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The All New All New Groundspeak UK Pub Quiz

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Well Colin Baker appeared as a baddie before he was cast as The Doctor, so I'll guess Peter Capaldi did too.


That's a quick DING for you. Peter Capaldi was a Roman Centurion in a David Tennant story.


Why thank you.


Let's play a game of "what am I?"


I'm a four-legged animal. I have a unique feature in that when I walk, the two legs on the left hand side of my body move in unison, then my right. (If you think about how a human walks, when you put one foot forward, the opposite hand moves in unison. This one and only animal walks differently.)


What am I?


Thanks. Knew that one due to the Guardian crossword setter who used Araucaria as his 'nom de puzzle'.


Next - which Lord of the Rings actor's father is a major rock star?


Liv Tyler was in the Lord of the Rings films, I believe? Her father is Steven Tyler of Aerosmith


Something cheaper now: you could get one for 7/6 pre-decimalisation, and it was almost unchanged in price until its abolition in 1987. What was it?

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