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Google Earth limit of views exceeded - INCORRECT!?

The Gnomads

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Can anyone tell us why, when starting Google Earth to view caches we are told that the limited number of views for that day has been exceeded when this is not the case?

Posted (edited)

Can anyone tell us why, when starting Google Earth to view caches we are told that the limited number of views for that day has been exceeded when this is not the case?

I have been seeing this lately as well as the, I think, related problem of the KML time limit having passed. There is another thread on that one, but the solution was not shared with any other posters than the OP. I have tried deleteing the kml file and doing it over again. That didn't work.


I suspect this is a gc.com problem and this thread as well as the other one should be in that forum so the TPTB will notice it.


Edit to note that the other thread is in Geocaching Topics.

Edited by WeightMan

This happened to me as well. In fact it was on 3 computers of mine. I believe as weightman said, it is a gc.com problem. After I mentioned it on the forums, within a day it was fixed. So nothing that I did on my end fixed it, I think it was TPTB that fixed it but I never found out for sure. Might send them an email.

Posted (edited)

This happened again to me today... I emailed, but was directed to find the answer in the forums... Anyone have an answer for me?

All I know is that I tried using GE today and I had 200 views again. I have no idea what I did or didn't do to get that.


Edit to note that I went back to GE after using 15 or so views earlier and now it says I have exceeded my views for the day. I dunno. There are three other threads on the subject of GE, but the two I looked at had nothing to say on this subject.

Edited by WeightMan

Maybe a moderator could move this to the GC.com forum for us, and we might get a better answer there. Perhaps with all the server problems lately, this might have something to do with it.


Maybe a moderator could move this to the GC.com forum for us, and we might get a better answer there. Perhaps with all the server problems lately, this might have something to do with it.

Report sent


I've been getting this for a while. I just started google earth for the first time in ages and the kml file wouldn't work. I downloaded it again and I was told I exceeded my views when I haven't used it at all!


I'll now search for the other threads on this but this was the first one that popped up when I searched "google earth exceeded".


It would be great if someone could explain what I'm doing wrong?


The only thing I can suggest, not sure if it is the answer, since it did not seem to work the first time this happened, is to clear out your cache. Cache in GE is located under the options. Sorry none of us can be more help, it seems to be a black hole topic.


Thanks, didn't work though (I have google earth for mac). Really weird? Would love to be able to use this as my gsak is sitting on my pc back in Australia and I am here in New York so rely on google earth much more to locate caches.


I hope someone else has an answer.


Per a post by another user-->


In Google Earth you need to change the refresh to "On Request" instead of "After camera stops."


Right click the KML entry, select "edit." Click on the box next to "Refresh Parameters." Under "View-based Refresh" change it to "On Request."


Then you can browse around and when you want to refresh the caches shown, right-click on the KML entry and select "Refresh." You will then only burn off the queries you want and not on every movement.


Hope this helps.

Posted (edited)

Same problem for me :)


It seems that the KML file has been stolen...

Is possible to reset my own KML?


Any idea?



Edited by Barafonda

In Google Earth, if you have the "Geocaching Network KML" box checked (in "Places" bottom left) and the "Geocache name (Difficulty / Terrain)" box checked ... you will see under that, the number of views you have left for that day. I think it starts off with 200 views.


You can uncheck those boxes and still enter coordinates at the top for a particular cache.


In Google Earth, if you have the "Geocaching Network KML" box checked (in "Places" bottom left) and the "Geocache name (Difficulty / Terrain)" box checked ... you will see under that, the number of views you have left for that day. I think it starts off with 200 views.


You can uncheck those boxes and still enter coordinates at the top for a particular cache.


Thanks for your replies so far.


However we are not asking how to get the KML to work, we know how Google Earth works. It's that as the thread title suggests, when I fire up Google Earth for the first time in weeks, I get a 'views exceeded' message. Something is very wrong with the kml files.


The refresh rate, or other settings in Google Earth have nothing to do with this. It's more basic than that.


Don't forget folks Google Earth can directly open the gpx files from Pocket queries and it's 1000x faster to browse around the map too. Also the coords are exact, unlike the Geocache.com kml which randomises the coords slightly each time.


I setup pocket queries for:

500 caches I haven't nearest to my home,

500 cache nearest to a point the other side of the UK (Which meets in the middle with the the above)

All the caches I have found (less that 500 ATM)


These work really fast in Google Earth, but I cannot just zoom to anywhere in the UK to see caches. I would have to setu a Pocket query - Pain in the bum.


I am on a Mac, I wonder how many of you guys with this issue are also on Macs, perhaps that what's going on here.


I am on a Mac, I wonder how many of you guys with this issue are also on Macs, perhaps that what's going on here.


No issues here


Imac G5


OS X 10.4.9


GE 4.0.2736


I am on a Mac, I wonder how many of you guys with this issue are also on Macs, perhaps that what's going on here.


No issues here


Imac G5


OS X 10.4.9


GE 4.0.2736

I have the same setup. Some days I can get the 200 views and somedays (like today) I get the views exceeded notice. I have even seen days when I get less than the 200 views This also happened on my old G4.

Posted (edited)

I am on a Mac, I wonder how many of you guys with this issue are also on Macs, perhaps that what's going on here.


No issues here


Imac G5


OS X 10.4.9


GE 4.0.2736

I have the same setup. Some days I can get the 200 views and somedays (like today) I get the views exceeded notice. I have even seen days when I get less than the 200 views This also happened on my old G4.


I just checked my GE. Now that I have switched to v4 it doesn't even list the # of views that I have left.In v3 It always started me with 185. But I have never had it tell me I have no views left with v4. All my GE settings are the default ones.


Maybe I'm just lucky :blink:


edit: correction... I just checked again and it says I have 166 views left. Beats me whats going on.

Edited by TeamBarstool

Only once have I managed to actually see caches in the last couple of weeks and that was after midnight PDT! Usually I go to sleep after cheeking w00t. Before then everything worked great for about 6 months. I have the 200 views version. A local board thought that it was a Groundspeak server issue. Would love to see this updated. It would make caching life so much easier!


Ibook g4


Google Earth 4.0.2722





Seriously folks,


Use your pocket query gpx files as an overlay in GE.

There's no download delay, refreshing or whatever.

The gpx opens directly with no conversion needed.


But it will only work within the bounds of the pocket query parameters.


I should also say that, the online Geocache overlay kml has been working for me for the last few days.




Seriously folks,


Use your pocket query gpx files as an overlay in GE.

There's no download delay, refreshing or whatever.

The gpx opens directly with no conversion needed.


But it will only work within the bounds of the pocket query parameters.


I should also say that, the online Geocache overlay kml has been working for me for the last few days.




That's all fine and dandy... but, if I want to find someplace to vacation, and I want to go to the place that has the most geocaches, find where the geocaches are in conjunction with my hotel, restaurants, etc. then I want to use the KML link. Creating a gpx file for EACH place and then dragging and dropping those gpx files seems to be alot of extra steps and not to mention taxing on the servers that are already overworked.


Problem I had yesterday, loaded up GE, had 200 views, went to one place, moved 2 places (within a mile of each other) and all of a sudden I had 130 views left. Shut down GE, then later that day opened the KML and it said I had exceeded the number of visits for the day.


Something is definitely buggy, either in GE or how GE is reading the individual KML files for our GC accounts.


I have also been having this problem. I uninstalled Googleearth, reinstalled it and then downloaded a fresh copy of the kml,deleted caches, cleared caches, changed settings, all to no avail. I suspect this is a gc.om issue, not a google issue, but there seems to be some reluctance to dealt with it as such.


I'm also on a Mac, 10.4.9 and am encountering the same problems - although I have NEVER got it to work on this macbook before, my but fiance on the other end of the couch with a regular Acer laptop and Vista is able to get GE kml files to work no probs. I have no idea what the issue is, although when at work using Windows XP I have been having KML issues every so often.


I have the same issues on Linux with GE (4.0.2735).


It worked like charme and stopped working few weeks ago! Even a friend of mine who has it working, could not get it to work here from my network ...

Could it be that it is IP- or provider-related?


I'm a PM, so PQs could be an alternative, but aren't as GE is not able to open up gpx files!


If a service like networked-kml is offered, then it should be working!!





Well lets see..


GE can and does open and reads GPX files just fine. Maybe its a linux thing?


As far as the "views" issue. Just started up google earth and clicked on my network kml link to get it going and it said "You have 198 views left today" so I moved it around a couple times and that view count stayed with me just like it was suppose to.


My guess is to delete it from google earth and redownload it from the geocaching.com site. If that doesn't work and I see complaints again I'll start looking into it.




Well lets see..


GE can and does open and reads GPX files just fine. Maybe its a linux thing?


As far as the "views" issue. Just started up google earth and clicked on my network kml link to get it going and it said "You have 198 views left today" so I moved it around a couple times and that view count stayed with me just like it was suppose to.


My guess is to delete it from google earth and redownload it from the geocaching.com site. If that doesn't work and I see complaints again I'll start looking into it.



I have reloaded the kml file several times over the last month or two. I just tried it and I show all views exceeded for today. The only thing that comes to mind, is that I have viewed several caches earlier using the google maps link on the cache page.


I doubt it is a linux thing since I am not running linux. It might be a Unix thing though. I am using the latest Mac OS which is Unix based.


It might be a Unix thing though.

Definetly not :D


Read too many complains of Users running XP and even had a friend next to me (Xp) who had the same problem.


Today it works again ... Linux with GE like stated above and GE 4.0.2413(beta)!? Did not work for few weeks!? Will keep you informed!





It might be a Unix thing though.

Definetly not :D


Read too many complains of Users running XP and even had a friend next to me (Xp) who had the same problem.


Today it works again ... Linux with GE like stated above and GE 4.0.2413(beta)!? Did not work for few weeks!? Will keep you informed!




I had not recalled any problems with XP or Vista, but I stand corrected.


I just tried again and I had the same error. Today I have not been using google maps before trying. I may try later using a Vista machine and see how that works.


OK, I tried it on my Vista machine. It was through the same cable hookup, but, as far as I can tell, with a different IP number. When I first brought up GE, it showee the views exceeded message. That machine had not been online for at least two weeks, if not more and worked fine the last time.


I'm on an iMac running OSX 10.4.9 with GE v. 4.0.2736 and for the past month whenever I open GE, I get the "Exceeded" blah blah. 'tis a shame.


Any progress on finding a solution?


I'm not even at the 'exceeded limit' stage anymore...it just doesn't pull up the kml file period. If it does (after 10 minutes of trying to search - only then do i hit the exceeded limit message) I'm really getting frustrated with this...is it a Google Earth vs. Mac issue or is it just Google Earth itself? I haven't had any time to check if this works on my old machine that ran XP though. Perhaps I'll delete Google Earth and reload? I have no idea....


It seems to have started when I upgraded Google earth to version 4. I just downloaded version 3 again, and installed a new KML file from the website. It gave me the "too many tries for today message", so I'll try it again tomorrow with version 3.


I'm running a MacBookPro...

It seems to have started when I upgraded Google earth to version 4. I just downloaded version 3 again, and installed a new KML file from the website. It gave me the "too many tries for today message", so I'll try it again tomorrow with version 3.


I'm running a MacBookPro...



So, today, it's working with Google version 3. Apparently there is a problem with the KML file and version 4 of Google Earth.


Version 3 can be found on the google earth website. Look for the "Download previous versions" link.


Too bad there isn't any cache near my hotel!


After waiting for the new updates to be made on Geocaching.com and after Google Earth had an update for their version 4 I tried today to get this stupid thing working. After discovering that nothing was helping me, I reverted back to version 3 of Google Earth, after unistalling and everything. Lucky me, it still doesn't work. Very very frustrated at this point in time. I'm using the Google Maps selection when searching for caches now. Screw trying to work this out.

Posted (edited)

After waiting for the new updates to be made on Geocaching.com and after Google Earth had an update for their version 4 I tried today to get this stupid thing working. After discovering that nothing was helping me, I reverted back to version 3 of Google Earth, after unistalling and everything. Lucky me, it still doesn't work. Very very frustrated at this point in time. I'm using the Google Maps selection when searching for caches now. Screw trying to work this out.

I'm using both a MacBook Pro and an Intel 20" iMac and have the identical problem on both. Ever since the new GC database came out I've been unable to get the KML files to work. I constantly get the "You have exceeded the allowed views for the day. Please try again tomorrow" message. This occurs constantly even though I have never seen an push pins. As far as I know I didn't have a problem with the old database. I'm running OS10.4.9 with GE+ v4.1.7076.4458(beta).

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

5/25/07 @ 1410 Hrs: I just started up in Windows XP and have the same problem. It doesn't seem to make any difference whether it OS10 or XP.



Edited by RonFisk

I am on a Mac, I wonder how many of you guys with this issue are also on Macs, perhaps that what's going on here.


No issues here


Imac G5


OS X 10.4.9


GE 4.0.2736

I have the same setup. Some days I can get the 200 views and somedays (like today) I get the views exceeded notice. I have even seen days when I get less than the 200 views This also happened on my old G4.


I just checked my GE. Now that I have switched to v4 it doesn't even list the # of views that I have left.In v3 It always started me with 185. But I have never had it tell me I have no views left with v4. All my GE settings are the default ones.


Maybe I'm just lucky :P


edit: correction... I just checked again and it says I have 166 views left. Beats me whats going on.


Mind if I chime in here? I'm convinced that this problem is unique to the individual user account. It doesn't make any difference which computer I use I get the same results. I have both Macs and Windows machines and they all act the same when using my account. The same computers using other accounts work fine. I think that possibly there is a loop or something in the individual account that keeps opening waypoints at random. I'm of the opinion that it has to be fixed at the site and that there is nothing we can do to correct it from this end. I'd like to know it effects those of you with the same problem.

Thanks, Ron...

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