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"In memoriam Reintje de Vos" Geocoin


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On December 7th 2006 Coen Boltjes, better known by geocachers as Reintje de Vos, died. He was a web developer for the Foundation Geocaching Netherlands. At his funeral Ronald Heirbaut (Heirbaut Hunter) spoke some words. This description was also written by him:


"Coen Boltjes, better known as Reintje de Vos (Reintje the Fox), was a geocacher who enjoyed everything about geocaching. Not only did he like the puzzling or searching for the cache, but also loved the walk and the people surrounding him. Although Coen was single and did not have children, he was a real family man. Unfortunately Coen died in 2006 after a short period, suffering from cancer.


Coen not only was a geocacher in the field, but on the computer as well. People know him especially from his maps, standard maps at first, GoogleMaps at a later stage. During his stay in hospital, he asked for postcards without any hesitation or embarrassment (note that maps and postcards use the same Dutch word). "You always get a map from me, now I would like a postcard from you", he said. This was the kind of humor of Coen.


Until December 3rd, he was busy with geocaching. That day was his last day online. Ideas, improvements and things that should be done different; assuring the quality and make sure that his thingies kept working. He disliked lazy people for not reading carefully, not searching too well or not double-check if necessary; it made him itchy. Above all, his difficult caches could be found with straightforward logic, so anybody should be able to find it, he said.


Reintje, as geocachers we remind you with respect, gratitude and appreciation. You have put geocaching on the map, literally as well as figurative. Not a man of too many words on the forum, but one with many deeds and a pleasant stream of words in real life. Always an enthusiastic conversation about a new cache, improvements on the website and new thingies to build; most of the time followed by the words "if you know what I mean". You did what you liked most, passionately, professionally and unselfish. As a geocacher you leave us two marvelous caches and 443 logs of caches you found, either alone or with others.


As a webprogrammer Coen has done a great job and a lot of work to make geocaching.nl as it is now. Only for his own pleasure he made things he thought might be useful. Trying and learning motivated him as well. Constantly aware that over 2000 people used the website on a daily basis, he made sure that quality was an issue for the website. Many people are proud and honored to have known Coen personally. Coen was a warmhearted man."


The “In memoriam – Reintje de Vos” Geocoin


After his death some Dutch geocachers thought it would be great idea to make a memorial geocoin for Coen. With permission of his family and the Foundation, they started working on the idea. All designs were sent to Coen's family, and they made the final selection. That's how this coin was created.


The front of the coin shows a picture in 3D of the avatar of Reintje and the text: 10/12/1960 ~ Reintje de Vos ~ 7/12/2006 ~ In Memoriam. The back of the coin shows the DHZ-kaart (the map Coen was known for by most), the geocaching logo and the text: Coen Boltjes ~ Webdeveloper www.geocaching.nl. The coin has an antique silver finish.


The coin has a unique icon, that was generously provided for free by Groundspeak. Designs were provided by the people of Geocoins.nl, who also coordinated the production and will take care of the sales.




Coen's family wanted all proceedings to be donated to the Dutch organisation for nature conservancy - Natuurmonumenten. It is one of the major Dutch organisations for conservation of the forest in which geocachers spend many hours. By buying this coin you make a little contribution to the quality of our sport.






You can order this coin at Geocoins.nl.


All gone in about 5 hours after OP posted by the look of it. ;)


I think they must have underestimated the support for this great concept.


Let's hope a few more appear. ;)


Yes, this is a great idea to honor someone so involved in geocacing. Like others, I would be interested in contributing to the fundraiser if more coins become available.


If you decide to mint some more please email me at jake@coinswag.com we would like to purchase a few. Sounds like he was a great man he was lucky to have such great friends who would help honor his memory with such a beautiful coin!


If you decide to mint some more please email me at jake@coinswag.com we would like to purchase a few. Sounds like he was a great man he was lucky to have such great friends who would help honor his memory with such a beautiful coin!


Add us to that list too..!


I have heard rumors of more coins going to be minted, but you didn't hear this from me. :blink:

That's not a rumour anymore... <_<


Additional coins will be minted and are now for sale (link).

Please note that this is now a pre-sale!

The second batch of coins will be shipped before the end of March. The first 250 coins are in stock at the moment and will be mailed out a.s.a.p.


Thank you all for your support!

Posted (edited)

I 've noticed there are already people trying to make an extra dollar on this coin on eBay.


Do not be fooled by this: the coin is not sold out!


After the first 250 sold out within hours a new batch of 250 was ordered.

Additional coins will be minted and are now for sale (link).

Please note that this is now a pre-sale! The second batch of coins will be shipped before the end of March. The first 250 coins are in stock at the moment and will be mailed out a.s.a.p.

Thank you all for your support!

Of this batch there are still 80 or so available at the address given in the OP.


Coen's family wanted all proceedings to be donated to the Dutch organisation for nature conservancy - Natuurmonumenten. It is one of the major Dutch organisations for conservation of the forest in which geocachers spend many hours. By buying this coin you make a little contribution to the quality of our sport.

Proceedings of this coin are meant to go to the above good cause. (as agreed with Coen's family)

Not to the bank account of an ebay seller(imho).


I have no problems with selling on eBay (I do it myself, every now and then), but at this moment it shows little respect.


People should at least have the decency to wait untill it is really sold out.

Edited by Twin Peaks

Has anyone received these coins yet? I ordered and paid from the first mint.




I ordered from the 2nd mint and have not received the coin yet. From what I have seen with other international orders, it can take a little while to get through customs. Can anyone from geocaching.nl verify whether coins have shipped yet?

Posted (edited)

I received mine today and as promised, activated one to be released here in Montana, now to find a special place for it.


They are very nice coins, the front is so adorable.



Edited by tsunrisebey

Just found this coin today in gc1crcj got to say what a beautiful coin iam honoured to have found it and the story means alot to me as i have lost

someone close to me will relocate it soon and never forget this find a true treasure :)

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