 6500 within her home co-ords.

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OK, if you're REALLY obsessed ...


... give him the GPSr!!!


Then go geocaching anyway! Just print the Google Maps [hybrid] at the greatest zoom. That will get you close enough, for certain caches. Of course, forget multis.


Oh, make sure that you've preloaded the GPSr with a thousand local caches. Ha, Ha. That way, all he'll see on the screen are geocaches everywhere!!!!!!!


Or, check with all the local Parks and Recreation departments. With luck, you'll find one that rents GPSr units.


Or, go out and buy him a $99 unit from Target.


But, keep geocaching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well i had heard about this several months ago and was very intrigued by the idea. I have since bought a Garmin 60csx without even a thought and am trying to go full bore into it. My girlfreind and her two little girls seem to be more excited about it then i am. She even came to my work over the weekend so she could go out and cache with them! I cant wait for our first full weekend to get out and hunt some down. I have been doing nothing but reading the forums and looking in different areas that i will be to see what is in the area.

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Okay, so I've been caching since the end of December 2006 and I am really digging it. My husband and son think I'm a total whacko and an obsessive compulsive because I've gone out on bitter cold snowy days, I've called out of work, I've left work in the mid afternoon - all to cache. Well my son went out for a short hike on one of those mid-afternoons this week and said to me "wow, it's not as dorky as I expected it to be". Now he wants to go caching Friday after work with me.


I usually go out at least one weekend day caching and hiking, and since this Saturday is supposed to be the better of the two weekend days, I figured I'd go then. However, my hubby and his paintball team are marking up a map for their next big game and he wants to use my GPS for it. I was kind of stubborn about it and told him no that I needed it to cache. Does this make me a bad person? He told me I am very selfish (however, if I asked him to take a weekend off of paintball he'd look at me like I have two heads). Why should I give up my one chance on the weekend of getting out and caching? I guess it's called compromise - however, I am a Taurus and don't understand that word. I guess I could just hike a part of the AT, but now I'm obsessed and need to cache as well!


Is there any kind of "Cacher's Anonymous Group"? Thanks for letting me vent!!! :(


The solution to your dilema is simple. Give him the GPSr and then go buy yourself a new and better unit.

Problem solved. :mad::mad::)

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He's definitely got some nerve!

Obsessed? Me? I've only found 1104 in three and a half years, in twelve states... So what if my apartment never gets cleaned!?! Okay, I'm in the middle of a benchmarking contest right now. Took the car into get an oil change Saturday. "Hey, you need new tires, new brakes, new this and that." "But I'm supposed to be benchmarking in the NWCDC!" Four hours later, I had to change my plans completely so I could still get some benchmarks! Cachemobile only has 45000 miles in five years. What do you mean she needs new tires?!? Then we had seven inches of rain on Sunday. Bummer! :(

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Okay, so I gave in and let him use the GPSr on Saturday. But, I only gave in because I skipped out of work 3 hours early on Friday so I could get some caching in. I got in a nice relaxing hike though on Saturday of about 7 miles, so it was all good.


I did tell him if this was going to become a habit he would have to get his own GSPr. BTW SLO Trekker, the paintball obsession of theirs has taken on a life of their own and is a huge expense. Now the boy has gone caching with me 2x and he's jonesing to go again; so I think I'll blow out of work a little early again tomorrow. The boy now thinks that maybe he'd want his own GPSr - maybe he and the hubby could share!


I did ask hubby if there was a weekend he had a big pb event, would he let me use his pb gun if I wanted to play (believe me that this will NEVER happen because my idea of fun is certainly not running around with a bunch of middle aged men and teenage boys in camouflage getting shot at with paint). Of course he said yes I could use the pb gun because he and the boy have 12 pb guns between them.


Anyway, he got my point and understood my pain. Funny thing is, he could have accomplished what he needed via google earth.


I'm a taurus so compromise isn't usually in my vocabulary but I guess we sometimes need to do it (against my better judgment though). Thanks all for being sympathetic. <_<

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