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so we gots:




and EdDakota :anicute:


OH and in my haste i failed to realize that an ending time of 7:00 would indicate 8 coins by starting it all off @ 12:00 PT, LOL


SO... I guess the "3rd wheel edition" will be given away @ 7:00 PT~ theres always been an extra anyway, you get a few rejects along the way of the involved and complicated minting process :laughing:


thanks for playin...


Hello Davey!!! How are you my friend?? How is Emma?? :laughing:


So I will have to send you my address! :laughing:


Can the winners continue playing? or.. can we play for someone else? :anicute:


Drat someone closed my computer. Maybe I can log on from my phone. Not that I can ever seem to do that.

LOL...Im on my phone too, cuz thats all i gots these days :laughing: i was happy it worked...wasnt sure that it would. Good luck from your phone... Thats hardcore :anicute:


Hi Nikos...Emmy is beautiful~wait till you see her again! I just got my 1st coin trade in a long time...maybe ill take a picture of her with my new WOMBAT! he he


and for anyone wondering whats this all about... Read post #237, that'll explain :laughing: prolly confusing for anyone who wasnt around for the last 3 years of shenanigans :laughing:


and DUDE, ya cant try for others unless you get on their account and not tell anyone...so get to hackin Gatoulis! ~ dang cat lovers I tell ya! :anicute:

Posted (edited)

and for anyone wondering whats this all about... Read post #237, that'll explain :laughing: prolly confusing for anyone who wasnt around for the last 3 years of shenanigans :laughing:


and DUDE, ya cant try for others unless you get on their account and not tell anyone...so get to hackin Gatoulis! ~ dang cat lovers I tell ya! :anicute:


Well... I tried to win for Wolfslady! :laughing:

Of course I didn't know that David (Odysey Voyager was posting at the same time!)

So.... good job David!!! You won a rare coin! April fools coins of Davey are amazing!!! you will see..... :laughing:


so... it will be better the winners not to try again then! :laughing: Since we already won a coin..... :huh:

Edited by GATOULIS

woohoo! awesome! :anicute:


:laughing: I didn't know you were posting at the same time too my friend! :laughing:


Congrats!!!! :laughing:


Hey... wolfslady, seekerfamily and Moopalong (that posted here today too!)... where are you?? in 44 minutes a new coin is coming!!! :laughing:


darn phone i cant even see where my posts are LOL every post i tried i had too hit enter twice to send not the last one plus i waited till it said 6 on both our phones not sure i can make it back again gl every1


darn phone i cant even see where my posts are LOL every post i tried i had too hit enter twice to send not the last one plus i waited till it said 6 on both our phones not sure i can make it back again gl every1


And you won!!! :anicute: Bravo!!!


I hope youy got my PM too! :laughing:


great & congrats on winning, Nikos...


:laughing: Winning... you mean the second coin not that one! :laughing: most probably you won this one! I already won a coin here! I was just posting a question! :laughing:


I was reading your signature line.... I laughed! recently I saw that tiny frogs exist!!! I am talking about so tiny frogs..... smaller or at the same size of a human finger nail!!! WOW!!! and they are normal frogs I mean they are not different except the size!!!


So... in that case... you may not understand what you ate (you will think it was a bug), but the frog will!!!! :anicute:


that was smooth :laughing: now to get crackin on the mint cuz they are slow as heck these days! :laughing:


So we gots




Odyssey Voyager



Scificollector... Thats only 7?


so i guess the 3rd wheel XLE version is still up for grabs or did i miss something from my phone?


:anicute: thanks for playin and CONGRATS...I think :laughing: dont forget to PM me your addys!


so bummed i missed out on this...i do love my one from last year. i looked for the hamster caching and when that was not there i forgot about this contest....


congrats to all of the winners....


if it is still available i would like the xle i would love to add it to my collection


Wow I had no idea until I just got home. I have this tiny screen on my phone and trying to read anything is difficult. I only got the internet so I could use the geocache navigator to find caches when I'm traveling or end up in an area I didn't expect to be in. All I could see was my name and that it went thru 1 minute early. When I tried to go back and post again it took me back to the main forum page and I had such a hard time getting to the thread that I just assumed it was too late. I'm so glad someone else didn't post while I was typing that long reply with using the number keys. That would have been even harder to swallow than my phone playing tricks on me. LOL


I think it's such a cute idea and I love April Fools. This year I told everyone I shaved my toddlers head after a really bad hair cut. Sadly the bad hair cut part was true. Last year (when he was 1 1/2 ) I asked if it was too soon to send him to military school, because I didn’t know being a mommy would be so hard. I still can’t believe that some people who knew what we’d been thru to have our son actually fell for that one.


Thank you Gatoulis for trying to win for me. That was so nice. I missed that too. Took a nice hike to pick up my 75th cache just after my last post. My DH was complaining because we had to drive almost 2 miles down a dirt road to get to the trail. Then he wouldn’t walk another 1/3 mile to get another one because it was getting too late. Spoilsport.


Thank you for the cointest. I had fun playing.


Thanks again all and its great fun every year, just wish I could tend to the thread a little closer... TommyTrojan won the 3rd wheel edition by default :)


The mint is a little slower than last year, the coins will be made this week and hopefully sent out by Monday the 12th. I got married for April Fools, (at least as far as facebook goes) so my time is no longer my time B)


Ill try to actually get pics of them before they go out this time and ill let ya all know when they ship...Thanks for being hardcore Wolfslady...ill ensure you are a happy wolfslady [:D]


Till Next Time~ CACHE HARD and CACHE ON!


How is the marriage going? Have you been getting any free time yet? What's up for next year, triplets? Just wait you won't get any free time or sleep after they get here. LOL

Posted (edited)

OK...Just heard back from the mint! The shortage on coin stock hit harder than in previous years and was made aware that the mint WILL NOT have the coins finished till beg-mid of may! :sad: THOSE GUYS I TELL YA!!! :D:D


Technical difficulties have rendered an extreme back log on all coins...I think we are gonna have to work on die re-sizing aswell, hence the possibilities for the middle of the month! :D


Just needed to drop in to tell ya the hold up for all of you eagerly awaiting your most beautiful April Fools coins that have not arrived yet...Dont worry~ "Its in the bank" B):D


Just building the suspense :D




edit to add: This status update brought to you live via the Mendocino County Library! :D

Edited by 007BigD

your too much bro!!! hope someone post a pic of this years,, id like to see, havent been able to get on much so i wasent able to play this year but still find it funny as heck!!! cheers all!!


HEYYY Love the coin! Got it today! 1944, that's an OLD penny! Thanks a lot!!! :D



I like the sound of that!


This thread just will not die, will it! :laughing:


Anyway, how are you my friend, and how is the family?


HEYYY Love the coin! Got it today! 1944, that's an OLD penny! Thanks a lot!!! :D



I like the sound of that!


This thread just will not die, will it! :laughing:


Anyway, how are you my friend, and how is the family?

i cant talk till tomorrow!!! :ph34r: GEEZE MAN! :laughing: all is well and we have adopted MY MOM now! :blink: OH...and yet another new cacher on the way come August!!! :D


Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Certainly in Norway we are!


I read through this topic yesterday - hilarious! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that there will be an April's fool discussion going this year as well.


The mood is definitely over for me - it's nearly 9pm April 1st here. :laughing:


An IT site I frequent did a good one today - they showed what looked like the Mod's menu on everyones posts - in other words many people thought they had the same rights as the site moderators!! Very funny - everyone was trying to ban the sites owner (or others) and lock threads. Ah, good days...


knock knock knock Dave!


knock knock knock Dave!


knock knock knock Dave!


knock knock knock Dave!




(think Big Bang Theory)

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