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Read something somewhere, in one of the descriptions for a cache, about "not having anything hidden in the html code". Now I have done my share of html (back before there was even java, that is how old I am, remember BBS's?). Anyway, was wondering if there was a way to manipulate the html code for the cache description or hint or... I was thinking that it would be interesting/cool to hide a hint, portion of a multi code, puzzle information, something in the html script. It wouldn't be hard, would be near impossible to find if you didn't know html. Just a thought.


I've seen it done frequently enough that I should add it to the thread asking about how to start on solving a puzzle. You generally don't have to know HTML to find them, just know enough that it's possible to view a page's source in your browser.


Not sure exactally what it is that you are asking.....but I am pretty sure that I have a cache that matches what you are describing.


White as Snow by Yours Truly


Oh! That's just great! Now, out of paranoia, I am going to have to scour the source code for every puzzle cache I attempt!


Oh! That's just great! Now, out of paranoia, I am going to have to scour the source code for every puzzle cache I attempt!


That's thoroughness, not paranoia. :laughing:


Just make the font color white and write it on the page. :laughing:




That is what I started my "White as Snow" page out as....but then I realized that people who is downloading caches onto cachemate can see the white font just as easy as any other font on their PDA. I did some research and then found the new way that you can actually HIDE the words.


Most of my caches have extra hints hidden in the HTML source.





On any puzzle I look at the HTM code. You can also alter picture properties. Here is a link to my hardest puzzle that uses those tricks and more. Into the Mystic - Hard Puzzle or "Just Skip It"


Here's a hint, don't go to the airport. The cache is not in the middle of the runway. :laughing:


If you want to puzzle this one for a while, mouse over the picture and compare it to the text in the picture.


Loch Cache


PS. I would love it if someone from outside New England could solve it. :huh:


Most of my caches have extra hints hidden in the HTML source.





On any puzzle I look at the HTM code. You can also alter picture properties. Here is a link to my hardest puzzle that uses those tricks and more. Into the Mystic - Hard Puzzle or "Just Skip It"


Here's a hint, don't go to the airport. The cache is not in the middle of the runway. :huh:


If you want to puzzle this one for a while, mouse over the picture and compare it to the text in the picture.


Loch Cache


PS. I would love it if someone from outside New England could solve it. :huh:


No thanks, too busy right now. :laughing: Love the mouse over idea though, even I know how to do that. :mad:


This is going to sound dumb, but while well aware of this trick it's never occured to me that info might be hidden in the source code for cache listings.


I'll need to check back into a few stumpers from the past :laughing:


Hints (or solutions) in the source code are passé. (Ooh! Ooh! Hiding false coordinates in the source code! That would be evil! Teach them not to solve the puzzle correctly!) The challenge is to find new and more evil puzzles! :laughing: (Of course, it is fun to have siblings caching in three other states. We can 'borrow' ideas from other states and spread the wealth. Hee hee hee.)


If you want to puzzle this one for a while, mouse over the picture and compare it to the text in the picture.


It's not essential to solving the puzzle (because solvers can look at the alt=... in the source), but I don't think that will show up in Firefox. You might want to change it to title=... .


If you want to puzzle this one for a while, mouse over the picture and compare it to the text in the picture.

It's not essential to solving the puzzle (because solvers can look at the alt=... in the source), but I don't think that will show up in Firefox. You might want to change it to title=... .

it does not. title would be the correct attribute. alt(ernate) is meant to be displayed when the image is not.

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