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Mugger Alert


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A warning to all geocachers in the Western Cape - there have been reports of armed muggings in Silvermine east of Ou Kaapse Weg in the past few weeks. Exercise caution when operating in this area! There are still some caches in this area that I would like to seek, but I'll wait for a large party to get together before attempting them.

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Darn, we thought that part of Table Mountain National Park was really safe!

Did caches both sides of Silvermine last weekend and were pretty unconcerned about being mugged.

Took cellphones, cameras and wallets with us, which we don't normally do.

We always carry a cannister of pepper spray with us, for just in case.

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I am afraid Goofster is quite right.


Read all about this disgrace here.


And I am told that despite the claims that this is a first, there have been many other attacks in the area. It is also believed that the criminals have become more violent.

Edited by bear&fox
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sad news. I am sure TMNP is doing their part, but these criminals seem to be everywhere. I might have to invest in pepper spray for the family soon. Pity. :lostsignal:


BTW - It was nice to have a SA forum virtually crime topic free for some time. Pity it had to creep in here. :)

Edited by vespax
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I don't think I'd try to use pepper spray against an armed assailant. What are your handgun laws down there? I carry almost all the time now here.


IMO carrying a gun sets yourself up for a much more violent confrontation. If you are smart about it you can most likely talk your way to safety. Have done it 3 times since moving to Cape Town. No guns while caching! :lostsignal:

Edited by vespax
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At the same time, talking, is not always going to solve the problem and talking will definitely not make it go away. There are so few sacred places left, we have to start defending them. Why not take this topic in a direction where we can maybe get some answers and if not answers at least guidelines for handling such an incident. And NO, firearms are not the answer, at least not in the hands of the public. I firmly believe all suspicious activity should immediately be reported. In doing this we may be crying wolf but at the same time the authorities might just get irritated enough to do something about it. If they do come take a look every now and then, their presence will be noticed by those illegal few. I also don’t understand why in a country where a shortage work is a problem, we cannot have more people patrolling our natural resources. In the case of Silvermine, just imagine having horseback "rangers" patrolling the paths. But again its does not help leaving these things up to politicians and the like, when last have you bumped into Thabo at Muizenberg Cave or helped Hellen Ziller when she slipped on the chain on Lion's Head. Lets try and find some answers not just remorse about what is lost.

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I firmly believe all suspicious activity should immediately be reported.

The problem here is that Geocachers will be/should be reported as well. Imagine having the police rock up will you are climbing around a beached boat looking for a micro. :lostsignal:

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I don't think I'd try to use pepper spray against an armed assailant. What are your handgun laws down there? I carry almost all the time now here.


Having lived in SA for a very long time I can tell you that carrying a firearm is a sure way to get yourself shot.

The criminals in SA are a completely different sort to any that I have encountered anywhere else. They don't hang around by themselves there is usually a few of them so you might get to kill one before you get yourself killed and let your handgun get into their hands.


The best net would be safety in numbers or forget going there.

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Don't always agree with Criminal, but I have to support him here. Quote "If I'm geocaching, I'm packing. You don't need to get mad about it."


Our family were also victims of crime - if I did not defend ourselves - you would not even have shed a tear on our demise.


Don't trust anybody - including the police, that is the fact of living in South Africa.



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No guns while caching! :P

If I'm geocaching, I'm packing. You don't need to get mad about it.


Whoops! Hit a nerve with that smilie. :D Not mad, just voicing opinion on the issue at hand. Pack all you want, I'll pack some apples and occasionally the cache hints myself. :P

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"Having lived in SA for a very long time I can tell you that carrying a firearm is a sure way to get yourself shot.


The criminals in SA are a completely different sort to any that I have encountered anywhere else. They don't hang around by themselves there is usually a few of them so you might get to kill one before you get yourself killed and let your handgun get into their hands."


I will not agree with this statement - having lived in South Africa all of my life I know that the criminals here will kill you for a measly ZAR, cellphone or whatever they percieve you might have for them to take. You don't even have to display the "worthy" item to them. They will and did kill people to only run away of the crime scene - newspapers are full of these facts.


My personal experience is that a show of force did change their minds, and thank God that our family is alive therefore.


Why should I be concerned about my legally owned firearm landing in the criminals hands who attacked me using illegal firearms ? I would be dead anyway !


Stop trying to disarm the legally owned firearms - be a man and disarm the users of the illegal arms. As if that will ever happen in South Africa.



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