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The All New All New Groundspeak UK Pub Quiz

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Not sure if this is the title or not (but it's certainly a line) "Up Up and away" and it was used in the Nimble adverts.


Right bread, correct about the balloon but wrong song. That's the Fifth Dimension. This was more to do with bees and public transport!!

If nobody else gets it soon, then you cam have it as it's pretty close.

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311311222114 - if right I will admit to a ver quick bout of google to find the answer


Correct. :)


A long while back, when this UK Pub Quiz started out, the original OP posted


Rule 1 - No googling!


Rule 2 - Try and keep your question at the level someone in a pub quiz might be able to answer.


As it hasn't been re-iterated for a long time, there's no reason why Misty Minou (who's fairly new to posting in this forum) should have been aware of the "no googling" rule guideline but I've put it up as a reminder for those still playing along!


Over to you for the next question, Misty Minou. :D




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Oer sorry about that! I'll know better for next time. :anicute:


Onwards to my question:-


In First Aid what is the current sequence of CPR?


2 breaths, 30 chest compressions, or it was 3 years ago when I did the last course


I was taught the other way round - 30 compressions followed by 2 breaths.....on the assumption that there's already enough oxygen there initially, but nothing pumping it around?

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According to the last First Aid instructors update I recieved it is as follows:

30 compressions to 2 breathes for adults and children if there is only a single F/Aider present.

In the case of children it is preffered that 15 compressions to 2 breathes is used on children


It has changed so many time over the 33 years that I have been qualified that every time I do any teaching I have to check.

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sorry but your all wrong. velcro was given to mr hienz cro by an alien from the planet vel 6th planet orbiting the tibirian sun in 276th galaxy when there craft crash landed near area 51 in 1958 but they could not tell us the truth so the authorits came up with the cover story that you have mentioned above. The vels used it as a floor covering and on there boots to combat weight lessness in space travel as they could't pronounce seifjnosiuhvbouzdbvuidiubvnndiv (alien name) they decide to call it velcro :P

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