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Police Remove Disney Cache


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Quakertown Police Department has removed the Disney Cache that was placed near the path in Memorial Park. The owner can speak with the Sergeant in charge of evidence about retreiving the box and it's contents. The evidence may be destroyed soon, so contact them ASAP during normal business hours at 215-536-5002.


OK, interesting information, can you provide any detail?


Who posted this, it is a new account; is this from a police officer, a geocacher or a troll?


Why was the cache a problem?


Under what law was it removed?


Why would it be destroyed?


Is collecting and then destroying 'evidence' part of normal police procedure?


Has any attempt been made to contact the owner beside this forum post?




The town apparently has a large and vibrant park system, and their website extends as much of an open offer as you'll ever see for folks to come and enjoy them.


That being the case I would expect that the police have a pretty accepting and flexible attitude towards strangers and 'strange' activities.


There are 20 caches hidden within 6 miles of this one, and 135 w/in 50 miles, so it would be my guess that something happened here out of the usual.


This has all the earmarks of a situation that will end well, with the police being introduced to our harmless game once it is explained.


I certainly hope so, anyway!

Posted (edited)

Quakertown Police Department has removed the Disney Cache that was placed near the path in Memorial Park. The owner can speak with the Sergeant in charge of evidence about retreiving the box and it's contents. The evidence may be destroyed soon, so contact them ASAP during normal business hours at 215-536-5002.

Sounds like the cache was discovered and turned over to the PD and I can safely assume that the Sereant in charge of evidence is AKA the property officer they handle lost and found items. Looks like someone kinda in the know is making an attempt to contact the rightful owner.

Quakertown PD


This is where most of the good stuff ends up

and (at least in PA) something may be yours


sorry for going a bit off topic - I played with property for a couple of years

Edited by bogleman

OK, interesting information, can you provide any detail?


Who posted this, it is a new account; is this from a police officer, a geocacher or a troll?


Why was the cache a problem?


Under what law was it removed?


Why would it be destroyed?


Is collecting and then destroying 'evidence' part of normal police procedure?


Has any attempt been made to contact the owner beside this forum post?



Might be possible a Muggle brought the cache in tho the PD. Or a parks worker collected it as trash.

If a LEO was called to the park by a muggle, he had to collect it.


They can't keep everything in storage at the PD. If it isn't part of an investigation then it isn't evidence and it isn't needed. It's just taking space and is destroyed/thrown out or sold to make room for real evidence.


If the OP is a LEO, then I think it was nice of him to take the time to post here. It's way more than he is required to do.


OK, interesting information, can you provide any detail?


Who posted this, it is a new account; is this from a police officer, a geocacher or a troll?


Why was the cache a problem?


Under what law was it removed?


Why would it be destroyed?


Is collecting and then destroying 'evidence' part of normal police procedure?


Has any attempt been made to contact the owner beside this forum post?



Might be possible a Muggle brought the cache in tho the PD. Or a parks worker collected it as trash.

If a LEO was called to the park by a muggle, he had to collect it.


They can't keep everything in storage at the PD. If it isn't part of an investigation then it isn't evidence and it isn't needed. It's just taking space and is destroyed/thrown out or sold to make room for real evidence.


If the OP is a LEO, then I think it was nice of him to take the time to post here. It's way more than he is required to do.


Agreed. If the original poster is a law enforcement officer, thank you very very much. That thought went through my head as soon as I read the thread.


perhaps those 2 cachers who like to report caches as bombs once they find them got ahold of it?

I heard it's a new method of logging a skunk. Didn't sign the log? With a simple phone call you can change your luck. The police haul it away, giving you a handy excuse for not sigining the log. Then you post your find anyway.


Whatever happened, it was not logged on the Cache Page. Here are the last two logs (Found). When the OP opened this thread that was the first indication of a problem, other than the Cache was not very well hidden.


January 30

Got into area on a snowy morning, as previous cachers have noted there isn't much in the area to cover it up better. Took nothing but left TB and signed log.


December 28, 2006

Easy find, area is really wet around it, up to my ankles in water in places, cache is a little obvious, as when i got close to area i pointed it out right away, i couldnt find anything around quickly to cover it up better, but its covered up as i found it, could use more sticks and pieces around. Great first Premium cache ive found. Picked up Ducky and TB, left nothing, as i had no disney stuff, but if i do find some, i will be sure to drop it off at a later date. TFTC!

perhaps those 2 cachers who like to report caches as bombs once they find them got ahold of it?
I heard it's a new method of logging a skunk. Didn't sign the log? With a simple phone call you can change your luck. The police haul it away, giving you a handy excuse for not sigining the log. Then you post your find anyway.
You know, that might be a handy way to avoid DNFs, also. Can't find a cache? Call it in. Let the police find it for you.
perhaps those 2 cachers who like to report caches as bombs once they find them got ahold of it?
I heard it's a new method of logging a skunk. Didn't sign the log? With a simple phone call you can change your luck. The police haul it away, giving you a handy excuse for not sigining the log. Then you post your find anyway.
You know, that might be a handy way to avoid DNFs, also. Can't find a cache? Call it in. Let the police find it for you.

Or use it as an excuse. "I signed the log, but the police confiscated it. Prove me wrong..."


At least they didn't shut down the town for this :)

From what little I can gather, this is close to how caches tend to get handled in germany. "We found this thing can the owner come forward so we can move it out of our lost and found?"


At least they didn't shut down the town for this :)

From what little I can gather, this is close to how caches tend to get handled in germany. "We found this thing can the owner come forward so we can move it out of our lost and found?"

I was thinking of more recent examples of municipal stupidity, actually.

Posted (edited)
it's those pesky ammo cans hidden in parks again. These caches should be banned.


Agreed. An urban or suburban park is not a good place to hide an ammo can. Normal people who use the park aren't going to look at an old military ammo can and think "oh, no big deal." They're going to think "whoa, the police should see this." Try rubbermaid for these hides - Ammo cans belong well out in the woods, far away from prying eyes.

Edited by WalruZ
it's those pesky ammo cans hidden in parks again. These caches should be banned.
Agreed. An urban or suburban park is not a good place to hide an ammo can. Normal people who use the park aren't going to look at an old military ammo can and think "oh, no big deal." They're going to think "whoa, the police should see this." Try rubbermaid for these hides - Ammo cans belong well out in the woods, far away from prying eyes.
I don't know, there are plenty of places in suburban (and urban) parks that are well off-trail. Besides, I don't believe that the issue is about the type of container. The real solution is to simply hide caches so they are unlikely to be found by a muggle and to be careful not to give away the locations of caches that you search for.

It's those pesky ammo cans hidden in parks again. These caches should be banned. :mad:


I think the whole geocaching shold be banned!! :)


What are you, one of those bleeding heart commie waymarkateers? :mad:

Posted (edited)

The real solution is a reasoned response by all involved!


Here's a log from the High Falls cache yesterday:

I was geocaching this past weekend in the Talladega National Forest with Thegadgetman and we went to find the cache at High Falls. When we arrived there were several vehicles from the Clay Co. Sheriff department at the trailhead parking. We came across four deputies and a K9 at the information stand.


One of the deputies had a set of boltcutters. When they spotted our GPSR's they asked us if we were looking for a box. I said yes and jokingly asked if someone had reported a suspicious object. To make a long story short, someone had reported a suspicious object and they were there to investigate.


When I found the cache the log had been signed by the Sheriff dept.


When we got back to the parking lot they were still there so we told them I was joking when I asked about a suspicious object and didn't know someone had really reported one.


One of the deputies said his uncle was a geocacher and when they found the cache they knew what it was so they left it alone.


That cache hadn't been found since last October. I wonder what the odds are that we would arrive at the same time as the cops?

Sometimes good sense prevails!

Edited by TheAlabamaRambler

It's those pesky ammo cans hidden in parks again. These caches should be banned. :(


I think the whole geocaching shold be banned!! :D


What are you, one of those bleeding heart commie waymarkateers? :(


Yes! :D



If the OP is a LEO, then I think it was nice of him to take the time to post here. It's way more than he is required to do.


I agree, I'd say must would just destroy the property. The fact that this person has posted it on the forums... I take my hat off to him.


I was the finder on the second last log, and the fact that the police have it doesnt surprise me. The cache was so obvious and near walking paths, im almost positive a muggle took it as a suspicious object and reported it. Cache wasnt that great, but hopefully it gets replaced.


I sent an email to geocaching.com last week about trying to set up a LEO only account so that police departments can find out what they are dealing with instead of something turning bad and ending up on the 6 o'clock news.


Basically, my idea is this, an account that has all of the benefits of a premium account except that you can not log finds/dnf from it. I would also like see a function where a LEO can pull up only the caches that are located in their jurisdiction, instead of having to wade through a bunch that are close.


This information could then be disseminated through state police/county sheriffs, on down to local pds. As a dispatcher, I can tell you that it would be very nice to be able to get this info quickly, in case I needed it. It would also allow me to be able to send an email directly to the cache owner to tell them that somebody had brought in their cache, and they need to come get it, just like in this situation.


I haven't heard back from geocaching.com yet though.


I sent an email to geocaching.com last week about trying to set up a LEO only account so that police departments can find out what they are dealing with instead of something turning bad and ending up on the 6 o'clock news.


Basically, my idea is this, an account that has all of the benefits of a premium account except that you can not log finds/dnf from it. I would also like see a function where a LEO can pull up only the caches that are located in their jurisdiction, instead of having to wade through a bunch that are close.


This information could then be disseminated through state police/county sheriffs, on down to local pds. As a dispatcher, I can tell you that it would be very nice to be able to get this info quickly, in case I needed it. It would also allow me to be able to send an email directly to the cache owner to tell them that somebody had brought in their cache, and they need to come get it, just like in this situation.


I haven't heard back from geocaching.com yet though.


I think the police would rather just blow it up :lol:

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