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Just wondering


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Hello fourm. I was just woundering the ages of some off you guys n gals, I am in my late fourtys and was thinking this would be a fun hobby to start. I think I have narrowed my choices of gps units to the explorist 500 or the 60 cx or csx but not sure what mapping software to get HELP!!! I will also use what ever unit I get horse back riding,in the car and on my motorcycle.


41 here...feel more like 61 but....


I own the Magellan Explorist 500LE and I love it!! I bought the Mapsend Topo 3D for it (regular $150, I got it for $10)...it is SOOOO easy to transfer maps!! The maps are detailed...you can bring up info right from the unit about the POIs (restaurants, gas stations, parks etc...)...phone numbers, addresses and the like.


I like the unit as long as you buy the battery for it (if it comes with the battery tray, try to find one with a rechargeable battery...buy the 500 and NOT the 500LE)...you'll go through those AAAs so fast, you'll need stock in the company if you don't get the battery!


I also bought the car charger, you can plug it in and use it as it charges the unit...I have yet to go beyond half a charge with the accessories!!


The unit is SUPER accurate, it'll pick up a signal VERY fast (even indoors) and you never lose signal (at least I haven't yet). ONE FEAR....DO NOT LEAVE OUTSIDE IN THE COLD!! I left mine in my car overnight , it got down to around 8-10 degrees...unit froze up and had to be rebooted!! This isn't overly hard, I did it and I'm a tech idiot...but it is time consuming and gave me a few tense moments!!




Hi, Well this girl isn't afraid to say my age, 45. Love the exercise, meeting unique cachers, and playing with gadgets. Now that the temp is COLD, will have to use the gym. Caching needs more women.

Caching needs more women.


I don't know how it is where you live, but around here there seems to be a lot of women cachers.


You can't always tell by their screen names, several cachers around here have names that had me thinking (if I thought about it at all ) they were men. When I had a chance to meet them, I found I was wrong.


Also in many family teams, the wife and kids seem to have more time to cache then the husband does.


The president of the local chapter of our state Geocaching club is a woman, and one of the top cachers in the area. She has a large number of finds and many many great hides.


I bring this up, not because I care how many women, (or any other group) cache. We all have a great time and have a lot in common. I just thought you might feel better knowing there are more of you out there. :lol:


Oh, yea I'm 59.


Its hard to go wrong with the 60CSX or CX. It is considered by many to be the cream of today's handheld units. Ideally you would run both Mapsource Topo and City Navigator V8. Topo for terrain features and off road maps and City Navigator for detailed road info and auto routing (turn by turn driving directions).


If you can only afford one at this time, then consider your primary use. Topo if you will mostly use it for outdoors activities like hiking, backpacking, hunting, offroading and geocaching in the woods. City Navigator if you will chiefly use the unit for automobile navigation and suburban and urban geocaches. Topo doesn't support autorouting and its road information is not up to date in many areas, but


The eXplorist 500 is a good unit, but a few things to consider. Magellan's rep for customer service ranges from lousy to abysmal, while Garmin frequently earns raves for their customer support.


Also, if you are using your unit for driving and autorouting, Garmin's City Navigator software is superior to Magellan's Direct route.


I am 35, military and was definitely bored as of recent and looking for a new hobby. Being that we move a lot, hobbies seem to change with the area in which we live. But this sport will do fine no matter where we transfer from what I can tell. :cool:

Posted (edited)

One nice thing about this hobby is that it crosses almost the complete age range! On our profile (and in many find logs) we note that "Ju" is 5 and "Sa" 3; as for us, "Li" is 41 and I ("Ha") am 39 (and no, not in the "Jack Benny" sense though I have a feeling for the most part only forum posters WAY older than 39 are going to get that one :cool:).


What we like most about it is that it has let us explore many beautiful parks and nature areas/trails that we would never have know about otherwise, most of which are <10 miles from our home (and amazingly in otherwise major urban/suburban areas). The exercise and fresh air can't be beat too!

Edited by HaLiJuSaPa

We're a retired couple age 65 and 66, just started in December and we're loving it. We cache together under one name. We have a eXplorist 500 and have been very happy with it.

the tenulps


I'm 24, I'll be 25 in April. So far I have had a blast doing this, despite the occasional frustrations. I'm really looking forward to getting to cache more this summer when the weather is nice and I don't have to work. (I'm a teacher) As far as GPSrs go, I just upgraded my plain Jane yellow etrex to the Legend, and I have been very happy with it. However, I don't demand as much from a GPS as some you guys do.


I'll be celebrating the 12th anniversary of my 25th birthday 2 weeks from today...My boys who go with me are 3 and 6. I take my 7 yr old nephew too.

we use and etrex legend. we started with the yellow etrex with no maps...it was a little more difficult but not too bad.


1/5 of FFof5


This girl has no shame either, 42 here. We use a Garman Vista Cx.

We also ride horses, 4-wheeler, and boating.

We have already tracted out a Geo hunt everywhere we go on our outdoor activities. I bought this for him for hunting. Who would have thought it would turn into this. :wub::blink:


54 here!


And as I get older, I get bolder.


Snorkeling: Michigan Inland Lakes

Kayaking: including solo 3-4 days on some fabulous Michigan Rivers

Geocaching: During which I broke my ankle!


ALL ... AFTER the age of 50!


(Gee ... reminds me of the ending to "Death Becomes Her").


59... When I'm in the woods climbing stuff and jumping over creeks it feels the same as it did whenI was 13. I use an eXplorist 500 with DriectRoute and I love it. From what I've read, the Garmin street routing probably is better in some ways than the Magellan, but it's the first street routing I've ever had so it's still amazing to me. I'm almost to 1000 finds in 28 states and it's still a thrill to find that box!

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