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The All New All New Groundspeak UK Pub Quiz

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Southwold? I just saw a photo of it. It looks pretty compact. If not, I remember Ventnor's pier (IOW) being underwhelming...


Neither of those. The pier in question consists of a pavilion on piles abutted directly to the esplanade.


That sounds like the stub remains of the Pier Bandstand in Weymouth, but I imagine you mean 'built short' rather than 'shortened by explosives'..?


Weymouth Council cheated! So, no. Not their excuse for a pier. :P


Right- be gentle with me...its my first go at this. :)


Where was a famous British 4x4 vehicle first thought up, and how was the blueprint for it created?

Posted (edited)

I've seen this on the telly, and I think the fag packet is still in existence, I can't remember what it was though. I'll have a guess at Frank Whittle and the jet engine.


Edit: Just realised I hadn't read the right question, so I answered something completely different (clearly a jet engine isn't a 4x4 vehicle!!!!) - Doh.

Edited by MartyBartfast

Ok, I'll take a punt at Landrover and since its roots are in wartime, I'll guess at 'on the back of a napkin' - officers got napkins at dinner, right? :)


Well I will give you Land Rover...but sadly theres not been a correct answer for the second part yet. Am off caching for the weekend soon, so there may be a slight delay in responding to any further messages due to a variable interweb connection.


Any further guesses before I award the half right answer? :)

Not so much a guess ... because I'm not sure what you're getting at with "how the blueprint was created". I assume that the blueprints themselves were created in the conventional manner of the day by draughtsmen at the Rover drawing office in Solihull, where they'd moved after their pre-war factory was destroyed.


Rover had a bit of a problem when the war ended. Their model range was a little on the ostentatious side and too expensive to be successful in the austerity of post-war Britain. So they needed a stop-gap that could quickly be put together to tide them over until they could design more down-to-earth models. Stealing a march from Willys, they created a rugged vehicle for use by farmers. The prototype even had a tractor-like PTO! They couldn't afford the time to design it from the ground up, and so they pressed components from their pre-war range into service in the new vehicle. Steel was heavily rationed, and so they used aluminium alloy left over from their war-time aircraft making for the body panels. Although it was a hotch-potch cobbled together from necessity, the Landrover was an immediate success.


It was only meant as a stop-gap. Yet descendents of the Landrover are all that's now left of the once-proud Rover company :(


Right- first apologies for the delays, had a bit of trouble in the real world that needed sorting.


Back to the quiz. The answer I was looking for was Land Rover -the model being what is now the Defender. The second part I was looking for was


"Maurice Wilks tested a prototype for what has become one of the world's most successful off-road utility vehicles in fields at Red Wharf Bay just across the road from Ysgol Dwyran.

As an inventive engineer Mr Wilks thought he could come up with a better vehicle for farmers, combining the qualities of a car with those of a tractor. He drew a sketch of his ideal all-terrain vehicle in the sands of Red Wharf Bay and the Land Rover was conceived."


I now need clarification on who I award the Ding to- Simply Paul for being first to name Land Rover ...or Pajaholic for a more detailed explanation of the process, but without actually mentioning Red Wharf Bay or drawing in the sand (but almost everything else about the creation!)



Thanks, both to CnJnA and to Simply Paul.


To be honest, the answer came as a bit of a surprise as, to an engineer, a blueprint is something very different to an initial sketch! Strictly, a blueprint is a copy of a technical drawing or other document made by overlaying the original drawing, which is drawn on transparency or tracing paper, onto a medium (paper, vellum, linen, etc.) that is coated with a light-sensitive compound that turns blue when exposed to light. Light (sometimes visible, sometimes UV) is shone through the original, and then the copy is washed to remove all the compound that hasn't turned blue. The result is a negative image of the original drawing (i.e. white lines on a blue background). Sometimes, the term "blueprint" is used to refer to the formal specification of an engineering product or construction project, which comes from the copies that left the drawing office originally being made by the blueprint process.


That said, for the ding, what (as applied to automotive engineering) is meant by the term "blueprinting"?


That said, for the ding, what (as applied to automotive engineering) is meant by the term "blueprinting"?


I believe it's when an assembly, (usually the engine), is stripped to it's component parts and re-assembled making certain that all components are machined to exactly the correct size and that all clearances are exactly to specification. i.e.... that everythig is exactly as per the 'blueprint'.


Close enough for the DING!


Every dimension is given a nominal size together with a tolerance. For example, if the nominal size is 12.50 mm and the tolerance is 0.05 mm, then the finished size is deemed acceptable if it's in the range of 12.45 mm to 12.55 mm. Blueprinting is usually achieved by selecting components that are the closest available to the nominal size, and so implicitly dimensionally as close to optimal as possible.


Over to Parisee...


I believe Ira Hayes was a native American who joined the marines and fought in the Pacific during WW2 (possibly at Iwo Jima) and did something heroic. Then he drank himself to death if I remember the song correctly.


That's pretty much correct and I'll give the 'DING' to Clue-72.

Ira Hayes was was a native American, belonging to the Pima tribe of Arizona. He was in the U.S. Marine Corps and was one of the six men to raise the American flag on Iwo Jima. After the war he became an alcoholic and died of cold and alcohol poisoning after an all night binge in 1955. He was buried, with full military honours, in Arlington National Cemetery.

Some would say that his true claim to fame was the fact that Johnny Cash sung a song about him! :D


By the rules of this thread - some of which I did make up - I'm applying the Seven Day Clause to jump in and offer up a fresh question on behalf of Marty Bartfast. Sticking with Peter Cushing, he played Air Commodore Colonel William Raymond in which 1986 film?

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