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County Science Fair


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Hello Geocachers,

Recently I entered my science fair at school. The project was on geocaching, and my hypothesis was that caches placed in rural areas would be found less times than caches in urban areas. He set up four caches:


Bush Whack

George Washington's Kodak Moment

Can of Campo

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee


If you found any of these caches, thank you for helping me with my project. My project was screened, and it was entered in the County Science Fair. After I saw about 5 county judges, and 6 professional society judges, they were very interested that they learned about Geocaching, and how it worked. My project took a 2nd place at the awards ceremony at the Cox Arena, and the guy across from me knew about geocaching and he started talking about the caches he had found. :lol:

Hello Geocachers,

Recently I entered my science fair at school. The project was on geocaching, and my hypothesis was that caches placed in rural areas would be found less times than caches in urban areas. He set up four caches:


Bush Whack

George Washington's Kodak Moment

Can of Campo

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee


If you found any of these caches, thank you for helping me with my project. My project was screened, and it was entered in the County Science Fair. After I saw about 5 county judges, and 6 professional society judges, they were very interested that they learned about Geocaching, and how it worked. My project took a 2nd place at the awards ceremony at the Cox Arena, and the guy across from me knew about geocaching and he started talking about the caches he had found. :D





To help with your hypothesis, I placed 8 Caches out in the desert over a week ago and none have been found yet. :lol: All Urban Caches that were placed on the same date were found the day they were posted or the next day. :D:D With the price of gas now a days you'll go for the ones close to home first and get the ones far away, you'll wait until you're in the area. :D


BZ on your award :lol::lol:


Hello Geocachers,

Recently I entered my science fair at school. The project was on geocaching, and my hypothesis was that caches placed in rural areas would be found less times than caches in urban areas. He set up four caches:


Bush Whack

George Washington's Kodak Moment

Can of Campo

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee


If you found any of these caches, thank you for helping me with my project. My project was screened, and it was entered in the County Science Fair. After I saw about 5 county judges, and 6 professional society judges, they were very interested that they learned about Geocaching, and how it worked. My project took a 2nd place at the awards ceremony at the Cox Arena, and the guy across from me knew about geocaching and he started talking about the caches he had found. :lol:


My daughter is doing a project on this same idea. Do you have any tips? any insider info as to how your display was set up? We've got some good ideas, but welcome any new ideas that might look or work better. thanks!

Posted (edited)

Hello Geocachers,

Recently I entered my science fair at school. The project was on geocaching, and my hypothesis was that caches placed in rural areas would be found less times than caches in urban areas. He set up four caches:


Bush Whack

George Washington's Kodak Moment

Can of Campo

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee


If you found any of these caches, thank you for helping me with my project. My project was screened, and it was entered in the County Science Fair. After I saw about 5 county judges, and 6 professional society judges, they were very interested that they learned about Geocaching, and how it worked. My project took a 2nd place at the awards ceremony at the Cox Arena, and the guy across from me knew about geocaching and he started talking about the caches he had found. :lol:


My daughter is doing a project on this same idea. Do you have any tips? any insider info as to how your display was set up? We've got some good ideas, but welcome any new ideas that might look or work better. thanks!


Always start by checking your research... like the date on the OP... and the cacher... Last on site 2010. :rolleyes:


Other than little details, the idea of a Geocaching Project is sound. Did you mean that she wanted to do the same hypothesis, or is she doing some other aspect? Like any school science fair, the age / grade / experience factors will weigh in. Whatever is chosen should be done at a level that the student can be expected to achieve... judges can tell when it's all parent or parent assisted to the max. Advice would be to pick something suitable, then actually learn the topic and then add as you go along if you get into the subject more deeply. Kids of all ages manage to do some really neat projects with no problem, others just want to fudge it because they 'have to' do it for marks etc. It matters not what level they tackle, but a good judge will prefer 'meat' in their judging over 'junk food'. A display should be simple, but adequate to cover the topic. Anything on the display will be fair game for questioning. I used to frame questions for kids based almost entirely on what was shown, plus anything I heard them say if I suspected any outside coaching... Some kids can exceed their age class expectations, that's fair and is great to see. But you can tell when the material is there but not learned to any degree. For general participation marks that is fine to some extent, but for those that are seriously in competition, you expect more. I've done both sides of SciFair projects, judging and mentoring entrants.

Many of the kids were really serious when the projects went into the fair, not all started that way though. Once they got the idea that they were expected to DIY mostly and thoroughly, they almost all rose to the challenge, usually way above expectations as above.

Many either won or placed well. I never sell a kid short once the fuse is properly lit. I remember one group in a similar 'fair' that was for team efforts (10-12 yo)... They had to build a team and then tackle a subject... most of them fizzled away, but two stuck it out. Where the team consensus was for a poster board with a drawing, they eventually made a working model of a run of river power station on a table top display board... actually made small amount of electricity, AND they designed it themselves, true they had help with the execution of it due to workshop rules, but it was made to their plans as presented. Their 'chief' engineer really got into the design work and theory. I think she is now in engineering (it was a while back). Of the five, two actively participated and were able to answer the judges questions without referring to notes in hand, three sort of stood around and hmmed and hawed about their paint job and information cards... That is the point. You can't push them for results, but once enabled, they like to run ahead.


So keep it simple, keep it interesting, know the subject you present well and offhand, and you should do very well.


There is lots of science in Geocaching, but you have to look for just what piece interests you most, then convince others.

Geology, Geography, Math, Game Theory (puzzles), Computers, the GPS workings, navigation, are just a few areas. One could wander off to Electronics, Survival skills etc. but I don't think that is what is intended.


Let us know what the topic choice is. Maybe some photos of the finished product later.


Doug 7rxc

Edited by 7rxc

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