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The Geocoin Secret Agent

The Geo-Secret Agent

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please do not tell me there are always other options. because sometimes there just is not.


(1) Trade the coin for others that you can ebay. :D

(2) Sell the coin privately without all the fanfare and acrimony


Sounds like two fairly good options to me.


Initially, mystery coins were sent to a number of 'helpers' who then placed the coins in caches for people to find. Then they morphed into people just sending them to others for good deeds, friends, in answer of begging etc. So they have now become a coin forum mainstay rather than a geocaching mainstay. This has elevated the desirability of them to new heights and so I can see why it hits a chord when they are sold for profit on ebay without even looking at other options.


It's amazing that many people in this so-called "community" think they are the final word in how to dispose of coins that belong to the person holding them.


Think about that last part for a minute.


What right does anyone have to say that another person should or should not do as he or she pleases with their property? What right do they have to question said person about why they wish to dispose of their property?


The answer to both questions is rather simple to anyone that has any common sense: None.


And anyone with common sense wouldn't knowingly do something that they know riles up a lot of the community they think they belong to. Is it your right or privilege to sell the coin: Yes. Is it in most people's eyes good judgment: No.


Here's my two cents.... I do know who sold some of the mystery coins on ebay is and I don't think it a huge secret.. I know this person likes his coins as much if not more than the next guy, and that something had to have come up that was pretty important for him to sell them. I don't know what it was .. none of my business, but by golly I'm not gonna hold it against him. I personally gifted several of my coins to many people here in the geocoin forums, and it would do my heart good to know that if they got in a bind and needed some extra funds. that they used something I gave them to help out, and.... I most likely would give them others if need be if I thought it would help. I'm not going to put words in other peoples mouths, but I'm thinking some of these mystery people feel the same. I try to understand other peoples points of view but the basic premise of helping someone in need should be universal IMO.

I feel the same way. My suggestion to anyone who has to sell a mystery coin in the future would be to trade it for coins with good value on ebay. It would take more time (in some cases unfortunately you may not have time) but it would prevent any future disagreements. Personally I would feel proud if my coin helped someone in a predicament but everyone is different. Both points of view are understandable.


Here's where I have the problem though...if you come into a bind, wouldn't the respectful and courteous thing to do is to email the person who gave you the coin and ask them first?? From experience, I'd guess many would be MORE than happy to lend a hand if they weren't blindsided beforehand!!


Just a thought about respect!


Although I do not really know what that tipping point is when Mods decide to close a thread, I think that it would be a real shame to see this thread closed if any of the present discussion was considered inappropriate. Like I said, I really don't know, but the GSA brought smiles to many here and it would just be pretty weak to see the thread go that way.


Anyways, that's my $.02...


Thanks again GSA, I think you're cooler than Yoda.

Posted (edited)

Here's my two cents.... I do know who sold some of the mystery coins on ebay is and I don't think it a huge secret.. I know this person likes his coins as much if not more than the next guy, and that something had to have come up that was pretty important for him to sell them. I don't know what it was .. none of my business, but by golly I'm not gonna hold it against him. I personally gifted several of my coins to many people here in the geocoin forums, and it would do my heart good to know that if they got in a bind and needed some extra funds. that they used something I gave them to help out, and.... I most likely would give them others if need be if I thought it would help. I'm not going to put words in other peoples mouths, but I'm thinking some of these mystery people feel the same. I try to understand other peoples points of view but the basic premise of helping someone in need should be universal IMO.

I feel the same way. My suggestion to anyone who has to sell a mystery coin in the future would be to trade it for coins with good value on ebay. It would take more time (in some cases unfortunately you may not have time) but it would prevent any future disagreements. Personally I would feel proud if my coin helped someone in a predicament but everyone is different. Both points of view are understandable.


Here's where I have the problem though...if you come into a bind, wouldn't the respectful and courteous thing to do is to email the person who gave you the coin and ask them first?? From experience, I'd guess many would be MORE than happy to lend a hand if they weren't blindsided beforehand!!


Just a thought about respect!

Rockin Roddy...... I do believe that would be the right way to approach the sell of a mystery coin. I am fairly new here and was not going to voice an opinion as this community seems pretty close and I did not want to step on any toes. but as i said Ibelieve your suggestion is the right way to handle it, and from what I have seen most around here would be willing to help. This is just my 2cents.

Edited by North Fork Seekers


There are people clamouring to be noticed and to be gifted so they can feel special at having received a mystery coin from a total stranger. That feeling is worth more that all the pieces of silver you can stuff in a money bag. And yet for a few miserly dollars someone just tossed that beautiful and generous gift into the mediocrity of commercial interests.


does it not sort of miss the whole point when people beg or clamour to be noticed? i thought it was aa gift for being a good person in this community - does one have to stand up and yell, look at me i want one? how does one value a coin that comes because one begs. how can that make you feel special.


and why even suggest that the giver put more restrictions on their "gifts" than before. they are gifts! what someone does with them is their business. perhaps the giver made a mistake in judging the person's worthiness before giving.


but here is a real thought, what if the seller has no other option? and please do not tell me there are always other options. because sometimes there just is not.


i am more concerned with the wellbeing of the person that feels he must sell.


and if he is just selling because of greed and avarice, then so be it. his choice. not mine and i do not insist that people live their lives according to my rules.


i think if i were a mystery coin person, the last person i would send a coin to is the one that begs the most, clamours the loudest.


judge not lest ye be judged. i think someone famous said that.




You missed my point. I wasn't giving the mystery coins their value due to the begging factor. Nor do I believe any beggers have been recipients of them: they could've but I have no way of knowing. The point is that these are extremely hard to find and yet some folks are fortunate enough to have them gifted to them FOR NOTHING. Dropped in their mailbox without as much as a request for anything. Imagine that! A potentially very valuable coin on the auction block is a handed out for nary a song. Have you heard of anything so obsurd?? And what does the damened fool do? He goes and puts on the auction block.


You're absolutely correct that legally he can do as he pleases. No traditions or covenants were broken ... or were there?


You can do what you like with what you've got just be prepared to pay the piper when you choose the greater of two evils.



There are people clamouring to be noticed and to be gifted so they can feel special at having received a mystery coin from a total stranger. That feeling is worth more that all the pieces of silver you can stuff in a money bag. And yet for a few miserly dollars someone just tossed that beautiful and generous gift into the mediocrity of commercial interests.


does it not sort of miss the whole point when people beg or clamour to be noticed? i thought it was aa gift for being a good person in this community - does one have to stand up and yell, look at me i want one? how does one value a coin that comes because one begs. how can that make you feel special.


and why even suggest that the giver put more restrictions on their "gifts" than before. they are gifts! what someone does with them is their business. perhaps the giver made a mistake in judging the person's worthiness before giving.


but here is a real thought, what if the seller has no other option? and please do not tell me there are always other options. because sometimes there just is not.


i am more concerned with the wellbeing of the person that feels he must sell.


and if he is just selling because of greed and avarice, then so be it. his choice. not mine and i do not insist that people live their lives according to my rules.


i think if i were a mystery coin person, the last person i would send a coin to is the one that begs the most, clamours the loudest.


judge not lest ye be judged. i think someone famous said that.




You missed my point. I wasn't giving the mystery coins their value due to the begging factor. Nor do I believe any beggers have been recipients of them: they could've but I have no way of knowing. The point is that these are extremely hard to find and yet some folks are fortunate enough to have them gifted to them FOR NOTHING. Dropped in their mailbox without as much as a request for anything. Imagine that! A potentially very valuable coin on the auction block is a handed out for nary a song. Have you heard of anything so obsurd?? And what does the damened fool do? He goes and puts on the auction block.


You're absolutely correct that legally he can do as he pleases. No traditions or covenants were broken ... or were there?


You can do what you like with what you've got just be prepared to pay the piper when you choose the greater of two evils.


i have only said that we do not know that the seller is going through. and we do not know if he checked with original gifter as in one case he was given the ok.


i guess i am a pollyanna at heart. i just want people to be as kind to the seller as they can — until all the facts are known and i am pretty sure they never will be, judgements should be reserved.


the true gift is given without restrictions or expectation of thanks, given for the pure joy of giving.




After seeing no less than 8 of my gifted coins go to ebay over the past year I have made a hard decision to not make a V2.


For those of you who received one of my coins as a gift or a find, congratulations.

Well, I hope I will meet someone that has one of those coins, would be great to see it in person someday.




That should be possible :D If you come to the Gütersloh Stammtisch the next time, just contact me in advance and I will bring my Geooin Secret Agent Coin with me!


Sad to read about your decision, GSA, but I can understand it. Thanks again for your generosity! Your coin has a very special place in my collection, and I am very happy to belong to the persons who received one of your coins! Thank you, Geocoin Secret Agent!!!


It is easy for a person who sold there secret agent coin to come here and say it is no ones business. And that it can be sold and so on and so on. But my question is, why only sell the mystery coins when you have books of geocoins? If you're in a pinch why wouldn't they all be up for sell? It is always this same lame reason why the coin is for sell, but you always see them later on here wanting to by more coins.


Come on, these mystery coiners have feelings too.


Although I do not really know what that tipping point is when Mods decide to close a thread, I think that it would be a real shame to see this thread closed if any of the present discussion was considered inappropriate. Like I said, I really don't know, but the GSA brought smiles to many here and it would just be pretty weak to see the thread go that way.


Anyways, that's my $.02...


Thanks again GSA, I think you're cooler than Yoda.


I agree with Joranda and several others here, but I TRULY agree with the wise Jedi Master more...this thread should stay on topic so as to never get it locked down!! That would be a loss for future recipients (trades). :D So I'd propose returning this thread to the topic and taking the selling of mystery coins conversation to an existing topic or start a new if the other ones were all closed down!! :D


Sorry this did get so far off-topic mods, please do not close down if it's a problem but ask for those off-topic to return to topic??

Posted (edited)

It is easy for a person who sold there secret agent coin to come here and say it is no ones business. And that it can be sold and so on and so on. But my question is, why only sell the mystery coins when you have books of geocoins? If you're in a pinch why wouldn't they all be up for sell? It is always this same lame reason why the coin is for sell, but you always see them later on here wanting to by more coins.


Come on, these mystery coiners have feelings too.


Well said. I always wonder why they chose the mystery coins and in the case in question a *few* other coins that some even have marked around the edge that this coin is not to be sold to sell yet have binders with hundreds of other coins and don't sell those?? Because they are taking advantage of the mystery coiners and for the perceived value and rarity of them. The same person could have easily sold 3 maybe 4 other coins instead of a mystery coin. Yes it is always the same lame excuse of well it's in my hands it is mine. And yes it is just a shiny bobble but it is the meaning behind the coin that makes them *worth* so much. It's a symbol of integrity, generosity, friendship, trust, and by selling it you are throwing that all away. And you get the same argument over and over that friendship is worth more than a coin, blah blah blah. Well to me you would rather throw away trust and integrity by selling a coin then trying to find other means. All because you need a quick buck. Once you lose trust I don't think you can ever gain it back 100%. There are other options and solutions that, in my opinion, would still allow you to have the respect of your peers.

Edited by PengoFamily

It is easy for a person who sold there secret agent coin to come here and say it is no ones business. And that it can be sold and so on and so on. But my question is, why only sell the mystery coins when you have books of geocoins? If you're in a pinch why wouldn't they all be up for sell? It is always this same lame reason why the coin is for sell, but you always see them later on here wanting to by more coins.


Come on, these mystery coiners have feelings too.


Well said. I always wonder why they chose the mystery coins and in the case in question a *few* other coins that some even have marked around the edge that this coin is not to be sold to sell yet have binders with hundreds of other coins and don't sell those?? Because they are taking advantage of the mystery coiners and for the perceived value and rarity of them. The same person could have easily sold 3 maybe 4 other coins instead of a mystery coin. Yes it is always the same lame excuse of well it's in my hands it is mine. And yes it is just a shiny bobble but it is the meaning behind the coin that makes them *worth* so much. It's a symbol of integrity, generosity, friendship, trust, and by selling it you are throwing that all away. And you get the same argument over and over that friendship is worth more than a coin, blah blah blah. Well to me you would rather throw away trust and integrity by selling a coin then trying to find other means. All because you need a quick buck. Once you lose trust I don't think you can ever gain it back 100%. There are other options and solutions that, in my opinion, would still allow you to have the respect of your peers.


Thank you both for proving my point quite well, that many people put the coin ahead of the person.


People like you (generalized "you" in this case) are so wrapped up in the mystery coin craze you don't give two whits about anything else but getting more of them, so you parade under the banner of "honesty and integrity" whilst professing the "evils" of selling a simple geocoin...which even the mystery ones are. It isn't about any of those qualities...no, it's about keeping those precious coins coming so that you may get them.


Why can't you be honest with yourselves when it all boils down to greed?


Let's be frank here...


I am not here to please anyone. I do not live my life for the judgement of others. I sold what I did because I HAD to and because I knew they would make the most money, which, in my case was needed...and quick. Sure, I could have sold others but to be honest it would have been a LOT more of a crap shoot. I may or may not have done as well as I did. I could not afford such gambles.


So again, with what right do you even presume to tell me or anyone else what they should do with their property?


I don't care if people like my actions or not. Until you've walked a mile in my shoes, you have no right to comment.


If you're actually understanding of where I come from, great. I appreciate those who think outside of the "company line" in this forum.


If you're not the understanding sort, that's fine too. I care less if you like it, don't want to be my friend or anything else. Anyone who bases their friendship on matters like this is not worthy to be my friend.


You know, as much as people like to say that this is a "community" I would have hoped that people might have been a bit more empathetic. Sadly, I was wrong. There is no "community" here. A real "community" wouldn't jump on someone without knowing ALL the facts.


I'm done.

Posted (edited)


I don't care if people like my actions or not. Until you've walked a mile in my shoes, you have no right to comment.


OK...now I'm irked! I'd take this to personal message, but I feel others should understand this as well!


A&T...I am truly sorry you are having a hard time, it sux my friend! HOWEVER, you want to talk about problems, lets! I am currently a few payments back on my house (yes, I have a plan and am following through on it so as to save the house...oh, and not my fault on this, I was blindsided), I am also behind on my auto payment, but only this month! I am also behind on a few other things which I am working on very hard, I'll survive these! The worries I have are these: The golf course could go belly up at any time...my only source of income and my only real training. My dad has a tumor in his hip which he cannot get examined because we have no insurance (last cut we could make in effort to save the course). Is the tumor cancer?? Who knows, like I said he can't visit a doc as he's waiting for his B'day to get medicare. My health isn't the very best either, but I can live with my problems...not sure about dad though!


I'm sure you can see where this is going! One bad day could spell the end of everything for me and my family...period!


One bad day came not long ago, I was sure I'd have to sell off some stuff to make ends meet. I did sell off some stuff. Stuff which meant VERY much to me (my mountain bike I rode from Yellowstone to Cody WY on, trailer for bike, electronics I really thought I needed...but found I don't now that I don't have them...etc). Not once did a mystery coin come to mind...not once!


Why? It would be like selling a friendship! I don't have much in this world, but I do have friends and I VERY much value that! And you know what, I even HAD an extra mystery coin donated exactly for the purpose of selling...I donated it to another who was even worse off than myself!


A&T, you said it all boils down to greed...and it does in a way (certainly not the way you make it out though). I'm greedy for wanting others to get this and other mystery coins simply because I enjoy reading the posts and seeing the joy a mystery or even a gifted coin brings! You say it's greed because one wants the coins to keep coming...I do, but not to me, to other very deserving people! Do you take the time to read the fun, funny or emotional posts from those surprised by a coin?? It's touching and uplifting! Really makes me smile (or even cry) at times!!


I pity you, my friend. I truly do!! I wish someone could touch your heart in a way these coins touch mine! I wish someone could bring a smile to your face the way these coins do me. I wish you could see that these coins ARE more than simple pieces of metal, they are pieces of the giftor! They are LOVE!


NOW, back to your originally scheduled GSA programming!


edit to add: oh, and crapshoot?? REALLY?? Don't you think selling a binder full of coins would bring more than a few coins?? No crapshoot there at all. REALLY, if you need the money, I'm SURE there are other things you could have used to make more money than coins...I know I did!

Edited by Rockin Roddy

GSA-Thank you for spreading cheer.


I completely understand your decision for V2, perhaps a new coin to send to those who truly make a differnece in the geocoin world? These people would be much less likely to profit from your generosity, and at the same time you would be giving to those truly deserving of your kindness. Just a thought.


Reading this thread makes me sad in ways too numerous to count. :laughing:


Well, I think I've seen a bit of hope here, this makes me happy! :laughing:


This thread really brings me joy!! I hope the joy can continue with great stories of getting to see the coin, getting a rare trade etc!!


Wow, a lot can happen when you walk away from the computer. Are we back on topic now? Have we all calmed down? I found this part of this hread because A&T has posted a public apology in a separate thread.


So, we're back on track now, right? :laughing:


Reading this thread makes me sad in ways too numerous to count. :laughing:


Well, I think I've seen a bit of hope here, this makes me happy! :laughing:


This thread really brings me joy!! I hope the joy can continue with great stories of getting to see the coin, getting a rare trade etc!!


Please don't get me wrong. I think the idea of secret agent coin (and the other mystery coins) is great! I have read the posts of people who have received them and how it touched them. I have been lucky enough to receive a gift of a coin in the past and it literally made me cry with joy. The generosity of people here never ceases to amaze me.


But when it comes down to people bickering over the rights and wrongs of what to do with coins or judging people's motives when none of us really know first hand about any given situation is what makes me sad. In the end, it's just a coin. It's not life or death. It's just a coin.


Sometimes I worry about keeping perspective. And FWIW, I lump myself into that category too. I love coins as much as anyone here. But I don't ever want to have a coin get in the way of what is important in life. I guess that's all I meant by my post.


And it does seem like there is some light at the end of this tunnel so you are right, that makes me happy too. :D


We can all argue until we're blue in the fingers about what gives someone the right and/or constitutes a justifiable reason to sell any coin, but that's not at all the point of this particular discussion. The point is that we now have a mystery coiner that will no longer be producing any more coins.


Let's put it another way: A person who comes here, and enjoys this hobby, will no longer be doing something kind like sending out geocoins for free to other fellow collectors. Regardless of what side of the "gifting" argument you are on, this is an overall shame and loss for everybody here. As a group, we now have one less possible "act of kindness" to look forward to.


So why is that? What happens here that causes people to stop giving freely?


Let's just be honest and forthright here... The few sellers who choose to go against the wishes of the free-givers are by far in the minority in this community. And yes, this is a community. Because the majority feels it's wrong, gift sellers can always expect resistence to such actions.


I'm sure that some may feel I'm not being sympathetic to others' personal problems, but that's simply not true. We ALL have personal problems, and not everyone makes them known to the rest of us. Some situations are more dire than others, but we'd be equally wrong to determine whose matters are more important than anyone else's matters.


To end my trainwreck of thought here, I'd just like to say thanks to the GSA for being so generous the first time around.


After seeing no less than 8 of my gifted coins go to ebay over the past year I have made a hard decision to not make a V2.


For those of you who received one of my coins as a gift or a find, congratulations.


I have to say this saddens me greatly. This is another example of the chilling effect of EBaying a mystery coin that I referred to in another post and runs counter to the "Spirit" in which mystery coins are intended. Again I will state, if you (not any 1 person in particular) decide you don't want your mystery coin(s) any longer give it(them) away to someone anonymously and keep the spirit of the coin(s) intact.


GSA, I understand your decision 100%. I applaud your efforts and your mystery coin in particular will always have a special meaning for me as it was the first mystery coin I had the privilege to own, in fact was one of the first coins period I possessed. Thank you very much for the memories. Peace


We can all argue until we're blue in the fingers about what gives someone the right and/or constitutes a justifiable reason to sell any coin, but that's not at all the point of this particular discussion. The point is that we now have a mystery coiner that will no longer be producing any more coins.


Let's put it another way: A person who comes here, and enjoys this hobby, will no longer be doing something kind like sending out geocoins for free to other fellow collectors. Regardless of what side of the "gifting" argument you are on, this is an overall shame and loss for everybody here. As a group, we now have one less possible "act of kindness" to look forward to.


So why is that? What happens here that causes people to stop giving freely?


Let's just be honest and forthright here... The few sellers who choose to go against the wishes of the free-givers are by far in the minority in this community. And yes, this is a community. Because the majority feels it's wrong, gift sellers can always expect resistence to such actions.


I'm sure that some may feel I'm not being sympathetic to others' personal problems, but that's simply not true. We ALL have personal problems, and not everyone makes them known to the rest of us. Some situations are more dire than others, but we'd be equally wrong to determine whose matters are more important than anyone else's matters.


To end my trainwreck of thought here, I'd just like to say thanks to the GSA for being so generous the first time around.


Very well said!!!! I know I couldn't have wrote it any better.


We can all argue until we're blue in the fingers about what gives someone the right and/or constitutes a justifiable reason to sell any coin, but that's not at all the point of this particular discussion. The point is that we now have a mystery coiner that will no longer be producing any more coins.


Let's put it another way: A person who comes here, and enjoys this hobby, will no longer be doing something kind like sending out geocoins for free to other fellow collectors. Regardless of what side of the "gifting" argument you are on, this is an overall shame and loss for everybody here. As a group, we now have one less possible "act of kindness" to look forward to.


So why is that? What happens here that causes people to stop giving freely?


Let's just be honest and forthright here... The few sellers who choose to go against the wishes of the free-givers are by far in the minority in this community. And yes, this is a community. Because the majority feels it's wrong, gift sellers can always expect resistence to such actions.


I'm sure that some may feel I'm not being sympathetic to others' personal problems, but that's simply not true. We ALL have personal problems, and not everyone makes them known to the rest of us. Some situations are more dire than others, but we'd be equally wrong to determine whose matters are more important than anyone else's matters.


To end my trainwreck of thought here, I'd just like to say thanks to the GSA for being so generous the first time around.


Yime - if that was a 'trainwreck' - I'd hate to read your eloquence :laughing: - there would be a tear in my eye. Well stated and I must fully agree. Best wishes to all through the good times and the tough ones.


I, personally, refuse to give up hope or lose faith in the GSA.


Whoever they are, I know that they are human and have to have a heart, a big one, at that, and I believe that they'll give us all another chance!


Faith! I have faith!


Naomi :laughing:

Posted (edited)

It is easy for a person who sold there secret agent coin to come here and say it is no ones business. And that it can be sold and so on and so on. But my question is, why only sell the mystery coins when you have books of geocoins? If you're in a pinch why wouldn't they all be up for sell? It is always this same lame reason why the coin is for sell, but you always see them later on here wanting to by more coins.


Come on, these mystery coiners have feelings too.


Well said. I always wonder why they chose the mystery coins and in the case in question a *few* other coins that some even have marked around the edge that this coin is not to be sold to sell yet have binders with hundreds of other coins and don't sell those?? Because they are taking advantage of the mystery coiners and for the perceived value and rarity of them. The same person could have easily sold 3 maybe 4 other coins instead of a mystery coin. Yes it is always the same lame excuse of well it's in my hands it is mine. And yes it is just a shiny bobble but it is the meaning behind the coin that makes them *worth* so much. It's a symbol of integrity, generosity, friendship, trust, and by selling it you are throwing that all away. And you get the same argument over and over that friendship is worth more than a coin, blah blah blah. Well to me you would rather throw away trust and integrity by selling a coin then trying to find other means. All because you need a quick buck. Once you lose trust I don't think you can ever gain it back 100%. There are other options and solutions that, in my opinion, would still allow you to have the respect of your peers.


Thank you both for proving my point quite well, that many people put the coin ahead of the person.


People like you (generalized "you" in this case) are so wrapped up in the mystery coin craze you don't give two whits about anything else but getting more of them, so you parade under the banner of "honesty and integrity" whilst professing the "evils" of selling a simple geocoin...which even the mystery ones are. It isn't about any of those qualities...no, it's about keeping those precious coins coming so that you may get them.


Why can't you be honest with yourselves when it all boils down to greed?


Let's be frank here...


I am not here to please anyone. I do not live my life for the judgement of others. I sold what I did because I HAD to and because I knew they would make the most money, which, in my case was needed...and quick. Sure, I could have sold others but to be honest it would have been a LOT more of a crap shoot. I may or may not have done as well as I did. I could not afford such gambles.


So again, with what right do you even presume to tell me or anyone else what they should do with their property?


I don't care if people like my actions or not. Until you've walked a mile in my shoes, you have no right to comment.


If you're actually understanding of where I come from, great. I appreciate those who think outside of the "company line" in this forum.


If you're not the understanding sort, that's fine too. I care less if you like it, don't want to be my friend or anything else. Anyone who bases their friendship on matters like this is not worthy to be my friend.


You know, as much as people like to say that this is a "community" I would have hoped that people might have been a bit more empathetic. Sadly, I was wrong. There is no "community" here. A real "community" wouldn't jump on someone without knowing ALL the facts.


I'm done.


My last word here too, then I'm done.


You say here in the thread,"People like you (generalized "you" in this case) are so wrapped up in the mystery coin craze" go back and read all you posts on this thread. You was just begging for this coin. Is that not being in the mystery coin "craze"? Sounds like a double standard. Wouldn't see off your 2-3coin binders of brought in more money than what the mystery coins did? How I'm done.


I'm back on topic. Sorry again Secret Agent for what some has done to sadden you and all the other mystery coin givers. :laughing:

Edited by joranda

Dear Geocoin Secret Agent,


I am saddened to read that you feel you no longer wish to put out your coins. Please reconsider, the fun and joy you have given to so many is immeasurable, and not just to those that receive your coin, but for all those coin lovers out there that just enjoy reading about how someone else has been overjoyed to discover one of your coins or unexpectedly received one in the mail.


A handful of coins may have appeared for sale, for some I realise this is a huge dissappointment, but surely this is outweighed by all the fun and joy your coins have given to so many. Reading the impassioned responses in this thread - I am sure the sale of mystery coins is not going to be a growing trend.


Don't lose sight of the bigger picture, come back and spread more joy, let everyone know that it is still possible to be recruited as one of your Agents, and let the fun continue.




Highland Geofairy


GSA-Thank you for spreading cheer.


I completely understand your decision for V2, perhaps a new coin to send to those who truly make a differnece in the geocoin world? These people would be much less likely to profit from your generosity, and at the same time you would be giving to those truly deserving of your kindness. Just a thought.


After numerous e-mails, PM's and this particular post I WILL reconsider making the V2.


GSA-Thank you for spreading cheer.


I completely understand your decision for V2, perhaps a new coin to send to those who truly make a differnece in the geocoin world? These people would be much less likely to profit from your generosity, and at the same time you would be giving to those truly deserving of your kindness. Just a thought.


After numerous e-mails, PM's and this particular post I WILL reconsider making the V2.


Thank you Geocoin Secret Agent. :laughing:


GSA-Thank you for spreading cheer.


I completely understand your decision for V2, perhaps a new coin to send to those who truly make a differnece in the geocoin world? These people would be much less likely to profit from your generosity, and at the same time you would be giving to those truly deserving of your kindness. Just a thought.


After numerous e-mails, PM's and this particular post I WILL reconsider making the V2.


Please do reconsider. It would bring much joy to many out there.



After numerous e-mails, PM's and this particular post I WILL reconsider making the V2.


and for it's worth, i would love to be agent of the agent. i still believe that the joy you receive as the giver in this situation, far outweighs any of the disappointment you may feel at some taking adavantage of your generousity.


feeling good is so much better than feeling crappy, doncha think?





After numerous e-mails, PM's and this particular post I WILL reconsider making the V2.


and for it's worth, i would love to be agent of the agent. i still believe that the joy you receive as the giver in this situation, far outweighs any of the disappointment you may feel at some taking adavantage of your generousity.


feeling good is so much better than feeling crappy, doncha think?




Maybe you can be a double agent. :laughing:


GSA-Thank you for spreading cheer.


I completely understand your decision for V2, perhaps a new coin to send to those who truly make a differnece in the geocoin world? These people would be much less likely to profit from your generosity, and at the same time you would be giving to those truly deserving of your kindness. Just a thought.


After numerous e-mails, PM's and this particular post I WILL reconsider making the V2.


All should not be judged by some! Your decision to reconsider is appreciated!


Some folks just can't help themselves or believe they have reasons to seemingly justify their decisions. I have read a lot of heartfelt posts here - sounding nearly like confessions - and some said they never considered selling a mystery coin.


We are living in, what should be the best of times - but yet with the economy - the worst of times probably seen in our generations.


If it is in your heart to reconsider and do another verion of your coin GSA - please know there are many who would like to receive. Many who would not put your trust aside and use your coin for personal gain, even when they were down and out.


Cache on - Cache Happy and enjoy Geocoins and especially Mystery Coins!


I have been following this thread for about a week and a half, since GSA made the announcement (see post #914) that there would be no V2 GSA coin after seeing 8 of his coins hit the auction block. I was profoundly saddened by this news as were many others on this board. I think the practice of giving mystery coins furthers interest not only for the current community of members, but helps to attract new members to this forum and to geocaching in general, and I hope GSA reconsiders. I wrote in another thread that the idea of mystery coins is not just getting something for free, it's so much more. for those who get one in the mail, it's recognition that someone thought of you on a particular day and sent you a gift. For those finding one in a cache, they think it's their lucky day. Such good feelings grow and spread to others in their lives, so the gift keeps giving in a way. Often it seems that finding such a coin comes when the person needs it most.


Recently, a newbie family posted a question, asking for some basic advice on where the best place would be to get geocoins. Within 24-hours, there were several responses, but just as gratifyingly, people were asking if they could send them coins to help get them started. Now, do you think these people thought to themselves "Hey, I got something for free"? No, they were moved that the people from this forum welcomed them and tried to get them started. I am glad to have seen several subsequent postings from these new people, and hope that they continue to participate.


This thread actually began in February of 2007 with the introduction of the Geocoin Secret Agent, but has veered off it's original topic to discuss the ethics of selling mystery coins. Although there were several empassioned posts recently, I'm glad that the mods have allowed this important thread (IMO) to proceed. After all, isn't the purpose of such a forum to give interested people a place to voice their opinions? for the community to talk openly about what's of importance in geocoins? For some reason, I have been particularly taken by this topic and have given it much thought. To "Arthur & Trillian", I'd like to say I'm sorry that you've been going through a tough time lately. I know that several posts (including one I may have made myself in another thread) made you feel like everyone was ganging up on you, but I also remember reading several posts of concern and support for your plight. Just as the newbies I spoke about in my second paragraph were impressed with this forum because of the people here in this community, so to have I been.


Several people have said that once a gifted coin leaves their hand, the recipient can do whatever they wish with it, and that if the gifter couldn't deal with that then maybe they shouldn't be leaving/giving the coins in the first place. If I were to place a commercially made coin (not one that I designed myself as a mystery coin) in a cache and the finder decided to sell it on Ebay, I don't think I would lose any sleep over it and probably wouldn't even know. However, if I saw a coin that I designed and anonymously planted in a cache hit the auction block, I think I would honestly be upset that someone cashed in on my generousity. Does that make me selfish in some way? I don't know, but that's what I feel in my heart of hearts. I would much rather that they pass it on to someone else. Worse yet would be if I actually sent a particular person a mystery coin that I designed as a gift and I saw it go up for sale. When these coins do hit the auction block, they're going to fetch what, $50-$70? That's not really going to help anyone's financial situation, and I think it's offensive to the gifter; that they would feel as if they had been sold out. A&T, I'm not trying to jump on you. I'm sure you're a great person and I wish you well, but I disagree with your choice to sell those mystery coins. For anyone else who finds/receives one of these coins that would plan to sell them, I'd like to suggest that you consider the feelings of the coiner and pass on picking it up from the cache or to re-gift it yourself to someone who would better appreciate the gesture.


GSA-Thank you for spreading cheer.


I completely understand your decision for V2, perhaps a new coin to send to those who truly make a differnece in the geocoin world? These people would be much less likely to profit from your generosity, and at the same time you would be giving to those truly deserving of your kindness. Just a thought.


After numerous e-mails, PM's and this particular post I WILL reconsider making the V2.


I wish and hope you do; I love reading the posts about those who get them.


I've gotten a couple of mystery coins. They have always astonished (for me?!!?!) and delighted me.


This can be a world that seems to be drained of magic at times: dull and grey and sad and strident and stressful. Coins are such a small bit of beauty and grace to lift the spirits.


Bless you, GSA and all the other mystery coiners.


I have been following this thread for about a week and a half, since GSA made the announcement (see post #914) that there would be no V2 GSA coin after seeing 8 of his coins hit the auction block. I was profoundly saddened by this news as were many others on this board. I think the practice of giving mystery coins furthers interest not only for the current community of members, but helps to attract new members to this forum and to geocaching in general, and I hope GSA reconsiders. I wrote in another thread that the idea of mystery coins is not just getting something for free, it's so much more. for those who get one in the mail, it's recognition that someone thought of you on a particular day and sent you a gift. For those finding one in a cache, they think it's their lucky day. Such good feelings grow and spread to others in their lives, so the gift keeps giving in a way. Often it seems that finding such a coin comes when the person needs it most.


Recently, a newbie family posted a question, asking for some basic advice on where the best place would be to get geocoins. Within 24-hours, there were several responses, but just as gratifyingly, people were asking if they could send them coins to help get them started. Now, do you think these people thought to themselves "Hey, I got something for free"? No, they were moved that the people from this forum welcomed them and tried to get them started. I am glad to have seen several subsequent postings from these new people, and hope that they continue to participate.


This thread actually began in February of 2007 with the introduction of the Geocoin Secret Agent, but has veered off it's original topic to discuss the ethics of selling mystery coins. Although there were several empassioned posts recently, I'm glad that the mods have allowed this important thread (IMO) to proceed. After all, isn't the purpose of such a forum to give interested people a place to voice their opinions? for the community to talk openly about what's of importance in geocoins? For some reason, I have been particularly taken by this topic and have given it much thought. To "Arthur & Trillian", I'd like to say I'm sorry that you've been going through a tough time lately. I know that several posts (including one I may have made myself in another thread) made you feel like everyone was ganging up on you, but I also remember reading several posts of concern and support for your plight. Just as the newbies I spoke about in my second paragraph were impressed with this forum because of the people here in this community, so to have I been.


Several people have said that once a gifted coin leaves their hand, the recipient can do whatever they wish with it, and that if the gifter couldn't deal with that then maybe they shouldn't be leaving/giving the coins in the first place. If I were to place a commercially made coin (not one that I designed myself as a mystery coin) in a cache and the finder decided to sell it on Ebay, I don't think I would lose any sleep over it and probably wouldn't even know. However, if I saw a coin that I designed and anonymously planted in a cache hit the auction block, I think I would honestly be upset that someone cashed in on my generousity. Does that make me selfish in some way? I don't know, but that's what I feel in my heart of hearts. I would much rather that they pass it on to someone else. Worse yet would be if I actually sent a particular person a mystery coin that I designed as a gift and I saw it go up for sale. When these coins do hit the auction block, they're going to fetch what, $50-$70? That's not really going to help anyone's financial situation, and I think it's offensive to the gifter; that they would feel as if they had been sold out. A&T, I'm not trying to jump on you. I'm sure you're a great person and I wish you well, but I disagree with your choice to sell those mystery coins. For anyone else who finds/receives one of these coins that would plan to sell them, I'd like to suggest that you consider the feelings of the coiner and pass on picking it up from the cache or to re-gift it yourself to someone who would better appreciate the gesture.


I believe I am the new family you mentioned and my son was overjoyed to recieve these coins to start his collection to you and all that have said they would send coins I thank you on be half of my son. He should be sending emails out to the folks who have sent him coins. He will cherish them for along time as they were his intro to Geocoin collecting.


Now to get back on topic once again thanks GSA



After numerous e-mails, PM's and this particular post I WILL reconsider making the V2.


and for it's worth, i would love to be agent of the agent. i still believe that the joy you receive as the giver in this situation, far outweighs any of the disappointment you may feel at some taking adavantage of your generousity.


feeling good is so much better than feeling crappy, doncha think?




Maybe you can be a double agent. :laughing:


was that supposed to be funny, because it wasn't.


GSA-Thank you for spreading cheer.


I completely understand your decision for V2, perhaps a new coin to send to those who truly make a differnece in the geocoin world? These people would be much less likely to profit from your generosity, and at the same time you would be giving to those truly deserving of your kindness. Just a thought.


After numerous e-mails, PM's and this particular post I WILL reconsider making the V2.


Thank you for at least thinking about making a V2 coin.


When I first started collecting geocoins and stumbled into the forums, the GSA geocoin was the very first "mystery" coin I had ever heard of. Even though I never obtained one, I absolutely LOVED checking in each day to read about the adventures of those that had found them. At times this thread would read like a good mystery novel with folks going out in the middle of the night in search of a recently dropped GSA coin, detailing their adventures along the way.


I think Hula Bum's suggestion was spot-on!


Again - thank you for reconsidering.


I have been following this thread for about a week and a half, since GSA made the announcement (see post #914) that there would be no V2 GSA coin after seeing 8 of his coins hit the auction block. I was profoundly saddened by this news as were many others on this board. I think the practice of giving mystery coins furthers interest not only for the current community of members, but helps to attract new members to this forum and to geocaching in general, and I hope GSA reconsiders. I wrote in another thread that the idea of mystery coins is not just getting something for free, it's so much more. for those who get one in the mail, it's recognition that someone thought of you on a particular day and sent you a gift. For those finding one in a cache, they think it's their lucky day. Such good feelings grow and spread to others in their lives, so the gift keeps giving in a way. Often it seems that finding such a coin comes when the person needs it most.


Recently, a newbie family posted a question, asking for some basic advice on where the best place would be to get geocoins. Within 24-hours, there were several responses, but just as gratifyingly, people were asking if they could send them coins to help get them started. Now, do you think these people thought to themselves "Hey, I got something for free"? No, they were moved that the people from this forum welcomed them and tried to get them started. I am glad to have seen several subsequent postings from these new people, and hope that they continue to participate.


This thread actually began in February of 2007 with the introduction of the Geocoin Secret Agent, but has veered off it's original topic to discuss the ethics of selling mystery coins. Although there were several empassioned posts recently, I'm glad that the mods have allowed this important thread (IMO) to proceed. After all, isn't the purpose of such a forum to give interested people a place to voice their opinions? for the community to talk openly about what's of importance in geocoins? For some reason, I have been particularly taken by this topic and have given it much thought. To "Arthur & Trillian", I'd like to say I'm sorry that you've been going through a tough time lately. I know that several posts (including one I may have made myself in another thread) made you feel like everyone was ganging up on you, but I also remember reading several posts of concern and support for your plight. Just as the newbies I spoke about in my second paragraph were impressed with this forum because of the people here in this community, so to have I been.


Several people have said that once a gifted coin leaves their hand, the recipient can do whatever they wish with it, and that if the gifter couldn't deal with that then maybe they shouldn't be leaving/giving the coins in the first place. If I were to place a commercially made coin (not one that I designed myself as a mystery coin) in a cache and the finder decided to sell it on Ebay, I don't think I would lose any sleep over it and probably wouldn't even know. However, if I saw a coin that I designed and anonymously planted in a cache hit the auction block, I think I would honestly be upset that someone cashed in on my generousity. Does that make me selfish in some way? I don't know, but that's what I feel in my heart of hearts. I would much rather that they pass it on to someone else. Worse yet would be if I actually sent a particular person a mystery coin that I designed as a gift and I saw it go up for sale. When these coins do hit the auction block, they're going to fetch what, $50-$70? That's not really going to help anyone's financial situation, and I think it's offensive to the gifter; that they would feel as if they had been sold out. A&T, I'm not trying to jump on you. I'm sure you're a great person and I wish you well, but I disagree with your choice to sell those mystery coins. For anyone else who finds/receives one of these coins that would plan to sell them, I'd like to suggest that you consider the feelings of the coiner and pass on picking it up from the cache or to re-gift it yourself to someone who would better appreciate the gesture.


First, I want to remind everyone that Mystery Coins are not the usual gifted coin and are in a class by themselves and should not be bunched in with other gifted coins. This should be obvious.


Second, I recall a comment made by a recent seller of a batch of mystery coins that they were moving away from non-trackables which doesn't indicate a "need" for money to me and personally raised bright red flags. That being said, if in fact a genuine need did arise where there was a need for "fast" cash then why a week long auction. I just feel there was a right way of doing this and a wrong way. The path chosen was misguided and disrespectful to all the mystery coin givers in MY humble opinion.


Third, GSA I am pleased you are reconsidering doing a V2. I hope this becomes a reality and more smiles will emerge and new stories will be told.




I am a beleiver and have been a beleiver all my life. I was born with alot of health problem and being diagnosed at birth of being a dwarf, but that has not stopped me from anything. I am very appreciative every day that I am alive, and that I can enjoy geocaching. I could of been alot worste off. But back on track...I am glad you are reconsidering a V2 Geocoin Secret Agent. I read alot in the formns here to read how people receiving mystery coins as gifts seem to lift people up and make them smile. Lets keep that going. Thanks to all mystery coin people out here forbeing so generous.



Valarie aka sweetlife


After numerous e-mails, PM's and this particular post I WILL reconsider making the V2.


That's GREAT news! It has been so much fun reading the posts from the people lucky enough to be on the receiving end of your generousity. I think it brings out the little kid in all of us... at least it sure does in me :) .


It's SO good to see this thread take on a positive note again!

Posted (edited)

To the GSA...I am sorry if I offended you in any way for my actions. Please do not let the actions of myself stop you from giving others joy. I know they greatly admire you and appreciate your efforts. This goes for all the mystery coiners out there.


I realize that that things could have been handled in a better way that would not have affected others as a whole. Sometimes when presented with issues beyond your control, thinking beyond yourself can be hard, and I am guilty of this.


Second, I recall a comment made by a recent seller of a batch of mystery coins that they were moving away from non-trackables which doesn't indicate a "need" for money to me and personally raised bright red flags. That being said, if in fact a genuine need did arise where there was a need for "fast" cash then why a week long auction. I just feel there was a right way of doing this and a wrong way. The path chosen was misguided and disrespectful to all the mystery coin givers in MY humble opinion.


I know I said I was done with this issue and I really am for the most part. The methods I used, like it or not, are done and in the past and I cannot change them. However, I highlight the above statement because while I accept what others may think about me and my actions I will not accept having false statements spoken about me. I was never "moving away" from nontrackable geocoins at all. All of my trackable geocoins are activated and as most know, their trade and sale value goes down because of this. That is why many of my nontrackables were sold. I still have many nontrackable geocoins, some from great friends (like 57chevy to just name one), so the above statement is utterly false.


So again, while I cannot change what's been done I do reach out and apologize to the GSA, the other mystery coiners and the community as a whole for my lack of forethought.

Edited by Arthur & Trillian

After numerous e-mails, PM's and this particular post I WILL reconsider making the V2.


It's nice to see that you may change your decision, and we are glad to hear that. We also enjoy the stories!

Posted (edited)


After numerous e-mails, PM's and this particular post I WILL reconsider making the V2.


and for it's worth, i would love to be agent of the agent. i still believe that the joy you receive as the giver in this situation, far outweighs any of the disappointment you may feel at some taking adavantage of your generousity.


feeling good is so much better than feeling crappy, doncha think?





Maybe you can be a double agent. :)


was that supposed to be funny, because it wasn't.


I found it to be quite amusing myself.


See...it takes all kinds.



Edited since I mistakenly added my comment inside of Joranda's quote!


(I guess I'm a bit rusty at this.) :)

Edited by Cornerstone4
Posted (edited)


After numerous e-mails, PM's and this particular post I WILL reconsider making the V2.


and for it's worth, i would love to be agent of the agent. i still believe that the joy you receive as the giver in this situation, far outweighs any of the disappointment you may feel at some taking adavantage of your generousity.


feeling good is so much better than feeling crappy, doncha think?




I found it to be quite amusing myself.


See...it takes all kinds.


Maybe you can be a double agent. :)


was that supposed to be funny, because it wasn't.

Edited by Arthur & Trillian

Good to hear that you might send your secret coins out again. I can tell you we could use a secret agent in the coinworld, we missed you in Stockholm sweden a couple of weeks ago, somebody were taking coins out of caches and left a note. They didn´t reach Gothenburg but maybe you do someday. We have alot of tricky caches here you can help us with.


Take care.

grodan Karin.

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