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The Geocoin Secret Agent

The Geo-Secret Agent

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I want one of the V2 geocoins, but not for myself. A V1 was the first mystery geocoin I ever received and I will always remember how special I felt. I recently met a geocacher who was severely injured in a car accident, he wasn't even in a car at the time. This geocacher is striving very hard to get back to where he was a year ago and when I met him, with his parents, we started talking about geocoins. They told me about all the ones they had seen at a recent event. I would LOVE to have one of your special V2 geocoins to give to him. To my knowledge, he didn't receive one of the V1s and he doesn't have a single geocoin activated under his account. I promise to explain how special this geocoin is and I will definitely tell him never to sell it.


(Name provided to the crew upon request)


MISSION # 6: In 150 words or less tell my Agent Crew (here in this thread) Why you want one of the V2 coins. And why you WILL NOT SELL IT.

Let the mission begin.


It´s an easy to answer question of why I will not sell it: Because I treasure alle coins that I did not buy by myself. To me those coins mean much more (Wheather they are mystery or not), there are people and stories going with them. Those can´t be sold and I want to keep those...


I would like to receive one of those coins, because I like the design and more important the idea of mystery that goes with it really much. I think it would be great to post here and be part of the mystery.

It would also be a great thing to be able to show it to special cachers and maybe get them into coins as well by them seeing this beautiful treasure :ph34r:


Well, I would love to have one of your coins since it's pretty awesome and as I most likely won't get many chances to find one in this area, to win one would be great. Our collection of coins is a family thing and my kids do a lot of the trades and picks for new coins. They love the Secret Agent.


As for selling, well our collectibles aren't going anywhere. If we ever do get out of coins, someone would get a nice surprise in the mail :ph34r:


I would like a V2 GSA coin because I really like the design and mystery behind it. It's the intrigue of it. I love mystery coins and so does my daughter PengoBeky. we both share mystery coins. She thinks they are great and will tell anyone who asks her stories about how we got them. To see the sparkle in her eye is just so much fun when she tells the stories too.

I have never sold a mystery coin to date nor our moun10bike. When I give my word, I stand by it. I think that I am honorable and have integrity and it is something that I am teaching PengoBeky as well. Being honest and meaning what you say is important to me. And it is something that I want PengoBeky to see as she grows up.


:D i want very much the v2 mysteriecoin, i want to give this mysteriecoin to Dardevle.


I want to ask if you not send the coin to me but to Dardevle. [ i have his adress]


Dardevle is a very honest kind coiner and he has a lot of humor.

Your coin is at his heart desire, he realy want to have your coin.


I think if he could he will do a real mission for you.[he has a lot of work to do so he can not forfill your missions]


And i know for sure he will never sell this coin , he will have this mysteriecoin forever in his heart and collection.


I think he will actived this coin so the icon and the coin his name is forever in his profile.



Please think off Dardevle , your mysteriecoin is with him on the right place and you make him very very happy.


And you make me and a lot off other coinfriends from Dardevle very happy. B)


Fingers crossed :ph34r:

Posted (edited)

I would love to have one of the GSA V2 mystery coins because I don't yet have any mystery coins. *sniff* *sniff* Plus, when I was younger, I had a certain sort of love for superheros who busily fought crime and evil. My first love (from when I was about 6) was and will always be (now that I am many years beyond 6) The Hulk. Sorry, but nothing can truly top that big green growling dude pushed to his limits and then showing everyone who's boss. And I don't think he ever even killed anything, either.


I wouldn't sell the coin because I just plain, old wouldn't. There's no real reasoning than that, to be totally honest. Unless, of course, I say that I wouldn't want to infuriate anyone, especially not GSA or The Hulk himself!



So I plead, please let me join your ranks so I can stop living vicariously through other superheros and become a certified Secret Agent myself.

Edited by surteb

I would like a V2 GSA geocoin because....well who wouldn't! It's one of the coolest mystery coins filled with intriuige and sauveness. What kid growing up didnt want to be like Inspector gadget, Agent 86, Dangermouse, 007, or the Spy Kids. They had all the gadgets and did the neatest things.


I also would not sell any of my mystery geocoins because there is never a reason too. You can always pay it forward to someone else or trade so that someone else can enjoy the mystery. I have seen many of the mystery coins and even have gifted a few but this would be my first mystery coin. :ph34r: Thanks!


I want to ask if you not send the coin to me but to Dardevle. [ i have his adress][


We would like to echo this request. We are still kind of new to Geocaching and still have not made the big jump into the coin field yet but have learned a lot from all the different threads Dardevle is very active and supportive. Plus he is someone that still has HOPE!


Reward him and reward us all. :ph34r:


I want a Secret Agent coin because I collect geocoins. :ph34r: I wouldn't sell it because even if I quit collecting geocoins, I would give it to another collector so they could enjoy it.


B) i want very much the v2 mysteriecoin, i want to give this mysteriecoin to Dardevle.


I want to ask if you not send the coin to me but to Dardevle. [ i have his adress]


Dardevle is a very honest kind coiner and he has a lot of humor.

Your coin is at his heart desire, he realy want to have your coin.


I think if he could he will do a real mission for you.[he has a lot of work to do so he can not forfill your missions]


And i know for sure he will never sell this coin , he will have this mysteriecoin forever in his heart and collection.


I think he will actived this coin so the icon and the coin his name is forever in his profile.



Please think off Dardevle , your mysteriecoin is with him on the right place and you make him very very happy.


And you make me and a lot off other coinfriends from Dardevle very happy. :ph34r:


Fingers crossed B)


DITTO. Besides, Jeremy tries Real hard at winning cointest :D


I want a Secret Agent coin because I collect geocoins. B) I wouldn't sell it because even if I quit collecting geocoins, I would give it to another collector so they could enjoy it.


Ditto, This is SO very true B)


Well...Even if I want an SGA coin too, Dardevle is my friend! This coin is in his desire list! He loves this coin and he is trying to findit a long time!


Dardevle is a great guy, with humor, he is generous and he is very kind!


He can not be here because of his work! I can understand how he feels now that he can not participate in the cointest and try to win the coin of his dream!

So..Please secret agent, send the coin of this mission to him!


There will be other chances to all of us, to win a coin too in the future! :ph34r:


B) i want very much the v2 mysteriecoin, i want to give this mysteriecoin to Dardevle.


I want to ask if you not send the coin to me but to Dardevle. [ i have his adress]


Dardevle is a very honest kind coiner and he has a lot of humor.

Your coin is at his heart desire, he realy want to have your coin.


I think if he could he will do a real mission for you.[he has a lot of work to do so he can not forfill your missions]


And i know for sure he will never sell this coin , he will have this mysteriecoin forever in his heart and collection.


I think he will actived this coin so the icon and the coin his name is forever in his profile.



Please think off Dardevle , your mysteriecoin is with him on the right place and you make him very very happy.


And you make me and a lot off other coinfriends from Dardevle very happy. B)


Fingers crossed :D


We also would dearly love to have a version2 GSA, but already having a version1, we feel someone else deserving should get it. We think dardevle really NEEDS this coin! :ph34r:


Simple answer: I would like the GSA V2 to keep my V1 company!

Longer answer: The GSA (and his coins) are very special to me. In fact it was shortly after my first post in this thread, Post 50, that I got word that a trip from the Bering Sea to paradise was in the works! Although the GSA was not my first mystery coin, it was the first one I knew was meant especially for me. Around that time I realized people really do read the forum posts!


As for why I won't sell it, well the GSA asked me not to and that's reason enough for me.




I've been lurking in this thread for a LONG time now. I've always been interested in Mystery coins, and this one speaks to me. Perhaps it was the nights watching Cloak and Dagger at my friend's house growing up, or my love of the Bond series. Maybe it was Inspector Gadget cartoons? All I know is that I've always thought the idea of mystery coins was great, and this one is THE one proclaiming the mystery of the generous people who do this. I would never sell it, as I have never sold any of my coins. If I want it in my collection, I've decided that I want to keep the coin forever. This would be one of those coins! Special and with meaning to me!

Posted (edited)

To be totally honest ,, very nice coin! and a V2 GSA Coin would make a great addition to my collection, and go along very well with my version #1 GSA coin... Love my version 1 coin and the whole mystery surrounding it...



Edited by Sliver & Lucy

I've been away on a geo-adventure trip to the west coast and just got back, and I'm just catching up on

all of the forum posts. I missed the other 5 missions, so I'd like to get in on the 6th mission.


I'd love to get a v2 GSA coin. I have received a few mystery coins over the last few years, and I cherish them very much. I've also received a few coins as gifts from others which I also cherish, not because of what the coin is, but because of the thought behind the gift of the coin. I've never ever sold any of my

coins (gifted to me or bought for cash) on Ebay or anywhere else, and I will NOT sell any of them. I've been wanting a v1 GSA coin, but never saw any in caches in my area. It would be really neat to get a v2 coin. The GSA v2 mystery coin is just that, very mysterious. It's a great looking coin and it would be really fantastic to have one to show to all of the other geocoin fanatics in my local area.


Another thought that no one will care about....


The GSA coin is not special to me for any reason. It does not evoke special memories. It doesn't add to a collection of previously obtained GSA coins (any coins for that matter). It will not make my children happier, nor make them more super hero-ish. It will not make my life happier either.


I simply think it looks cool and has good graphics. Would I sell it if I got one? Maybe. Is it likely? No, because I think it looks cool and would want to keep it. Would I share it and show it off? Maybe. In the forum at least :ph34r:


Am I a deserving candidate for this coin? Not likely as I'm not showing much interest or respect towards those who desire one.


Do I want one? Yes. It's a cool coin. B)


(sometimes I should edit my thoughts and forum logs this would be one of those time. I'm rolling my eyes at myself.)

Posted (edited)

What is going on? I was very shocked to see what people have been saying about me! :ph34r:

Thank you all for the kind words ! I am NOT anymore deserving than any one else is on trying to get a V.2 GSA coin. I really really would like one just as much as the next person. Although, Agent #145 really needs help. Serial Kacher is getting restless and I am affraid he'll do something unspeakable! B)


Your first version of your coin was the first and only "Mystery coin" that I have. It will always be my favorite!

As you can see from my other posts in this topic I have had alot of fun with your coin. Agent #145 and I have laughed, cried, even shared a beverage or two together. I will NEVER sell or trade it! If I was lucky enough to recieve a V.2 of your coin I would treat it just like I have been treating the first one, as a good friend! We've even been to a Minnesota Twins Baseball game together. Good times....Gooood times!!



Edited by dardevle

It's been a very long week at camp, but I have finally found some free time to really truly share my thoughts and thanks!


I posted last w/e for the very first of the new GSA coins, not even dreaming that what I was saying was anything special, just the ramblings of a worried insomniac.

This week brought more news of my dad and the intense workup he is having with his health and the concerns of a daughter working 24/7 many many miles away. Got a hunch it's going to be a long road.

Camp brought nearly 75 teens, and staff. And with that comes a fair amount of time and responsibility.

It was a very fun week though and we had a great group of kids here.

I had hoped to take some pretty cool pics of me showing off my coin in a variety of situations, but several injuries took precendence and I now find myself with the time to log, but none of the fancy pics I had hoped to have by now.

So for your viewing pleasure I now present to you a brief peek at life at camp this summer....

As any secret agent worth their weight will tell you.....I am having to take on a disguise to keep my "true" identity locked up tight.

First and foremost may I introduce to you the hidden and top secret Nurse Nanna the duck mascot.....



Next, may I have the chance to give you a very quick and sneaky peek at the other secret agent here at camp.....

My cohort in crime....and detective work....



Here is the newest secret agent trying her hardest to remember how to spell YMCA....(I hate to admit this, but it's the honest truth....there had to be someone posted nearby to show me which letter came next...

I can't spell YMCA)



And just for fun....

Life at camp, one raindrop at a time....(actually the fire department helped here....but they were undercover!)



I received my treasured coin early this week and came out of my office, which is literally the size of a small closet...in a dead run (on a bad knee...scared everyone who saw me!), and was shrieking with joy and laughter at the sight of the letter in my mailbox.

In 7 years of volunteering here, I can honestly say that this is only the second letter or package I have ever received here. I went completely bezerk, which is not really saying much, but I knew how very special this was and is.

I have managed to find the time to complete the cache preparation and am going to be working with folks this w/e in finding and learning about caching. As the kids were heading home last night I had a chance to talk to some of the staff (uninterrupted, can you imagine!) and we walked over to find some of the ones that are already in place....

I am getting excited about being a caching ambassador here and hope to continue to be worthy of the GSA secret agent status.

Thank you for your trust in me.


And one final wonderful thing....

As I was discussing this with the staff last night I learned that there is a distinct possibility that there may be an actual posted cache placed here at our entrance in the near future. Not a sure thing yet...but it's in the works!


I'll post a pic of me with my new coin very soon!

Thank you,

Secret Agent Nurse Nanna


To me, a mystery coin is a gift from an extremely generous person given to someone that has done something positive in the geocoin community and is being rewarded for it. I do not believe it is right for someone that begs to receive a mystery coin, but that is not up to me. For myself the design of a mystery coin means nothing, it is just a plus :ph34r:. I am serious though, I have been gifted ordinary coins for some special reason from a generous person and it means more to me to own one of them than any coin with a nice design. I have no problem selling a coin with a nice design if it has no memory attatched to it, but the ones that I would NEVER part with are the ones that were given to me with the kindness of ones heart. This would be one of those coins in my eyes.


Gatoulis (sorry if I spelt that wrong) is one that deserves this special coin. He won a contest that I ran and through the address exchange we had a nice talk! He gave me history on his island and took the time to find pictures and translate them for me. He went the extra mile and to me that means a lot. Thank you Gatoulis! You are a great person!!


Thought about it and decided to pull together a quick pic to at least show the coin that has thrilled me so this week....

Here are the secret agents who guard my little camp trailer while I am out and about at night....they glow in the dark.

And the rubber ducky disguise tends to "mysteriously" appear in a lot of different places throughout the camp all summer....but he always ends up at my place by the end of the summer....



Have a great and secretive w/e!


nurse nanna


"Secret agent woman, secret agent woman

They've given you a number and taken away your name


Beware of pretty faces that you find

A pretty face can hide an evil mind

Ah, be careful what you say

Or you'll give yourself away

Odds are you won't live to see tomorrow


Secret agent woman, secret agent woman

They've given you a number and taken away your name..."



When Nurse Nanna earned the agent rank for Mission #1, I called her and sang that song nearly giving away my identity in the process but I just HAD to do it. (My heartfelt apologies to Johnny Rivers or anyone else for that matter who might have heard me!) A little bit ago I received a coded message from the GSA. I am very humbled and very honored to learn that my stealth methods B) have earned me the privilege of being offered Mission #5. I quickly accepted the challenge. Awaiting further recruits to the Agent rank.

LadyBee4T (who is doing the happy dance under the invisibility cloak!!! :ph34r: )


Congratulations to all the others who have worked so very hard and have joined the ranks this week!

Just had the chance to really catch up and see how much work you have all done to earn this reward. It was fun to read all the posts and end the evening on a laugh.


I did indeed receive a mysterious call this week, though the voice was disguised leaving me completely befuddled and unable to identify it. (I was sure it was a Johnny Rivers impersonator with a bad cold.....)


Bet she doesn't need help spelling YMCA......


Keep up the good work....


And have a safe trip my dear GSA,

Agent Nanna


i would like a secret agent coin because it is another link to this wonderul group of coin collectors! other folks would not understand the happy that comes from receiving a mystery coin.


i figured out today that were it not for the laughter, the tears and joy we share with each other, coin collecting would be pretty darn dull. who would you tell about your heart’s desire if not other coin collectors? who else cares about what you received in the mail? who, other than another coin lover, reads the heart’s desire thread and gifts a coin “just because?”


the secret agent coin is one of the special threads woven into the giant cloth that binds us all in a unique and joyful way.


one doesn’t sell joy.




Too late again, mission is closed :laughing: ... I should quit sleeping or doing any activity in the evening, I am not at the computer when the missions start and when I get up in the morning I find it closed... :D


Good Luck to you all, I don't think that I will look for any missions anymore. I enjoy reading them a lot and will do that in the future, but I see no chance for me to join...


Congratulations to the winner of mission #6!!! :D:D:D


MISSION # 6 is now complete. The recipient of the Mission # 6 V2 will be notified. I will be leaving for Europe in the morning so Mission # 7 will take a bit of time to set up. In the meantime, go out and find a cache or two. Stay Tuned.


:D Got some intell, the bose is coming to europe :laughing:




:D Put meself in my best suit, have clean the mess :D


:D I am very nervous for my first inspection :D


:D Secret Agent 49 is waiting for you , boss :D

Posted (edited)

As many have said of this coin, the graphics are cool. Simple, straight-forward design, with balance, good color choice and overall style, but also with flair and character. However, this coin is so much more that that, isn't it? Since I first saw the GSA coin several months ago, it has weighed heavily in my thoughts for many reasons and I would have loved the oportunity to run out, find one in a nearby cache, and share its discovery here with you all. For me, GSA is one of the pillars that has enhanced and threngthened this forum and the geocaching community, adding interest and intrigue to this forum in particular.


I have been notified by masked carrier pigeon to expect a package soon with one of these coveted treasures for suggesting one of the recent missions. My pledge to you GSA and to the members of this community is to never sell my GSA coin as I understand what it means to receive/find one of these. It is a hunk of metal, yet symbolically much more. It represents generousity, the exitement of the chase, intrigue, and in short it kind of represents geocaching itself. How can such ideals be reduced to a commodity? I love coin collecting and caching and hope to continue these interests for many years to come, but if there is ever a time when I do lose interest or money is so tight that I have to liquidate the dearest of assets, I will pass mine on to someone who also shares in the excitement of a GSA geocoin.


I've said it in past posts, but would like to reiterate my appreciation to GSA for reconsidering the manufacture and release of a V2, though I understood your decision at that time. I believe my thoughts on this issue are representative of many others here as well. Thank you.

Edited by nashuan

Potential undercover agent reporting for duty GSA. I see your duties bring you to Europe, it must be an important mission. I hope your work leads you to Scotland - should you require additional equipment there are some clever Secret Agent tools stashed at this location. Please feel free to call on my services, rendezvous times are flexible, I work under cover most of the time and can source plenty of gadgets for surveillance if required. In fact I must go and drop off Sir Veillance now ! Keep safe, happy travelling.


MISSION # 6: In 150 words or less tell my Agent Crew (here in this thread) Why you want one of the V2 coins. And why you WILL NOT SELL IT.

Let the mission begin.


Seeing as how it will be our (family) first coin EVER~ I think it will be treasured! Besides, my 11yob wouldn't allow it!


Hey Boss! According to this post, Geocoin secret agent is comming to Europe!



What???? Are you sure??? Let me see!!!!



Holy Cat!!!! He is comming!!!! allarm!!! sound the alarm!!! We must clean and fix everything here!!!




We are trying sir!we are fixing the machines!!!



Ok and here! Oh! Where is the mouse?



MOUSE???? Did anyone mentios Mouse???



Mouse??? where is the mouse???? I am hungry!!!



HUH! Just becasue I am too young, i am only carrying things here!!! :laughing:



Stop complaining and search for the missing PC mouse!



I looked everywhere sir! I can not find it!!! It's not here!



You damaged the other computer to take the mouse???? Now we are 2 pc's off!!! Oh boy!!! Can't anyone though me in the water??? at least I will not have all this!!!



Hwy boss! According to Catpedia in the net, Humans like to drink coffee! Do they use water from fish tanks???



OOOHHHH! I am surrounded by idiots!!!!!!



Boss....Boss....Are you ok? What is wrong??






There are so MANY deserving people who posted I think it must have been very difficult to chose a new recruit for Mission #6. Whoever you are welcome to the ranks!!!


Oooooh, the GSA is coming to Europe :D:laughing::D


We will give you a warm welcome here!!! I hope you post a story or two about your journey! Too bad that I am on holidays next week (and without internet access). Otherwise you could have stayed here at my home for a day or two :D


Too late again, mission is closed :D ... I should quit sleeping or doing any activity in the evening, I am not at the computer when the missions start and when I get up in the morning I find it closed... :laughing:


Good Luck to you all, I don't think that I will look for any missions anymore. I enjoy reading them a lot and will do that in the future, but I see no chance for me to join...


Congratulations to the winner of mission #6!!! :D:D:D


i understand! by the time i see the mission and reply it is already over. :D still fun to read.




I hope I am allowed to express how I feel today! :D




In case someone doesn't understand what it is saying....:


Oh I'm a gummy bear

Yes, I'm a gummy bear

Oh I'm a yummy, tummy, funny, lucky, gummy bear

Oh I'm a jolly bear

'Cause I'm a gummy bear

Oh I'm a moving, grooving, jamming, singing, gummy bear


Oh yea

Ba ba be do be do be yum yum

Ba ba be do be do be yum yum

Ba ba be do be do be yum yum


Three times you can bite me

gummy gummy gummy gummy gummy bear ...... :D:D:D:laughing:


I have just removed the photos I had posted, so geocachers with dial up or something similar, will not have delays and problems in watching this thread! :D


I would also like to inform you that the one who was honored to have been chosen as the agent for MISSION 006 is......




Thank you GSA!!!! :laughing:


Hey Gatoulis:


Starting with post 1434, all the pictures you posted are gone :D All that is left is a white box saying the photos have been deleted or moved. I see though, that when I'm adding a post to the end of the thread that I can scroll down in the window I'm working in and see them :D Very funny pictures by the way :laughing:


Hey, that's great news Agent Gatoulis, congratulations! You posted the answer to my last question before I could type it out. You're pretty quick for a new agent :laughing:


Hello my friend! Well, I explained the reason in my post! :laughing:

Thank you for the compliment in the pictures! I hope you liked the story! :D


I removed them but the funny is that Some times, I see them too! It is probably a cookie or something! :D


Hey, that's great news Agent Gatoulis, congratulations! You posted the answer to my last question before I could type it out. You're pretty quick for a new agent :D



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