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The All New All New Groundspeak UK Pub Quiz

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Resisting the temptation to turn this into a Sci-Fi quiz, here's a 2 parter on British Military Trivia...


Only one Victoria Cross has ever been struck/minted which does not get listed in official records.


It was placed somewhere by Queen Victoria in 1856.


Where was it placed and where is it now?

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We have some 3/4 right on both counts.


It was in what we would now refer to as a Time Capsule at a hospital, but which Hospital? It was know by at least 2 names that I am aware of...


Secondly it is near Aldershot, but of course that is a big Army area, so lets try to get a bit more specific...

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OK my PAF has just confirmed that it is a medical museum near Aldershot and that it came from the Victoria Military Hospital which explains the connection between the medal and it's original location.

Must admit 60% of this came from my PAF at Aldershot base so I am not that clever. So if anybody else wants to set a question feel free, going off line now so will check in tomorrow am and if no question I will set one.

Edited by DrDick&Vick
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OK my PAF has just confirmed that it is a medical museum near Aldershot and that it came from the Victoria Military Hospital which explains the connection between the medal and it's original location.

Must admit 60% of this came from my PAF at Aldershot base so I am not that clever. So if anybody else wants to set a question feel free, going off line now so will check in tomorrow am and if no question I will set one.

DING for the Dr (quite fitting really :D )


Queen Victoria placed it in the foundations of the Royal Victoria Military Hospital at Netley in Hampshire, which was also know as Netley Hospital.


When it was demolished in the 1960's, the artefacts including the VC were recovered and the VC went to the Army Medical Services Museum near Aldershot.

Edited by careygang
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If you've got another question rady that is near enough for a DING


I really meant: The Searchers :laughing:



I think this will be a bit harder to solve:


A Belgian singer/songwriter who was in a band with her brother Gert made a guest appearance in "Buffy the vampire slayer". She played herself as a singer in a bar. Who is she?


Extra hint: She now lives in Tennesee. More hints follow if this should prove to difficult :D

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It's either Alison Krauss (which sounds a bit Belgian), Sarah Bettens, or Kim Ferron.

Ooooooh- who's been looking through the cd rack.....?

It's Sarah Bettens - I thought every Buffy fanatic knew that?


So... I gave too much info... too bad :D

I didn't have to look through the CD rack... I live in Belgium and K's Choice was big here from the beginning (when they were still called "the Choice" )


Ding to you although Mouse made a multiple choice out of the correct answer :laughing:

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Sorry missed the slot... the question would have been... What connects horses,cattle, asses, mules, sheep, pigs, goats and dogs.... and no others!!! not for a DING now.... just for fun... MaxKim.


Not sure what the definition is but I think these are the animals you have to report if you knock 'em over with your car!


missed my go......... ;-(


I'm confused now as to if this is a 'Ding-able' Question?? :laughing:

keehotee should have set a question but hasn't done so and Rutson is right about the animals; they're the definition in the Road Traffic Act for animals if you are involved in an accident with an 'animal'... Cats don't count because they are regarded as free roaming like chickens...

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Oh do keep up careygang, Silver-Fox missed his go a week or so ago :laughing::D<_<


Seems the last couple of winners have not been around at the eventual answer to set the next Q :unsure: ... So where do we go from here?


Maxkim said theirs was just for fun, but there's been no 'official Q' from keehoetee...


Anyone care to set a Question? <_<


How about Rutson?

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