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Wildlife Muggles


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Ok I'll add one.


How about a Rattlesnake sunning itself on top of an ammo box.


I did encounter a few snakes when I cached in AZ. One was on a rock near the cache and another in an opening in the rocks below a cache. The caches were just far enough away to retrieve but I did get me to be more careful.


Team Sand Dollar

Edited by Team Sand Dollar
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Some of the critters that we run across is definitely the mouse! Scared one out of a hiding spot next to the ammo can (thank goodness not inside it!).


We have seen a lot of black widow spiders too.


And we even came upon a cache that was covered in ants...I guess that's not really "wildlife" in the sense that your other coins were though!

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We seem to find either rats OR Skunks (or both) coming out of the cactus that some people like to hide cache boxes in. Makes for a very interesting find (or not, in the case of the skunks. We defer to them!)


A magnificent buck standing over an ammo box would be a sight I would love to walk up on!


Here in Texas, we have lots of armadillos. You could have one rutting at an ammo box with his nose.


There are already snake and spicer coins out, but they could be done in different ways. We have found several caches hidden under bushes, where a spider has made a web in the limbs, and was guarding the box, and we've found snakes wrapped around, or hidden under, warm ammo boxes.


You could have an owl watching over a cache hanging in a tree. The owls eyes could glow in the dark.


Maybe these ideas will help some. I have the first series and just love them! :D

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We live out in the gold country foothills in CA, and run into quite an assortment of critters while we're out caching. I love the idea of the skunk.. they're out in force right now! We also see possums, bobcats, mtn lions, deer, snakes, bees and wasps, hawks, and "evidence" of bears. While we've been lucky and haven't seen bears, there are caches nearby with warning signs posted by local hikers. Looking forward to the next series, whatever it brings!

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"how about a lizard that camos himself to look like a cache container with ammo tape on it."


One of my very first finds had me climbing about 6 feet up in a tree to grab a "Lizard" that I thought was the cache in disquise. I nearly fell out of that tree when that "fake" lizard ran across my hand trying to get away from me! The cache was actually on the ground, under the tree, glued to the bottom of a squashed soda can! I don't chase lizards anymore! I'm too old to fall! It would hurt!


But, seriously, a lizard coin would be cute, too.


In Texas, we have "giant" Mosquitos that could carry away a cache.


What about a porcupine with an ammobox stuck on his quills? Or a micro hidden in his quills?!! :laughing:

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Or you could have a bunch of ants, marching two-by-two, carrying an ammobox on their antennae. they can carry ten times their own weight, and a bunch of them could conceivably carry an ammocan!! :laughing:


Hmmm - interesting thought!


A quick bit of googling gives estimates for the weight of an ant of 1 to 5 mg.

So using an average of 3mg and your "can carry ten times their own weight" one ant can lift 30 mg.

A .30 cal ammo can weighs about 4 pounds = about 1800 grams.

So if I've got my decimal points right, it would take 60,000 ants to "carry the can". :angry:


I'll let someone else work out if they would fit under it! :D

Edited by Bunya
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I'll let someone else work out if they would fit under it! :laughing:


OK. If no-one else wants the job, I’d better try.


Assuming the average ant is about 5 x 1 mm, I get that at most 9,500 ants would fit under largest side of the ammo can, and even then their legs would have to overlap a bit!

So if it wasn’t an ammo can, but something the same size made of much lighter material, it might JUST be possible.


That’s enough arithmetic for today. :D

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As a lover of the Wildlife Muggles set, I think it would be nice to also see some animals from elsewhere who conduct cache muggling :angry:


In Tasmania Australia, we have Tasmanian Devils, Brushtail possums, snakes (generally sitting on top of the cache), hunstman spiders - ERK! :laughing: , echidnas and quolls that regularly pick caches to bits. Gotta love them though :D:angry:


Speaking of Wildlife Muggles series though - does anyone have a spare Cache bandit? :angry:

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Ok I'll add one.


How about a Rattlesnake sunning itself on top of an ammo box.


I did encounter a few snakes when I cached in AZ. One was on a rock near the cache and another in an opening in the rocks below a cache. The caches were just far enough away to retrieve but I did get me to be more careful.


Team Sand Dollar


Someone posted a picture of a snake on an ammo box. I think it was referred to as "The Cache Guardian". . .which I thought was a very appropriate title.


When I was in FL, looking for a cache, which was around rocks and water, I saw a water moccasin. Personally, I hate snakes (even though I know snakes provide assistance in the balance of nature) but after a few minutes, I regained my composure and found the cache. It made me realize that when I am around those elements, I use a stick to poke around, not my hands. :laughing:

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We've seen tons of deer while caching...how about a buck with a bison tube hanging from its antlers.

I think that this is a great idea! But I thought that moving caches were outlawed :D:laughing::angry: :angry:


We saw a bird's nest on a tupperware-type container, once. The cache hadn't been found in some months, and the lid was depressed, making a nice little "bowl" for the bird. Fortunately, the hatchlings had left when we found the cache, so we got to "find" the cache without disturbing the nest.

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