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Coin Events...


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Hey gang! I have been reflecting on the past weekend, and all the fun that I had with both events! We successfully pulled off the first major coin event, and our local event went Mega! :rolleyes:


As I went through the logbook for the Mega event, something was very obvious to me. There were a LOT of names that showed up Sunday, that didn't show up to the coin event, and likewise, there were quite a few folks that came to GeocoinFest that didn't stick around for Sunday's event.


Even though we made Mega on Sunday, we just squeeked by! I was getting ready to break out the cell phone and start calling some cachers I know that weren't there! :wub: While I was talking with Raine about the Mega status, he made a comment that had never dawned on me. The other two events that have been Mega events are multi-day events! If the past weekend would have been one large event, we would have had upwards of 650 to 700 attendies.


So here is where I am looking for feedback...


Did you make the trip here just for GeocoinFest, and the event the next day was a bonus?


Did you make the trip because there was the coin event, AND you could get the Mega event the next day?




I'm just wondering how much impact the events had on one another.

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I made the trip to the Coin Fest and would have attended the second day if I had not been caught in traffic the night of the coin fest. I was stuck for 4 hours driven north to Oak Park (a mere 120 miles) where I was staying, Since I did not wanted to do that again, I missed out on my very first Mega Event Icon, and a lot of fun I presume. A multi day event would have been the better way to put this at least for me as an "Out of Towner". :rolleyes: (My two cents)

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We made the trip for the geocoinfest and the Temecula event was a welcome and fun bonus for us. We would have stayed and attended even without the potential Mega status since we were down there. In our case, I think it was the draw of two events that ultimately got us. The coin event got our attention and the Temecula event really sort of sealed the deal.

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I went down for the people who attended the coin event, not so much for the coins themselves (make sense)?


I was more interested in meeting some of the people on this board vs. trading/buying coins. I went to the MEGA Event (ok, late I know) because we were already there. The icon itself didn't draw me in.

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I went for the Geocoin Event and really wanted to go to the Temecula event the next day ( still need the mega icon :rolleyes:. Having the event so late in the day for us on Sunday, caused our group to have to miss to be able to catch our flight back to Austin. So, it would have been great if the event was earlier, so that those flying out on Sunday could attend. I haven't logged the event as attended yet, but plan to do so once I get caught up on all my cache find logging for the weekend :wub:


Thanks for all the hard work that went into putting on the great Geocoin Event!

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I went down for the people who attended the coin event, not so much for the coins themselves (make sense)?


I was more interested in meeting some of the people on this board vs. trading/buying coins. I went to the MEGA Event (ok, late I know) because we were already there. The icon itself didn't draw me in.


Same goes for us too. I don't have anything to trade, so it was really all about the people and the enjoyment of the event itself. Since we have family an hour away we did not stay in town. Fortunately the traffic was not too bad, so returning for Sunday's event was no big deal. Had the traffic been worse we might have skipped Sunday.

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GeocoinFest went by way too fast. Had to get home so wasn't able to stay long at the Mega. One thing that might have been done a bit differently was the raffle at the Fest. It was very confusing with all the #ers called at once. Might consider starting an hour after event starts and continue each 1/2 hour? It might also help to get a few more volunteers so that the organizers could mingle a bit more, I am sure there would be those willing to give an hour of their time. I would. All in all a great event and good time.

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Attending Geocoinfest was my main goal, meeting people who post in this forum, with whom I've traded, and corresponded with. The coin trading at the event and the poker tournament was a bonus. I originally planned on attending the Temecula event on Sunday but with the late afternoon start time I got caught up visiting relatives in the area and couldn't break away before my flight back to PA.

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I have to admit that if it were not for the fact there were 2 events, I might not have travelled so far for only one day.



I DID want to meet some of the real "coin addicts" in person, and it was well worth it. Sunday's Event was awesome...I really enjoy socializing with other cachers (you couldn't tell, huh?) And, frankly, was not even considering the "MEGA" status.

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Attending Geocoinfest was my main goal, meeting people who post in this forum, with whom I've traded, and corresponded with. The coin trading at the event and the poker tournament was a bonus. I originally planned on attending the Temecula event on Sunday but with the late afternoon start time I got caught up visiting relatives in the area and couldn't break away before my flight back to PA.


Yep, having the event so late on a Sunday was a common complaint. Unfortunately, I have no control over that. The church does a great job getting things set up for us, and the space is perfect for a large event.


The downside is, they use the gymnasium for K-5th grade on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings. The earliest we could get into the room is 2:30PM, and then we still have some set up to do.

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We came down from Vegas to meet Dave. The events were just a bonus.


Seriously though.. we had folks with us who did not have Monday as a Holiday. They had to take the day off. I imagine there would have been a lot more folks that wold have been able to attend if it were on one of those weekends where more folks have the Holiday, like Memorial Day or Labor Day. (Note GW is always on Memorial Day and in a campground(?)).

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Me personally I came down primarily for caching...lots and lots of caching! Another huge draw besides all the caches :rolleyes: I wanted to meet some of the old timers I've traded with since 2004 and I did that was cool. Plus plus plus I wanted to meet the folks behind The Geocoin Store (sweet fellers), The Cahing Place (OH my gosh Craig and Georgia precious people), OakCoins (Hans (cutie) and Christain (another sweetie)) and last but not least Steve with HogWildStuff (very kind man). Meeting C4 was also a good thing what a gentleman. I would have come even if it were just the CoinFest and I'm looking forward to caching again near the next CoinFest event. :rolleyes: One thing that would detour me from attending the next one would be a lack of caches.



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I came down for the people! I confess, I am hooked on national events. I especially wanted to see friends I had met and others I have only read. And I am loving all the coins I got too!

It was a great location for me because I grew up down the road in Orange County. I was able to get a friend hooked on caching before I left the area.


So, I went to coinfeset and stuck around for the Temecula event.

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I came down for the community. I am not so much into geocoins anymore, but wanted to meet face-to-face the people that I had come to know so well via email and the forums.


I had planned to stay through Monday, but Sunday morning I got called home on a family emergency (everything turned out okay) and had to book a plane out ASAP. I thus missed the Temecula event on Sunday, but had been planning to attend.

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I took off a week for this and mega caching however, Coinfest was the main draw and I agree with previous posts it needed to be much longer (12 hours). I wanted to do much more socializing than the little I managed. Temecula was an awesome event but I would have like it earlier also as mentioned in previous posts.

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I took off a week for this and mega caching however, Coinfest was the main draw and I agree with previous posts it needed to be much longer (12 hours). I wanted to do much more socializing than the little I managed. Temecula was an awesome event but I would have like it earlier also as mentioned in previous posts.


Your note on the length of the coin event is something I agree with. When we were throwing this together a couple of months ago, we had no idea what sort of turnout we would get. For me, the whole event felt rushed, and I never got to settle in...


I was trying to time the raffles for Georgia, and kept my eye on the clock for the big raffle as well. Having the event over a longer period of time would have been a good thing.


The raffle was great, because we had so many items to give away...but then it took too long to give them all away! As smooth as I felt things went for a first-time event, we did learn a lot, and the process will make the next event even better!

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Having the two events together was a big plus and cinched it for me to attend. Having one two-day event is just as good. I agree with Hula Bum. At the events of another hobby of mine, they do their drawings and post the numbers on a board. You go by periodically and check your numbers.


This other hobby has more people at their events, and they have break-out sessions on various topics, with speakers and Q&A. I recommend these sessions as good learning tools, good for newbies and advanced topics for oldies. You go to a session, grab a bite/drink, socialize, then check your numbers on the board.

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For me, it was all about the coins and the caching. The Sunday event was an added, fun bonus :rolleyes: I agree that the next coinfest should be in a cache dense area as well. You had some very clever cache containers C4!


What she said, plus ...


I only wish that my wife liked caching/geocoins - I'd have spent more time socializing ( even though I don't do very well in large crowds ).


I didn't come to cache - I'd make a separate trip for that.

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The trip to the coin event was a day trip for me. I left the house at 6:30MST, got to the event just before noon local time. I ended up leaving around 5 or so after the event. I had a choice of heading home or going to the poker game. I figured if I headed home then, I could make it before midnight. I walked into my front door at 5 minutes before midnight.


If the coin event would have lasted longer or if the poker tournament would have been at the same location, I probably would have stayed.


I was hoping that the coin event would have made mega status. Walking across the room some times it felt like it was.


Either way, it was an absolutely spectacular event, and I'm glad I didn't miss it.

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We came for the coin event and then popped into the event on Sunday just because it was there (even though we were waaayyy late) I was glad it went Mega since we did not have that icon yet.


If the coin event would have been in Vegas or somewhere else we may not have come a big factor in us making the trip was that we are from that area of California and had family there.


:rolleyes: But I had so much fun.....I will not miss any future GeocoinFests. :rolleyes:

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I don't know that I would have made the trip for any one of the events, but the GeocoinFest, Poker Challenge, Temecula Mega and the great geocaching all in one weekend made it a had-to-be-there experience!


I flew into San Diego Wednesday, hooked up with friends old and new, attended all three events, got in lots of caching from the border to LA, and flew out of LAX Monday.


Like many have mentioned, I do the events to meet the people.


If I had any advice at all it would be to cut back on the door prize drawing - that took up a lot of time at both events. I don't think anyone attends for the drawing swag, and while it's fun it just drags on and on when the crowd is that large. Folks have noted the GeocoinFest could have been longer; I would say that it was a fine length if we hadn't spent so much time with the drawings.


Other than that I think it was a rock-solid experience!


All three events were very nicely executed and great fun to attend... many thanks to all who had a hand in them!

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In regards to the raffle drawing... If a computer and a projector is available, it wouldn't be too hard to make a random number generator that displays on the screen. Twenty numbers at a time could be generated and as people approach the table to pick up their prize, the numberis removed. Also, the possibility for a timeout on the numbers, generating enough to account for all the prizes available. The drawing time might go on longer, but people would be able to see and remember their numbers easier... and the announcer wouldn't need to get a sore throat. :}

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