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To ban or not to ban LPC's


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I am sure he didn't mean 'encouraging' as 'coercing'.


For whatever reason we all want to encourage folks to do things our way - that's human nature!


My grandmother used to say "If everyone would just do things my way we'd all be better for it!"... I think she was joking, but I'm not! I believe it! :(

... Just for the record, I don't think anyone has mentioned banning as a solution for several pages.
Still, it is the topic of this thread. It's impossible to ignore that elephant.

Can we at least call for a ban on elephants? Come on, Man! Give us something! :(

... Just for the record, I don't think anyone has mentioned banning as a solution for several pages.
Still, it is the topic of this thread. It's impossible to ignore that elephant.

Can we at least call for a ban on elephants? Come on, Man! Give us something! :(

NO! I like elephants! You can ban camels, I don't have any use for camels.

Posted (edited)
I am sure he didn't mean 'encouraging' as 'coercing'.


For whatever reason we all want to encourage folks to do things our way - that's human nature!


My grandmother used to say "If everyone would just do things my way we'd all be better for it!"... I think she was joking, but I'm not! I believe it! :P


You are correct. I sure didn't mean 'coercing'. Sbell never gives me a break. :( Anyhow, TAR, you gave some great examples of creative LPCs. So I meant to encourage people to do more of that kind of stuff. :P


By the way, Sbell "encouraging" is positive reinforcement. Here is exactly what I meant:




P.S. I used the quotes to stress that I was advocating using only the use of encouragement. :(

Edited by TrailGators
Posted (edited)
... Just for the record, I don't think anyone has mentioned banning as a solution for several pages.
Still, it is the topic of this thread. It's impossible to ignore that elephant.

Can we at least call for a ban on elephants? Come on, Man! Give us something! :(

NO! I like elephants! You can ban camels, I don't have any use for camels.

Do we have to walk a mile for the camel? :( Edited by TrailGators
Posted (edited)
... Just for the record, I don't think anyone has mentioned banning as a solution for several pages.
Still, it is the topic of this thread. It's impossible to ignore that elephant.

Can we at least call for a ban on elephants? Come on, Man! Give us something! :(

Elephant banning (or at least banning of elephant parts) was already discussed on page 10 in this post 2728428[/snapback]

Edited by tozainamboku
Posted (edited)
I sure didn't mean 'coercing'. Sbell never gives me a break. :( ...
Didn't I give you that break when I typed this?
... I'm sure that's not what you intended to convey.
Edited by sbell111
I sure didn't mean 'coercing'. Sbell never gives me a break. :( ...
Didn't I give you that break when I typed this?
... I'm sure that's not what you intended to convey.
Both TAR and I took it the other way. Anyhow, let's just drop it and move on.


So back on point....Anything wrong with encouraging?


There is nothing wrong with trying to encourage more of the caches you like. Movie critics pan certain movies hoping that fewer people will go see those movies and instead see the movies the critic likes. Art critics pan Velvet Elvis paintings - although I doubt this has much impact on the price of a Monet. I've been a little peaved this week at the local NPR station, which is having its fund drive. They want me to send money because they've been covering the Scooter Libby trail and the firing of U.S. Attorneys by the Justice Department instead of Anna Nicole Smith's funeral and Elizabeth Hurley's wedding. I'm not going to send money because I think these other stories are important too (or at least more interesting). :(

There is nothing wrong with trying to encourage more of the caches you like.
I was talking about encouraging people to emulate caches that are appear on many people's favorites or must-do lists not just the ones I like. I was also talking about encouraging people to read the logs on their own caches and learn and something from them.

It looks like I'm the last survivor on "Survivor: Traffic Island!"

I'm still here. ;)

Hi CR, did you just get back from Exile Island? Did you find the hidden idol? I heard that it looks like Elvis.... :rolleyes:
SHEEESSHI sure hope so ;);):D:(:(:D
I don't think so. All the people that got voted off the island are over here now. Funny quote Vagabond. :D By the way, do motorcycle gangs lift up.....oh nevermind... :D


Naw they just rip em off :rolleyes::D

SHEEESSHI sure hope so :D:D;):(:D:D
I don't think so. All the people that got voted off the island are over here now. Funny quote Vagabond. :( By the way, do motorcycle gangs lift up.....oh nevermind... :D


Naw they just rip em off :rolleyes::D

...with their teeth! :D;)
Which parking lots, exactly, do you want this to apply to?

I thought that was obvious, but apparently it was not. Sorry I was not clear. The answer to your question about my opinion would be, all of them. Let's assume for the moment that you weren't trying to shamelessly twist my post to suit your personal needs, and treat your concern accordingly:


Would it be a detriment to the game to make BillyBobNosePicker get explicit permission for his Appalachian Trail Trailhead parking lot cache?


Would it be a detriment to the game to make BillyBobNosePicker get explicit permission for his Wally World parking lot hide?


In either scenario, a confronted cacher could easily direct those doing the confronting to the person that allowed the hide.

No, I may not be the best of writers, maybe I don't express myself as well as I should, but I am not trying to twist your post - I have no dog in this fight, no parking-lot caches, so to me it really is just trying to understand and discuss.


I try to write without sounding argumentative and angry, I am neither, but evidently don't have much success with that.


I tried to mention three types of parking-lots where I can see no reason for explicit permission in response to your idea that all parking-lots should have them.


As to the "would it be a detriment" questions, yes, I think it would in those cases, just as it would be to require explicit permission for a cache just up the trail from the trail-head parking lot - I can't see why one would and one wouldn't.


I beleve you both have a point. People just need to be smart where they put parking lot caches and what they use as caches.

Posted (edited)

I beleve you both have a point. People just need to be smart where they put parking lot caches and what they use as caches.

"It had a very sinister appearance," [Massachusetts Attorney General Martha] Coakley told reporters. "It had a battery behind it, and wires."(in reference to the Cartoon Network promotion in Boston)



Picture of the 38 lite-brites seen across town.


Turns out they were placed in 9 other cities as well with no media attention.

Geocachers may find this article interesting:


Be smart, yes! And don't live in Boston since just about anything appears sinister. :blink:

Edited by cache-n-dash
Be smart, yes! And don't live in Boston since just about anything appears sinister. :blink:

With the possible exception of bloated drunks who kill their girlfriends by driving into a river. Judging by the voters, there's nothing sinister about that at all. :ph34r:

Posted (edited)
Be smart, yes! And don't live in Boston since just about anything appears sinister. :blink:
With the possible exception of bloated drunks who kill their girlfriends by driving into a river. Judging by the voters, there's nothing sinister about that at all. :ph34r:

Wow. You had to dig down deep for that one. (BTW, that didn't happen in Boston.)

Edited by sbell111

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