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Ultimate Cache coin re-orders now open


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Posted (edited)

Hi ya all,

We have been kinda lurking in here for a while. But time to come out(so to say). We are working on a few coin designs including a new dragon series. The one idea we had that we are still not sure of is for a Christian coin with a great sign of faith on it and message about being on the "right log sheet". Trying to get idea of how many might be interested before we take it much farther. Will have ruff design ready shortly depending on responses. Any info given would be heplful. Thanks for imput and keep up the caches.

Mrs. Pack of


Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster

I love Christian themed coins. But I really couldn't say if I would be interested until I see art. There are alot of coins that I like the idea of, but it really comes down to how good it actually looks.


We would be interested too. Like Joni, I think it would depend on the artwork. A great message still needs to be presented well, if you know what I mean. :blink:


A good coin with the right symbology would be nice. Just another coin with a cliche comment on it would result in a pass on my part.


If you are working on a whole bunch of coins and so the Christian coin is "Just another coin" I'd pass on it as well.


You are so new, so few posts, and I have no idea what you do that it's hard to say much of anything.


Lots of potential here though.


As others have already mentioned, it is really hard to gain interest when you have provided no specs. Even thought you may not have pictures to show for the design do you know the size,metals quantites and if it is going to be trackable?


Christian themed coins are one of the 3 categories of coins I collect, but as others have said, price and artwork are big factors too in considering a purchase.


hello every1,

to answer some of every1's questions--size 1.75, thickness 3.5mm, metal copper, lettering colors red translucent & gold, talking with rusty from personalgeocoins.com, madhatter, & chris mackey to get artist rendering to use for pre-orders.

Posted (edited)

Attention Packmaster4 is now T"n"T

We have rough draft idea of coin working on details.

See what you think and as always give us some feed back.crosscoin.jpg


Inside of coin between outer circle and mountain would be cut-out possible. Yes it would be trackable and have custon icon. Numbers of coins will depend greatly on interest levels. Price not determined. Wait for info on design from Rusty.

Edited by T"n"T

Attention Packmaster4 is now T"n"T

We have rough draft idea of coin working on details.

See what you think and as always give us some feed back.crosscoin.jpg


Inside of coin between outer circle and mountain would be cut-out possible. Yes it would be trackable and have custon icon. Numbers of coins will depend greatly on interest levels. Price not determined. Wait for info on design from Rusty.


This coin looks very similar to Cornerstone4's first personal. Is this going to be a personal coin too?


Attention Packmaster4 is now T"n"T

We have rough draft idea of coin working on details.

See what you think and as always give us some feed back.crosscoin.jpg


Inside of coin between outer circle and mountain would be cut-out possible. Yes it would be trackable and have custon icon. Numbers of coins will depend greatly on interest levels. Price not determined. Wait for info on design from Rusty.


Definately has potential! :smile:


I'd be interested in a few when you make them. :huh:


D-man :(


Attention Packmaster4 is now T"n"T

We have rough draft idea of coin working on details.

See what you think and as always give us some feed back.crosscoin.jpg


Inside of coin between outer circle and mountain would be cut-out possible. Yes it would be trackable and have custon icon. Numbers of coins will depend greatly on interest levels. Price not determined. Wait for info on design from Rusty.


This coin looks very similar to Cornerstone4's first personal. Is this going to be a personal coin too?



Not sure what the coin you are referring to looks like but will have to check it out. As for our personal, not really but kinda, we will be coming out with our signature coin shortly. This one is one of Tank's creations designed for my mom.


In looking at the design, I think it might look cool if the area around the crosses was cut out. Just my 2¢.


We had already decided to check on cutouts in coin that was our original idea to have them standing out. 3D on both sides. Therefore very thick coin. Thank for imput. Should haved print photo this week.

Posted (edited)

It was nice meeting you guys at the GeoQuest last weekend. I like the design and the ideas you had. I can't wait to see the actual coin.

Edited by Hares Ear

Ok tried fixing few things on this thread for ya all, and found out best way to do it was to start a new tread. Well as most of you know we have changed names from packmaster4 to T"n"T. New tread will be under T"n"T New Christian coin "The Ultimate Cache" design almost final. Hope you all like it we will have pre-sales ready by end of next week. Looking at delivery prior to GW5.


Hope you all like this coin it is being made for my mom. Tank and I have put alot of feeling into it and think we came up with a great message with a stunning delivery. Still waiting on cost estimates to price for you all. Hope to have pre-sale page ready by end of next week, with photo samples of coins. we are looking now at a 2" either 3.5mm or 4 mm thickness. Both sides are 3D with cutouts. The area around crosses showing yellow-gold will be either open cut out or hopefully translucent yellow-gold enameling see through material. Metals for casting will most likely be copper and maybe nickel. Depending on samples. At this point I don't have idea of limiting production numbers as we feel that this coin should be available to any that would like one. Feedback always welcome. calvary-1.jpg


Nice twist with the logbook! Copper is an excellent choice; so is nickel (a smoky antique nickel maybe). The translucent yellow-gold enameling should look pretty good. I'm looking forward to the pics.

Posted (edited)

Price- not detremined waiting on price quote to me. We are still checking on a few options.

Shipping in US will be worked into coin cost

To Canada and international will be based on cost of shipping to that area.

Base metal copper

Coating Metals- waiting on sample photos to decide for sure- but at this point copper, nickel(maybe smokey antique)as sugested by another poster. Also getting a sample in an antique bronze.

Maker- Designed by T"n"T, with some final help from rusty at personalcoins.com

Edited by T"n"T

Merged duplicate threads.


As a reminder to everyone (especially the newer folks):

One coin = one thread.


This means that the entire discussion from ideas, pre-ordering, ordering, shipping, etc. need to stay contained in one thread.


The moderators can edit the thread title to reflect a new status if needed - just email or PM Eartha or I with the changes and a link to the thread.


Thank you.

- Sketti


Thanks for all your interest so far. We now have e-mail up and working. If you would like placed on list to reciece info. E-mail us at



with geonick/ name/ e-mail/ and address(opitional at this point)

Thanks again all. Hope to have site up soon and will post link to coin.


Sadly we just heard back from mint and it looks as if the see through color is out with the 3D art. It will have cutouts around cross but not the stained glass effect.

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