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Help with ISS waymark


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I could do it here in Centurion at the same time, same orbit .... At 19:40:44 it will be about 50 degrees above the horizon...

Thanks Seeker Two, but we will still need someone in the Durban area to participate as the minimum distance of sighting is the distance the ISS completes in a minute (About 450km). A group effort is allowed, so if both of us see it up here and one person sees it down there, we can all claim the waymark. The last couple of nights I've been practicing on watching the Hubble, which is also quite spectacular. It will be passing us at about 20H00 tonight if you're interested.


This is the path the ISS will take on the 9th. The dashed part is when it goes into Earths shadow.


Durbs will get about a max altitude of 59 degrees before it goes into the Shadow and we will get a max of almost 90 degrees!

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Here are the final details for Tonights Sighting


Event, Time, Altitude, Azimuth

Rises above horizon, 19:38:40, -0°, 320° (NW )

Reaches 10° altitude, 19:40:39, 10°, 321° (NW )

Maximum altitude, 19:43:03, 58°, 342° (NNW)

Enters shadow, 19:43:03, 58°, 342° (NNW)


Johannesburg / Pretoria

Event, Time, Altitude, Azimuth

Rises above horizon, 19:37:26, -0°, 319° (NW )

Reaches 10° altitude, 19:39:25, 10°, 319° (NW )

Maximum altitude, 19:42:15, 89°, 65° (ENE)

Enters shadow, 19:43:03, 43°, 138° (SE )


Still no interest from any Durban Cachers/ Waymarkers.

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