+islander1988 Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 As promissed here is a general overview of the chicks: Thanks! I was hoping this would get posted. I got so many peeps this past weekend I couldn't remember which ones i got from who. Quote
+UOTrackers Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 As promissed here is a general overview of the chicks: Thanks! I was hoping this would get posted. I got so many peeps this past weekend I couldn't remember which ones i got from who. You were all over the place! I know you got mine and Bella's. I don't even know whos I do and don't have! I need to make myself a list. It's going to be so much fun to get the whole set anbd photograph them. Just wait till next year, we're already talking about a bigger better group and coin design! I wonder what you men will come up with!!! Quote
+Evil Chicken Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 As promissed here is a general overview of the chicks: and a white "Naked" chick, it was without glitter (sugar) Hmmmm - never saw or received that one! Quote
+Crowesfeat30 Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 As promissed here is a general overview of the chicks: and a white "Naked" chick, it was without glitter (sugar) Hmmmm - never saw or received that one! Me either!?!? Who has those Chicks??? CF30 Quote
+Damenace Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 I wonder what you men will come up with!!! Something about ruling the roost ? I can think of some chicken terms that may get me censored ! Quote
+Crowesfeat30 Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 I am still looking to trade for these Chicks: -Eleanor- 50 -E-001 - -E-050 Mama Cache 80 MCB-DAY summerandnana 100 s&n001 - s&n100 lindsychris 100 LC001 - LC100 CachingCoins 50 CC001 - CC050 CachingCoins 50 CC051 - CC100 CachingCoins 50 CC101 - CC150 paulandstacey 50 P&S001 - P&S050 rivercity 100 RC001 -RC100 TX Diva 100 TXD001 - TXD100 3doxies 100 3D001 - 3D100 Marky&Joani 100 M&J001 - M&J100 And a "Naked" Chick if anyone has one for trade! I would love to have a "Complete" set! If anyone would like to set up trades now, please e-mail me! I will be up tonight for another hour or so. CF30 Quote
+Crowesfeat30 Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 Just wait till next year, we're already talking about a bigger better group and coin design! Count me in for next year! Sacrimento, here we come! CF30 Quote
+UOTrackers Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 (edited) I am still looking for these chicks: ParentsofSAM 100 PSAM01 - PSAM75; PoSAM Fluttershy 100 PEEP01 - PEEP75; HUGS Fluttershy 100 PEEP01 - PEEP75; KISSES DresselDragons 50 DD001 - DD050 -Eleanor- 50 -E-001 - -E-050 summerandnana 100 s&n001 - s&n100 CachingCoins 50 CC001 - CC050 CachingCoins 50 CC051 - CC100 CachingCoins 50 CC101 - CC150 meandmydogs 50 MAMD01 - MAMD50 paulandstacey 50 P&S001 - P&S050 Evil Chicken 50 EC5 Evil Chicken 50 3CHKS TX Diva 100 TXD001 - TXD100 Marky&Joani 100 M&J001 - M&J100 I've got mine and Bella's to trade. If you are looking for mine and Bella's but only have 1 color I'm sure we can work something out! Edited May 30, 2007 by UOTrackers Quote
+Crowesfeat30 Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 (edited) I've got mine and Bella's to trade. If you are looking for mine and Bella's but only have 1 color I'm sure we can work something out! I went thru the Chicks I'd traded for Friday night when I got back to my hotel room (and again just now). I have a pinkish one and a blueish one from you. Thank you! E-mails have been sent to all of the Chicks on my list. Fingers crossed in hope of trades... CF30 Edited May 29, 2007 by Crowesfeat30 Quote
+avroair Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 As promissed here is a general overview of the chicks: Cacher Name QTY Etching ParentsofSAM 100 PSAM01 - PSAM75; PoSAM SAM -S 50 SRGS01 - SRGS50 SAM - 50 SRGA01 - SRGA50 SAM - 50 SRGM01 - SRGM50 UOTrackers Jen (Brae) 100 UOB001 - UOB075; UOBrae UOTrackers Bella (Andromeda) 100 UOA001 - UOA075; Bella Fluttershy 100 PEEP01 - PEEP75; HUGS Fluttershy 100 PEEP01 - PEEP75; KISSES CrazyCaveLover 100 CCL001 - CCL100 CrazyCaveLover 100 CCL101 - CCL200 CrazyCaveLover 100 CCL201 - CCL300 Crowesfeat30 50 CF001 - CF050 Crowesfeat30 100 CF051 - CF150 DresselDragons 50 DD001 - DD050 DDragonGirl 50 BND01 - BND050 Anthus 50 ANTHUS -Eleanor- 50 -E-001 - -E-050 Mama Cache 80 MCB-DAY sfwife 100 sfw001 - sfw100 wigoweb 100 WIGOWB summerandnana 100 s&n001 - s&n100 stellarscapes 100 ST001 - ST100 lindsychris 100 LC001 - LC100 ~tasia~ 50 TAS001 - TAS050 ~tasia~ #2 50 TAS051 - TAS100 CachingCoins 50 CC001 - CC050 CachingCoins 50 CC051 - CC100 CachingCoins 50 CC101 - CC150 meandmydogs 50 MAMDs; MAMD01 - MAMD09 meandmydogs 50 MAMD01 - MAMD50 paulandstacey 50 P&S001 - P&S050 T"n"T 100 TnT001 - TnT100 Evil Chicken 50 EC5 Evil Chicken 50 3CHKS Nov64 50 Nov64 rivercity 100 RC001 -RC100 TX Diva 100 TXD001 - TXD100 3doxies 100 3D001 - 3D100 Marky&Joani 100 M&J001 - M&J100 There were also 3 other "chicks" that were never listed, the Pink Thank you chicks, engraved CHICKS A Green "Rooster" chick and a white "Naked" chick, it was without glitter (sugar) Awesome! Thanks for the list. After alot of smoozing and smooching I managed to get 37 peeps (although smooching da rooster weren't too fun! ) --- as a thankyou I will be sending each of you my avroair geotag via cache mail. Will have to check which ones I don't have. Quote
+lindsychris Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 Avroair, one of 3 that you are missing is mine. Contact me and I'll get one to you. That goes to anyone who is still looking for mine! Quote
+UOTrackers Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 As promissed here is a general overview of the chicks: *snip* Awesome! Thanks for the list. After alot of smoozing and smooching I managed to get 37 peeps (although smooching da rooster weren't too fun! ) --- as a thankyou I will be sending each of you my avroair geotag via cache mail. Will have to check which ones I don't have. AMAZING!!! you managed to get probably more of a complete set than anyone else!!! Must have been all that smooching! I'm gonna guess you probably need Caching Coins as she did not make it to the event. Oh yeah, PS English Accent!!! Quote
+avroair Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 Ok I figured out I actually have doubles of a couple. Guess I was smooching a little too much! I need: Fluttershy 100 PEEP01 - PEEP75; HUGS Fluttershy 100 PEEP01 - PEEP75; KISSES sfwife 100 sfw001 - sfw100 wigoweb 100 WIGOWB stellarscapes 100 ST001 - ST100 lindsychris 100 LC001 - LC100 paulandstacey 50 P&S001 - P&S050 TX Diva 100 TXD001 - TXD100 I got a naked one! Not gonna tell ya how I got it either! Oh yeah, PS English Accent!!! tongue_animated.gif I so totally do not have an English accent! QUOTE(UOTrackers @ May 28 2007, 09:07 PM) * I wonder what you men will come up with!!! Something about ruling the roost tongue.gif tongue.gif ? I can think of some chicken terms that may get me censored blink.gif ! I have already entertained a couple ideas, although two were quite naughty! (typed with an english accent!) Quote
+paulandstacey Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 Stacey has quite a few of her peeps left as we were taking this trip as more of a cache thing than a coin thing. That being said we both met some pretty cool people (peeple?) and got some great coins with the few minutes we did take to swap and chat. Feel free to contact us for our peep. Looking for other peeps we dont have or other micro-type coiny things Quote
+Crowesfeat30 Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 (edited) Ok, I have made trades with all but these Chicks: -Eleanor- 50 -E-001 - -E-050 lindsychris 100 LC001 - LC100 rivercity 100 RC001 -RC100 3doxies 100 3D001 - 3D100 I have e-mailed them but haven't yet heard back from them. Man, I gotta learn to be patient... And if anyone has an extra Naked Chick laying around that they don't want.... well, I'm very interested!!! CF30 Edited May 29, 2007 by Crowesfeat30 Quote
+DresselDragons Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 Naked chick?! You mean there was a streaker and I missed it? Quote
+Fluttershy Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 I need to trade for some peeps, too. If we didn't trade, and you need mine please let me know. I need a whole bunch of them! Quote
+Crowesfeat30 Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 Naked chick?! You mean there was a streaker and I missed it? Apparently there was. And I missed it too... But I'm still hopeful... CF30 Quote
+crazycavelover Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 Avroair, one of 3 that you are missing is mine. Contact me and I'll get one to you. That goes to anyone who is still looking for mine! I don't think we traded chicks..... I still have plenty and would love to trade for a full set. And, I believe I have plenty to trade with those who were not a part of the CHICKS group. Thanks everyone for trading with me! I had an awesome time! Quote
+0R0B0RUS Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 This thread is absolutely hilarious! For those of us who missed GW5, could somebody please post a picture of some of these colorful birds? Quote
+Damenace Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 This thread is absolutely hilarious! For those of us who missed GW5, could somebody please post a picture of some of these colorful birds? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quote
+DresselDragons Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 (edited) Ask and ye shall receive... I just grabbed the 4 closest ones... Blue is CachingCoin's, yellow is POS, green is Brenda's (my daughter's), pink is mine. Edited May 29, 2007 by DresselDragons Quote
+Damenace Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 (edited) Ask and ye shall receive... I just grabbed the 4 closest ones... Blue is CachingCoin's, yellow is POS, green is Brenda's (my daughter's), pink is mine. Indeed Peeps, thanks for the pictures. What do the backs look like? Edited May 29, 2007 by Damenace Quote
+DresselDragons Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 Indeed Peeps, thanks for the pictures. What do the backs look like? Like this... Quote
+lindsychris Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 Ok, I have made trades with all but these Chicks: lindsychris 100 LC001 - LC100 I have e-mailed them but haven't yet heard back from them. Man, I gotta learn to be patient... And if anyone has an extra Naked Chick laying around that they don't want.... well, I'm very interested!!! CF30 Sorry about that. I did get your email, but we just got home early this morning and I had to work, I'm working on catching up on everything. Quote
+DresselDragons Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 We'd love to trade for a naked chick too. Man, that just sounds bad, but you know what I mean... Quote
+Crowesfeat30 Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 (edited) Ok, I have made trades with all but these Chicks: lindsychris 100 LC001 - LC100 I have e-mailed them but haven't yet heard back from them. Man, I gotta learn to be patient... And if anyone has an extra Naked Chick laying around that they don't want.... well, I'm very interested!!! CF30 Sorry about that. I did get your email, but we just got home early this morning and I had to work, I'm working on catching up on everything. No worries! Like I said: I gotta learn patience... But it's sooooooo hard!!! CF30 Edited May 29, 2007 by Crowesfeat30 Quote
+avroair Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 (edited) We'd love to trade for a naked chick too. Man, that just sounds bad, but you know what I mean... I heard they are very desirable. There weren't too many available. Edit to add: Fluttershy 100 PEEP01 - PEEP75; HUGS Fluttershy 100 PEEP01 - PEEP75; KISSES sfwife 100 sfw001 - sfw100 wigoweb 100 WIGOWB stellarscapes 100 ST001 - ST100 lindsychris 100 LC001 - LC100 - pending paulandstacey 50 P&S001 - P&S050 - pending TX Diva 100 TXD001 - TXD100 Edited May 29, 2007 by avroair Quote
+crazycavelover Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 (edited) These are the ones I'm seeking: -Eleanor- 50 -E-001 - -E-050 Mama Cache 80 MCB-DAY wigoweb 100 WIGOWB CachingCoins 50 CC001 - CC050 CachingCoins 50 CC051 - CC100 CachingCoins 50 CC101 - CC150 T"n"T 100 TnT001 - TnT100 Nov64 50 Nov64 rivercity 100 RC001 -RC100 *** Rivercity~We were going to trade but I think we forgot, LOL.*** I hope I can trade everyone so I can get the set. THANKS to everyone who traded with me. And, thanks for letting me be a part of these AWESOME coins! ******PENDING TRADES, TYVM****** lindsychris 100 LC001 - LC100 DresselDragons 50 DD001 - DD050 paulandstacey 50 P&S001 - P&S050 Edited May 30, 2007 by crazycavelover Quote
+lindsychris Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 Jolene, I had my chicks at the TB table, that was silly that we didn't trade then! I think we still have your address, I'll double check and get it sent out asap! Quote
+crazycavelover Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 Jolene, I had my chicks at the TB table, that was silly that we didn't trade then! I think we still have your address, I'll double check and get it sent out asap! I will send you a set of mine. I have your address at home so they will be in the mail when I get back. Thanks so much for trading with me. ~CCL Quote
+frivlas Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 Awww....I am SO jealous. Is it too early to get on the list for next year? Quote
+paulandstacey Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 We're still quite busy logging our trip to GW5. 2800 + miles driven, 200 + caches, plus TB's and coins and getoags, oh my! Although our peep number has been cut in half, we'll happily trade for peeps (to help fill sets), micros or other coins. Contact us if ours is one you are seeking Quote
+Marky Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 Awww....I am SO jealous. Is it too early to get on the list for next year? Yeah, next year's design will be a Foster Farms chicken. Quote
+frivlas Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 Awww....I am SO jealous. Is it too early to get on the list for next year? Yeah, next year's design will be a Foster Farms chicken. Not the Fosters Imposters? I wanna see one of yours. Quote
+crazycavelover Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 We're still quite busy logging our trip to GW5. 2800 + miles driven, 200 + caches, plus TB's and coins and getoags, oh my! Although our peep number has been cut in half, we'll happily trade for peeps (to help fill sets), micros or other coins. Contact us if ours is one you are seeking Email sent... Quote
+wigoweb Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 We're planning on trading one of our WIGOWB chicks with anyone we didn't get to trade with at GW5. If you have your own chick and want to trade for a WIGOWB chick, just contact us through this list or send an email through our profile. Our real geocaching name is WIGOWEB, but we didn't have that many letters for the chick coins. We will probably drop most of the rest of the coins in caches in NJ, NY, PA, and VA (near Williamsburg). Great project and great event. Quote
+UOTrackers Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 I am still looking for these chicks: ParentsofSAM 100 PSAM01 - PSAM75; PoSAM Fluttershy 100 PEEP01 - PEEP75; HUGS Fluttershy 100 PEEP01 - PEEP75; KISSES DresselDragons 50 DD001 - DD050 -Eleanor- 50 -E-001 - -E-050 summerandnana 100 s&n001 - s&n100 CachingCoins 50 CC001 - CC050 CachingCoins 50 CC051 - CC100 CachingCoins 50 CC101 - CC150 meandmydogs 50 MAMD01 - MAMD50 paulandstacey 50 P&S001 - P&S050 Evil Chicken 50 EC5 Evil Chicken 50 3CHKS TX Diva 100 TXD001 - TXD100 Marky&Joani 100 M&J001 - M&J100 I've got mine and Bella's to trade. If you are looking for mine and Bella's but only have 1 color I'm sure we can work something out! I have a small amount of the PINK "CHICKS" coin too. Quote
+UOTrackers Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 Awww....I am SO jealous. Is it too early to get on the list for next year? Nope it's not, as soon as I get back home next week I'll begin working on it. Quote
+crazycavelover Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 We're planning on trading one of our WIGOWB chicks with anyone we didn't get to trade with at GW5. If you have your own chick and want to trade for a WIGOWB chick, just contact us through this list or send an email through our profile. Our real geocaching name is WIGOWEB, but we didn't have that many letters for the chick coins. We will probably drop most of the rest of the coins in caches in NJ, NY, PA, and VA (near Williamsburg). Great project and great event. Email on its way to you.... Quote
+Crowesfeat30 Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 Trades arranged with almost all GW5 Chicks! Still missing: -Eleanor- 50 -E-001 - -E-050 rivercity 100 RC001 -RC100 3doxies 100 3D001 - 3D100 I have e-mailed them but haven't yet heard back from them. Still trying to be patient.... And if anyone has an extra Naked Chick laying around that they don't want.... well, I'm very interested!!! CF30 Quote
+rivercity Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 Sarah, I just replied to your email. Jolene, I forgot the chick number you wanted. Hope I haven't traded it away. Please let me know again. Dennis, yes, of course! I've got a chick for you. Anyone that would like a Rivercity chick, please let me know. Thanks again, Jen, for another fun project! Quote
+Crowesfeat30 Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 (edited) Sarah, I just replied to your email. Yay!!! Jolene, I forgot the chick number you wanted.... OMG! I completely forgot!!! I'm looking for coins numbered 30, 130, etc. if those folks I am trading with still have any "30s" left. Thanks again, Jen, for another fun project! Definatly ditto the above!!! This has been soooo much fun. Especially the keeping the project secret from the guys... CF30 Edited May 30, 2007 by Crowesfeat30 Quote
+UOTrackers Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 (edited) I'm Desperately seeking ~Eleanor~'s Chick!!! Will part with one of my extra NAKED chicks for it!!! I heard they were dropped along I-77 any coin collectors along that route?!!! Edited May 30, 2007 by UOTrackers Quote
+DresselDragons Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 We only hit 1 cache on I-77 on the way home, and it was chickless. I even searched thru Brenda's chicks to see if she had one from ~Eleanor~, because I am sure she would've traded it for a naked chick. Unfortunately, she did not have one. Quote
+crazycavelover Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 (edited) I'm Desperately seeking ~Eleanor~'s Chick!!! Will part with one of my extra NAKED chicks for it!!! I heard they were dropped along I-77 any coin collectors along that route?!!! Me too! I would love an ~Eleanor~ chick..... I don't have any extra naked chicks. But, I'm willing to trade all three of my chicks for just one ~Eleanor~ Chick. ~CCL Edited May 30, 2007 by crazycavelover Quote
+Mama Cache Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 Seeing as we will be in Sacramento next year, the home of the gold rush; nuggets come to mind. But then when I think of nuggets.....I think of boys. Quote
+Crowesfeat30 Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 (edited) I'm Desperately seeking ~Eleanor~'s Chick!!! Will part with one of my extra NAKED chicks for it!!! I heard they were dropped along I-77 any coin collectors along that route?!!! Me too! I would love an ~Eleanor~ chick..... I don't have any extra naked chicks. But, I'm willing to trade all three of my chicks for just one ~Eleanor~ Chick. ~CCL Me too!!! Would someone from the area be willing to scour I-77 to find some ~Eleanor~ Chicks for us? I don't have anything special to trade - just my two Chicks . I guess I'll never get a full set now... Still looking for a 3doxies Chick. I haven't heard back from her at all And Naked Chick would be nice too... (still looking for a trade for one of those...) CF30 Edited May 30, 2007 by Crowesfeat30 Quote
ParentsofSAM Posted May 30, 2007 Author Posted May 30, 2007 I am so glad that all the chicks are loving their coins. I certainly enjoyed heading up this project! I can't wait to do it again next year! Quote
+DresselDragons Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 Seeing as we will be in Sacramento next year, the home of the gold rush; nuggets come to mind. But then when I think of nuggets.....I think of boys. Quote
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