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Geocaching Organizations in South and Southeast.

Max Cacher

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Posted (edited)

This topic is to let you know about the regional geocaching organizations near you. These groups sponsor event caches and online forums where geocachers in the same area can get to know each other and share information. Geocaching organizations play a pivotal role in maintaining good relations with the land managers for the parks and forests where we play our game. Getting involved in your local group is a great way to make new friends and find answers to questions about the local caching scene.


It is up to representatives of the organizations to maintain this thread as a list of links to the Geocaching Groups in South and Southeast. Please feel free to write a brief post about your geocaching group, giving its name, the area where most of its members live, and a link to the group's website, forums or mailing list. If your information changes later on, post a follow-up post.


Please do not use this pinned topic to promote individual events or initiatives that your group is undertaking. You can start separate topics for those. The moderating team may split out off topic posts into their own threads, or delete


Finally, please note that this thread is not an endorsement by Groundspeak of any organization. It's just a convenient list of links.

Edited by Max Cacher
Posted (edited)



Jackson Area Geocachers, JAG, is centrally located in the West Tennessee area with cachers throughout the state. We are mainly a "Meet and Eat" group that meets together on a regular basis, usually once per month. We do a little talking about caching, catching up with one another, maybe grab a few new caches nearby, and in-between times we meet up on the JAG Forums to keep up with one another and share experiences and ideas. No officers, no bylaws, no voting! Just a place where friends meet!

If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, visit the site and join us! Registered members have full access to a wealth of information and ideas. I hope to see you there!!!

Edited by Max Cacher
Posted (edited)


The Middle Tennessee Geocachers Club welcomes all adventure seeking geocachers to join in on the fun of geocaching in Middle Tennessee.


We invite you to join our club and be a part of the diverse group of fellow cachers. We meet approximately every 6 weeks to discuss the latest happenings in the caching world and to learn more about the sport. We welcome members and visitors to come to our meetings, learn valuable information from fellow cachers, and have fun making new friends. As the first geocaching club in Tennessee, and the second oldest Geocaching organization in the country, we have provided leadership in negotiating the original statewide agreements with the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, the Tennessee Department of Conservation, TVA, The Nature Conservancy and Tennessee State Parks, and we continue to operate as stewards of geocaching in Middle Tennessee by providing resources not only for geocachers, but also for our fellow geocaching associations.


For more information about the Middle Tennessee Geocaching Club and our programs and activities visit our website at: www.MTGC.org

Edited by Monkeybrad


Kentucky Geocachers! Visit us at



What is GEOCKY?

GEOCKY (pronounced "Jockey") was formed in 2003 to promote safe and responsible GeoCaching in Kentucky.


Our organization has four major goals.

**First, to promote GeoCaching as a sport to the local community. We enjoy our hobby and want other interested people to join in.

**Second, to work to build a better understanding between Geocachers and those responsible for maintaining the land on which we Geocache. This means working with land management authorities and fellow Geocachers to make sure our hobby does not break any land use rules or upset property owners. The GEOCKY website holds lists of contacts for local parks to keep lines of communication between land owners and Geocachers open.

**Third, we want build a community of Geocachers who get together, swap stories, and have some fun. After all, fun is what Geocaching is all about.

**Finally, to make a positive contribution to Kentucky. We plan "Cache-in Trash-out" events at parks that need a good cleanup and other community-oriented activities to show Geocaching in a positive light.




South Florida Cachers serves cachers primarily in the South Florida area. Our goal is to promote fun and adventure through responsible geocaching.

We plan and participate in CITOS, 101 Events, Road Rallies as well as Meet and Greets. There is ALWAYS something happening down in the Glades. :(



Deep South Geocachers



The Deep South Geocachers website is headquartered in North Mississippi, and serves primarily geocachers in Mississippi, West Alabama, and South Tennessee.


Forums, in-depth resources, original "help" articles, hardware news, convenient stats, density maps, glossaries, and other helpful geocaching information can be found here.


Posted (edited)

We have a small club in eastern Kentucky you might want to add to the list.



The Big Sandy Area Geocachers


The Big Sandy Area Geocachers site was started by EKYHunter.


The club consists of +/- 40 cachers. (Ranging from eastern Kentucky, southwest Virginia and Northern Tennessee.


So far, we have held 8 events (Under the BSAG name) and 1 C.I.T.O. Event.


We have plans to Adopt a Highway.


Our members have hidden over 750 caches in the area.


One of our members, JumpinJackCache has created a great audio piece which aired on a local radio station concerning Geocaching. Check it out. There’s cache in them there hills!


We are a small club, but we feel it has been a great success.

Edited by treasure_hunter



KTAG was started by Silver Dragon for the Ft Campbell area but has since expanded to include many of the adjoining areas as well as some not so close :blink:


Currently there are about 80 or so registered members, and we have sponsored quite a few events to include our now infamous Ghost Chase Events.


All cachers are welcome to stop by and say hello, we even allow you northerners :P:blink:




Geocachers of West Tennessee was founded in 2005 by more than fifty geocachers in the West Tennessee area. Our loose boundaries are the Tennessee and Missisippi Rivers, and the Kentucky and Mississippi state lines, but we welcome geocachers from any location. Our purpose is to be an informative resource for new and veteran geocachers alike, and a positive force in interactions with land managers and the public. Although our focus is not primarily social, we host occassional events, CITOs and sponsor membership milestone recognition.


Our website and discussion forums are currently undergoing a reorganization to address some issues and will be reactivated in the near future. Questions may be directed to membership@gowt.org.




Geocachers of West Tennessee was founded in 2005 by more than fifty geocachers in the West Tennessee area. Our loose boundaries are the Tennessee and Missisippi Rivers, and the Kentucky and Mississippi state lines, but we welcome geocachers from any location. Our purpose is to be an informative resource for new and veteran geocachers alike, and a positive force in interactions with land managers and the public. Although our focus is not primarily social, we host occassional events, CITOs and sponsor membership milestone recognition.


Our website and discussion forums are currently undergoing a reorganization to address some issues and will be reactivated in the near future. Questions may be directed to membership@gowt.org.


FYI, Geocachers of West Tennessee has reopened following a month-long reorganization and is now active. The link in the above post works, or you may click here.

Posted (edited)



The Coosa Valley Cachers are a group in Northwest Georgia and Northeast Alabama. No Pres, No V-P, no treasurer, no dues! Membership is not required to attend a meeting. If you attend you are not required to become a member. We try to do an Eat & Greet once a month and all are invited to attend!

Edited by sledgehampster
Posted (edited)

The first geocaching organization to form:




The Georgia Geocachers Association



And then some more, alphabetically... :D


The Alabama geocachers are found here: http://www.dixiecachers.com/

The Louisiana geocachers are found here: http://lageocachers.com/index.php and http://www.nelageo.net/index.php

The Mississippi geocachers are found here: http://www.msga.net/index.php and at the link WebChimp posted above.

Edited by mtn-man



North Carolina Geocachers Organization:



"The primary purpose of NCGO is to act as a forum for discussion and communication about geocaching in the state of North Carolina. We are an organization for Geocachers run by Geocachers. We want to share our interest in using modern technology (GPS and the internet) to encourage and foster an appreciation of the outdoors, and to promote good stewardship of the land and environment that we all enjoy."


Copyright © by North Carolina Geocachers Organization All Right Reserved.




Triad Geocachers: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TriadGeoCachers/


"This is a local group of geocachers in the triad area of North Carolina. All geocachers or folks interested in geocaching are welcome to join us. We chat about caches, techniques, events, where to purchase cache containers and loot, caching ethics and etiquette and other geocaching-related topics. Geocaching.com is the official source of our hunts. We look forward to meeting with you and hunting/hiding!"


Copyright © by Triad Geocachers All Right Reserved.

Posted (edited)


Tri-Cities Geocachers


We’re a diverse group of participants in the sport of geocaching tucked away in our little corner of the universe – Southwest Virginia, Northeast Tennessee and Western North Carolina. Our goal is simple – to provide a family-friendly environment that supports the geocachers of our area. You’ll find information to aid you in your quest for that next cache, helpful tips on everything from bee stings to paperless caching, and introductions to many of the local cachers. Notices concerning local events will often appear here, so please feel welcome to come out and enjoy the comraderie – it doesn’t matter whether you have 10 finds or 10,000, you’ll have a good time! Browse our galleries, explore the links to other groups and sites, and take a peek in the forums.

Edited by altosaxplayer
Posted (edited)



LAGeocachers.com is our new website launched in order to give all geocachers a chance to learn about the sport and communicate with others who share the same passion. Our membership is open to any and all geocachers, regardless of where you reside. Feel free to browse our site, check out the links, and participate in the forums. We look forward to seeing and hearing from you.



Edited by LSUFan
Posted (edited)




The purpose of our organization is to promote the sport of Geocaching in Mississippi and to provide information to the public about our activities and the sport of geocaching.



The Mississippi Geocachers Association (MSGA) is a group of Mississippi geocachers who are committed to promoting safe, responsible, and environmentally friendly geocaching. We welcome the involvement and cooperation of park management and government to work with us to develop this activity to benefit both geocachers and parks. The MSGA also provides a way for people to come together to organize regional activities and events that will promote the credibility of the sport and bring families together in nature and technology.


Edited by CKnMiss24
Posted (edited)



As update to previously posted info:


The Alabama Geocachers Association welcomes any and all geocachers!


The AGA is a free family-friendly informal association developed to promote geocaching in Alabama, to support and serve our membership and to represent our interests to land-owners and the public.


We have a very active forum which anyone can join to interact with us at DixieCachers.com


Contact Ed Manley, TheAlabamaRambler, at TheAlabamaRambler@gmail.com or by phone at 205-914-6814 from 7am-midnight CDT for information on the AGA, as a Phone-A-Friend or for anything related to caching in central Alabama..


Contact Rick618 through his profile for info on the AGA and specifically for caching in north Alabama.


Contact Babama through his profile for info on the AGA and specifically for caching in south Alabama.


Contact our webmaster, Pudman, at webmaster@dixiecachers.com

Edited by TheAlabamaRambler



To: The Geocaching Community


From: The Down East Geocachers (D.E.G)


The Down East Geocachers are proud to announce their reformation. With the recent growth of Geocaching in NC and the overwhelming success of the North Carolina Geocachers Organization, several cachers felt a need to organize a Geocaching organization to cater to a local area to act as complement to the already established state wide group.

Down East Geocachers plan to have a relatively small footprint in NC, we plan to concentrate roughly on I-95 East and Hwy 70 North, this area includes, and is not limited to, Wilson, Smithfield, Goldsboro, Greenville, Rocky Mount, Roanoke Rapids, Tarboro, Kinston, New Bern, Washington, and Nashville. A small committee is being formed to identify cachers in this area to lead, shape and form this group. We plan on using the group as a way to grow the caching community, organize events, coordinate CITOs, encourage open discussion, and secure the future of Geocaching, through local interaction. We want to be an extension of N.C.G.O., a local group with a narrower focus to serve, just like the, Triad, Triangle, NC Foothills, Fort Bragg, and Western NC Geocaching groups.

Currently our web presence is limited to our blog site, and discussion group, http://downeastgeocachers.blogspot.com , http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DownEastGeocachers/

but plans are in the works for a web site. Please keep checking back for updates often.


Thank you for your support,


The Down East Geocachers




YoGO (York County Geocaching Organization) has just recently formed to help promote geocaching with an emphasis on York County, SC. Anyone can join whether they are from York County or not. For more information, our website is www.YoGOSC.org or you can email us a yogo@yogosc.org.


We are working with the York County Convention & Visitor's Bureau and the Rock Hill Parks, Recreation and Tourism department to increase awareness of geocaching, educate land managers and help with future events. We just formed in October 2008 but we already have lots of things going on. We helped promote geocaching at the Carolina Thread Trail celebration at Crowder's Mountain and we are going to be part of Rock Hill's Come See Me festival in the spring. We are off to a great start!


Craig and Susan

C&S 143


I have started the Mountain Empire Geocaching Assocation (MEGA) for SW Virginia and Upper East Tennessee. I am in the process of getting all the site and forum up and will come back and edit this once I am able.


Thanks :unsure:




The Great Smoky Mountains Geocaching Club has reorganized and revitalized itself in SouthEast Tennessee. We encourage all geocachers to join our fourms and participate in one (or more) of our monthly events. For information on upcoming events and club activities, visit our new web site .

Posted (edited)

The Space Coast Geocachers Association is an organization of geocachers in east central Florida. Current membership stands at 128 and they sponsor regular events. In addition, they are an authorized Groundspeak distributor with a storefront in Merritt Island.


Actually membership of SCGA has grown a bit and as of this posting is somewhere around 303 members.




And lets put in a plug for Florida Geocacher's Association;




And there's NFGA also;



Northeast Florida Geocachers Association

Edited by Flatouts
Posted (edited)

North Carolina has some great cachers and caches so

come over and check us out in the forums for the




or the GCGC for short




and we will tell you where or join you

in picking up some worthwhile Smilies.

Edited by Harwell5
Posted (edited)



NCMAG was formed so the geocachers of Western North Carolina could have an interactive website with forums and visitors to the area could have a place to find local information and meet their fellow geocachers for trip planning purposes. Beginners new to geocaching are provided with all the tools and websites they need to get started with geocaching as well. Everyone is welcome regardless of where you're from, so come on over and join the fun at www.ncmageocachers.com!

Edited by Team_Bucky

Hey all geocachers,


Join the South Alabama Geocaching Association. Its a group for all geocachers living in or near South Alabama. If you would like to join, or to learn more about this new group, email me at jcameroncalhoun@gmail.com or check out our facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=74114437614, or check out and join our website, http://southalabamageocaching.synthasite.com . Anyone that wants to join and participate in the group is welcome.



Posted (edited)

GEOSET (Geocachers of Southeast Tennessee) was formed in 2003. A reorganization of GEOSET has taken place after a dormant stage and a change in leadership, and like the Phoenix, GEOSET is rising from the ashes emerging refueled as a new group intent on keeping the original values of GEOSET alive.


The first meeting since Jan 07 is GEOSET - IT'S ALIVE!! SUMMER PICNIC EVENT GC1T9RJ

Edited by sledgehampster


I have recently formed the Hickory Outdoor Group. This group not only caches together but also hikes, backpacks, camps, skis, snowboards, kayaks, and enjoys a night out together. We have members from all over the western North Carolina area. If you think you might be interested stop by and join us, membership is free!

Posted (edited)

Alabama River Region Cachers


Hi Everybody! I thought I should add our local group to the list. We're the Alabama River Region Cachers. Our website is RiverRegionCachers.com

We are a group of 30 or so cachers.

We meet every second Tuesday for a dinner and every third Tuesday for Lunch.

If you are a geocacher in or around the River Region of Alabama check us out.


Edited by sbrown2680
Posted (edited)

There is a group of cachers that live in the Arlington TX area that go by the name S.W.A.G. (South West Arliington Geocachers) It is open to anyone that wants to come. They meet every Wed. from 6-8 at the No Frills Grill in South Arlington on Little Road. This is not a formal group with a hierarchy or anything, just a bunch of cachers who like to get together. They usually have an Event every month too, which is listed in the caches. join us sometime! :)

Edited by TX Magic Lady
Posted (edited)



Team Low Tech was started by two geocachers (ygo2slow and bradleyhenley) looking for other fellow geocacher to meet under one flag and attempt to fuel the fire of the growing sport of geocaching by finding fun and exciting things to do envolving the local area cachers.


If you are in the Angelina/Nacodoches counties or surrounding area please feel free to contact us.






We also have members world wide and growing by the day.

Edited by bradleyhenley




Northern Kentucky Geocachers: Where X really does mark the spot (for another geocache :laughing: )


NKG is geared up to do a lot of events, From our Roasted Turkey Event to our Geopalooza, From

Our Geo Hikes to our Geo Fright Night. You will always find there is something going on in Northern



Stop on by and see us today! We'll leave the light on for you. (Sweet, Night caching :laughing: )




The CSRA Geocachers is a family oriented group located in and around the Augusta, Georgia area.


"CSRA" stands for Central Savannah River Area. This area is a 18 county region with 7 counties in South Carolina and 11 counties in Georgia. The area is located on and named after the Savannah River which forms a border between the two states.

The largest cities within the CSRA are Augusta, Georgia and Aiken, South Carolina.


Other cities and townships in Georgia include - Evans, Martinez, Waynesboro, Thomson, Wrens, Crawfordville, Louisville, Millen,

and in South Carolina - Edgefield, Trenton, Johnston, Barnwell, Blackwell, Williston, McCormick, Hilda, Fairfax.


The CSRA Geocahers is a open group and welcome all to Geocaching.

If you are interested in our group, please send a request to csrageocachers@gmail.com


Look for our Annual Events:

Summer - "Hike, Bike, and Paddle the Augusta Canal.

Fall - Thomson Treasure Hunt.


Alabama Area Geocaching Groups are:

Alabama Geocachers Association = Statewide

ALGA GEO = East Central Alabama & West Central Georgia (Randolph, Chambers, Lee, Cleburne, Heard, Carroll, Troup, Meriwether, Coweta, Harris, etc...)

Coosa Valley Cachers = North East Alabama & North West Georgia (Anniston, Piedmont, Gadsden, Rome, etc...)

AGA - Birmingham Area Cachers = Birmingham

Auburn Opelika Geocachers = Auburn Opelike area

East Alabama Cachers = Phenix City Area and west from there.

Alabama River Region Geocaching = Montgomery Alabama Area

Dixie Cachers

Southern Geocachers Association = Huntsville but not specific to that area.

South Alabama Geocachers = Mobile area

Chattahoochee Valley Geocachers = South East Alabama and South West Georgia (Columbus, GA & Phenix City, AL area plus all surrounding counties.)


There may be others in the area, but I am only aware of these.

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