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Typical Micro Caches

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I'm still stuck on finding out what a "Mocro Cache" is, much less what a typical one would be. :(B) (Just kidding)


Normal lame B) spots for a micro cache include the ends of guard rails, and under lamp post skirts.


"Typical" could simply refer to the container. Typical micro containers are magnetic keyholders, film cans and pill bottles. IMNSHO film cans should be banned, because they are NOT watertight.


Have you found any of these "typical" micro caches? If not, try some and you will instantly know!


I have seen the word "typical" used in cache descriptions in the past and I know where they are hidden before going to find them. For a typical micro you drive up, and look at your surroundings....is there a lamppost right in front of your car? Are you anywhere near a guardrail? Is their a fire hydrant nearby? "Typical" can mean a bunch of places, but you quickly narrow it down to one or two locations when you get on site.


I'm still stuck on finding out what a "Mocro Cache" is, much less what a typical one would be. :(B) (Just kidding)


Normal lame B) spots for a micro cache include the ends of guard rails, and under lamp post skirts.

I too want to know what a mocro cache is! Anyway, other typical hiding spots for micro caches are under newspaper vending boxes on Los Angeles street corners, under post office boxes on SoCal sidewalks, under cast iron or wrought iron ornamental fences adjacent to sidwealks or nature paths.


MOCRO - come on folks lets get with the program








"typical" hides can vary from place to place and depends on what the location looks like and supports - anything metal would be your first and best bet


... Is their a fire hydrant nearby? ...


Have you really found a micro on a fire hydrant? I hope you were just waxing eloquent!


Yes, I have found a bunch of fire hydrant caches....they are around my area! Just another object to add to the "typical" list.


I'm still stuck on finding out what a "Mocro Cache" is, much less what a typical one would be. B):( (Just kidding)


Normal lame B) spots for a micro cache include the ends of guard rails, and under lamp post skirts.

I too want to know what a mocro cache is! Anyway, other typical hiding spots for micro caches are under newspaper vending boxes on Los Angeles street corners, under post office boxes on SoCal sidewalks, under cast iron or wrought iron ornamental fences adjacent to sidwealks or nature paths.

I see you had fun doing our L.A. Psycho Urban series on your recent visit B)


I'm still stuck on finding out what a "Mocro Cache" is, much less what a typical one would be. :D:( (Just kidding)


Normal lame B) spots for a micro cache include the ends of guard rails, and under lamp post skirts.

I too want to know what a mocro cache is! Anyway, other typical hiding spots for micro caches are under newspaper vending boxes on Los Angeles street corners, under post office boxes on SoCal sidewalks, under cast iron or wrought iron ornamental fences adjacent to sidwealks or nature paths.

I see you had fun doing our L.A. Psycho Urban series on your recent visit B)

Actually, those examples were from a long-weekend visit to Pasadena in 2005 to deliver some lectures. On my recent LA trip of two weeks ago, the only cache I did was the famous Santa Monica Pier webcam cache. The rest of the time, I was too busy hanging out in window seats at raw vegan cafes in Santa Monica or sitting at little cafes in Venice Beach, and trying desperately to pretend that I was hip (the deal goes something like this: hang out in raw vegan cafes all day drinking raw green juice and then once nightfall hits, scurry six blocks down the street under the cover of darkness to an Irish pub and order a beer and a very rare 3/4 pound hamburger with fries!...) B)


: hang out in raw vegan cafes all day drinking raw green juice and then once nightfall hits, scurry six blocks down the street under the cover of darkness to an Irish pub and order a beer and a very rare 3/4 pound hamburger with fries!...) :D



If I decided to hang out drinking "raw geen juice" all day.....I would be scurrying someplace else, whether

in darkness or High Noon!!! :D

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