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Need help 2007 Compass Rose

Vegas Gamblers

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Posted (edited)

We need the assistance of the forum group. Is anyone willing to purchase for us one each of the 2007 Compass Rose coins on Tuesday when they are released. We have to work during the hours that the sale begins and will miss out on all of them. If you can help we will gladly pay you via paypal plus the costs and shipping. Just to add to the incentive, we will ship you one of our wooden nickels and a Top 40 personal coin when we receive them. We don't know if this is against the rules of this forum but just incase anyone can do this for us please email us or PM. :laughing:


If this is in the wrong thread, mods please feel free to move to correct area.



Vegas Gamblers

Edited by Vegas Gamblers

We need the assistance of the forum group. Is anyone willing to purchase for us one each of the 2007 Compass Rose coins on Tuesday when they are released. We have to work during the hours that the sale begins and will miss out on all of them. If you can help we will gladly pay you via paypal plus the costs and shipping. Just to add to the incentive, we will ship you one of our wooden nickels and a Top 40 personal coin when we receive them. We don't know if this is against the rules of this forum but just incase anyone can do this for us please email us or PM. B)


If this is in the wrong thread, mods please feel free to move to correct area.



Vegas Gamblers


:laughing: I would like to make the exact offer as the Vegas Gamblers! I will also be away from the computer on Tues. Seeing how I am piggy backing on the OP, please be sure to take care of them first. Thank you. -57' :laughing:


We need the assistance of the forum group. Is anyone willing to purchase for us one each of the 2007 Compass Rose coins on Tuesday when they are released. We have to work during the hours that the sale begins and will miss out on all of them. If you can help we will gladly pay you via paypal plus the costs and shipping. Just to add to the incentive, we will ship you one of our wooden nickels and a Top 40 personal coin when we receive them. We don't know if this is against the rules of this forum but just incase anyone can do this for us please email us or PM. :laughing:


If this is in the wrong thread, mods please feel free to move to correct area.



Vegas Gamblers


I can help you out, just tell me what metals you want

Posted (edited)




Edited by nabobish

If you are truly concerned I would contact the coin maker and ask them instead of relying on the information here. I'm sure nobody would intentionally give you bad info, but it may be better to hear it from the horse's mouth.


AND, if I recall correctly, they did not take pre-orders. They sent an email inquiring about interest levels but it did not equate to a pre-sale or reservation.


I have a preorder already done but might be able to help.


Preorders? wWen was there preorders offered? Maybe talking about the poll on how many of each metal might be bought?

Posted (edited)

Did any of you all get an invoice from Coinsandpins for 2007 Compass Rose coins. Yes, i realize they are not on sale yet, but i did receive an invoice. Yes, I also realize they sent an e-mail to gauge interest. This was an actual invoice (with a dollar request but not for Paypal). It looked a little shady to me so I e-mailed coinsandpins on 2 different occasions but they never responded.


I thought twice before paying because I remember specifying one of each metal and the invoice was for all of the same metal (Satin Gold).


Was it just me?


Edited to specify that it was not a Paypal money request. But a physical invoice with a note to mail in a check. It was recieved via e-mail.

Edited by Grimlock
Posted (edited)

Did any of you all get an invoice from Coinsandpins for 2007 Compass Rose coins. Yes, i realize they are not on sale yet, but i did receive an invoice. Yes, I also realize they sent an e-mail to gauge interest. This was an actual invoice (with a dollar request for Paypal). It looked a little shady to me so I e-mailed coinsandpins on 2 different occasions but they never responded.


I thought twice before paying because I remember specifying one of each metal and the invoice was for all of the same metal (Satin Gold).


Was it just me?

PM Sent

Edited by wyohunter

Did any of you all get an invoice from Coinsandpins for 2007 Compass Rose coins. Yes, i realize they are not on sale yet, but i did receive an invoice. Yes, I also realize they sent an e-mail to gauge interest. This was an actual invoice (with a dollar request but not for Paypal). It looked a little shady to me so I e-mailed coinsandpins on 2 different occasions but they never responded.


I thought twice before paying because I remember specifying one of each metal and the invoice was for all of the same metal (Satin Gold).


Was it just me?


Edited to specify that it was not a Paypal money request. But a physical invoice with a note to mail in a check. It was recieved via e-mail.




I am sorry you never received a response from us. We either did not receive the email due to filtration, or your email system rejected our email response.


The invoice you received that is named "Web Services Plus" was from USAgeocoins for the satin gold compass rose coin. They are the only distributor of the satin gold coin. CoinsAndPins has not taken any pre-sales and will only offer the coin for actual sales on the website starting tomorrow.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


Thank you.

Posted (edited)

I got the same invoice. That was due to the email I received on the 17th of January. It was from USAGeocoins. That email stated it was for the Satin Gold version, all other metals to be sold by Coinsandpins. And it was check or money order only. Not receiving the invoice the next day,( I should have read the whole thing) I emailed USA from their web site to double check the invoice and they did respond saying it would be email that week (1-22) It was. So I am going to assume I will be recieving that coin. I also emailed coinsandpins and got the answer that they were not having a presale but USA was for that Satin Gold only. I hope that explains my first comment. :laughing:


Edit to add, Thanks coinsandpins, Thought I had lost my mind. You sent that while I was typing this up!!

Edited by wyohunter

Did any of you all get an invoice from Coinsandpins for 2007 Compass Rose coins. Yes, i realize they are not on sale yet, but i did receive an invoice. Yes, I also realize they sent an e-mail to gauge interest. This was an actual invoice (with a dollar request but not for Paypal). It looked a little shady to me so I e-mailed coinsandpins on 2 different occasions but they never responded.


I thought twice before paying because I remember specifying one of each metal and the invoice was for all of the same metal (Satin Gold).


Was it just me?


Edited to specify that it was not a Paypal money request. But a physical invoice with a note to mail in a check. It was recieved via e-mail.




I am sorry you never received a response from us. We either did not receive the email due to filtration, or your email system rejected our email response.


The invoice you received that is named "Web Services Plus" was from USAgeocoins for the satin gold compass rose coin. They are the only distributor of the satin gold coin. CoinsAndPins has not taken any pre-sales and will only offer the coin for actual sales on the website starting tomorrow.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


Thank you.

Thanks for the info. wyohunter also pointed that out.

Posted (edited)

Just as another clarification.


USA Geocoins has sent invoices to those that made their pre-pay reservation before our allotment was spoken for. We received more request than we expected so will not be able to fulfill all of the requests.


If all of those that were invoiced do not complete their orders we will then invoice any extras in the order they were received.


USA Geocoins ONLY pre-sold and will only handle the Satin Gold Finish. All other finishes will be handled by coinsandpins.com


Thank you

USA Geocoins

Edited by Eric K

Just as another clarification.


USA Geocoins has sent invoices to those that made their pre-pay reservation before our allotment was spoken for. We received more request than we expected so will not be able to fulfill all of the requests.


If all of those that were invoiced do not complete their orders we will then invoice any extras in the order they were received.


USA Geocoins ONLY pre-sold and will only handle the Satin Gold Finish. All other finishes will be handled by coinsandpins.com


Thank you

USA Geocoins


So was this based on a first come first served basis then? (I hope I was one of them) :laughing: And thanks for making me feel better. These guys were making me a little nervous, even though I had bought from you before. :laughing:


Just as another clarification.


USA Geocoins has sent invoices to those that made their pre-pay reservation before our allotment was spoken for. We received more request than we expected so will not be able to fulfill all of the requests.


If all of those that were invoiced do not complete their orders we will then invoice any extras in the order they were received.


USA Geocoins ONLY pre-sold and will only handle the Satin Gold Finish. All other finishes will be handled by coinsandpins.com


Thank you

USA Geocoins


So was this based on a first come first served basis then? (I hope I was one of them) :laughing: And thanks for making me feel better. These guys were making me a little nervous, even though I had bought from you before. :laughing:


Yes it was first come first serve. Unfortunately the demand was higher than we expected, so we may not be able to fill all the reservations.


Just as another clarification.


USA Geocoins has sent invoices to those that made their pre-pay reservation before our allotment was spoken for. We received more request than we expected so will not be able to fulfill all of the requests.


If all of those that were invoiced do not complete their orders we will then invoice any extras in the order they were received.


USA Geocoins ONLY pre-sold and will only handle the Satin Gold Finish. All other finishes will be handled by coinsandpins.com


Thank you

USA Geocoins


Can I assume that if we haven't received an invoice from you by now, that we didn't make it in time before your allotment was spoken for? Just curious...guess I know where I'll be tomorrow at 6pm :unsure:


Our request is hqndled by wyohunter. Did anyone help out 57 he was next on the list?

Thanks for all the offers to help.


He did get taken care of. He emailed to let me know. :unsure:


Our request is hqndled by wyohunter. Did anyone help out 57 he was next on the list?

Thanks for all the offers to help.


He did get taken care of. He emailed to let me know. :unsure:


Cool and thanks for all your help.




In an attempt to minimize the problems like the last compass rose sale, we will distribute the available compass rose inventory over a period of time instead of having all inventory loaded at once. This means batches of the coins will be available later than the projected sales start time. We don't know how long that period of time will be since it will depend on the rate of sales as they occur.


The website will only allow a certain number of people on the site at one time. Once the maximum is reached, the site will not show on anyone else's computer until people in the site complete their transactions. Please do not continually refresh your computer while awaiting the load of inventory or this will slow down your own chances of accessing the site.


At some points, you may also notice the coins show as sold-out then re-appear as in stock. This is due to people placing incomplete orders on the site, their shopping basket resetting, and their obligated stock returning back into the inventory. Based on past history with the compass rose, this will happen many times.


I just wanted everyone to kow that they do have a little bit of time with the sales, and so the newer people are familiar with why the site is reacting the way it does during the sale. But then again, we may only sell 20 compass roses the entire day and have inventory for a while. Who knows?


Thank you.

Posted (edited)

You guys are great! Very good communication! I just wanted to say that that is a very nice of you guys to give out that info! Thanks! :unsure:


Edit for spelling

Edited by wyohunter



In an attempt to minimize the problems like the last compass rose sale, we will distribute the available compass rose inventory over a period of time instead of having all inventory loaded at once. This means batches of the coins will be available later than the projected sales start time. We don't know how long that period of time will be since it will depend on the rate of sales as they occur.


The website will only allow a certain number of people on the site at one time. Once the maximum is reached, the site will not show on anyone else's computer until people in the site complete their transactions. Please do not continually refresh your computer while awaiting the load of inventory or this will slow down your own chances of accessing the site.


At some points, you may also notice the coins show as sold-out then re-appear as in stock. This is due to people placing incomplete orders on the site, their shopping basket resetting, and their obligated stock returning back into the inventory. Based on past history with the compass rose, this will happen many times.


I just wanted everyone to kow that they do have a little bit of time with the sales, and so the newer people are familiar with why the site is reacting the way it does during the sale. But then again, we may only sell 20 compass roses the entire day and have inventory for a while. Who knows?


Thank you.



Great information but I still have a question. Are there limits to the number of coins per purchase or can we expect that the first ten people will be purchasing 20+ of them? :unsure: If that is the case then we'll more then likely see them show up at the auction place on Wednesday. :P:)


There is no limit per customer. However, despite popular belief, for most of our sales the largest orders are only for 10 coins, and there are usually only just a few of those. It is pretty rare for someone to order more than 10 of the same coin.


I realize that I'm new and haven't been through the Compass Rose Rush in the past (have certainly heard stories though LOL). Are we allowed to have any idea how much these things are gonna sell for? I assume that they're more than typical coins, but I don't remember ever seeing anything really giving an idea. Can anyone offer any insight? If it's more than I got, why waste my time and get in others' way?

Posted (edited)



In an attempt to minimize the problems like the last compass rose sale, we will distribute the available compass rose inventory over a period of time instead of having all inventory loaded at once.



Vegas, in light of this do you still want me to get yours? I am still very happy to do so. :blink:


Edited for spelling

Edited by wyohunter

Before the pricing rumors get too far out of hand: the coins will be $9.99 each.


The only payment options are MasterCard, Visa, and American Express. I am sorry Discover people, but Discover charges way too much to process their credit cards.


If you select to pay by check, the coins will ship when the check is received and cleared. If the check is not received within 14 days, than the order will be cancelled and the coins returned to inventory.


Also, we will not be consolidating orders if you place more than one tonight or tomorrow. Since we will be processing orders quickly, we usually do not have time to sort through them and determine if some orders were placed by the same people close together. This will speed the shipping process so we can get them out as fast as possible and the sooner you can enjoy them.


By the way, I please ask that some people put some of these in caches. It would be great to see a bunch of these traveling since that was the original intent of the compass rose series. Just my 2 geocents.


Thank you.


Before the pricing rumors get too far out of hand: the coins will be $9.99 each.


The only payment options are MasterCard, Visa, and American Express. I am sorry Discover people, but Discover charges way too much to process their credit cards.


If you select to pay by check, the coins will ship when the check is received and cleared. If the check is not received within 14 days, than the order will be cancelled and the coins returned to inventory.


Also, we will not be consolidating orders if you place more than one tonight or tomorrow. Since we will be processing orders quickly, we usually do not have time to sort through them and determine if some orders were placed by the same people close together. This will speed the shipping process so we can get them out as fast as possible and the sooner you can enjoy them.


By the way, I please ask that some people put some of these in caches. It would be great to see a bunch of these traveling since that was the original intent of the compass rose series. Just my 2 geocents.


Thank you.


Paypal too?

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