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Geocoin Mission Mayhem!


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Mission Mayhem!


You asked for it, so you've got it! Easter Missions, Mayday Missions, Birthday Missions there are just so many great options!!! So this is Mission Mayhem!


If you’d like to participate in a mission, I’m game to host it!


IF You'd Like To Be Involved, PLEASE Follow These Guidelines:


1. You are willing to Mail 2 Unactivated Geocoins to one Participant.

2. You must be a registered user in these Forums/with a history of at least 30 posts.

3. You must provide your FULL NAME AND ADDRESS to receive 2 Geocoins from another Participant.

4. Geocoin Packages must be mailed no later than 1 week prior to mission day.

5. You must report your received status in this thread!


To Participate:


1. Email MissionMakers@yahoo.com with the following information:

2. Geocaching Name


4. Let me know if you are willing to ship outside of your Country.

5. Mission Preference Easter (mail by April 1st) May Day (mail by April 23rd) GeoBirthday (mail by April 27th)

5. You will receive an email from me ASAP, with Your own Secret Mission.

6. Please go the Distance. If you participate, please do your part to make this a fun experience. Decorating your package to match the mission can be a lot of fun too!




**Sorry, Participants names cannot be reserved.**


**PLEASE report the Following in this Thread on your Progress**


1. Participating

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!

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E-mail sent to participate in all three!


ETA: the following...



1. Participating - 3/17/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. Participating - 3/17/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. Participating - 3/17/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received

Edited by BRoKeN W
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Email for all three:




1. Participating checkmark.jpg

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


May Day


1. Participating checkmark.jpg

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!




1. Participating checkmark.jpg

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!

Edited by nielsenc
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Mission #1 - Easter

1. Participating - done

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!



Mission #2 - MayDay

1. Participating - done

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


Mission #3 - GeoBirthday

1. Participating - done

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!

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You guys really need to stop this, because I have no self control. Signed up for all 3...but I do have one request. Since this is a set of 3 exchanges, back-to-back-to-back, we should really wait until the posted mailing dates to send out the packages. I know that it is very easy to get excited, get your package ready and mail it out ASAP. But...there might be a bit over overlapping and coinfusion (ie: May Day coming before Easter, etc) if folks rush sending out the packages. It will probably be inevitable, esp. with overseas mailings, but isn't one of the ideas behind setting a mailing date so that folks kind-of receive their packages around the same time...and close to the holiday that we're celebrating? We should also clearly label each exchanges that gets mailed out, so folks know which one they received (either by decorating the packaging, including a special card in the box, return address identifing sender - Easter Bunny, May Day Queen/King, or Signal, etc.) so folks can properly post their "thank-you's". Just some thoughts to help keep things straight...good luck, Brae...just the thought of organizing this whirlwind of exchanges give me a head-e-ache.

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Just some thoughts to help keep things straight...good luck, Brae...just the thought of organizing this whirlwind of exchanges give me a head-e-ache.


Yeah, um, I know I'm a bit crazy! I don't like to disappoint people, so I try to please everyone. I have no doubt that this will one day be my downfall. Oh well, I enjoy making people happy, that's why I became a massage therapist! I like making people feel good :D so hopefully I wont explode before this is done! Now my husband may have other opinions :)

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Email sent for all 3 missions



1. PARTICIPATING - 3/18/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. PARTICIPATING - 3/18/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. PARTCIPATING - 3/18/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received

Edited by scaw
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Mission Preference:


Easter (mail by April 1st)

1. Participating (3/18)

2. Received Name (3/18)

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


May Day (mail by April 23rd)

1. Participating (3/18)

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


GeoBirthday (mail by April 27th)

1. Participating (3/18)

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!

Edited by ~tasia~
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E-Mail sent for all three (3) missions..



1. PARTICIPATING - 3/18/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. PARTICIPATING - 3/18/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. PARTCIPATING - 3/18/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received

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Email sent , These are great fun :)



1. PARTICIPATING - 3/18/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. PARTICIPATING - 3/18/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. PARTCIPATING - 3/18/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received

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Oh sorry I forgot to add this yesterday when I joined.


1. PARTICIPATING - 3/17/07 done

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. PARTICIPATING - 3/17/07 done

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. PARTCIPATING - 3/17/07 done,done

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received


Good luck with this UOTrackers

Link to comment

Email sent!



1. PARTICIPATING - 3/18/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. PARTICIPATING - 3/18/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. PARTCIPATING - 3/18/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received

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Just wanted to let everyone know that you will probably not get any names until at the earliest late tonight, the latest Wednesday. Today I am catching up on Art work for GeoTags, Monday is a heavy day for me for massages, Tuesday I have March of Dimes meetings and more massages, so Wednesday morning is free for emailing! Plus I don't want you to be able to guess who your pals are by seeing who has posted already!!! I'm very excited about all of this, I always enjoy testing my ability to juggle!

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Mission Preference:


Easter (mail by April 1st)

1. Participating (3/18/07)

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


GeoBirthday (mail by April 27th)

1. Participating (3/18/07)

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


I haven't mentioned - THANK YOU so much for organising this mammoth effort! :):D

Edited by Cheesy pigs
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1. Participating - 3/18/07

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


May Day

1. Participating - 3/18/07

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!



1. Participating - 3/18/07

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!

Link to comment



1. Participating Done

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


May Day


1. Participating Done

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!




1. Participating Done

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!

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Just received my Easter Mission.

Now the research begins.


For whoever gets my name, I have a seeking list on my website which is accessible

through my profile. However, some of the coins on the list may be very hard to find,

so please don't worry and think that these are the only coins I want. I would be happy

with ANY geocoins. It's just fun participating in these secret geocoin exchanges.



1. PARTICIPATING - 3/18/07


3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. PARTICIPATING - 3/18/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. PARTCIPATING - 3/18/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received

Link to comment


1. Participating - 3/17/07

2. Received Mission - 3/18/07

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. Participating - 3/17/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. Participating - 3/17/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received

Link to comment

EASTER easter_eggs.gif

1. Participating - 3/18/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received


MAY DAY swizzler.gif

1. Participating - 3/18/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received


GEO-BIRTHDAY openpresent.gif

1. Participating - 3/18/07

2. Received Mission

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received


WooHoo...email sent! :ph34r: :ph34r: :(

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