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Ghostly Figure

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Posted (edited)

We did the Jack The Ripper series in Central London yesterday and after logging the finds on the PC I thought I would take a look at the spoiler pics. The one for 'Jack The Ripper 1 - Mary Ann Nichols' has a picture of a Victorian looking woman in the background.

Before everyone laughs at me, has this been mentioned on here before and am I the victim of a spoof picture??

I have asked the owner if they have noticed this. One other person has also mentioned this in the list of finds.

Would be fun if we have a ghostly picture!!!

Edited by ForsdykeFinders

As it doesn't look to be too much of a spoiler...


The arrow is where Mary Anne Nichols was found, not where the cache is (as far as I can tell). There might be something in this ghost thing after all :laughing::drama:


We did the Jack The Ripper series in Central London yesterday and after logging the finds on the PC I thought I would take a look at the spoiler pics. The one for 'Jack The Ripper 1 - Mary Ann Nichols' has a picture of a Victorian looking woman in the background.

Before everyone laughs at me, has this been mentioned on here before and am I the victim of a spoof picture??

I have asked the owner if they have noticed this. One other person has also mentioned this in the list of finds.

Would be fun if we have a ghostly picture!!!


Have you asked the cache owner (who probably took the photo) if they have noticed it?


I think that describing the figure as "Victorian looking" is stretching things a bit, what is it about the figure that makes it Victorian?


Personally I find it much more interesting that someone seems to have painted a large arrow on the wall in BLOOD - very spooky :laughing:


Co-incidentally, Mary Ann Nichols is the Jack the Ripper victim who has the most reported ghost sightings associated with her. Typical reports are of a glowing cloud near the spot or else the glowing form of a womans body laid on the place where she was killed.


Curious photo. Mary was wearing workhouse clothes and a new bonnet the night she was killed, and was seen very drunk an hour before she was found. She was 43, poor lass.


I played around with the pic in my photoshop software and concluded that the figure is a modern living breathing person, but make of it what you will. A nice spot of mystery to add to the cache site though :D I have a photo I took of Alibags (which later turned out to have 'orbs') at a cache site but they could easily be spots of dust.


I had a reply back from LeighBCD. She says she is not aware of the figure and will take a look.....


Maybe the figure wasn't in the picture when it was taken and has manifested itself since.... :rolleyes:


I have a photo I took of Alibags (which later turned out to have 'orbs') at a cache site but they could easily be spots of dust.


Smacked botty for you Alice Band! Orbs my *rse!! I pointed out the photographic anomolies to you at the time. If that's supernatural then I am Mother Theresa of Calcutta! Bah! :rolleyes:




I have a photo I took of Alibags (which later turned out to have 'orbs') at a cache site but they could easily be spots of dust.


Smacked botty for you Alice Band! Orbs my *rse!! I pointed out the photographic anomolies to you at the time. If that's supernatural then I am Mother Theresa of Calcutta! Bah! :rolleyes:




How disappointing.... I kinda thought Alibags had rather nice orbs :rolleyes::rolleyes:


I think that describing the figure as "Victorian looking" is stretching things a bit, what is it about the figure that makes it Victorian?


Personally I find it much more interesting that someone seems to have painted a large arrow on the wall in BLOOD - very spooky :rolleyes:

If you have a good look , you can see she's a muslim lady. Not victorian

Posted (edited)
If you have a good look , you can see she's a muslim lady. Not victorian
I'm not 100% convinced. Here's a blow-up of her:


Edit: It couldn't be a giant mutant penguin, could it?

Edited by Simply Paul

Smacked botty for you Alice Band! Orbs my *rse!! I pointed out the photographic anomolies to you at the time. If that's supernatural then I am Mother Theresa of Calcutta! Bah!

:rolleyes::lol: OOOOH! Get her!

For someone who reads the Fortean Times magazine you've changed your tune all of a sudden :rolleyes::rolleyes:


What is the opinion of the original photo taker btw? For all we know its a neighbour!


OOOOH! Get her!

For someone who reads the Fortean Times magazine you've changed your tune all of a sudden :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Being interested in paranormal phenomena is not the same as blindly believing everything you read, but I suspect you are just teasing! :rolleyes::lol::blink:


Now, to my eye, the figure in that pic looks more like an Amish with a white apron than a 19th Century prostitute ... but that's just my 2p.

If you have a good look , you can see she's a muslim lady. Not victorian
I'm not 100% convinced. Here's a blow-up of her:


Edit: It couldn't be a giant mutant penguin, could it?


Here's another blowup that is a little less "blocky" :rolleyes:


Fancy dress penguin suit could still be a possibility :rolleyes::rolleyes:




I don't know what all the fuss is about I can't see anything unusual...




I think all the fuss was about the big bloodly arrow but now you mention it there is something a bit different about your pic!

Posted (edited)

I think "The Roundings" work for the Men In Black/CIA/MI5 etc and are starting a cover up! ;):D:huh:


Cover-up no way! - this is for real...




Scary thing is, that only took you about 40 minutes! :huh: Definitely some kind of secret service :huh:


Good laugh though :huh::D:P


(mental note...NEVER trust anything The Roundings say, type or photograph :D )



Although I do think they need to check their clock settings :D

Edited by Nediam

This is fast becoming the funniest thread on here. need more editing run a spot the caching difference comp here.


Great idea. We could also play spot the ghost...(can you see it?)...




For a second in bad light i thought i seen a ghostly figure but then just like that it was gone again!

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