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The Easter Geocoin Bunny!


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Look what Bella Found!



I had just finished up my last massage (yesterday) and was in the car on my way to pick up Bella, when my husband called. “Someone just visited Bella’s 5 and Dime and DNF’d it again? Can you go check on it.”? I was a bit surprised because we had just straightened out a problem with people DNF’ing it. It’s in a little retirement community and one of the older gentleman thought I picked it up and was telling cachers it was gone. However he was shown that it was still there so I figured smooth sailing from now on. So I pick up Bella and head to her cache. When I got there my husband was there with a camera. Huh? He says, “just go check the cache!” So Bella and I head over to it, we get there, and what’s this? A little purple Easter Egg? Bella picked it up as Forrest took a picture, then the camera died. Forrest got the little email notification all right, but it wasn’t a DNF, someone named the Easter Geocoin Bunny had just hopped by the cache, he grabbed the camera knowing I would be excited, he just didn’t know the battery was about dead.

(Edit I wrote this all up last night, but was contacted and asked to wait till this morning to post, I will have better pictures of the coin once the sun hits mid-day)


WooHoo Thank you Easter Geocoin Bunny!






Congrats, Bella!!

(I have a brother named Forrest, everyone calls him "Trees")


We get "Peas and Carrots" a lot...don't get it? Run Forrest Run! Who was Forrest's "girl"?


Oh Jen she is so cute! What a great slide show and what a fantastic start to spring for your family. Congrats on a great coin for her collection. You are all set for spring down there - love Bella's shirt!


Thanks for sharing some fun & joy! :D


How very cool! Thats how our little guy is with coins - hes gets about as excited as we do when a new envelope arrives - calls it "Treasure"!!


Its particularly neat when the kids get something fun though!!!! Will have to keep an eye out for the bunny in IL! Joel would get a kick out of an "Eggy" coin. (As he calls them!)




Awwww...I just watched the slide show and she is such a cutie! B)


I hope the EGB hops down this way.....my girls would love this coin! B)


Ashley's b-day is on Good Friday this year. Right before Easter. :(

Posted (edited)

The Alabama Rambler got one today too.


Congrats Ed! B)


I can't find a link I typed in Easter Bunny and didn't find anything? B)


Edit: Nevermind I now saw the post above.


Congrats to both Bella and Ed! :(

Edited by avroair
Posted (edited)

Congrats, Bella!!

(I have a brother named Forrest, everyone calls him "Trees")


We get "Peas and Carrots" a lot...don't get it? Run Forrest Run! Who was Forrest's "girl"?


Forrests 'girl' was Jenny, what a coincidence:) Congrats Bella, what a great surprise you found.



edit spelling

Edited by summerandnana

Congratulations to little Bella!! She is so adroable. :( What a deserving recipient. B)


Another coin to hope for. I know our little PengoDaughter would love to add this to her little collection. We made her a little photo album of all the sig items and geonickels that she has received personally from other cachers plus a few special items: parents of sam micro geocoins and a little geoangel coin sent to me from UO Trackers. We activated a travel bug and wrote the number inside her album so that others may 'discover' her collection. She just loves showing it off as you can see here:




Hopefully the Easter Coin Bunny will visit her too. B)


How cute!


DiB and I went to a cache this morning, ended up DNF'ing it B) But we found an easter egg with a coin in it near the cache site!!


my coin has a gold finish, with light blue and gold on the front, and purple on the back... i will post pics when i get home from work!


Thanks Easter Geocoin Bunny!!!! :(


Congrats ~tasia~!


Cool...so do the eggs come in different flavors??? WOW!


PengoFamily your little girl is adorable! I am glad she likes our little micro set. She does look proud of her collection! B) I can even see one of our coins! :(


Bella is way too cute !!!


Hop on over our way Geocoin Easter Bunny !! The snow is really melthing now and I can see the grass once again = )




Here Bunny, Bunny, Bunny!!! SSHHHH, I'm hunting Wabbits!!!



Naughty Damenace! B) Why am I not surprised that you came up with this! :(


What a great surprise coin, and a wonderful shot of Bella. And congrats to Pengodaughter on her nice collection. Children are the future of our hobby. Anything that encourages them to take up geocaching is a good thing, in our book. Two of our grandkids have gone caching with us, and grandson Larez is a regular companion during the summer, with his own account. Someone has to maintain our hides when we're too old and feeble to do it! B)


How cute!

DiB and I went to a cache this morning, ended up DNF'ing it B) But we found an easter egg with a coin in it near the cache site!!

my coin has a gold finish, with light blue and gold on the front, and purple on the back... i will post pics when i get home from work!

Thanks Easter Geocoin Bunny!!!! :(


Great, now I wish that the Easter Bunny would visit good old Europe. These Easter Eggs look absoluetly lovely.

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