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The All New All New Groundspeak UK Pub Quiz

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I'll hazard a guess at 18 hours, 25 minutes...... :):cute:
Our Roman friend has it- just! The current official Guinness World Record stands at 17 hours, 56 minutes and 11 seconds, as set on 8 July 2008 by Martin Hazel, Sara Wearn and Andi James. So ISCADUM is a couple of minutes inside my half hour rule. Well done and a DING!


More information on the Tube Challenge at Wikipedia.

If you're interested, Bambography's sig line has a link to the story of his attempt in July. It sounds like quite an adventure, and all for a good cause -_-

Edited by Simply Paul
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I fell asleep. As ISCADUM still hasn't resurfaced, who can tell me which US/UK films these foreign titles refer to?



1) Small Man



2) If You Leave Me, I Delete You



3) El Superagent 86

4) Breaking the Ice



5) A Twin Seldom Comes Alone

6) My Partner with the Cold Snout



7) Six Naked Pigs

8) A Very Powerful Whale Runs to Heaven

9) Mysterious Murder in Snowy Cream

10) One Night, Big Belly

11) His Powerful Device Makes Him Famous

12) Mr. Cat Poop

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All Complete Guesses

1) Small Man

That one with Steve Martin - Big nose based on a french story in the first place


2) If You Leave Me, I Delete You

Indecent proposal?


8) A Very Powerful Whale Runs to Heaven

That EXTREMELY offensive disney film, Free Willy (Are we allowed to use such language?) I'm sure no carp were hurt in the making of the film :anitongue::(


10) One Night, Big Belly

All I can think of here is Mr Creosote from Monty Python's Meaning of Life


11) His Powerful Device Makes Him Famous

I'm sure its a James Bond, but no idea which


12) Mr. Cat Poop

Ace Ventura


I'll be gobsmacked if I get any right. (I've just had to re-type 'right' several times as I kept putting a W at the front. Time for dinner I think.)

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1) Small Man - Ding! for Handsyhands



2) If You Leave Me, I Delete You - Ding! for Handsyhands. The title is the plot!



3) El Superagent 86 - Recent film

4) Breaking the Ice - Animated



5) A Twin Seldom Comes Alone

6) My Partner with the Cold Snout - Ding! for Handsyhands, and a sorry to CHC. Right animal, wrong film.



7) Six Naked Pigs - British film

8) A Very Powerful Whale Runs to Heaven - Ding! for Guanajuato. Yep, it's that Disney Filth.

9) Mysterious Murder in Snowy Cream - Ding! for Croft House Cachers.

10) One Night, Big Belly - Juno is close, but wrong

11) His Powerful Device Makes Him Famous - Ding! for Handsyhands. It was Boogie Nights.

12) Mr. Cat Poop - Stars JN

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I'm back! (For now. Busy busy!)



1) Small Man - Ding! for Handsyhands/Big (Tom Hanks)



2) If You Leave Me, I Delete You - Ding! for Handsyhands/Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The title is the plot!



3) El Superagent 86 - Recent film - Ding! for careygang. Yes, it was/is Get Smart.

4) Breaking the Ice - Animated - Ding! for minstrelcat/Happy Feet, with special 'nearly!' to the CHCs



5) A Twin Seldom Comes Alone - Ding! for Croft House Cachers/The Parent Trap

6) My Partner with the Cold Snout - Ding! for Handsyhands/K9, and a sorry to CHC. Right animal, wrong film.



7) Six Naked Pigs - British film - Ding! for Kennamatic/The Full Monty. I'm not sure the Chinese like us..!

8) A Very Powerful Whale Runs to Heaven - Ding! for Guanajuato. Yep, it's that Disney Filth; Free Willy

9) Mysterious Murder in Snowy Cream - Ding! for Croft House Cachers/Fargo

10) One Night, Big Belly - Juno is close, but wrong - Ding! for Croft House Cachers/Knocked up

11) His Powerful Device Makes Him Famous - Ding! for Handsyhands. It was Boogie Nights.

12) Mr. Cat Poop - Stars JN - Ding! for harryhotspur/As Good As it Gets. Nice work :blink:


Well done everyone!

minstrelcat gave the last correct answer, and Handsyhands beat CHCs 4 to 3 for correct answers... As minstrelcat were working on good info from CHCs, I'd like Handsyhands to ask the next question. I hope folks feel that's fair. If there's a disagreement, I will accept bribes. :sad:

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Thanks Paul - the cheques in the post!


I just realised that in one month the days will start getting lighter ....... summers coming!


In keeping with that happy thought and closely linked to Pauls previous question, which had me rolling around on the floor at one point due to the Italian guy I work with coming out with some crackers, the next question deals with Mondegreens.


"A mondegreen is the mishearing or misinterpretation of a phrase, typically a standardized phrase such as a line in a poem or a lyric in a song, due to near homophony. It should not be confused with Soramimis, which are songs that produce different meanings to those originally intended, when interpreted in another language."


For each of the following Mondegreens give the correct text and the song title/Artist:


1. "Scuse me while I kiss this guy"

2. "There's a bathroom on the right"

3. "Donuts make my brown eyes blue"

4. "The girl with colitis goes by"

5. "I’ve been eating marigolds"

6. "I've been waiting for the snowman for all my life"

7. "Went to a dance, looking for a man"

8. "My first real sex dream"

9. "We built this city on the wrong dam road"

10. "Cache away and you’re sitting on top of the world"


start humming those tunes. :laughing:

Edited by Handsyhands
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QUOTE(Handsyhands @ Nov 22 2008, 05:48 PM)


double DING



Point of order your Handshandyness, SA needs to give the correct lines, I could just nick the DINGS by giving the line, song and artist, but that wouldn't be sportsmanlike


SA gets a Ding for 5 and a Ding for 7, MBF gets a half Ding for 2.


double DING DINGS Ding Ding... half Ding... :laughing:




MrsB :laughing:

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Only two questions in the last seven days. One 12 part one and one 10 part one. Both set and then left unanswered for a goodly period of time.


Maybe its time to either:


a) just let this thread fizzle out.


:lol: Amend the "rules" slightly by banning multi-part questions.

How about c) Encourage setters to respond to correct answers faster or d) Allowing Googling after the event, so others can award Dings? In my defence, just over 27 hours passed between the last correct answer being given on my question, and me responding to it. I know it's a fast-paced world these days, but is that a goodly period? :)

In a word, I think we can afford to be Relaxed about this thread. It's intended to be a fun distraction from forum angst (if any ;) ) and questions about how many TBs you should take from a cache (etc :D )


Edited to add some photos of what was keeping me away from my PC...




As you can see, I have one expression for such occasions B)

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In my defence ... I answered all posts within a few minutes apart from the last one from SA which was a correction of a previous post. I must admit I'm quite easy over single or multi part questions and tend to favour the multi's simply because there is more banter, after all, I was the one who questioned Pauls abduction by those rather lovely looking aliens! ;)


Time to move things on, clues to the missing parts - Collins and Wilson.


If there are no further correct answers by 11:00pm tonight (on my watch) then I shall award the final Ding to the person who correctly answered the most parts. :)

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Ok We're all in then ....


1. "Scuse me while I kiss this guy" Ding for MartyBartfast

2. "There's a bathroom on the right" Split between MBF and SA

3. "Donuts make my brown eyes blue" Ding for MartyBartfast

4. "The girl with colitis goes by" Ding for CHC

5. "I’ve been eating marigolds" Ding for SA

6. "I've been waiting for the snowman for all my life" Ding for HH

7. "Went to a dance, looking for a man" Ding for SA

8. "My first real sex dream" Ding for CHC

9. "We built this city on the wrong dam road" Ding for MartyBartfast

10. "Cache away and you’re sitting on top of the world" Ding for HH


after totting up the points I declare MartyBartfast questionmaster.

Edited by Handsyhands
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